11 LMU LCS Protocol (LLP) messages
3GPP44.071GSM/EDGE Location Services (LCS)Mobile radio interface layer 3 LCS specificationRelease 17TS
11.1 Messages, data types and identifiers
11.1.1 General
This clause defines the External Signal Info IE, that contains Signal Info string. Signal Info string contains the MLC‑LMU messages defined by ASN.1 and coded by PER (ITU-T Recommendation X.691). In this ASN.1 module, ASN.1/94 defined in ITU-T Recommendation X.680 (ASN.1 1997) is used.
11.1.2 ASN.1 data types
— { LLP-DataTypes object identifier }
FROM MAP-ExtensionDataTypes {
ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)
gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-ExtensionDataTypes (21) version4 (4)}
StartRITReq ::= SEQUENCE {
rit-MeasurementType RIT-MeasurementType,
rit-ReportingType RIT-ReportingType,
rit-Environment RIT-Environment,
rit-NeigborNumber RIT-NeighborNumber,
rit-NeighborType RIT-NeighborType,
rit-CIMethod CIMethod,
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
StartRITRsp ::= SEQUENCE {
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
ReportRITArg ::= SEQUENCE {
rit-ReferenceIDInfo RIT-ReferenceIDInfo,
rit-ResponseInfo SeqOfRIT-ResponseInfo,
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
StatusReq ::= SEQUENCE {
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
StatusRsp ::= SEQUENCE {
statusTime StatusTime,
rit-Status RIT-Status,
toa-Status TOA-Status,
omStatus OMStatus,
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
ErrorRITArg ::= SEQUENCE {
rit-ErrorType RIT-ErrorType,
rit-ErrorReason RIT-ErrorReason,
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
PerformTOA ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-MeasurementDeviceInfo TOA-MeasurementDeviceInfo,
toa-ChannelDescr TOA-ChannelDescr,
toa-SignalDescr TOA-SignalDescr,
toa-TimingDescr TOA-TimingDescr,
toa-MeasurementOpt TOA-MeasurementOpt OPTIONAL,
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
TOAResultRsp ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-TimingReferenceInfo TOA-TimingReferenceInfo,
toa-Measurements TOA-MeasurementInfo,
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
StatusUpdateReq ::= SEQUENCE {
statusReason StatusReason,
statusTime StatusTime,
ritStatus RIT-Status,
toaStatus TOA-Status,
omStatus OMStatus,
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
StatusUpdateRsp ::= SEQUENCE {
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
ResetReq ::= SEQUENCE {
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
ResetRsp ::= SEQUENCE {
extensionContainer ExtensionContainer OPTIONAL,
— RIT measurement Type information
RIT-MeasurementType ::= INTEGER {
atdMeasure (0),
atdOrOtdMeasure (1),
rtdMeasure (2)
} (0..7)
— RIT Reporting Type information
RIT-ReportingType ::= SEQUENCE {
rit-ReportingPeriodInfo RIT-ReportingPeriodInfo OPTIONAL,
rit-ChangeLimit INTEGER (1..255) OPTIONAL,
rit-DeviationLimit INTEGER (1..255) OPTIONAL,
rit-MonitorPeriod INTEGER (1..64) OPTIONAL
RIT-ReportingPeriodInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
rit-ReportingPeriodFormat ENUMERATED {
tensOfSeconds (0),
tensOfMinutes (1) },
rit-ReportingPeriod INTEGER (1..120)
— RIT Environment Information
RIT-Environment ::= INTEGER {
heavyMultiPathAndNLOS (0),
— bad urban or urban heavy multipath and NLOS conditions
lightMultiPathAndLOS (1),
— suburban or rural ligth multipath and LOS conditions
mixedEnvironement (2)
— not defined or mixed environment
} (0..7)
RIT-NeighborNumber ::= INTEGER (0..15)
RIT-NeighborType ::= INTEGER {
listedNeighbors (0),
listedAndSystemInfo2or5 (1),
systemInfoType2or5 (2),
allNeighbors (3)
} (0..7)
CIMethod ::= INTEGER {
notCi (0), — report ci and carrier instead of CI
ci (1) — report CI if possible
} (0..3)
— element contains information of base stations
— to be measured
RIT-BTSInfo ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..31)) OF RIT-BTSList — list of btss
rit-ListCi CI,
rit-TimeSlotScheme TimeSlotScheme,
rit-ListBSIC BSIC,
rit-ListBCCHCarrier BCCHCarrier
CI ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
TimeSlotScheme ::= INTEGER {
schemeUnknown (0),
equalLength (1), — time slots are equal length
variousLength (2) — the first time slot is 157b } (0..7)
BSIC ::= INTEGER (0..63)
BCCHCarrier ::= INTEGER (0..1023)
RIT-ReferenceIDInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
rit-ReferenceLAC LAC, — defined earlier
rit-ReferenceCI CI, — defined earlier
rit-ReferenceFrameNbr FrameNumber, — defined earlier
— If rit-ATReference is absent then there is not RIT AT refernce value.
