6.2.2 Message definitions

38.3313GPPNRProtocol specificationRadio Resource Control (RRC)Release 17TS


The CounterCheck message is used by the network to indicate the current COUNT MSB values associated to each DRB and to request the UE to compare these to its COUNT MSB values and to report the comparison results to the network.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

CounterCheck message



CounterCheck ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

counterCheck CounterCheck-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



CounterCheck-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

drb-CountMSB-InfoList DRB-CountMSB-InfoList,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


DRB-CountMSB-InfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxDRB)) OF DRB-CountMSB-Info

DRB-CountMSB-Info ::= SEQUENCE {

drb-Identity DRB-Identity,

countMSB-Uplink INTEGER(0..33554431),

countMSB-Downlink INTEGER(0..33554431)




CounterCheck-IEs field descriptions


Indicates the MSBs of the COUNT values of the DRBs.

DRB-CountMSB-Info field descriptions


Indicates the value of 25 MSBs from RX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.


Indicates the value of 25 MSBs from TX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.


The CounterCheckResponse message is used by the UE to respond to a CounterCheck message.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

CounterCheckResponse message



CounterCheckResponse ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

counterCheckResponse CounterCheckResponse-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



CounterCheckResponse-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

drb-CountInfoList DRB-CountInfoList,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


DRB-CountInfoList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxDRB)) OF DRB-CountInfo

DRB-CountInfo ::= SEQUENCE {

drb-Identity DRB-Identity,

count-Uplink INTEGER(0..4294967295),

count-Downlink INTEGER(0..4294967295)




CounterCheckResponse-IEs field descriptions


Indicates the COUNT values of the DRBs.

DRB-CountInfo field descriptions


Indicates the value of RX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.


Indicates the value of TX_NEXT – 1 (specified in TS 38.323 [5]) associated to this DRB.


The DedicatedSIBRequest message is used to request SIB(s) required by the UE in RRC_CONNECTED as specified in clause

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

DedicatedSIBRequest message



DedicatedSIBRequest-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

dedicatedSIBRequest-r16 DedicatedSIBRequest-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



DedicatedSIBRequest-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

onDemandSIB-RequestList-r16 SEQUENCE {

requestedSIB-List-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOnDemandSIB-r16)) OF SIB-ReqInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,

requestedPosSIB-List-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxOnDemandPosSIB-r16)) OF PosSIB-ReqInfo-r16 OPTIONAL


lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


SIB-ReqInfo-r16 ::= ENUMERATED { sib12, sib13, sib14, sib20-v1700, sib21-v1700, spare3, spare2, spare1 }

PosSIB-ReqInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

gnss-id-r16 GNSS-ID-r16 OPTIONAL,

sbas-id-r16 SBAS-ID-r16 OPTIONAL,

posSibType-r16 ENUMERATED { posSibType1-1, posSibType1-2, posSibType1-3, posSibType1-4, posSibType1-5, posSibType1-6,

posSibType1-7, posSibType1-8, posSibType2-1, posSibType2-2, posSibType2-3, posSibType2-4,

posSibType2-5, posSibType2-6, posSibType2-7, posSibType2-8, posSibType2-9, posSibType2-10,

posSibType2-11, posSibType2-12, posSibType2-13, posSibType2-14, posSibType2-15,

posSibType2-16, posSibType2-17, posSibType2-18, posSibType2-19, posSibType2-20,

posSibType2-21, posSibType2-22, posSibType2-23, posSibType3-1, posSibType4-1,

posSibType5-1, posSibType6-1, posSibType6-2, posSibType6-3,…, posSibType1-9-v1710,

posSibType1-10-v1710, posSibType2-24-v1710, posSibType2-25-v1710,

posSibType6-4-v1710, posSibType6-5-v1710, posSibType6-6-v1710 }




DedicatedSIBRequest field descriptions


Contains a list of SIB(s) the UE requests while in RRC_CONNECTED.


Contains a list of posSIB(s) the UE requests while in RRC_CONNECTED.

PosSIB-ReqInfo field descriptions


The presence of this field indicates that the request positioning SIB type is for a specific GNSS. Indicates a specific GNSS (see also TS 37.355 [49])


The presence of this field indicates that the request positioning SIB type is for a specific SBAS. Indicates a specific SBAS (see also TS 37.355 [49]).


The DLDedicatedMessageSegment message is used to transfer one segment of the RRCResume or RRCReconfiguration messages.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

DLDedicatedMessageSegment message



DLDedicatedMessageSegment-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

dlDedicatedMessageSegment-r16 DLDedicatedMessageSegment-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



DLDedicatedMessageSegment-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

segmentNumber-r16 INTEGER(0..4),

rrc-MessageSegmentContainer-r16 OCTET STRING,

rrc-MessageSegmentType-r16 ENUMERATED {notLastSegment, lastSegment},

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




DLDedicatedMessageSegment field descriptions


Identifies the sequence number of a segment within the encoded DL DCCH message. The network transmits the segments with continuously increasing segmentNumber order so that the UE’s RRC layer may expect to obtain them from lower layers in the correct order. Hence, the UE is not required to perform segment re-ordering on RRC level.


Includes a segment of the encoded DL DCCH message. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough so the resulting encoded RRC message PDU is less than or equal to the PDCP SDU size limit.


Indicates whether the included DL DCCH message segment is the last segment of the message or not.


The DLInformationTransfer message is used for the downlink transfer of NAS dedicated information, timing information for the 5G internal system clock, or IAB-DU specific F1-C related information.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB2 or SRB1 (only if SRB2 not established yet. If SRB2 is suspended, the network does not send this message until SRB2 is resumed. If only dedicatedInfoF1c is included, SRB2 is used).


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

DLInformationTransfer message



DLInformationTransfer ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

dlInformationTransfer DLInformationTransfer-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



DLInformationTransfer-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

dedicatedNAS-Message DedicatedNAS-Message OPTIONAL, — Need N

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension DLInformationTransfer-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


DLInformationTransfer-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

referenceTimeInfo-r16 ReferenceTimeInfo-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need N

nonCriticalExtension DLInformationTransfer-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


DLInformationTransfer-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

dedicatedInfoF1c-r17 DedicatedInfoF1c-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need N

rxTxTimeDiff-gNB-r17 RxTxTimeDiff-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need N

ta-PDC-r17 ENUMERATED {activate,deactivate} OPTIONAL, — Need N

sib9Fallback-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




DLInformationTransfer field descriptions


Indicates the Rx-Tx time difference measurement at the gNB (see clause 5.2.3, TS 38.215 [9]). Upon receiving this field, the UE calculates the propagation delay based on the RTT-method. The network does not configure this field, if the UE is configured with ta-PDC with value activate.


Indicates that the UE fallbacks to receive referenceTimeInfo in SIB9.


Indicates whether the UE-side TA-based propagation delay compensation (PDC) is activated or de-activated. The network does not configure this field with activate, if the field rxTxTimeDiff-gNB is configured.

– DLInformationTransferMRDC

The DLInformationTransferMRDC message is used for the downlink transfer of RRC messages during fast MCG link recovery.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB3


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

DLInformationTransferMRDC message



DLInformationTransferMRDC-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {


dlInformationTransferMRDC-r16 DLInformationTransferMRDC-r16-IEs,

spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL


criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



DLInformationTransferMRDC-r16-IEs::= SEQUENCE {



lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




DLInformationTransferMRDC field descriptions


Includes the DL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the NR RRCReconfiguration, RRCRelease, and MobilityFromNRCommand messages.


Includes the DL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration, RRCConnectionRelease, and MobilityFromEUTRACommand messages as specified in TS 36.331 [10].


The FailureInformation message is used to inform the network about a failure detected by the UE.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1 or SRB3


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to network

FailureInformation message



FailureInformation ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

failureInformation FailureInformation-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



FailureInformation-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

failureInfoRLC-Bearer FailureInfoRLC-Bearer OPTIONAL,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension FailureInformation-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


FailureInfoRLC-Bearer ::= SEQUENCE {

cellGroupId CellGroupId,

logicalChannelIdentity LogicalChannelIdentity,

failureType ENUMERATED {rlc-failure, spare3, spare2, spare1}


FailureInformation-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

failureInfoDAPS-r16 FailureInfoDAPS-r16 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


FailureInfoDAPS-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

failureType-r16 ENUMERATED {daps-failure, spare3, spare2, spare1}





The IABOtherInformation message is used by IAB-MT to request the network to allocate IP addresses for the collocated IAB-DU or inform the network about IP addresses allocated to the collocated IAB-DU.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1 or SRB3


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: IAB-MT to Network

IABOtherInformation message



IABOtherInformation-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

iabOtherInformation-r16 IABOtherInformation-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



IABOtherInformation-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

ip-InfoType-r16 CHOICE {

iab-IP-Request-r16 SEQUENCE {

iab-IPv4-AddressNumReq-r16 IAB-IP-AddressNumReq-r16 OPTIONAL,

iab-IPv6-AddressReq-r16 CHOICE {

iab-IPv6-AddressNumReq-r16 IAB-IP-AddressNumReq-r16,

iab-IPv6-AddressPrefixReq-r16 IAB-IP-AddressPrefixReq-r16,



iab-IP-Report-r16 SEQUENCE {

iab-IPv4-AddressReport-r16 IAB-IP-AddressAndTraffic-r16 OPTIONAL,

iab-IPv6-Report-r16 CHOICE {

iab-IPv6-AddressReport-r16 IAB-IP-AddressAndTraffic-r16,

iab-IPv6-PrefixReport-r16 IAB-IP-PrefixAndTraffic-r16,




lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


IAB-IP-AddressNumReq-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

all-Traffic-NumReq-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL,

f1-C-Traffic-NumReq-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL,

f1-U-Traffic-NumReq-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL,

non-F1-Traffic-NumReq-r16 INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL,


IAB-IP-AddressPrefixReq-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

all-Traffic-PrefixReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

f1-C-Traffic-PrefixReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

f1-U-Traffic-PrefixReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

non-F1-Traffic-PrefixReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,


IAB-IP-AddressAndTraffic-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

all-Traffic-IAB-IP-Address-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL,

f1-C-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL,

f1-U-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL,

non-F1-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..8)) OF IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL


IAB-IP-PrefixAndTraffic-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

all-Traffic-IAB-IP-Address-r16 IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL,

f1-C-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL,

f1-U-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL,

non-F1-Traffic-IP-Address-r16 IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL




IABOtherInformation-IEs field descriptions


This field is used to request the numbers of IPv4 address per specific usage. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.


