6 Exceptional procedures or unsuccessful outcome
3GPP42.069Release 17Stage 1TSVoice Broadcast Service (VBS)
If a service subscriber wants to establish a voice broadcast call while not subscribed to the service or the network cannot provide the service for some reason, an indication shall be provided to the calling service subscriber to notify him with the reason of failure.
If a dispatcher wants to establish a voice broadcast call while not entitled to do it or the network cannot provide the service for some reason, the call shall be rejected. The network shall give an appropriate indication to calling dispatchers who are GSM subscribers.
A voice group call shall be considered established as soon as the originated cell in case of a service subscriber originated broadcast call or any one cell within the group call area in case of a dispatcher originated broadcast call has been included. If this cannot be achieved within a specified time the call will be released.
If a cell is excluded from the group call area because of pre-emption, the voice broadcast call is maintained as long as the calling subscriber is not pre-empted.