rit-ATReference RIT-ATReference OPTIONAL,
rit-ReferenceTimeSlot TimeSlot, — defined earlier
rit-ReferenceRXLevel RXLevel, — defined earlier
rit-ATDRTDQualityRes INTEGER (0..3), — defines the resolution for ATDRTD values
rit-ATDRTDChangeQualityRes INTEGER (0..3) — defines the resolution for ATDRTD change values
RIT-ATReference ::= SEQUENCE {
rit-CommonClock CommonClock,
rit-ReferenceATValue ReferenceATValue,
— This Quality information defines the quality of AT value
— Resolution defines the resolution of Quality field as follows,
— 0= 0.005 us, 1= 0.01 us, 2= 0.05 us
rit-RefATQuality SEQUENCE {
resolution INTEGER (0..3),
atQuality INTEGER (0..63) },
rit-ReferenceATChange INTEGER (-1000 .. 1000),
— This Quality information defines the quality of ATChange value
— Resolution defines the resolution of Quality field as follows,
— 0= 0.00005 ppm, 1= 0.0001 ppm, 2= 0.0005
rit-RefATChangeQuality SEQUENCE {
resolution INTEGER (0..3),
atChangeQuality INTEGER (0..63) }
— Editor’s note: ReferenceATValue was divided in two parts because 15 999 999 999 requires 34 bits.
— In order to handle 34-bits values, LMU should support 64-bits calculation, which can cause problems.
— This solution can be handled with 32-bits and in addition it gives better resolution.
ReferenceATValue ::= SEQUENCE {
seconds INTEGER (0..59),
nsecods INTEGER (0..999999999)
SeqOfRIT-ResponseInfo ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..15)) OF RIT-ResponseInfo
— Measured RTD values from one neighbor
RIT-ResponseInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
rit-NeighborCellIDInfo RIT-CellIDInfo,
rit-NeighborTimeSlot TimeSlot,
rit-NeighborRxLevel RXLevel,
rit-NeighborFrameNumber FrameNumber OPTIONAL,
rit-NeighborATDRTD INTEGER (0..923200),
rit-NeighborATDRTDQuality INTEGER (0..63),
rit-NeighborATDRTDChange INTEGER (-2000..2000),
rit-NeighborATDRTDChangeQuality INTEGER (0..63)
RIT-CellIDInfo ::= CHOICE {
rit-NeighborCI CI,
rit-NeighborBTS RIT-NeighborBTS
RIT-NeighborBTS ::= SEQUENCE {
rit-NeighborBSIC BSIC,
rit-NeighborBCCHCarrier BCCHCarrier
FrameNumber ::= INTEGER (0..2715647)
LAC ::= INTEGER (0..65535)
CommonClock ::= INTEGER {
gpsClock (0),
glonass (1),
galileoClock (2),
qzssClock (3),
bdsClock (4)
} (0..7)
TimeSlot ::= INTEGER (0..7)
RXLevel ::= INTEGER (0..63) — range -150 to -24 with 2dBm steps
StatusReason ::= ENUMERATED {
powerUp (0), — no knowledge about previous states
unsucSWReset (1), — unsuccessful recovery
sucSWReset (2), — successful recovery
unknownError (3), — unknown selfdiagnosis error
unrelTBError (4), — unreliable timebase error
periodicReport (5), — periodic status report
StatusTime ::= SEQUENCE {
referenceLAC LAC, — defined earlier
referenceCI CI, — defined earlier
referenceFrameNumber FrameNumber — defined earlier
RIT-Status ::= INTEGER (0..63) — defines the number of RIT-Jobs
TOA-Status ::= INTEGER (0..63) — defines the number of TOA-Jobs
OMStatus ::= INTEGER (0..63) — defines the number of OM-Jobs
RIT-ErrorType ::= INTEGER {
permament (0),
temporary (1)
} (0..3)
RIT-ErrorReason ::= INTEGER {
noNeighbors (0),
noReferenceClock (1),
notSupportedType (2),
undefinedError (3)
} (0..15)
TOA-MeasurementDeviceInfo ::= SEQUENCE
(SIZE(1..6)) OF TOA-LMUMeasurementDevice — list of measurement devices
TOA-LMUMeasurementDevice ::= INTEGER (0..5)
TOA-ChannelDescr ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-FrequencyListType TOA-FrequencyListType,
toa-hopping TOA-Hopping OPTIONAL,
toa-channelType TOA-ChannelType,
toa-numberOfBursts TOA-NumberOfBurst
TOA-FrequencyListType ::= CHOICE {
frequencyListOnly FrequencyListOnly,
frequencyListAndIndex FrequencyListAndIndex,
frequencyIndexOnly FrequencyIndexOnly
FrequencyListOnly ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..64)) OF TOA-ARFCNumber — list of channels