This field is used to report the IPv4 address per specific usage assigned by OAM for IAB-DU. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.


This field is used to request the numbers of IPv6 address per specific usage. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.


This field is used to request the prefix of IPv6 address per specific usage. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.


This field is used to report the IPv6 address per specific usage assigned by OAM for IAB-DU. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.


This field is used to report the prefix of IPv6 address per specific usage assigned by OAM for IAB-DU. The specific usages include F1-C traffic, F1-U traffic, non-F1 traffic and all traffic.

IAB-IP-AddressNumReq-IEs field descriptions


This field is used to request the numbers of IP address for all traffic.


This field is used to request the numbers of IP address for F1-C traffic.


This field is used to request the numbers of IP address for F1-U traffic.


This field is used to request the numbers of IP address for non-F1 traffic.

IAB-IP-AddressPrefixReq-IEs field descriptions


This field is used to request the IPv6 address prefix for all traffic. The length of allocated IPv6 prefix is fixed to 64.


This field is used to request the IPv6 address prefix for F1-C traffic. The length of allocated IPv6 prefix is fixed to 64.


This field is used to request the IPv6 address prefix for F1-U traffic. The length of allocated IPv6 prefix is fixed to 64.


This field is used to request the IPv6 address prefix for non-F1 traffic. The length of allocated IPv6 prefix is fixed to 64.

IAB-IP-AddressAndTraffic-IEs field descriptions


This field is used to report to IAB-donor-CU the IP address(es) or IPv6 address prefix for all traffic.


This field is used to report to IAB-donor-CU the IP address(es) or IPv6 address prefix for F1-C traffic.


This field is used to report to IAB-donor-CU the IP address(es) or IPv6 address prefix for F1-U traffic.


This field is used to report to IAB-donor-CU the IP address(es) or IPv6 address prefix for non-F1 traffic.


The LocationMeasurementIndication message is used to indicate that the UE is going to either start or stop location related measurement which requires measurement gaps.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

LocationMeasurementIndication message



LocationMeasurementIndication ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

locationMeasurementIndication LocationMeasurementIndication-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



LocationMeasurementIndication-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

measurementIndication SetupRelease {LocationMeasurementInfo},

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL





The LoggedMeasurementConfiguration message is used to perform logging of measurement results while in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE. It is used to transfer the logged measurement configuration for network performance optimisation.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

LoggedMeasurementConfiguration message



LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

loggedMeasurementConfiguration-r16 LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

traceReference-r16 TraceReference-r16,

traceRecordingSessionRef-r16 OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)),

tce-Id-r16 OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)),

absoluteTimeInfo-r16 AbsoluteTimeInfo-r16,

areaConfiguration-r16 AreaConfiguration-r16 OPTIONAL, –Need R

plmn-IdentityList-r16 PLMN-IdentityList2-r16 OPTIONAL, –Need R

bt-NameList-r16 SetupRelease {BT-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, –Need M

wlan-NameList-r16 SetupRelease {WLAN-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, –Need M

sensor-NameList-r16 SetupRelease {Sensor-NameList-r16} OPTIONAL, –Need M

loggingDuration-r16 LoggingDuration-r16,

reportType CHOICE {

periodical LoggedPeriodicalReportConfig-r16,

eventTriggered LoggedEventTriggerConfig-r16,


lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


LoggedMeasurementConfiguration-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

sigLoggedMeasType-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

earlyMeasIndication-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

areaConfiguration-v1700 AreaConfiguration-v1700 OPTIONAL, –Need R

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


LoggedPeriodicalReportConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

loggingInterval-r16 LoggingInterval-r16,


LoggedEventTriggerConfig-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

eventType-r16 EventType-r16,

loggingInterval-r16 LoggingInterval-r16,


EventType-r16 ::= CHOICE {

outOfCoverage NULL,

eventL1 SEQUENCE {

l1-Threshold MeasTriggerQuantity,

hysteresis Hysteresis,

timeToTrigger TimeToTrigger





LoggedMeasurementConfiguration field descriptions


Indicates the absolute time in the current cell.


Used to restrict the area in which the UE performs measurement logging to cells broadcasting either one of the included cell identities or one of the included tracking area codes/ frequencies.


If included, the field indicates the UE is allowed to log measurements on early measurement related frequencies in logged measurements.


The value outOfCoverage indicates the UE to perform logging of measurements when the UE enters any cell selection state, and the value eventL1 indicates the UE to perform logging of measurements when the triggering condition (similar as event A2 as specified in as configured in the event is met for the camping cell in camped normally state.


Indicates a set of PLMNs defining when the UE performs measurement logging as well as the associated status indication and information retrieval i.e. the UE performs these actions when the RPLMN is part of this set of PLMNs.


If included, the field indicates a signalling based logged measurements (See TS 37.320 [61]).


Parameter Trace Collection Entity Id: See TS 32.422 [52].


Parameter Trace Recording Session Reference: See TS 32.422 [52].


Parameter configures the type of MDT configuration, specifically Periodic MDT configuration or Event Triggerd MDT configuration.

– MBSBroadcastConfiguration

The MBSBroadcastConfiguration message contains the control information applicable for MBS broadcast services transmitted via broadcast MRB.

Signalling radio bearer: N/A


Logical channel: MCCH

Direction: Network to UE

MBSBroadcastConfiguration message



MBSBroadcastConfiguration-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

mbsBroadcastConfiguration-r17 MBSBroadcastConfiguration-r17-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



MBSBroadcastConfiguration-r17-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

mbs-SessionInfoList-r17 MBS-SessionInfoList-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need R

mbs-NeighbourCellList-r17 MBS-NeighbourCellList-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need S

drx-ConfigPTM-List-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofDRX-ConfigPTM-r17)) OF DRX-ConfigPTM-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need R

pdsch-ConfigMTCH-r17 PDSCH-ConfigBroadcast-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need S

mtch-SSB-MappingWindowList-r17 MTCH-SSB-MappingWindowList-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need R

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




MBSBroadcastConfiguration field descriptions


Provides parameters for acquiring the PDSCH for MTCH. When this field is absent, the UE shall use parameters in pdsch-ConfigMCCH to acquire the PDSCH for MTCH.


Provides the configuration of each MBS session provided by MBS broadcast in the current cell.


List of neighbour cells providing MBS broadcast services via broadcast MRB. This field is used by the UE together with mtch-NeighbourCell field signalled for each MBS session in the corresponding MBS-SessionInfo. When an empty mbs-NeighbourCellList list is signalled, the UE shall assume that MBS broadcast services signalled in mbs-SessionInfoList in the MBSBroadcastConfiguration message are not provided in any neighbour cell. When the field mbs-NeighbourCellList is absent, the current serving cell does not provide information about MBS broadcast services in the neighbouring cells, i.e. the UE cannot determine the presence or absence of an MBS service in neighbouring cells based on the absence of this field.

– MBSInterestIndication

The MBSInterestIndication message is used to inform network that the UE is receiving/ interested to receive or no longer receiving/ interested to receive MBS broadcast service(s) via a broadcast MRB.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

MBSInterestIndication message



MBSInterestIndication-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

mbsInterestIndication-r17 MBSInterestIndication-r17-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



MBSInterestIndication-r17-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

mbs-FreqList-r17 CarrierFreqListMBS-r17 OPTIONAL,

mbs-Priority-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

mbs-ServiceList-r17 MBS-ServiceList-r17 OPTIONAL,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




MBSInterestIndication field descriptions


List of MBS frequencies on which the UE is receiving or interested to receive MBS broadcast service via a broadcast MRB.


Indicates whether the UE prioritises MBS broadcast reception above unicast and MBS multicast reception. The field is present (i.e. value true), if the UE prioritises reception of broadcast services, on frequencies indicated in mbs-FreqList, above a reception of any of the unicast bearers and multicast MRBs. Otherwise the field is absent.


List of MBS broadcast services which the UE is receiving or interested to receive.

– MCGFailureInformation

The MCGFailureInformation message is used to provide information regarding NR MCG failures detected by the UE.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

MCGFailureInformation message



MCGFailureInformation-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

mcgFailureInformation-r16 MCGFailureInformation-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



MCGFailureInformation-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

failureReportMCG-r16 FailureReportMCG-r16 OPTIONAL,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


FailureReportMCG-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

failureType-r16 ENUMERATED {t310-Expiry, randomAccessProblem, rlc-MaxNumRetx,

t312-Expiry-r16, lbt-Failure-r16, beamFailureRecoveryFailure-r16,

bh-RLF-r16, spare1} OPTIONAL,

measResultFreqList-r16 MeasResultList2NR OPTIONAL,

measResultFreqListEUTRA-r16 MeasResultList2EUTRA OPTIONAL,



measResultFreqListUTRA-FDD-r16 MeasResultList2UTRA OPTIONAL,


MeasResultList2UTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2UTRA-FDD-r16

MeasResult2UTRA-FDD-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

carrierFreq-r16 ARFCN-ValueUTRA-FDD-r16,

measResultNeighCellList-r16 MeasResultListUTRA-FDD-r16


MeasResultList2EUTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2EUTRA-r16



MCGFailureInformation field descriptions


The field contains available results of measurements on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the measConfig associated with the MCG.


The field contains available results of measurements on E-UTRA frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig associated with the MCG.


The field contains available results of measurements on UTRA FDD frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig associated with the MCG.


The field contains the MeasResultSCG-Failure IE which includes available measurement results on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the measConfig associated with the SCG.


The field contains the EUTRA MeasResultSCG-FailureMRDC IE which includes available results of measurements on E-UTRA frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message as specified in TS 36.331 [10].


The MeasurementReport message is used for the indication of measurement results.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1, SRB3


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

MeasurementReport message



MeasurementReport ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

measurementReport MeasurementReport-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



MeasurementReport-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

measResults MeasResults,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL





The MeasurementReportAppLayer message is used for sending application layer measurement report.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB4


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

MeasurementReportAppLayer message



MeasurementReportAppLayer-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

measurementReportAppLayer-r17 MeasurementReportAppLayer-r17-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



MeasurementReportAppLayer-r17-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

measurementReportAppLayerList-r17 MeasurementReportAppLayerList-r17,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL


MeasurementReportAppLayerList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofAppLayerMeas-r17)) OF MeasReportAppLayer-r17

MeasReportAppLayer-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

measConfigAppLayerId-r17 MeasConfigAppLayerId-r17,

measReportAppLayerContainer-r17 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

appLayerSessionStatus-r17 ENUMERATED {started, stopped} OPTIONAL,

ran-VisibleMeasurements-r17 RAN-VisibleMeasurements-r17 OPTIONAL


RAN-VisibleMeasurements-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

appLayerBufferLevelList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..8)) OF AppLayerBufferLevel-r17 OPTIONAL,

playoutDelayForMediaStartup-r17 INTEGER (0..30000) OPTIONAL,

pdu-SessionIdList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofPDU-Sessions-r17)) OF PDU-SessionID OPTIONAL,


AppLayerBufferLevel-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..30000)



MeasReportAppLayer field descriptions


Indicates that an application layer measurement session in the application layer starts or ends.


