7 Functions of NRPPa

38.4553GPPNG-RANNR Positioning Protocol A (NRPPa)Release 17TS

The NRPPa protocol provides the following functions:

– E-CID Location Information Transfer. This function allows the NG-RAN node to exchange location information with LMF for the purpose of E-CID positioning and NR E-CID positioning.

– OTDOA Information Transfer. This function allows the NG-RAN node to exchange information with the LMF for the purpose of OTDOA positioning.

– Reporting of General Error Situations. This function allows reporting of general error situations, for which function specific error messages have not been defined.

– Assistance Information Transfer. This function allows the LMF to exchange information with the NG-RAN node for the purpose of assistance information broadcasting.

– Positioning Information Transfer. This function allows the NG-RAN node to exchange positioning information with the LMF for the purpose of positioning.

– Measurement Information Transfer. This function allows the LMF to exchange measurement information with the NG-RAN node for the purpose of positioning.

– TRP Information Transfer. This function allows an LMF to obtain TRP related information from an NG-RAN node.

– PRS Information Transfer. This function allows the LMF to exchange PRS related information with the NG-RAN node.

– Measurement Preconfiguration Information Transfer. This function allows the LMF to request the NG-RAN node to preconfigure and activate measurement gap and/or PRS processing window.

The mapping between the above functions and NRPPa EPs is shown in the table below.

Table 7-1: Mapping between NRPPa functions and NRPPa EPs


Elementary Procedure(s)

E-CID Location Information Transfer

a) E-CID Measurement Initiation

b) E-CID Measurement Failure Indication

c) E-CID Measurement Report

d) E-CID Measurement Termination

OTDOA Information Transfer

OTDOA Information Exchange

Assistance Information Transfer

a) Assistance Information Control

b) Assistance Information Feedback

Reporting of General Error Situations

Error Indication

Positioning Information Transfer

a) Positioning Information Exchange

b) Positioning Information Update

c) Positioning Activation

d) Positioning Deactivation

TRP Information Transfer

TRP Information Exchange

Measurement Information Transfer

a) Measurement

b) Measurement Update

c) Measurement Report

d) Measurement Abort

e) Measurement Failure Indication

PRS Information Transfer

PRS Configuration Exchange

Measurement Preconfiguration Information Transfer

Measurement Preconfiguration

Measurement Activation