FrequencyListAndIndex ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-arfcnList TOA-ARFCList,
— list of channels
frequencyIndex FrequencyIndex
FrequencyIndexOnly ::= SEQUENCE {
frequencyIndex FrequencyIndex
FrequencyIndex ::= INTEGER (0..31)
TOA-ARFCNumber ::= BCCHCarrier — defined earlier
TOA-Hopping ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-maio MAIO,
toa-hsn HSN,
toa-MsframeNumber ModuloFrameNumber
MAIO ::= INTEGER (0..63) — Mobile Allocation Index Offset
HSN ::= INTEGER (0..63) — Hopping Sequence Number
ModuloFrameNumber ::= INTEGER (0..84863)
TOA-ChannelType ::= INTEGER {
tchhscn0 (1),
tchhscn1 (2)
} (0..7)
TOA-NumberOfBurst ::= INTEGER (0..7)
TOA-SignalDescr ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-BurstType TOA-BurstType
TOA-BurstType ::= CHOICE {
toa-AccessBurst TOA-AccessBurst, — access burst
toa-TSC TSC — normal burst
TOA-AccessBurst ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-HOReference HOReference,
toa-BSIC BSIC — defined earlier
HOReference ::= INTEGER (0..255)
TSC ::= INTEGER (0..7)
TOA-TimingDescr ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-TimeReference TOA-TimeReference,
toa-timeUncertainty TimeUncertainty
TOA-TimeReference ::= CHOICE {
toa-gpsTime TOA-GPSTime,
toa-gsmStartTime TOA-GSMStartTime
toa-GPSStartTime GPSStartTime,
GPSStartTime ::= INTEGER (0..14999999) — unit is microseconds
GPSSV ::= INTEGER (0..31)
toa-arfcn BCCHCarrier, — defined earlier
toa-bsic BSIC, — defined earlier
toa-GSMStartTime GSMTime
toa-GSMTimeframeNumber GSMTimeFrameNumber,
toa-timeSlot TimeSlot,
toa-bitNumber BitNumber
GSMTimeFrameNumber ::= INTEGER (0..42323)
BitNumber ::= INTEGER (0..156)
TimeUncertainty ::= INTEGER (0..15)
TOA-MeasurementOpt ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-LMUMethod TOA-Method,
toa-Environment TOA-Environment,
toa-MeasurementType TOA-MeasurementType
TOA-Method ::= INTEGER (0..7)
TOA-Environment ::= INTEGER {
heavyMpathAndNLOS (0),
lightMpathAndLOS (1),
mixed (2)
} (0..7)
TOA-MeasurementType ::= INTEGER {
reportTOA-only (0),
reportAOA-only (1),
reportTOAandAOA (2)
} (0..3)
TOA-TimingReferenceInfo ::= CHOICE {
toa-GPSTimeInfo NULL,
toa-GSMTimeInfo TOA-GSMTimeInfo
toa-bcch BCCHCarrier, — defined earlier
toa-bsic BSIC — defined earlier
TOA-MeasurementInfo ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE(1..6)) OF TOA-Measurements
— list of measurementDevices
TOA-Measurements ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-MeasurementDeviceID MeasurementDeviceID,
toa-AddMeasurementInfo TOA-AddMeasurementInfo,
toa-measuredPeakList TOA-MeasuredPeakList
MeasurementDeviceID ::= INTEGER (0..5)
TOA-AddMeasurementInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-Method TOA-Method, — defined earlier
toa-Diversity TOA-Diversity,
toa-NumberOfBurst TOA-NumberOfBurst, — defined earlier
toa-AOAUncertainty TOA-AOAUncertainty OPTIONAL
TOA-Diversity ::= INTEGER {
noDiversity (0),
diversity (1)
} (0..3)
TOA-AOA ::= INTEGER (0..3599)
TOA-AOAUncertainty ::= INTEGER (0..31)
TOA-MeasuredPeakList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(0..4)) OF TOA-MeasuredPeaks
— list of peaks
TOA-MeasuredPeaks ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-MeasuredTOA MeasuredTOA,
toa-QualityInfo TOA-QualityInfo
MeasuredTOA ::= INTEGER (-131072..131071)
— the absolute TOA value
TOA-QualityInfo ::= SEQUENCE {
toa-Uncertainty TOA-Uncertainty OPTIONAL,
snrEstimate SNREstimate OPTIONAL,
toaSignalStrength TOASignalStrength OPTIONAL
TOA-Uncertainty ::= INTEGER (0..63)
— the uncertainty of the TOA estimate
SNREstimate ::= INTEGER (-30..33)
— the estimated value for Signal Noise Radio
TOASignalStrength ::= INTEGER (0..63)
— range -150 to -24 with 2dBm steps
— The definition below will be imported from MAP specification.