The field contains application layer measurement report, see Annex L (normative) in TS 26.247 [68], clause 16.5 in TS 26.114 [69] and TS 26.118 [70].


The field contains the configuration of RAN visible application layer measurement parameters.

RAN-VisibleMeasurements field descriptions


The field indicates a list of application layer buffer levels, and each AppLayerBufferLevel indicates the application layer buffer level in ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0ms, value 1 corresponds to 10ms, value 2 corresponds to 20 ms and so on. If the buffer level is larger than the maximum value of 30000 (5 minutes), the UE reports 30000.


Indicates the application layer playout delay for media start-up in ms. Value 0 corresponds to 0ms, value 1 corresponds to 1ms, value 2 corresponds to 2 ms and so on. If the playout delay for media start-up is larger than the maximum value of 30000ms, the UE reports 30000.


Contains the identity of the PDU session, or the identities of the PDU sessions, used for application data flows subject to the RAN visible application layer measurements.


The MIB includes the system information transmitted on BCH.

Signalling radio bearer: N/A


Logical channel: BCCH

Direction: Network to UE





systemFrameNumber BIT STRING (SIZE (6)),

subCarrierSpacingCommon ENUMERATED {scs15or60, scs30or120},

ssb-SubcarrierOffset INTEGER (0..15),

dmrs-TypeA-Position ENUMERATED {pos2, pos3},

pdcch-ConfigSIB1 PDCCH-ConfigSIB1,

cellBarred ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred},

intraFreqReselection ENUMERATED {allowed, notAllowed},

spare BIT STRING (SIZE (1))




MIB field descriptions


Value barred means that the cell is barred, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by IAB-MT. This field is ignored for connectivity to NTN.


Position of (first) DM-RS for downlink (see TS 38.211 [16], clause and uplink (see TS 38.211 [16], clause


Controls cell selection/reselection to intra-frequency cells when the highest ranked cell is barred, or treated as barred by the UE, as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by IAB-MT.


Determines a common ControlResourceSet (CORESET), a common search space and necessary PDCCH parameters. If the field ssb-SubcarrierOffset indicates that SIB1 is absent, the field pdcch-ConfigSIB1 indicates the frequency positions where the UE may find SS/PBCH block with SIB1 or the frequency range where the network does not provide SS/PBCH block with SIB1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13).


Corresponds to kSSB (see TS 38.213 [13]), which is the frequency domain offset between SSB and the overall resource block grid in number of subcarriers. (See TS 38.211 [16], clause For operation with shared spectrum channel access (see 37.213 [48]), this field corresponds to , and kSSB is obtained from (see TS 38.211 [16], clause; the LSB of this field is used also for deriving the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.

The value range of this field may be extended by an additional most significant bit encoded within PBCH as specified in TS 38.213 [13].

This field may indicate that this cell does not provide SIB1 and that there is hence no CORESET#0 configured in MIB (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13). In this case, the field pdcch-ConfigSIB1 may indicate the frequency positions where the UE may (not) find a SS/PBCH with a control resource set and search space for SIB1 (see TS 38.213 [13], clause 13).


Subcarrier spacing for SIB1, Msg.2/4 and MsgB for initial access, paging and broadcast SI-messages. If the UE acquires this MIB on an FR1 carrier frequency, the value scs15or60 corresponds to 15 kHz and the value scs30or120 corresponds to 30 kHz. If the UE acquires this MIB on an FR2 carrier frequency, the value scs15or60 corresponds to 60 kHz and the value scs30or120 corresponds to 120 kHz. For operation with shared spectrum channel access in FR1 (see 37.213 [48]) and for operation in FR2-2, the subcarrier spacing for SIB1, Msg.2/4 and MsgB for initial access, paging and broadcast SI-messages is same as that for the corresponding SSB. For operation with shared spectrum channel access, this field instead is used for deriving the QCL relation between SS/PBCH blocks as specified in TS 38.213 [13], clause 4.1.


The 6 most significant bits (MSB) of the 10-bit System Frame Number (SFN). The 4 LSB of the SFN are conveyed in the PBCH transport block as part of channel coding (i.e. outside the MIB encoding), as defined in clause 7.1 in TS 38.212 [17].


The MobilityFromNRCommand message is used to command handover from NR to E-UTRA/EPC, E-UTRA/5GC or UTRA-FDD.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

MobilityFromNRCommand message



MobilityFromNRCommand ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

mobilityFromNRCommand MobilityFromNRCommand-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



MobilityFromNRCommand-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

targetRAT-Type ENUMERATED { eutra, utra-fdd-v1610, spare2, spare1, …},

targetRAT-MessageContainer OCTET STRING,


lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension MobilityFromNRCommand-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


MobilityFromNRCommand-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

voiceFallbackIndication-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




MobilityFromNRCommand-IEs field descriptions


If targetRAT-Type is eutra, this field is used to deliver the key synchronisation and Key freshness for the NR to LTE/EPC handovers and a part of the downlink NAS COUNT as specified in TS 33.501 [11]. If targetRAT-Type is utra-fdd, this field is used to deliver the key synchronisation and Key freshness for the NR to FDD UTRAN handover and a part of the downlink NAS COUNT as specified in TS 33.501 [11].


The field contains a message specified in another standard, as indicated by the targetRAT-Type, and carries information about the target cell identifier(s) and radio parameters relevant for the target radio access technology. A complete message is included, as specified in the other standard. See NOTE 1


Indicates the target RAT type.


Indicates the handover is triggered by EPS fallback for IMS voice as specified in TS 23.502 [43].

NOTE 1: The correspondence between the value of the targetRAT-Type, the standard to apply, and the message contained within the targetRAT-MessageContainer is shown in the table below:


Standard to apply



TS 36.331 [10] (clause 5.4.2)

DL-DCCH-Message including the RRCConnectionReconfiguration


TS 25.331 [45] (clause 10.2.16a)

Handover TO UTRAN command

Conditional Presence



This field is mandatory present in case of inter system handover to "EPC" or "FDD UTRAN". Otherwise it is absent.


The Paging message is used for the notification of one or more UEs.

Signalling radio bearer: N/A


Logical channel: PCCH

Direction: Network to UE

Paging message



Paging ::= SEQUENCE {

pagingRecordList PagingRecordList OPTIONAL, — Need N

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension Paging-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


Paging-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

pagingRecordList-v1700 PagingRecordList-v1700 OPTIONAL, — Need N

pagingGroupList-r17 PagingGroupList-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need N

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


PagingRecordList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofPageRec)) OF PagingRecord

PagingRecordList-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofPageRec)) OF PagingRecord-v1700

PagingGroupList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofPageGroup-r17)) OF TMGI-r17

PagingRecord ::= SEQUENCE {

ue-Identity PagingUE-Identity,

accessType ENUMERATED {non3GPP} OPTIONAL, — Need N


PagingRecord-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {

pagingCause-r17 ENUMERATED {voice} OPTIONAL — Need N


PagingUE-Identity ::= CHOICE {


fullI-RNTI I-RNTI-Value,




PagingRecord field descriptions


Indicates whether the Paging message is originated due to the PDU sessions from the non-3GPP access.


If the network includes pagingRecordList-v1700, it includes the same number of entries, and listed in the same order, as in pagingRecordList (i.e. without suffix).


Indicates whether the Paging message is originated due to IMS voice. If this field is present, it implies that the corresponding paging entry is for IMS voice. If upper layers indicate the support of paging cause and if this field is not present but pagingRecordList-v1700 is present, it implies that the corresponding paging entry is for a service other than IMS voice. Otherwise, paging cause is undetermined.


The RRCReestablishment message is used to re-establish SRB1.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

RRCReestablishment message



RRCReestablishment ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcReestablishment RRCReestablishment-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



RRCReestablishment-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

nextHopChainingCount NextHopChainingCount,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCReestablishment-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReestablishment-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 SetupRelease {SL-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17} OPTIONAL, — Cond L2RemoteUE

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




RRCReestablishment-IEs field descriptions


Contains dedicated configurations used for L2 U2N relay related operation. The network configures only the SRAP configuration used for the SRB1.

Conditional Presence



The field is mandatory present for L2 U2N Remote UE; otherwise it is absent.


The RRCReestablishmentComplete message is used to confirm the successful completion of an RRC connection re-establishment.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

RRCReestablishmentComplete message



RRCReestablishmentComplete ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcReestablishmentComplete RRCReestablishmentComplete-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



RRCReestablishmentComplete-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCReestablishmentComplete-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReestablishmentComplete-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

ue-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 UE-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL





The RRCReestablishmentRequest message is used to request the reestablishment of an RRC connection.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB0


Logical channel: CCCH

Direction: UE to Network

RRCReestablishmentRequest message



RRCReestablishmentRequest ::= SEQUENCE {

rrcReestablishmentRequest RRCReestablishmentRequest-IEs


RRCReestablishmentRequest-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

ue-Identity ReestabUE-Identity,

reestablishmentCause ReestablishmentCause,

spare BIT STRING (SIZE (1))


ReestabUE-Identity ::= SEQUENCE {

c-RNTI RNTI-Value,

physCellId PhysCellId,

shortMAC-I ShortMAC-I


ReestablishmentCause ::= ENUMERATED {reconfigurationFailure, handoverFailure, otherFailure, spare1}



ReestabUE-Identity field descriptions


The Physical Cell Identity of the PCell the UE was connected to prior to the failure.

RRCReestablishmentRequest-IEs field descriptions


Indicates the failure cause that triggered the re-establishment procedure. gNB is not expected to reject a RRCReestablishmentRequest due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.


UE identity included to retrieve UE context and to facilitate contention resolution by lower layers.


