11.3.2 Call release

3GPP43.069Release 17Stage 2TSVoice Broadcast Service (VBS)

The voice broadcast call can be terminated by the calling service subscriber or the calling dispatcher clearing it down, or by any dispatcher nominated in the GCR allowed to terminate the call. Call termination by the calling subscriber

If the calling service subscriber issues a termination request a channel release message shall be sent on the FACCH of all cells in the group call area and then all resources are freed. Call termination by dispatchers

A dispatcher entitled to terminate the call can be a mobile subscriber or a fixed line subscriber. The dispatcher may use out-of-band DTMF messages as a means for the control of the call termination, if it is a mobile dispatcher, or DTMF tones, if it is a fixed line dispatcher.

If the call is terminated by a mobile dispatcher using DTMF, the out-of-band messages START_DTMF(X) and STOP_DTMF are sent via the radio interface towards the network. If the out-of-band DTMF messages are sent by a mobile dispatcher who is not controlled by the anchor MSC, the DTMF messages will be converted by the controlling MSC (e.g. relay MSC or visited MSC) into DTMF tones and these DTMF tones will be sent through the network to the anchor MSC.

If a fixed dispatcher initiates DTMF tones, the DTMF tones will be sent through the network to the anchor MSC.

Both in case of a mobile and a fixed line dispatcher the anchor MSC is responsible for the detection and collection of the out-of-band or in-band DTMF signals. After the evaluation of the DTMF signals, the anchor MSC has to trigger the appropriate function (see the figures 4b to 4d in 11.3.8).

In order to avoid the erroneous detection of the specific DTMF tone sequence for call termination by the MSC, this sequence shall consist of at least three DTMF digits.