— MAP-ExtensionDataTypes {
— ccitt identified-organization (4) etsi (0) mobileDomain (0)
— gsm-Network (1) modules (3) map-ExtensionDataTypes (21) version4 (4)}
— ::=
— PrivateExtension,
— ExtensionContainer;
— &ExtensionType OPTIONAL,
— &extensionId OBJECT IDENTIFIER }
— — The length of the Object Identifier shall not exceed 16 octets and the
— — number of components of the Object Identifier shall not exceed 16
— data types
— ExtensionContainer ::= SEQUENCE {
— privateExtensionList [0]PrivateExtensionList OPTIONAL,
— pcs-Extensions [1]PCS-Extensions OPTIONAL,
— …}
— PrivateExtensionList ::= SEQUENCE SIZE (1..maxNumOfPrivateExtensions) OF
— PrivateExtension
— PrivateExtension ::= SEQUENCE {
— extId MAP-EXTENSION.&extensionId
— ({ExtensionSet}),
— extType MAP-EXTENSION.&ExtensionType
— ({ExtensionSet}{@extId}) OPTIONAL}
— maxNumOfPrivateExtensions INTEGER ::= 10
— ExtensionSet MAP-EXTENSION ::=
— {…
— — ExtensionSet is the set of all defined private extensions
— }
— Unsupported private extensions shall be discarded if received.
— PCS-Extensions ::= SEQUENCE {
— …}
11.1.3 Identifiers definition
In the informative annexes the contents of the identifiers used in operation and error types description are further discussed.
Annex A (informative):
RIT messages
A.1 Introduction
This annex describes the contents of Radio Interface Timing (RIT) related messages.
A.2 Messages
The messages below are considered to be transported between the SMLC and the LMU.
A.2.1 RIT Measurement Request Message
The RIT Measurement Request is a message from the SMLC to the LMU. As a response to it the LMU performs Real Time Difference (RTD) or Absolute Time Difference (ATD) measurements. It contains the following information elements.
Table A.2.1: RIT Measurement Request message content
Information element |
Type/Reference |
Presence |
Message Type |
Message Type A. |
M |
Measurement Instructions |
Measurement Instructions A. |
M |
BTS List |
BTS List A. |
C |
A.2.1.1 RIT Measurement Request Message Information Elements
A. Message Type IE
This IE contains the type of the message. This IE is mandatory.
A. Measurement Instructions IE
The purpose of the Measurement Instructions IE is to inform the LMU about the measurement type (RTD/ATD), measurement result reporting rate, and tell which BTSs should be measured. This IE is mandatory, and it contains the following fields:
Measurement Type
This field indicates whether AT of reference BTS is required.
‘0’: AT of reference BTS should be reported. If AT of reference BTS can not be measured, no ATD/RTD measurements are reported, but RIT Error IE is sent instead.
‘1’: AT of reference BTS should be reported . If AT of reference BTS can not be measured, ATD/RTD measurements are reported anyhow.
‘2’: ATD/RTD measurements timestamped with frame number of the reference BTS should be performed.
Reporting Period Format
This field describes the units of the Reporting Period field. This field is optional. If this field is included, RIT Measurement Responses shall be send with the period indicated in this and Reporting Period fields.
‘0’: Reporting Period is told in tens of seconds.
‘1’: Reporting Period is in tens of minutes.
Reporting Period
This field describes the value for the reporting period, i.e. the required time period between the RIT Measurement Response messages. Its units and multiplication factor are defined in the Reporting Period Format field. This field is conditional and included only if the Reporting Period Format is included.
Range: 1-120.
Change Limit
This field indicates the limit for the change of AT or ATD /RTD values in units of 0.02 micro-seconds. If any AT or ATD/RTD value has changed more than the value in this field since the last RIT Measurement Response, a new RIT Measurement Response message is sent. This field is optional. If this field is included, RIT Measurement Responses shall be send when some RIT value has changed more than this limit.
Range: 1-255.
Deviation Limit
This field indicates the limit for the deviation of the AT or ATD/RTD values. If any time the predicted AT or ATD/RTD value (based on reported AT or ATD/RTD values and changes in the last RIT Measurement Response) has deviated more than the value in this field compared to the current measurement result, a new RIT Measurement Response message is sent. This field is optional. If this field is included, RIT Measurement Responses shall be send when the first deviation of some RIT value is more than this limit. The values are in units of 0.02 micro-seconds.
Range: 1-255.
NOTE: Predicted AT or ATD/RTD value means the value that is calculated (extrapolated) based on AT or ATD/RTD value and AT or ATD/RTD Change value in last RIT Measurement Response message.
Monitor Period
This field indicates the requested time period for monitoring the time derivative of AT or ATD/RTD values, i.e. on how long monitor period the reported AT or ATD/RTD change is based. The value is in tens of seconds. This field is optional.