The RRCReconfiguration message is the command to modify an RRC connection. It may convey information for measurement configuration, mobility control, radio resource configuration (including RBs, MAC main configuration and physical channel configuration) and AS security configuration.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1 or SRB3


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

RRCReconfiguration message



RRCReconfiguration ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcReconfiguration RRCReconfiguration-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



RRCReconfiguration-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

radioBearerConfig RadioBearerConfig OPTIONAL, — Need M

secondaryCellGroup OCTET STRING (CONTAINING CellGroupConfig) OPTIONAL, — Cond SCG

measConfig MeasConfig OPTIONAL, — Need M

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1530-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfiguration-v1530-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

masterCellGroup OCTET STRING (CONTAINING CellGroupConfig) OPTIONAL, — Need M

fullConfig ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Cond FullConfig

dedicatedNAS-MessageList SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxDRB)) OF DedicatedNAS-Message OPTIONAL, — Cond nonHO

masterKeyUpdate MasterKeyUpdate OPTIONAL, — Cond MasterKeyChange


dedicatedSystemInformationDelivery OCTET STRING (CONTAINING SystemInformation) OPTIONAL, — Need N

otherConfig OtherConfig OPTIONAL, — Need M

nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1540-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfiguration-v1540-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

otherConfig-v1540 OtherConfig-v1540 OPTIONAL, — Need M

nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1560-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfiguration-v1560-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

mrdc-SecondaryCellGroupConfig SetupRelease { MRDC-SecondaryCellGroupConfig } OPTIONAL, — Need M

radioBearerConfig2 OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RadioBearerConfig) OPTIONAL, — Need M

sk-Counter SK-Counter OPTIONAL, — Need N

nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfiguration-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

otherConfig-v1610 OtherConfig-v1610 OPTIONAL, — Need M

bap-Config-r16 SetupRelease { BAP-Config-r16 } OPTIONAL, — Need M

iab-IP-AddressConfigurationList-r16 IAB-IP-AddressConfigurationList-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need M

conditionalReconfiguration-r16 ConditionalReconfiguration-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need M

daps-SourceRelease-r16 ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

t316-r16 SetupRelease {T316-r16} OPTIONAL, — Need M

needForGapsConfigNR-r16 SetupRelease {NeedForGapsConfigNR-r16} OPTIONAL, — Need M

onDemandSIB-Request-r16 SetupRelease { OnDemandSIB-Request-r16 } OPTIONAL, — Need M

dedicatedPosSysInfoDelivery-r16 OCTET STRING (CONTAINING PosSystemInformation-r16-IEs) OPTIONAL, — Need N

sl-ConfigDedicatedNR-r16 SetupRelease {SL-ConfigDedicatedNR-r16} OPTIONAL, — Need M

sl-ConfigDedicatedEUTRA-Info-r16 SetupRelease {SL-ConfigDedicatedEUTRA-Info-r16} OPTIONAL, — Need M

targetCellSMTC-SCG-r16 SSB-MTC OPTIONAL, — Need S

nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfiguration-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfiguration-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

otherConfig-v1700 OtherConfig-v1700 OPTIONAL, — Need M

sl-L2RelayUE-Config-r17 SetupRelease { SL-L2RelayUE-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, — Need M

sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 SetupRelease { SL-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, — Need M

dedicatedPagingDelivery-r17 OCTET STRING (CONTAINING Paging) OPTIONAL, — Cond PagingRelay

needForGapNCSG-ConfigNR-r17 SetupRelease {NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigNR-r17} OPTIONAL, — Need M

needForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA-r17 SetupRelease {NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA-r17} OPTIONAL, — Need M

musim-GapConfig-r17 SetupRelease {MUSIM-GapConfig-r17} OPTIONAL, — Need M

ul-GapFR2-Config-r17 SetupRelease { UL-GapFR2-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, — Need M

scg-State-r17 ENUMERATED { deactivated } OPTIONAL, — Need N

appLayerMeasConfig-r17 AppLayerMeasConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need M

ue-TxTEG-RequestUL-TDOA-Config-r17 SetupRelease {UE-TxTEG-RequestUL-TDOA-Config-r17} OPTIONAL, — Need M

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


MRDC-SecondaryCellGroupConfig ::= SEQUENCE {

mrdc-ReleaseAndAdd ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup CHOICE {





BAP-Config-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

bap-Address-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) OPTIONAL, — Need M

defaultUL-BAP-RoutingID-r16 BAP-RoutingID-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need M

defaultUL-BH-RLC-Channel-r16 BH-RLC-ChannelID-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need M

flowControlFeedbackType-r16 ENUMERATED {perBH-RLC-Channel, perRoutingID, both} OPTIONAL, — Need R


MasterKeyUpdate ::= SEQUENCE {

keySetChangeIndicator BOOLEAN,

nextHopChainingCount NextHopChainingCount,

nas-Container OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, — Cond securityNASC


OnDemandSIB-Request-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

onDemandSIB-RequestProhibitTimer-r16 ENUMERATED {s0, s0dot5, s1, s2, s5, s10, s20, s30}


T316-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {ms50, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms1000, ms1500, ms2000}

IAB-IP-AddressConfigurationList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

iab-IP-AddressToAddModList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxIAB-IP-Address-r16)) OF IAB-IP-AddressConfiguration-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need N

iab-IP-AddressToReleaseList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxIAB-IP-Address-r16)) OF IAB-IP-AddressIndex-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need N


IAB-IP-AddressConfiguration-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

iab-IP-AddressIndex-r16 IAB-IP-AddressIndex-r16,

iab-IP-Address-r16 IAB-IP-Address-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need M

iab-IP-Usage-r16 IAB-IP-Usage-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need M

iab-donor-DU-BAP-Address-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE(10)) OPTIONAL, — Need M


SL-ConfigDedicatedEUTRA-Info-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-ConfigDedicatedEUTRA-r16 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL, — Need M

sl-TimeOffsetEUTRA-List-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (8)) OF SL-TimeOffsetEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL — Need M


SL-TimeOffsetEUTRA-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {ms0, ms0dot25, ms0dot5, ms0dot625, ms0dot75, ms1, ms1dot25, ms1dot5, ms1dot75,

ms2, ms2dot5, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20}

UE-TxTEG-RequestUL-TDOA-Config-r17 ::= CHOICE {

oneShot-r17 NULL,

periodicReporting-r17 ENUMERATED { ms160, ms320, ms1280, ms2560, ms61440, ms81920, ms368640, ms737280 }




RRCReconfiguration-IEs field descriptions


This field is used to configure the BAP entity for IAB nodes.


Indicates the BAP address of an IAB-node. The BAP address of an IAB-node cannot be changed once configured for the cell group to the BAP entity.


Configuration of candidate target SpCell(s) and execution condition(s) for conditional handover, conditional PSCell addition or conditional PSCell change. The field is absent if any DAPS bearer is configured or if the masterCellGroup includes ReconfigurationWithSync or if the sl-L2RemoteUE-Config or sl-L2RelayUE-Config is configured. For conditional PSCell change, the field is absent if the secondaryCellGroup includes ReconfigurationWithSync. The RRCReconfiguration message contained in DLInformationTransferMRDC cannot contain the field conditionalReconfiguration for conditional PSCell change or for conditional PSCell addition.


Indicates to UE that the source cell part of DAPS operation is to be stopped and the source cell part of DAPS configuration is to be released.


This field is used to transfer UE specific NAS layer information between the network and the UE. The RRC layer is transparent for each PDU in the list.


This field is used to transfer Paging message for the associated L2 U2N Remote UE to the L2 U2N Relay UE in RRC_CONNECTED.


This field is used to transfer SIBPos to the UE in RRC_CONNECTED.


This field is used to transfer SIB1 to the UE (including L2 U2N Remote UE). The field has the same values as the corresponding configuration in servingCellConfigCommon.


This field is used to transfer SIB6, SIB7, SIB8, SIB19, SIB21 to the UE with an active BWP with no common search space configured or the L2 U2N Remote UE in RRC_CONNECTED. For UEs in RRC_CONNECTED (including L2 U2N Remote UE), this field is used to transfer the SIBs requested on-demand.


This field is used for IAB-node to configure the default uplink Routing ID, which is used by IAB-node during IAB-node bootstrapping, migration, IAB-MT RRC resume and IAB-MT RRC re-establishment for F1-C and non-F1 traffic. The defaultUL-BAP-RoutingID can be (re-)configured when IAB-node IP address for F1-C related traffic changes. This field is mandatory only for IAB-node bootstrapping.


This field is used for IAB-nodes to configure the default uplink BH RLC channel, which is used by IAB-node during IAB-node bootstrapping, migration, IAB-MT RRC resume and IAB-MT RRC re-establishment for F1-C and non-F1 traffic. The defaultUL-BH-RLC-Channel can be (re-)configured when IAB-node IP address for F1-C related traffic changes, and the new IP address is anchored at a different IAB-donor-DU. This field is mandatory for IAB-node bootstrapping. If the IAB-MT is operating in EN-DC, the default uplink BH RLC channel is referring to an RLC channel on the SCG; Otherwise, it is referring to an RLC channel either on the MCG or on the SCG depending on whether the MN or the SN configures this field.


This field is only used for IAB-node that support hop-by-hop flow control to configure the type of flow control feedback. Value perBH-RLC-Channel indicates that the IAB-node shall provide flow control feedback per BH RLC channel, value perRoutingID indicates that the IAB-node shall provide flow control feedback per routing ID, and value both indicates that the IAB-node shall provide flow control feedback both per BH RLC channel and per routing ID.


Indicates that the full configuration option is applicable for the RRCReconfiguration message for intra-system intra-RAT HO. For inter-RAT HO from E-UTRA to NR, fullConfig indicates whether or not delta signalling of SDAP/PDCP from source RAT is applicable. This field is absent if any DAPS bearer is configured or when the RRCReconfiguration message is transmitted on SRB3, and in an RRCReconfiguration message for SCG contained in another RRCReconfiguration message (or RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, see TS 36.331 [10]) transmitted on SRB1.


This field is used to provide the IP address information for IAB-node.


This field is used to identify a configuration of an IP address.


List of IP addresses allocated for IAB-node to be added and modified.


List of IP address allocated for IAB-node to be released.


This field is used to indicate the usage of the assigned IP address. If this field is not configured, the assigned IP address is used for all traffic.


This field is used to indicate the BAP address of the IAB-donor-DU where the IP address is anchored.


Indicates whether UE shall derive a new KgNB. If reconfigurationWithSync is included, value true indicates that a KgNB key is derived from a KAMF key taken into use through the latest successful NAS SMC procedure, or N2 handover procedure with KAMF change, as described in TS 33.501 [11] for KgNB re-keying. Value false indicates that the new KgNB key is obtained from the current KgNB key or from the NH as described in TS 33.501 [11].


