O.1 General

3GPP45.005GSM/EDGE Radio transmission and receptionTS

O.1.1 Abbreviations

A-GANSS Assisted – Galileo and Additional Navigation Satellite Systems

A-GNSS Assisted – Global Navigation Satellite Systems

A-GPS Assisted – Global Positioning System

AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise

BDS BeiDou Navigation Satellite System

C/A Coarse/Acquisition

ECEF Earth Centred, Earth Fixed

GPS Global Positioning System

HDOP Horizontal Dilution Of Precision

LOS Line Of Sight

TOD Time Of Day

TOW Time Of Week

TTFF Time To First Fix

WLS Weighted Least Squares

O.1.2 Measurement parameters

O.1.2.1 MS based A-GANSS measurement parameters

In case of MS-based A-GANSS, the measurement parameters are contained in the RRLP GANSS LOCATION INFORMATION IE. The measurement parameter in case of MS-based A-GANSS is the horizontal position estimate reported by the MS and expressed in latitude/longitude.

O.1.2.2 MS assisted A-GANSS measurement parameters

In case of MS-assisted A-GANSS, the measurement parameters are contained in the RRLP GANSS MEASUREMENT INFORMATION IE. The measurement parameters in case of MS-assisted A-GANSS are the Code Phase Measurements. The MS GANSS Measurement parameters (reported in the GANSS MEASUREMENT INFORMATION IE) that may be combined with MS GPS Code Phase measurements are converted into a horizontal position estimate using the procedure detailed in clause O.7.

O.1.3 Response time

Max Response Time is defined as the time starting from the moment that the MS has received the final RRLP MEASURE POSITION REQUEST sent before the MS sends the MEASURE POSITION RESPONSE containing the Location Information or the GPS and GANSS Measurement Information, and ending when the MS starts sending the MEASURE POSITION RESPONSE containing the Location Information or the GPS and GANSS Measurement Information on the Air interface. The response times specified for all test cases are Time-to-First-Fix (TTFF) unless otherwise specified, i.e. the MS shall not re‑use any information on GANSS time, location or other aiding data that was previously acquired or calculated and stored internally in the MS. A dedicated test message ‘RESET MS POSITIONING STORED INFORMATION’ has been defined in TS 44.014 for the purpose of deleting this information and is detailed in subclause O.3.1.10.

O.1.4 Time assistance

Time assistance is the provision of GANSS reference time to the MS from the network via RRLP messages. Currently two different GANSS time assistance methods can be provided by the network.

a) Coarse time assistance is always provided by the network and provides current GANSS time to the MS. The time provided is within 2 seconds of GANSS system time. It is signalled to the MS by means of the GANSS Day and GANSS TOD fields in the GANSS Reference Time assistance data IE.

b) Fine time assistance is optionally provided by the network and adds the provision to the MS of the relationship between the selected GANSS system time and the current GSM time. The accuracy of this relationship is 10 s of the actual relationship. This addresses the case when the network can provide an improved GANSS time accuracy. It is signalled to the MS by means of the FNm, TN and BN fields in the GANSS Reference Time assistance data IE.

The specific GANSS system time is identified through the GANSS Time Id field of the GANSS Reference Time IE. In case where several GANSS are used in the tests, only one GANSS Time Id is used to determine the Time of Day. For all the constellations, the GANSS Time Model assistance and UTC Model assistance shall be available at the system simulator, as specified in subclause O.6.

The time of applicability of time assistance is the beginning of the Frame of the message containing the GANSS reference time.

O.1.4.1 Use of fine time assistance

The use of fine time assistance to improve the GANSS performance of the MS is optional for the MS, even when fine time assistance is signalled by the network. Thus, there are a set minimum performance requirements defined for all MSs and additional minimum performance requirements that are valid for fine time assistance capable MSs only. These requirements are specified in subclause O.2.1.2.

O.1.5 Error definitions

The 2D position error is defined by the horizontal difference in meters between the ellipsoid point reported or calculated from the MS MEASURE POSITION RESPONSE and the actual position of the MS in the test case considered.

O.1.6 Mobile stations supporting multiple constellations

Minimum performance requirements are defined for each global GANSS constellation (Galileo, Modernized GPS, GLONASS and BDS). Mobile stations supporting multiple global constellations shall meet the minimum performance requirements for a combined scenario where each MS supported constellation is simulated.

NOTE: For test cases where signals from "GPS" and "Modernized GPS" are included, "GPS" and "Modernized GPS" are considered as a single constellation, unless otherwise specified.

O.1.7 Mobile stations supporting multiple signals

For mobile stations supporting multiple signals, different minimum performance requirements may be associated with different signals. The satellite simulator shall generate all signals supported by the MS. Signals not supported by the MS do not need to be simulated. The relative power levels of each signal type for each GNSS are defined in Table O.1-1. The individual test scenarios in clause O.2 define the reference signal power level for each satellite. The power level of each simulated satellite signal type shall be set to the reference signal power level defined in each test scenario in clause O.2 plus the relative power level defined in Table O.1-1.

Table O.1-1: Relative signal power levels for each signal type for each GNSS


GPS/Modernized GPS





Signal power levels relative to reference power levels


0 dB

L1 C/A

0 dB


0 dB

L1 C/A

0 dB


0 dB



0 dB


+5 dB


+2 dB


+1.5 dB


-6 dB


+1.5 dB


+2 dB


-1.5 dB


-1.5 dB


+3.6 dB


+3.6 dB

NOTE 1: For test cases which involve "Modernized GPS", the satellite simulator shall also generate the GPS L1 C/A signal if the MS supports "GPS" in addition to "Modernized GPS".

NOTE 2: The signal power levels in the Test Parameter Tables represent the total signal power of the satellite per channel not e.g. pilot and data channels separately.

NOTE 3: For test cases which involve "BDS", D1 represents MEO/IGSO satellites B1I signal type and D2 represents GEO satellites B1I signal type.