Range: 1- 64.
Environment Characterization
Environment Characterization field gives a LMU information about expected multipath and NLOS in the area.
‘0’: possibly heavy multipath and NLOS conditions (e.g. bad urban or urban).
‘1’: no or light multipath and usually LOS conditions (e.g. suburban or rural).
‘2’: not defined or mixed environment.
‘3’: reserved.
‘4’: reserved (i.e. several values should be reserved).
Neighbor Number
This field indicates the maximum number of neighbor BTSs that the LMU should try to report.
Range: 0-15.
Neighbor Type
This field indicates which neighbor BTSs are used for RIT measurements. If the value of the Neighbor Number field is lower than the total number of BTSs in the required list, then the BTS are selected in the order of the list.
‘0’: Neighbor BTSs listed in the BTS List IE are used for RIT measurements in the order of the list.
‘1’: If possible, neighbor BTSs listed in the BTS List IE are used, otherwise neighbors received in SYSTEM INFORMATION 2 or 5 message are used in the order of received signal strength.
‘2’: Neighbor BTSs indicated in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2 or 5 are used for RIT measurements (i.e. this is normal operation) in the order of received signal strength.
‘3’: All neighbor BTSs that can be received (i.e. reported BTSs are not limited to BTSs listed in SYSTEM INFORMATION TYPE 2 or 5 or BTS List IE). Support of this option in LMU is optional.
CellIdMethod field indicates whether CI or BSIC and BCCH carrier is used to identify neighbor BTSs in RIT Measurement Responses.
‘0’ = BSIC and BCCH carrier are used to identify the cell, even if CI is available.
‘1’ = CI is used to identify the neighbor cell, if it is available, otherwise BSIC and BCCH carrier are used.
A. BTS List IE
This information element indicates neighbor BTSs that are used for RIT measurements. This IE is conditional. If Neighbor Type field in the Measurement Instructions IE is ‘0’ or ‘1’ this field must be included. The first BTS on the list is the reference BTS that should be used as reference when reporting the RTD or AT values. If this reference BTS is not available, the LMU can select the used reference BTS based on signal strength.
This IE contains the following fields.
Number of BTSs
This field indicates, how many BTSs are included in this IE.
Range: 1 to 31.
The following fields are repeated the number of times included in Number of BTSs field.
This field indicates the Cell Identity of the particular BTS. The purpose of the Cell Identity value is to identify a BTS within a location area.
Range: 0 – 65535.
NOTE: Here is assumed that when LMU starts to make measurements, it firsts goes to the requested frequencies, and starts to decode BSICs and CIs from those specific frequencies. Because of this procedure the risk that there would be two BTSs with same CIs and same Channel numbers is minimal (i.e. there is no need to transmit LAC).
Time Slot Scheme
The Time Slot Scheme field indicates what kind of transmission scheme the particular BTS is using. If the LMU measures signals from BTSs from other time slots than 0 or 4, and it is informed about the burst length schemes used by BTSs, then it can compensate for the possible error. (This is necessary if the LMU averages bursts from different time slots, and the BTS uses varying lengths of bursts.)
‘0’ = the burst scheme is unknown (The time slot should remain the same).
‘1’ = all time slots are 156.25 bits long.
‘2’ = time slots 0 and 4 are 157 bits long and other time slots are 156 bits long.
This field indicates the BSIC (Base Station Identity Code) of the particular BTS.
Range: 0 – 63.
BCCH Carrier
This field indicates the absolute RF channel number of the particular BTS.
Range: 0 – 1023.
A.2.2 RIT Measurement Response Message
The RIT Measurement Response is a message from the LMU to the SMLC. It is the response to the RIT Measurement Request. It contains the following information elements.
Table A.2.2: RIT Measurement Response message content
Information element |
Type/Reference |
Presence |
Message Type |
Message Type A. |
M |
RIT Measurement |
RIT Measurement A. |
M |
A.2.2.1 RIT Measurement Response Message Information Elements
A. Message type IE
This IE contains the type of the message. This IE is mandatory.
A. RIT Measurement IE
This IE includes the required RIT measurements. The length of this IE depends on the number of measured neighbor BTSs. This IE is mandatory.
Reference LAC
This field indicates the Location Area Code of the reference BTS. The purpose of the Location Area Code is to identify a location area.
Range: 0 – 65535.
Reference CI
This field indicates the Cell Identity value of the reference BTS. The purpose of the Cell Identity value is to identify a cell within a location area.
Range: 0 – 65535.
Reference Frame Number
This field indicates the frame number of the last measured burst from the reference BTS.
Range: 0 – 2715647.
Response Type
This field indicates whether AT of reference BTS is reported or not.
‘0’: AT of reference BTS is not reported.
‘1’: AT of reference BTS is reported.