Configuration of master cell group.


This field indicates that the current SCG configuration is released and a new SCG is added at the same time.


Includes an RRC message for SCG configuration in NR-DC or NE-DC.
For NR-DC (nr-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup contains the RRCReconfiguration message as generated (entirely) by SN gNB. In this version of the specification, the RRC message can only include fields secondaryCellGroup, otherConfig, conditionalReconfiguration, measConfig, bap-Config and IAB-IP-AddressConfigurationList.

For NE-DC (eutra-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the E-UTRA RRC message can only include the field scg-Configuration.


Indicates the MUSIM gap configuration and controls setup/release of MUSIM gaps. In this version of the specification, the network does not configure MUSIM gap together with concurrent measurement gap or preconfigured measurement gap for positioning.


This field is used to transfer UE specific NAS layer information between the network and the UE. The RRC layer is transparent for this field, although it affects activation of AS security after inter-system handover to NR. The content is defined in TS 24.501 [23].


Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.


Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of E‑UTRA target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.


Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.


Parameter NCC: See TS 33.501 [11]


If the field is present, the UE is allowed to request SIB(s) on-demand while in RRC_CONNECTED according to clause


Prohibit timer for requesting SIB(s) on-demand while in RRC_CONNECTED according to clause Value in seconds. Value s0 means prohibit timer is set to 0 seconds, value s0dot5 means prohibit timer is set to 0.5 seconds, value s1 means prohibit timer is set to 1 second and so on.


Contains configuration related to other configurations. When configured for the SCG, only fields drx-PreferenceConfig, maxBW-PreferenceConfig, maxBW-PreferenceConfigFR2-2, maxCC-PreferenceConfig, maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfig, maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceConfigFR2-2, minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfig, minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceConfigExt, btNameList, wlanNameList, sensorNameList and obtainCommonLocation can be included.


Configuration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs, multicast MRBs) including SDAP/PDCP. In EN-DC this field may only be present if the RRCReconfiguration is transmitted over SRB3.


Configuration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs) including SDAP/PDCP. This field can only be used if the UE supports NR-DC or NE-DC.


Indicates that the SCG is in deactivated state.

This field is not used

– in an RRCReconfiguration message received:

– within mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup, or

– in an E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, or

– in an E-UTRA RRCConnectionResume message or

– in an RRCReconfiguration message received via SRB3, except if the RRCReconfiguration message is included in DLInformationTransferMRDC.

The field is absent if CPA or CPC is configured for the UE, or if the RRCReconfiguration message is contained in CondRRCReconfig.


Contains L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by a UE acting as or to be acting as a L2 U2N Relay UE. The field is absent if conditionalReconfiguration is configured for CHO.


Contains L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by a UE acting as or to be acting as a L2 U2N Remote UE. The field is absent if conditionalReconfiguration is configured for CHO.


Configuration of secondary cell group ((NG)EN-DC or NR-DC).


A counter used upon initial configuration of S-KgNB or S-KeNB, as well as upon refresh of S-KgNB or S-KeNB. This field is always included either upon initial configuration of an NR SCG or upon configuration of the first RB with keyToUse set to secondary, whichever happens first. This field is absent if there is neither any NR SCG nor any RB with keyToUse set to secondary.


This field is used to provide the dedicated configurations for NR sidelink communication/discovery.


This field includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration can only includes sidelink related fields for V2X sidelink communication, i.e. sl-V2X-ConfigDedicated, sl-V2X-SPS-Config, measConfig and/or otherConfig.


This field indicates the possible time offset to (de)activation of V2X sidelink transmission after receiving DCI format 3_1 used for scheduling V2X sidelink communication. Value ms0dpt75 corresponds to 0.75ms, ms1 corresponds to 1ms and so on. The network includes this field only when sl-ConfigDedicatedEUTRA is configured.


The SSB periodicity/offset/duration configuration of target cell for NR PSCell addition and SN change. When UE receives this field, UE applies the configuration based on the timing reference of NR PCell for PSCell addition and PSCell change for the case of no reconfiguration with sync of MCG, and UE applies the configuration based on the timing reference of target NR PCell for the case of reconfiguration with sync of MCG. If both this field and the smtc in secondaryCellGroup -> SpCellConfig -> reconfigurationWithSync are absent, the UE uses the SMTC in the measObjectNR having the same SSB frequency and subcarrier spacing, as configured before the reception of the RRC message.


Indicates the value for timer T316 as described in clause 7.1. Value ms50 corresponds to 50 ms, value ms100 corresponds to 100 ms and so on. This field can be configured only if the UE is configured with split SRB1 or SRB3.


Configures the periodicity of UE reporting for the association between Tx TEG and SRS Positioning resources. When configured with oneShot UE reports the association only one time. When configured with periodicReporting UE reports the association periodically and the periodicReporting indicates the periodicity. Value ms160 corresponds to 160ms, value ms320 corresponds to 320ms and so on.


Indicates the FR2 UL gap configuration to UE. In EN-DC and NGEN-DC, the SN decides and configures the FR2 UL gap pattern. In NE-DC, the MN decides and configures the FR2 UL gap pattern. In NR-DC without FR2-FR2 band combination, the network entity which is configured with FR2 serving cell(s) decides and configures the FR2 UL gap pattern.

Conditional Presence



The field is absent in case of reconfiguration with sync within NR or to NR; otherwise it is optionally present, need N.


This field is mandatory present in case of inter system handover. Otherwise the field is optionally present, need N.


This field is mandatory present in case masterCellGroup includes ReconfigurationWithSync and RadioBearerConfig includes SecurityConfig with SecurityAlgorithmConfig, indicating a change of the AS security algorithms associated to the master key. If ReconfigurationWithSync is included for other cases, this field is optionally present, need N. Otherwise the field is absent.


The field is mandatory present in case of inter-system handover from E-UTRA/EPC to NR. It is optionally present, Need N, during reconfiguration with sync and also in first reconfiguration after reestablishment; or for intra-system handover from E-UTRA/5GC to NR. It is absent otherwise.


The field is mandatory present in:

– an RRCReconfiguration message contained in an RRCResume message (or in an RRCConnectionResume message, see TS 36.331 [10]),

– an RRCReconfiguration message contained in an RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, see TS 36.331 [10], which is contained in DLInformationTransferMRDC transmitted on SRB3 (as a response to ULInformationTransferMRDC including an MCGFailureInformation).

The field is optional present, Need M, in:

– an RRCReconfiguration message transmitted on SRB3,

– an RRCReconfiguration message contained in another RRCReconfiguration message (or in an RRCConnectionReconfiguration message, see TS 36.331 [10]) transmitted on SRB1

– an RRCReconfiguration message contained in another RRCReconfiguration message which is contained in DLInformationTransferMRDC transmitted on SRB3 (as a response to ULInformationTransferMRDC including an MCGFailureInformation)

Otherwise, the field is absent


For L2 U2N Relay UE, the field is optionally present, Need N. Otherwise, it is absent.

– RRCReconfigurationComplete

The RRCReconfigurationComplete message is used to confirm the successful completion of an RRC connection reconfiguration.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1 or SRB3


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

RRCReconfigurationComplete message



RRCReconfigurationComplete ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcReconfigurationComplete RRCReconfigurationComplete-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



RRCReconfigurationComplete-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1530-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1530-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

uplinkTxDirectCurrentList UplinkTxDirectCurrentList OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1560-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1560-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

scg-Response CHOICE {

nr-SCG-Response OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RRCReconfigurationComplete),

eutra-SCG-Response OCTET STRING


nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

ue-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 UE-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 OPTIONAL,

needForGapsInfoNR-r16 NeedForGapsInfoNR-r16 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1640-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1640-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

uplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierList-r16 UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierList-r16 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

needForGapNCSG-InfoNR-r17 NeedForGapNCSG-InfoNR-r17 OPTIONAL,

needForGapNCSG-InfoEUTRA-r17 NeedForGapNCSG-InfoEUTRA-r17 OPTIONAL,

selectedCondRRCReconfig-r17 CondReconfigId-r16 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1720-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCReconfigurationComplete-v1720-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

uplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList-r17 UplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList-r17 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




RRCReconfigurationComplete-IEs field descriptions


This field is used to indicate the measurement gap requirement information of the UE for NR target bands.


This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for E‑UTRA target bands.


This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for NR target bands.


In case of NR-DC (nr-SCG-Response), this field includes the RRCReconfigurationComplete message. In case of NE-DC (eutra-SCG-Response), this field includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfigurationComplete message as specified in TS 36.331 [10].


This field indicates the ID of the selected conditional reconfiguration the UE applied upon the execution of CPA or inter-SN CPC.


The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured serving cells and BWPs if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrent in CellGroupConfig).


The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured intra-band CA requested by reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrier-r17.


The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured uplink intra-band CA with two carriers if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier-r16 in CellGroupConfig).


The RRCReject message is used to reject an RRC connection establishment or an RRC connection resumption.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB0


Logical channel: CCCH

Direction: Network to UE

RRCReject message



RRCReject ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcReject RRCReject-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



RRCReject-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

waitTime RejectWaitTime OPTIONAL, — Need N

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL




RRCReject-IEs field descriptions


Wait time value in seconds. The field is always included.


