4 Main concepts

3GPP43.073Release 17Stage 2Support of Localised Service Area (SoLSA)TS

4.1 Localised Service Area definition

The network operator can define a Localised Service Area, LSA, consisting of a cell or a number of cells. It is possible for the network operator to set certain characteristics/attributes per LSA. Some LSA related attributes may be managed as part of cell management, e.g. exclusive access.

The LSA is identified by a LSA ID. It shall be possible for the service subscriber to define a name on each of her allowed LSAs.

4.2 Subscriber information for Localised Service Area

For a subscriber, the network operator or the service provider can define one or more LSA(s) as allowed LSA(s). It shall be possible to establish an order of priority between the allowed LSAs for a given subscriber and if the subscriber shall have preferential access within these LSAs. It shall also be possible to define whether access outside the allowed LSA(s) is allowed for a subscriber.

Subscriber specific LSA information is stored and managed in the HLR. Application related LSA information is stored in appropriate service platform, e.g. in the CAMEL Service Environment (see annex A).

In addition to subscriber details in the HLR server, it is also necessary for subscriber specific LSA information to be stored and managed in the SIM.

Subscribers may receive SIM cards with the initial LSA data stored. The management of LSA data on SIM may be performed manually (in which case SIM has to be returned to the network operator or service provider for updating), or over the air interface as described in subclause 11.3.

4.3 Localised Service Area support in idle mode

4.3.1 Cell selection and reselection

A cell reselection mechanism as defined in subclause 11.4.2 shall be used so that when camping on a cell in idle mode, the subscriber’s mobile station favours the cells belonging to her LSA(s). The mobile station shall always attempt to reselect a cell in a higher priority LSA. Cells outside the allowed LSA(s) shall have the lowest priority.

4.3.2 Localised service area indication

The service subscriber can define a name (alphanumeric name, icon, etc) for each of her allowed LSAs. The MS will, in idle mode and if required by the user, indicate to the user the current LSA. The indication may be the name of the current LSA, as set by the user. The form of display and indication are left to manufacturer’s choice.

4.3.3 Exclusive access

An exclusive access cell is a cell belonging to one or more LSAs and with allowed access only for users having this exclusive access cell included in his/her allowed LSAs. Other user’s mobile stations must be prevented from using the cell to obtain any service, other than TS12 (Emergency Calls).

4.3.4 LSA only access

It shall be BSS-controlled functionality to prevent terminated and/or originated calls outside the subscriber’s allowed LSA(s). Emergency calls are however always allowed.

4.4 Localised Service Area support in active mode

4.4.1 Localised service area indication

As a network option, service subscribers may be notified at change of current LSA. This notification shall be performed as described in subclause 11.7. The form of display and indication are left to manufacturer’s choice.

4.4.2 Resource handling

As a network operator option it shall be possible to allow or prohibit connection set-up and handover depending on the subscriber’s LSA information.

Information to be made available to the radio resource allocation function and the handover function are as depicted in subclause 8.2.2.

NOTE: For the handling of an established connection, it is out of scope of the present document to describe how the network shall perform the resource allocation, handover, etc. depending on the subscriber’s LSA information. The following shall only be seen as examples.

Assignment of traffic resources in preferential access LSA’s may (network option) be favoured for subscribers having this cell as part of their allowed LSAs.

When the subscriber sets up a call in one of her LSAs, the cells belonging to that LSA can (network option) be favoured when handovers are carried out.

Handovers to exclusive access cells can (network option) be prevented for users not having the cell as part of their allowed LSA.

For a user with LSA only access, handovers as well as new originating and terminating calls may (network option) be allowed outside the allowed LSAs. Emergency calls are however always allowed.

4.5 Localised Service Area support in access control

4.5.1 Emergency Call setup

The Emergency Call setup shall always be accepted by the MSC.

4.5.2 Mobile Originating and Mobile Terminating Call setup

The MSC receives the LSA ID(s) of the current cell from the BSC before the call setup. The current LSA can be selected on the basis of the allowed LSA(s) in the subscriber data. Depending on the current LSA, the network may continue as follows:

– The MSC accepts the setup without Active mode support, if the active mode indicator flag for selected LSA is not set.

– The MSC accepts the setup with Active mode support, if the active mode indicator flag for selected LSA is set.

– The MSC starts charging activities for the current LSA.

4.5.3 Location Registration

The MSC/VLR shall reject a location registration if the cell is used for exclusive access and none of the LSA Ids of current cell corresponds to the LSA ID(s) stored in the subscriber record.

4.5.4 Call unrelated services (Short message transfer, USSD, Supplementary Service management)

The MSC receives the LSA ID(s) of the current cell from the BSC in the COMPLETE_L3_INFO. The current LSA can be selected on the basis of the allowed LSA(s) in the subscriber data and it can be used e.g. for the charging purposes. However, the service request is always accepted. Also, no active mode support is applied for the call unrelated services.

4.5.5 Routing Area Update

SGSN shall reject a routing area update if the cell is used for exclusive access and none of the LSA Ids of current cell corresponds to the LSA ID(s) stored in the subscriber record.