Common Clock
This field indicates the type of the common reference clock for AT measurement. This field is included only if the Response Type field is ‘1’.
‘0’: GPS clock is used.
‘1’: glonass clock is used
‘2’: Galileo clock is used
‘3’: QZSS clock is used
‘4’: BDS clock is used
‘5’ to ‘7’ : Reserved for future use (e.g. Synchronized atomic clocks).
Reference AT
This field indicates the measured AT value for the serving BTS. It is the starting moment of a time slot. It is counted in two parts: seconds after last minute change, and nanoseconds after last second change.This field is included only if the Response Type field is ‘1’.
seconds: 0-59.
nanoseconds: 0-999,999,999.
Reference AT Quality Resolution
Reference AT Quality Resolution field includes the resolution used in Reference AT Quality field. Encoding on 2 bits as follows.
’00’ 0.005 micro seconds.
’01’ 0.01 micro seconds.
’10’ 0.05 micro seconds.
’11’ Reserved.
This field is included only if the Response Type field is ‘1’.
Reference AT Quality
Reference AT Quality field includes the quality of reported RIT measurement. This Reference AT Quality field can be e.g. used to evaluate the reliability of AT measurements in the SMLC. Reference AT quality is defined as
Reference AT Quality == Std of reported AT value;
where is the reported Reference AT value and is its expectation value. The reporting resolution of Reference AT Quality is defined by Reference AT Quality resolution field.
Range: 0 to 63.
Value 63 means that Reference AT Quality is greater than or equal to R*63, where R is the resolution defined in Reference AT Quality Resolution field.
This field is included only if the Response Type field is ‘1’.
Reference AT Change
This field indicates the first time derivative of the AT value for the reference BTS. This value is based on measurements made during Monitor Period, if the monitoring period is provided. Otherwise it is the best estimate of AT Change value at the time of last AT measurement. This field is conditional and included if Response Type field is ‘1’. The range is -0.05 … 0.05 ppm and resolution is 0,00005 ppm.
Range: -1000 … 1000.
Reference AT Change Quality Resolution
Reference AT Change Quality Resolution field includes the resolution used in Reference AT Change Quality field. Encoding on 2 bits as follows.
’00’ 0.00005 ppm.
’01’ 0.0001 ppm.
’10’ 0.0005 ppm.
’11’ Reserved.
This field is conditional and included if the Response Type field is ‘1’.
Reference AT Change Quality
Reference AT Change Quality field includes the quality of reported Reference AT Change. This Reference AT Change Quality field can be e.g. used to evaluate the reliability of RIT measurements in the SMLC. Reference AT Change Quality is defined as.
Reference AT Change Quality == Std of reported AT Change value;
where is the reported Reference AT Change and is its expectation value. The reporting resolution of Reference AT Change Quality is defined by Reference AT Change Quality Resolution field.
Range: 0 to 63.
This field is conditional and included if the Response Type field is ‘1’.
Reference Time Slot
Reference Time Slot indicates the time slot relative to which the LMU reports the reference BTS measurements. This field is mandatory.
Range: 0 to 7
NOTE: If the LMU does not know timeslot scheme, the LMU reports the used timeslot. The LMU can only report results based on one time slot (N) or two time slots (N and N+4). If the LMU knows timeslot scheme, the LMU can make measurements from several timeslots and reports that the used timeslot is zero (and makes correction).
Reference RX Level
RX Level field includes the received signal strength of the reference BTS.
The RX Level is expressed in 2 dBm steps within the range -150 .. -24 dBm.
Range: 0 .. 63.
ATD/RTD Quality Resolution
ATD/RTD Quality Resolution field includes the resolution used in ATD/RTD Quality field. Encoding on 2 bits as follows.
’00’ 0.005 micro seconds.
’01’ 0.01 micro seconds.
’10’ 0.05 micro seconds.
’11’ Reserved.
This field is mandatory.
ATD/RTD Change Quality Resolution
ATD/RTD Change Quality Resolution field includes the resolution used in ATD/RTD Change Quality field. Encoding on 2 bits as follows.
’00’ 0.00005 ppm.
’01’ 0.0001 ppm.
’10’ 0.0005 ppm.
’11’ Reserved.
This field is mandatory.
Number of Measured Neighbors
This field indicates the number of different neighbor BTSs.
NOTE: If the LMU can not measure any neighbor BTSs, then this value is set to ‘0’.
Range: 0 – 15
The following fields are repeated the number of times included in Number of Measured Neighbors field.
This field indicates is the identity method of the cell.
‘0’ = Cell identity is told using BSIC and BCCH carrier.
‘1’ = Cell identity is told using CI.
Neighbor CI
This field indicates the Cell Identity of the particular neighbor cell. The purpose of the Cell Identity value is to identify a cell within a location area.