The RRCRelease message is used to command the release of an RRC connection or the suspension of the RRC connection.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

RRCRelease message



RRCRelease ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcRelease RRCRelease-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



RRCRelease-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

redirectedCarrierInfo RedirectedCarrierInfo OPTIONAL, — Need N

cellReselectionPriorities CellReselectionPriorities OPTIONAL, — Need R

suspendConfig SuspendConfig OPTIONAL, — Need R

deprioritisationReq SEQUENCE {

deprioritisationType ENUMERATED {frequency, nr},

deprioritisationTimer ENUMERATED {min5, min10, min15, min30}

} OPTIONAL, — Need N

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCRelease-v1540-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCRelease-v1540-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

waitTime RejectWaitTime OPTIONAL, — Need N

nonCriticalExtension RRCRelease-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCRelease-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

voiceFallbackIndication-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

measIdleConfig-r16 SetupRelease {MeasIdleConfigDedicated-r16} OPTIONAL, — Need M

nonCriticalExtension RRCRelease-v1650-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCRelease-v1650-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

mpsPriorityIndication-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Cond Redirection2

nonCriticalExtension RRCRelease-v1710-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCRelease-v1710-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

noLastCellUpdate-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need S

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


RedirectedCarrierInfo ::= CHOICE {

nr CarrierInfoNR,

eutra RedirectedCarrierInfo-EUTRA,


RedirectedCarrierInfo-EUTRA ::= SEQUENCE {

eutraFrequency ARFCN-ValueEUTRA,

cnType ENUMERATED {epc,fiveGC} OPTIONAL — Need N


CarrierInfoNR ::= SEQUENCE {

carrierFreq ARFCN-ValueNR,

ssbSubcarrierSpacing SubcarrierSpacing,



SuspendConfig ::= SEQUENCE {

fullI-RNTI I-RNTI-Value,

shortI-RNTI ShortI-RNTI-Value,

ran-PagingCycle PagingCycle,

ran-NotificationAreaInfo RAN-NotificationAreaInfo OPTIONAL, — Need M

t380 PeriodicRNAU-TimerValue OPTIONAL, — Need R

nextHopChainingCount NextHopChainingCount,



sl-UEIdentityRemote-r17 RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, — Cond L2RemoteUE

sdt-Config-r17 SetupRelease { SDT-Config-r17 } OPTIONAL, — Need M

srs-PosRRC-Inactive-r17 SetupRelease { SRS-PosRRC-Inactive-r17 } OPTIONAL, — Need M

ran-ExtendedPagingCycle-r17 ExtendedPagingCycle-r17 OPTIONAL — Cond RANPaging



PeriodicRNAU-TimerValue ::= ENUMERATED { min5, min10, min20, min30, min60, min120, min360, min720}

CellReselectionPriorities ::= SEQUENCE {

freqPriorityListEUTRA FreqPriorityListEUTRA OPTIONAL, — Need M

freqPriorityListNR FreqPriorityListNR OPTIONAL, — Need M

t320 ENUMERATED {min5, min10, min20, min30, min60, min120, min180, spare1} OPTIONAL, — Need R



freqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing-r17 FreqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing-r17 OPTIONAL — Need M



PagingCycle ::= ENUMERATED {rf32, rf64, rf128, rf256}

ExtendedPagingCycle-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {rf256, rf512, rf1024, spare1}

FreqPriorityListEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF FreqPriorityEUTRA

FreqPriorityListNR ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF FreqPriorityNR

FreqPriorityEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE {

carrierFreq ARFCN-ValueEUTRA,

cellReselectionPriority CellReselectionPriority,

cellReselectionSubPriority CellReselectionSubPriority OPTIONAL — Need R


FreqPriorityNR ::= SEQUENCE {

carrierFreq ARFCN-ValueNR,

cellReselectionPriority CellReselectionPriority,

cellReselectionSubPriority CellReselectionSubPriority OPTIONAL — Need R


RAN-NotificationAreaInfo ::= CHOICE {

cellList PLMN-RAN-AreaCellList,

ran-AreaConfigList PLMN-RAN-AreaConfigList,


PLMN-RAN-AreaCellList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxPLMNIdentities)) OF PLMN-RAN-AreaCell


plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, — Need S

ran-AreaCells SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF CellIdentity


PLMN-RAN-AreaConfigList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxPLMNIdentities)) OF PLMN-RAN-AreaConfig

PLMN-RAN-AreaConfig ::= SEQUENCE {

plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL, — Need S

ran-Area SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..16)) OF RAN-AreaConfig


RAN-AreaConfig ::= SEQUENCE {

trackingAreaCode TrackingAreaCode,

ran-AreaCodeList SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..32)) OF RAN-AreaCode OPTIONAL — Need R


SDT-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

sdt-DRB-List-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (0..maxDRB)) OF DRB-Identity OPTIONAL, — Need M

sdt-SRB2-Indication-r17 ENUMERATED {allowed} OPTIONAL, — Need R

sdt-MAC-PHY-CG-Config-r17 SetupRelease {SDT-CG-Config-r17} OPTIONAL, — Need M

sdt-DRB-ContinueROHC-r17 ENUMERATED { cell, rna } OPTIONAL — Need S



SDT-MAC-PHY-CG-Config-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

— CG-SDT specific configuration

cg-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxLC-ID)) OF CG-SDT-ConfigLCH-Restriction-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need N

cg-SDT-ConfigLCH-RestrictionToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxLC-ID)) OF LogicalChannelIdentity OPTIONAL, — Need N

cg-SDT-ConfigInitialBWP-NUL-r17 SetupRelease {BWP-UplinkDedicatedSDT-r17} OPTIONAL, — Need M

cg-SDT-ConfigInitialBWP-SUL-r17 SetupRelease {BWP-UplinkDedicatedSDT-r17} OPTIONAL, — Need M

cg-SDT-ConfigInitialBWP-DL-r17 BWP-DownlinkDedicatedSDT-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need M

cg-SDT-TimeAlignmentTimer-r17 TimeAlignmentTimer OPTIONAL, — Need M

cg-SDT-RSRP-ThresholdSSB-r17 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, — Need M

cg-SDT-TA-ValidationConfig-r17 SetupRelease { CG-SDT-TA-ValidationConfig-r17 } OPTIONAL, — Need M

cg-SDT-CS-RNTI-r17 RNTI-Value OPTIONAL, — Need M


CG-SDT-TA-ValidationConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

cg-SDT-RSRP-ChangeThreshold-r17 ENUMERATED { dB2, dB4, dB6, dB8, dB10, dB14, dB18, dB22,

dB26, dB30, dB34, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}


BWP-DownlinkDedicatedSDT-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

pdcch-Config-r17 SetupRelease { PDCCH-Config } OPTIONAL, — Need M

pdsch-Config-r17 SetupRelease { PDSCH-Config } OPTIONAL, — Need M


BWP-UplinkDedicatedSDT-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

pusch-Config-r17 SetupRelease { PUSCH-Config } OPTIONAL, — Need M

configuredGrantConfigToAddModList-r17 ConfiguredGrantConfigToAddModList-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need N

configuredGrantConfigToReleaseList-r17 ConfiguredGrantConfigToReleaseList-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need N


CG-SDT-ConfigLCH-Restriction-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

logicalChannelIdentity-r17 LogicalChannelIdentity,

configuredGrantType1Allowed-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

allowedCG-List-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (0.. maxNrofConfiguredGrantConfigMAC-1-r16)) OF ConfiguredGrantConfigIndexMAC-r16



SRS-PosRRC-Inactive-r17 ::= OCTET STRING (CONTAINING SRS-PosRRC-InactiveConfig-r17)

SRS-PosRRC-InactiveConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

srs-PosConfigNUL-r17 SRS-PosConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need R

srs-PosConfigSUL-r17 SRS-PosConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need R

bwp-NUL-r17 BWP OPTIONAL, — Need S

bwp-SUL-r17 BWP OPTIONAL, — Need S

inactivePosSRS-TimeAlignmentTimer-r17 TimeAlignmentTimer OPTIONAL, — Need M

inactivePosSRS-RSRP-changeThreshold-r17 RSRP-ChangeThreshold-r17 OPTIONAL — Need M


RSRP-ChangeThreshold-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {dB4, dB6, dB8, dB10, dB14, dB18, dB22, dB26, dB30, dB34, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}

SRS-PosConfig-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

srs-PosResourceSetToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResourceSets-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceSetId-r16 OPTIONAL,– Need N

srs-PosResourceSetToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResourceSets-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceSet-r16 OPTIONAL,– Need N

srs-PosResourceToReleaseList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResources-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceId-r16 OPTIONAL,– Need N

srs-PosResourceToAddModList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResources-r16)) OF SRS-PosResource-r16 OPTIONAL — Need N




RRCRelease-IEs field descriptions


Dedicated priorities to be used for cell reselection as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. The maximum number of NR carrier frequencies that the network can configure through FreqPriorityListNR and FreqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing together is eight. If the same frequency is configured in both FreqPriorityListNR and FreqPriorityListDedicatedSlicing, the frequency is only counted once.


Indicate that the UE is redirected to EPC or 5GC.


Indicates whether the current frequency or RAT is to be de-prioritised.


Indicates the period for which either the current carrier frequency or NR is deprioritised. Value minN corresponds to N minutes.


Indicates measurement configuration to be stored and used by the UE while in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE.


Indicates the UE can set the establishment cause to mps-PriorityAccess for a new connection following a redirect to NR. If the target RAT is E-UTRA, see TS 36.331 [10]. The gNB sets the indication only for UEs authorized to receive MPS treatment as indicated by ARP and/or QoS characteristics at the gNB, and it is applicable only for this instance of release with redirection to carrier/RAT included in the redirectedCarrierInfo field in the RRCRelease message.


Presence of the field indicates that the last used cell for PEI shall not be updated. When the field is absent, the PEI-capable UE shall update its last used cell with the current cell.


SRS for positioning confifuration during RRC_INACTIVE State.


Indicates configuration for the RRC_INACTIVE state. The network does not configure suspendConfig when the network redirect the UE to an inter-RAT carrier frequency or if the UE is configured with a DAPS bearer.


Indicates a carrier frequency (downlink for FDD) and is used to redirect the UE to an NR or an inter-RAT carrier frequency, by means of cell selection at transition to RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. Based on UE capability, the network may include redirectedCarrierInfo in RRCRelease message with suspendConfig if this message is sent in response to an RRCResumeRequest or an RRCResumeRequest1 which is triggered by the NAS layer (see in TS 24.501 [23]).


Indicates the RRC release is triggered by EPS fallback for IMS voice as specified in TS 23.502 [43].

CarrierInfoNR field descriptions


Indicates the redirected NR frequency.


Subcarrier spacing of SSB in the redirected SSB frequency.

Only the following values are applicable depending on the used frequency:

FR1: 15 or 30 kHz

FR2-1: 120 or 240 kHz

FR2-2: 120, 480, or 960 kHz


The SSB periodicity/offset/duration configuration for the redirected SSB frequency. It is based on timing reference of PCell. If the field is absent, the UE uses the SMTC configured in the measObjectNR having the same SSB frequency and subcarrier spacing.

RAN-NotificationAreaInfo field descriptions


A list of cells configured as RAN area.


A list of RAN area codes or RA code(s) as RAN area.

PLMN-RAN-AreaConfig field descriptions


PLMN Identity to which the cells in ran-Area belong. If the field is absent the UE not in SNPN access mode uses the ID of the registered PLMN. This field is not included for UE in SNPN access mode (for UE in SNPN access mode the ran-Area always belongs to the registered SNPN).


The total number of RAN-AreaCodes of all PLMNs does not exceed 32.


Indicates whether TA code(s) or RAN area code(s) are used for the RAN notification area. The network uses only TA code(s) or both TA code(s) and RAN area code(s) to configure a UE. The total number of TACs across all PLMNs does not exceed 16.

PLMN-RAN-AreaCell field descriptions


PLMN Identity to which the cells in ran-AreaCells belong. If the field is absent the UE not in SNPN access mode uses the ID of the registered PLMN. This field is not included for UE in SNPN access mode (for UE in SNPN access mode the ran-AreaCells always belongs to the registered SNPN).


The total number of cells of all PLMNs does not exceed 32.

SDT-Config field descriptions


Indicates whether the PDCP entity of the radio bearers configured for SDT continues or resets the ROHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment during SDT procedure, as specified in TS 38.323 [5]. Value cell indicates that ROHC header compression continues when the UE resumes for SDT in the same cell as the PCell when the RRCRelease message was received. Value rna indicates that ROHC header compression continues when the UE resumes for SDT in a cell belonging to the same RNA as the PCell where the RRCRelease message was received. If the field is absent, the UE releases any stored value for this field and the PDCP entity of the radio bearers configured for SDT always resets the ROHC header compression protocol during PDCP re-establishment when SDT procedure is initiated, as specified in TS 38.323 [5].


Indicates the ID(s) of the DRB(s) that are configured for SDT. If size of the sequence is zero, then the UE assumes that none of the DRBs are configured for SDT. The network only configures MN terminated MCG bearers for SDT.


Indiates whether SRB2 is configured for SDT or not.

SDT-MAC-PHY-CG-Config field descriptions


Downlink BWP configuration for CG-SDT. If a UE is a RedCap UE and if the initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap is configured in downlinkConfigCommon in SIB1, this field is configured for initialDownlinkBWP-RedCap, otherwise it is configured for initialDownlinkBWP.


UL BWP configuration for CG-SDT on NUL carrier. If a UE is a RedCap UE and if the initialUplinkBWP-RedCap is configured in uplinkConfigCommon in SIB1, this field is configured for initialUplinkBWP-RedCap, otherwise it is configured for initialUplinkBWP for NUL.


UL BWP configuration for CG-SDT on SUL carrier configured for the initialUplinkBWP for SUL.


The CS-RNTI value for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3].


An RSRP threshold configured for SSB selection for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3].


Configuration for the RSRP based TA validation. If this field is not configured, then the UE does not perform RSRP based TA validation.


TAT value for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. The network always configures this when sdt-MAC-PHY-CG-Config is configured.

CG-SDT-TA-ValidationConfig field descriptions


The RSRP threshold for TA validation for CG-SDT as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value dB2 corresponds to 2 dB, value dB4 corresponds to 4 dB and so on.

SRS-PosRRC-InactiveConfig field descriptions


BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE state in Normal Uplink Carrier. If the field is absent UE is configured with an SRS for Positioning associated with the initial UL BWP and transmitted, during the RRC_INACTIVE state, inside the initial UL BWP with the same CP and SCS as configured for initial UL BWP.


BWP configuration for SRS for Positioning during the RRC_INACTIVE state in Supplementary Uplink Carrier. If the field is absent UE is configured with an SRS for Positioning associated with the initial UL BWP and transmitted, during the RRC_INACTIVE state, inside the initial UL BWP with the same CP and SCS as configured for initial UL BWP.


RSRP threshold for the increase/decrease of RSRP for time alignment validation as specified in TS 38.321 [3].


TAT value for SRS for positioning transmission during RRC_INACTIVE State as specified in TS 38.321 [3].


SRS for Positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state in Normal Uplink Carrier.


SRS for Positioning configuration in RRC_INACTIVE state in Supplementary Uplink Carrier.

SuspendConfig field descriptions


The extended DRX (eDRX) cycle for RAN-initiated paging to be applied by the UE. Value rf256 corresponds to 256 radio frames, value rf512 corresponds to 512 radio frames and so on. Value of the field indicates an eDRX cycle which is shorter or equal to the IDLE mode eDRX cycle configured for the UE.


Network ensures that the UE in RRC_INACTIVE always has a valid ran-NotificationAreaInfo.


Refers to the UE specific cycle for RAN-initiated paging. Value rf32 corresponds to 32 radio frames, value rf64 corresponds to 64 radio frames and so on.


Indicates the C-RNTI to the L2 U2N Remote UE.


Refers to the timer that triggers the periodic RNAU procedure in UE. Value min5 corresponds to 5 minutes, value min10 corresponds to 10 minutes and so on.

Conditional Presence



The field is mandatory present for L2 U2N Remote UE’s RNAU; otherwise it is absent.


This field is optionally present, Need R, if the UE is configured with eDRX in IDLE mode, see TS 24.401 [23]; otherwise the field is not present.


The field is optionally present, Need R, if redirectedCarrierInfo is included; otherwise the field is not present.


The RRCResume message is used to resume the suspended RRC connection.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

RRCResume message



RRCResume ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcResume RRCResume-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



RRCResume-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

radioBearerConfig RadioBearerConfig OPTIONAL, — Need M

masterCellGroup OCTET STRING (CONTAINING CellGroupConfig) OPTIONAL, — Need M

measConfig MeasConfig OPTIONAL, — Need M

fullConfig ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCResume-v1560-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCResume-v1560-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

radioBearerConfig2 OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RadioBearerConfig) OPTIONAL, — Need M

sk-Counter SK-Counter OPTIONAL, — Need N

nonCriticalExtension RRCResume-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCResume-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

idleModeMeasurementReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

restoreMCG-SCells-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

restoreSCG-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup-r16 CHOICE {

nr-SCG-r16 OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RRCReconfiguration),


} OPTIONAL, — Cond RestoreSCG

needForGapsConfigNR-r16 SetupRelease {NeedForGapsConfigNR-r16} OPTIONAL, — Need M

nonCriticalExtension RRCResume-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCResume-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-ConfigDedicatedNR-r17 SetupRelease {SL-ConfigDedicatedNR-r16} OPTIONAL, — Cond L2RemoteUE

sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 SetupRelease {SL-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17} OPTIONAL, — Cond L2RemoteUE

needForGapNCSG-ConfigNR-r17 SetupRelease {NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigNR-r17} OPTIONAL, — Need M

needForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA-r17 SetupRelease {NeedForGapNCSG-ConfigEUTRA-r17} OPTIONAL, — Need M

scg-State-r17 ENUMERATED {deactivated} OPTIONAL, — Need N

appLayerMeasConfig-r17 AppLayerMeasConfig-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need M

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




RRCResume-IEs field descriptions


This field indicates that the UE shall report the idle/inactive measurements, if available, to the network in the RRCResumeComplete message


Configuration of the master cell group.


Includes an RRC message for SCG configuration in NR-DC or NE-DC.

For NR-DC (nr-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup contains the RRCReconfiguration message as generated (entirely) by SN gNB. In this version of the specification, the RRC message can only include fields secondaryCellGroup (with at least reconfigurationWithSync), otherConfig and measConfig.

For NE-DC (eutra-SCG), mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup includes the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the E-UTRA RRC message only include the field scg-Configuration with at least mobilityControlInfoSCG.


Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.


Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of E‑UTRA target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.


Configuration for the UE to report measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of NR target bands in the RRCReconfigurationComplete and RRCResumeComplete message.


Configuration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs, multicast MRBs) including SDAP/PDCP.


Configuration of Radio Bearers (DRBs, SRBs) including SDAP/PDCP. This field can only be used if the UE supports NR-DC or NE-DC.


Indicates that the UE shall restore the MCG SCells from the UE Inactive AS Context, if stored.


Indicates that the UE shall restore the SCG configurations from the UE Inactive AS Context, if stored.


Indicates that the SCG is in deactivated state.


A counter used to derive S-KgNB or S-KeNB based on the newly derived KgNB during RRC Resume. The field is only included when there is one or more RB with keyToUse set to secondary or mrdc-SecondaryCellGroup is included.


This field is used to provide the dedicated configurations for NR sidelink communication/discovery used by L2 U2N Remote UE.


Contains L2 U2N relay operation related configurations used by L2 U2N Remote UE.

Conditional Presence



The field is mandatory present for L2 U2N Remote UE; otherwise it is absent.


The field is mandatory present if restoreSCG is included. It is optionally present, Need M, otherwise.


The RRCResumeComplete message is used to confirm the successful completion of an RRC connection resumption.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

RRCResumeComplete message



RRCResumeComplete ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcResumeComplete RRCResumeComplete-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



RRCResumeComplete-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

dedicatedNAS-Message DedicatedNAS-Message OPTIONAL,

selectedPLMN-Identity INTEGER (1..maxPLMN) OPTIONAL,

uplinkTxDirectCurrentList UplinkTxDirectCurrentList OPTIONAL,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCResumeComplete-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCResumeComplete-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

idleMeasAvailable-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

measResultIdleEUTRA-r16 MeasResultIdleEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL,

measResultIdleNR-r16 MeasResultIdleNR-r16 OPTIONAL,

scg-Response-r16 CHOICE {

nr-SCG-Response OCTET STRING (CONTAINING RRCReconfigurationComplete),

eutra-SCG-Response OCTET STRING


ue-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 UE-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 OPTIONAL,

mobilityHistoryAvail-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

mobilityState-r16 ENUMERATED {normal, medium, high, spare} OPTIONAL,

needForGapsInfoNR-r16 NeedForGapsInfoNR-r16 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCResumeComplete-v1640-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCResumeComplete-v1640-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

uplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierList-r16 UplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrierList-r16 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCResumeComplete-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCResumeComplete-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

needForGapNCSG-InfoNR-r17 NeedForGapNCSG-InfoNR-r17 OPTIONAL,

needForGapNCSG-InfoEUTRA-r17 NeedForGapNCSG-InfoEUTRA-r17 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCResumeComplete-v1720-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCResumeComplete-v1720-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

uplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList-r17 UplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrierList-r17 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




RRCResumeComplete-IEs field descriptions


Indication that the UE has idle/inactive measurement report available.


EUTRA measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE.


NR measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE.


This field is used to indicate the measurement gap requirement information of the UE for NR target bands.


This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for E‑UTRA target bands


This field is used to indicate the measurement gap and NCSG requirement information of the UE for NR target bands


Index of the PLMN selected by the UE from the plmn-IdentityInfoList or npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1.


The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured serving cells and BWPs if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrent in CellGroupConfig).


The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured intra-band CA requested by reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentMoreCarrier-r17.


The Tx Direct Current locations for the configured uplink intra-band CA with two carriers if requested by the NW (see reportUplinkTxDirectCurrentTwoCarrier-r16 in CellGroupConfig).