Neighbor CI field is a conditional field and it is included only if CellIdType is set ‘1’ and CI value of the given cell is available.
Range: 0 – 65535.
Neighbor BSIC
This field indicates the BSIC (Base Station Identity Code of the base station).
BSIC field is conditional and it is included only if CellIdType is set ‘0’.
Range: 0 – 63.
Neighbor BCCH Carrier
This field indicates the absolute RF channel number of the neighbor base station. BCCH carrier field is conditional and it is included only if CellIdType is set ‘0’.
Range: 0 – 1023
Neighbor RX Level
RX Level field includes the received signal strength on the neighbor BTS.
The RX Level is expressed in 2 dBm steps within the range -150 .. -24 dBm.
Range: 0 .. 63.
Neighbor Frame Number
This field indicates the calculated value of the neighbor BTS’s frame that would have been received at the same time or immediately after as the last measured frame from the reference BTS. This field is optional.
Range: 0 – 2715647
Neighbor Time Slot
Neighbor Time Slot indicates the time slot relative to which the LMU reports the serving BTS measurements. This field is mandatory.
Range: 0 to 7
NOTE: If the LMU does not know timeslot scheme, the LMU reports the used timeslot. The LMU can only report results based on one time slot (N) or two time slots (N and N+4). If the LMU knows timeslot scheme, the LMU can make measurements from several timeslots and reports that the used timeslot is zero (and makes correction).
This field indicates the measured ATD/RTD value between the receptions of signals from the reference and the neighbor BTS. This ATD/RTD value is the difference in reception of signal (the starting moment of time slot) from reference BTS compared to the signal (next starting moment of a time slot) from the neighbor BTS (i.e. this value is always positive). This field is mandatory. The reporting resolution of ATD/RTD value is 0.005 micro-seconds.
Range: 0 … 923200.
NOTE: The reported ATD/RTD value may be based on some filtering or estimation algorithm. I.e. the reported value is not the last measurement result, it is the best estimate of real RTD value at the time of last measurement.
ATD/RTD Quality
ATD/RTD Quality field includes the quality of reported RIT measurement. This ATD/RTD Quality field can be e.g. used to evaluate the reliability of RIT measurements in the SMLC. ATD/RTD quality is defined as
ATD/RTD Quality = = Std of reported ATD/RTD value;
where is the reported ATD/RTD value and is its expectation value. The reporting resolution of ATD/RTD Quality is defined by ATD/RTD Quality resolution field.
Range: 0 to 63
This field is mandatory.
ATD/RTD Change
This field indicates the first time derivative of the ATD/RTD value between the receptions of signals from the reference and the neighbor BTS. This value is based on measurements made during Monitor Period, if the monitoring period is provided. Otherwise it is the best estimate of the ATD/RTD Change value at the time of last ATD/RTD measurement. The range is -0.1 … 0.1 ppm and resolution is 0,00005 ppm.
Range: -2000 … 2000
ATD/RTD Change Quality
ATD/RTD Change Quality field includes the quality of reported ATD/RTD Change. This ATD/RTD Change Quality field can be e.g. used to evaluate the reliability of RIT measurements in the SMLC. ATD/RTD Change Quality is defined as
ATD/RTD Change Quality == Std of reported ATD/RTD Change value;
where is the reported ATD/RTD Change and is its expectation value. The reporting resolution of ATD/RTD Change Quality is defined by ATD/RTD Change Quality resolution field.
Range: 0 to 63
This field is mandatory.
A.2.3 RIT Measurement Stop Message
The RIT Measurement Stop is a message from the SMLC to the LMU. It is sent when the SMLC wants the LMU to stop doing RIT measurements and reporting them. It contains the following information elements.
Table A.2.3: RIT Measurement Stop message content
Information element |
Type/Reference |
Presence |
Message Type |
Message Type A. |
M |
A.2.3.1 RIT Measurement Stop Message Information Elements
A. Message type IE
This IE contains the type of the message. This IE is mandatory.
A.2.4 RIT Measurement Error Message
The RIT Measurement Error is a message from the LMU to the SMLC. It is sent any time when the LMU can not perform RIT measurements asked for in the RIT Measurement Request. This message can be returned in return result (after reception of measurement command) or as separate message (during periodic measurement). It contains the following information elements.
Table A.2.4: RIT Measurement Error message content
Information element |
Type/Reference |
Presence |
Message Type |
Message Type A. |
M |
Error Type |
RIT Error Type A. |
M |
RIT Error |
RIT Error A. |
M |
A.2.4.1 RIT Measurement Error Message Information Elements
A. Message type IE
This IE contains the type of the message. This IE is mandatory.
A. RIT Error Type IE
This IE indicates whether the error is temporarily (e.g. GNSS receiver reset) or permanent errors. Permanent error requires actions in SMLC, temporarily error informs that LMU can not send results temporarily (but it is expected to recover without any actions from SMLC).
‘0’ = Permanent error.
‘1’ = Temporarily error.
A. RIT Error IE
The purpose of the RIT Error IE is to provide the indication of error and the reason for it, when the LMU can not report required RIT results. This IE is mandatory. This IE has the following fields.
Error Reason
This field indicates the reason for error.
‘0’: There were no neighbor BTSs to be received.
‘1’: No ATD measurements were possible, since the common reference clock was not available.
‘2’: Requested type of measurements is not supported.
‘3’: Undefined error.
Annex B (informative):
Annex C (informative):
Status Messages
C.1 Introduction
This annex describes the contents of messages related to the status of an LMU.
C.2 Messages
The messages below are considered to be transported between the SMLC and the LMU.
C.2.1 Status Query Message
The Status Query is a message from the SMLC to the LMU. It contains the following information elements.
Table C.2.1: Status Query message content
Information element |
Type/Reference |
Presence |
Message Type |
Message Type C. |
M |
C.2.1.1 Status Query Message Information Elements
C. Message Type IE
This IE contains the type of the message. This IE is mandatory.
C.2.2 Status Query Result Message
The Status Query Result is a message from the LMU to the SMLC. It contains the following information elements.
Table C.2.2: Status Query Result message content
Information element |
Type/Reference |
Presence |
Message Type |
Message Type |
M |
Time |
Time C. |
M |
RIT Status |
RIT Status C. |
M |
Reserved |
Reserved (see note) C. |
M |
O&M Status |
O&M Status C. |
M |
NOTE: This value was allocated in an earlier phase of the protocol and shall not be used in the future. |
C.2.2.1 Status Query Result Message Information Elements
C. Message Type IE
This IE contains the type of the message. This IE is mandatory.
C. Time IE
This IE contains the time stamp for this message. This IE is mandatory, and it contains the following fields:
Reference LAC
This field indicates the Location Area Code of the reference BTS. The purpose of the Location Area Code is to identify a location area.
Range: 0 – 65535.
Reference CI
This field indicates the Cell Identity value of the reference BTS. The purpose of the Cell Identity value is to identify a cell within a location area.
Range: 0 – 65535.
Reference Frame Number
This field indicates the frame number of the last measured burst from the reference BTS.
Range: 0 – 2715647.
C. RIT Status IE
The purpose of the RIT Status IE is to inform the SMLC about the status of on-going RIT related activity. This IE is mandatory, and it contains the following fields:
RIT Jobs
This field indicates the number of on-going RIT related jobs, i.e. the number of neighbor BTSs that are tried to be measured. Notice that 0 means that no RIT related activity is on-going.
Range: 0 – 63.
C. Reserved IE
This IE is reserved and the value is 0.
Range: 0 – 63.
C. O&M Status IE
The purpose of the O&M Status IE is to inform the SMLC about the status of on-going O&M related activity. This IE is mandatory, and it contains the following fields:
O&M Jobs
This field indicates the number of on-going O&M related jobs.
Range: 0 – 63.
C.2.3 Status Update Message
The Status Update is a message from the LMU to the SMLC. It contains the following information elements.
Table C.2.3: Status Response message content
Information element |
Type/Reference |
Presence |
Message Type |
Message Type C. |
M |
Reason for Status Update |
Reason for Status Update C. |
M |
Time |
Time C. |
M |
RIT Status |
RIT Status C. |
M |
Reserved |
Reserved (see note) C. |
M |
O&M Status |
O&M Status C. |
M |
NOTE: This value was allocated in an earlier phase of the protocol and shall not be used in the future. |
C.2.3.1 Status Update Message Information Elements
C. Message Type IE
This IE contains the type of the message. This IE is mandatory.
C. Reason for Status Update IE
This IE contains the reason for sending this Status Update Message. This IE is mandatory, and it contains the following fields:
Reason Code
This field indicates Reason code for sending this Status Update Message.
‘0’: power up (no knowledge about previous states).
‘1’: SW reset, unsuccessful recovery.
‘2’: SW reset, successful recovery.
‘3’: unknown selfdiagnosis error.
‘4’: unreliable timebase error.
‘5’: periodic status report, normal operation.
Annex D (informative):
Change history
Change history |
Date |
Meeting |
TDoc |
CR |
Rev |
Cat |
Subject/Comment |
New version |
2016-01 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Version 13.0.0 based on version 12.0.0 |
13.0.0 |
2017-03 |
RP-75 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Release 14 version (frozen at TSG-75) |
14.0.0 |
2018-06 |
RP-80 |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Release 15 version (frozen at TSG-80) |
15.0.0 |
2020-07 |
RP-88e |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Upgrade to Rel-16 version without technical change |
16.0.0 |
2022-03 |
RP-95e |
– |
– |
– |
– |
Upgrade to Rel-17 version without technical change |
17.0.0 |