The RRCResumeRequest message is used to request the resumption of a suspended RRC connection or perform an RNA update.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB0


Logical channel: CCCH

Direction: UE to Network

RRCResumeRequest message



RRCResumeRequest ::= SEQUENCE {

rrcResumeRequest RRCResumeRequest-IEs


RRCResumeRequest-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

resumeIdentity ShortI-RNTI-Value,

resumeMAC-I BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),

resumeCause ResumeCause,

spare BIT STRING (SIZE (1))




RRCResumeRequest-IEs field descriptions


Provides the resume cause for the RRC connection resume request as provided by the upper layers or RRC. The network is not expected to reject an RRCResumeRequest due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.


UE identity to facilitate UE context retrieval at gNB.


Authentication token to facilitate UE authentication at gNB. The 16 least significant bits of the MAC-I calculated using the AS security configuration as specified in


The RRCResumeRequest1 message is used to request the resumption of a suspended RRC connection or perform an RNA update.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB0


Logical channel: CCCH1

Direction: UE to Network

RRCResumeRequest1 message



RRCResumeRequest1 ::= SEQUENCE {

rrcResumeRequest1 RRCResumeRequest1-IEs


RRCResumeRequest1-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

resumeIdentity I-RNTI-Value,

resumeMAC-I BIT STRING (SIZE (16)),

resumeCause ResumeCause,

spare BIT STRING (SIZE (1))




RRCResumeRequest1-IEs field descriptions


Provides the resume cause for the RRCResumeRequest1 as provided by the upper layers or RRC. A gNB is not expected to reject an RRCResumeRequest1 due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.


UE identity to facilitate UE context retrieval at gNB.


Authentication token to facilitate UE authentication at gNB. The 16 least significant bits of the MAC-I calculated using the AS security configuration as specified in


The RRCSetup message is used to establish SRB1.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB0


Logical channel: CCCH

Direction: Network to UE

RRCSetup message




rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcSetup RRCSetup-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}




radioBearerConfig RadioBearerConfig,

masterCellGroup OCTET STRING (CONTAINING CellGroupConfig),

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCSetup-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCSetup-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-ConfigDedicatedNR-r17 SL-ConfigDedicatedNR-r16 OPTIONAL, — Cond L2RemoteUE

sl-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 SL-L2RemoteUE-Config-r17 OPTIONAL, — Cond L2RemoteUE

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




RRCSetup-IEs field descriptions


The network configures only the RLC bearer for the SRB1, mac-CellGroupConfig, physicalCellGroupConfig and spCellConfig.


Only SRB1 can be configured in RRC setup.


Contains dedicated configurations for NR sidelink communication. The network configures only the PC5 Relay RLC channel and sl-PHY-MAC-RLC-Config used for the SRB1.


Contains dedicated configurations used for L2 U2N relay related operation. The network configures only the SRAP configuration used for the SRB1.

Conditional Presence



The field is mandatory present for L2 U2N Remote UE; otherwise it is absent.


The RRCSetupComplete message is used to confirm the successful completion of an RRC connection establishment.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

RRCSetupComplete message



RRCSetupComplete ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcSetupComplete RRCSetupComplete-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



RRCSetupComplete-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

selectedPLMN-Identity INTEGER (1..maxPLMN),

registeredAMF RegisteredAMF OPTIONAL,

guami-Type ENUMERATED {native, mapped} OPTIONAL,


dedicatedNAS-Message DedicatedNAS-Message,

ng-5G-S-TMSI-Value CHOICE {


ng-5G-S-TMSI-Part2 BIT STRING (SIZE (9))


lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCSetupComplete-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCSetupComplete-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

iab-NodeIndication-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

idleMeasAvailable-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

ue-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 UE-MeasurementsAvailable-r16 OPTIONAL,

mobilityHistoryAvail-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

mobilityState-r16 ENUMERATED {normal, medium, high, spare} OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCSetupComplete-v1690-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCSetupComplete-v1690-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

ul-RRC-Segmentation-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension RRCSetupComplete-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


RRCSetupComplete-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

onboardingRequest-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL


RegisteredAMF ::= SEQUENCE {

plmn-Identity PLMN-Identity OPTIONAL,

amf-Identifier AMF-Identifier




RRCSetupComplete-IEs field descriptions


This field is used to indicate whether the GUAMI included is native (derived from native 5G-GUTI) or mapped (from EPS, derived from EPS GUTI) as specified in TS 24.501 [23].


This field is used to indicate that the connection is being established by an IAB-node as specified in TS 38.300 [2].


Indication that the UE has idle/inactive measurement report available.


This field indicates the UE mobility state (as defined in TS 38.304 [20], clause just prior to UE going into RRC_CONNECTED state. The UE indicates the value of medium and high when being in Medium-mobility and High-mobility states respectively. Otherwise the UE indicates the value normal.


The leftmost 9 bits of 5G-S-TMSI.


This field indicates that the connection is being established for UE onboarding in the selected onboarding SNPN, see TS 23.501 [32].


This field is used to transfer the GUAMI of the AMF where the UE is registered, as provided by upper layers, see TS 23.003 [21].


Index of the PLMN or SNPN selected by the UE from the plmn-IdentityInfoList or npn-IdentityInfoList fields included in SIB1.


This field indicates the UE supports uplink RRC segmentation of UECapabilityInformation.

– RRCSetupRequest

The RRCSetupRequest message is used to request the establishment of an RRC connection.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB0


Logical channel: CCCH

Direction: UE to Network

RRCSetupRequest message



RRCSetupRequest ::= SEQUENCE {

rrcSetupRequest RRCSetupRequest-IEs


RRCSetupRequest-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

ue-Identity InitialUE-Identity,

establishmentCause EstablishmentCause,

spare BIT STRING (SIZE (1))


InitialUE-Identity ::= CHOICE {

ng-5G-S-TMSI-Part1 BIT STRING (SIZE (39)),

randomValue BIT STRING (SIZE (39))


EstablishmentCause ::= ENUMERATED {

emergency, highPriorityAccess, mt-Access, mo-Signalling,

mo-Data, mo-VoiceCall, mo-VideoCall, mo-SMS, mps-PriorityAccess, mcs-PriorityAccess,

spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}



RRCSetupRequest-IEs field descriptions


Provides the establishment cause for the RRCSetupRequest in accordance with the information received from upper layers. gNB is not expected to reject an RRCSetupRequest due to unknown cause value being used by the UE.


UE identity included to facilitate contention resolution by lower layers.

InitialUE-Identity field descriptions


The rightmost 39 bits of 5G-S-TMSI.


Integer value in the range 0 to 239 – 1.


The RRCSystemInfoRequest message is used to request SI message(s) required by the UE as specified in clause

Signalling radio bearer: SRB0


Logical channel: CCCH

Direction: UE to Network

RRCSystemInfoRequest message



RRCSystemInfoRequest ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

rrcSystemInfoRequest RRCSystemInfoRequest-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture-r16 CHOICE {

rrcPosSystemInfoRequest-r16 RRC-PosSystemInfoRequest-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}




RRCSystemInfoRequest-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

requested-SI-List BIT STRING (SIZE (maxSI-Message)), –32bits

spare BIT STRING (SIZE (12))


RRC-PosSystemInfoRequest-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

requestedPosSI-List BIT STRING (SIZE (maxSI-Message)), –32bits

spare BIT STRING (SIZE (11))




RRCSystemInfoRequest-IEs field descriptions


Contains a list of requested SI messages. According to the order of entry in the list of SI messages configured by schedulingInfoList in si-SchedulingInfo in SIB1, first bit corresponds to first/leftmost listed SI message, second bit corresponds to second listed SI message, and so on.


Contains a list of requested SI messages. According to the order of entry in the list of SI messages configured by posSchedulingInfoList in posSISchedulingInfo in SIB1, first bit corresponds to first/leftmost listed SI message, second bit corresponds to second listed SI message, and so on.

– SCGFailureInformation

The SCGFailureInformation message is used to provide information regarding NR SCG failures detected by the UE.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

SCGFailureInformation message



SCGFailureInformation ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

scgFailureInformation SCGFailureInformation-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



SCGFailureInformation-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

failureReportSCG FailureReportSCG OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SCGFailureInformation-v1590-IEs OPTIONAL


SCGFailureInformation-v1590-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


FailureReportSCG ::= SEQUENCE {

failureType ENUMERATED {

t310-Expiry, randomAccessProblem,


synchReconfigFailureSCG, scg-ReconfigFailure,

srb3-IntegrityFailure, other-r16, spare1},

measResultFreqList MeasResultFreqList OPTIONAL,




locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,

failureType-v1610 ENUMERATED {scg-lbtFailure-r16, beamFailureRecoveryFailure-r16,

t312-Expiry-r16, bh-RLF-r16, beamFailure-r17, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL



previousPSCellId-r17 SEQUENCE {

physCellId-r17 PhysCellId,

carrierFreq-r17 ARFCN-ValueNR


failedPSCellId-r17 SEQUENCE {

physCellId-r17 PhysCellId,

carrierFreq-r17 ARFCN-ValueNR


timeSCGFailure-r17 INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL,

perRAInfoList-r17 PerRAInfoList-r16 OPTIONAL



MeasResultFreqList ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2NR



SCGFailureInformation field descriptions


The field contains available results of measurements on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig.


The field contains the MeasResultSCG-Failure IE which includes available results of measurements on NR frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the NR SCG RRCReconfiguration message.


This field indicates the physical cell id and carrier frequency of the cell that is the source PSCell of the last PSCell change.


This field indicates the physical cell id and carrier frequency of the cell in which SCG failure is detected or the target PSCell of the failed PSCell change or failed PSCell addition.


This field is used to indicate the time elapsed since the last execution of RRCReconfiguration with reconfigurationWithSync for the SCG until the SCG failure. Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.

– SCGFailureInformationEUTRA

The SCGFailureInformationEUTRA message is used to provide information regarding E-UTRA SCG failures detected by the UE.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

SCGFailureInformationEUTRA message



SCGFailureInformationEUTRA ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

scgFailureInformationEUTRA SCGFailureInformationEUTRA-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



SCGFailureInformationEUTRA-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

failureReportSCG-EUTRA FailureReportSCG-EUTRA OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SCGFailureInformationEUTRA-v1590-IEs OPTIONAL


SCGFailureInformationEUTRA-v1590-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


FailureReportSCG-EUTRA ::= SEQUENCE {

failureType ENUMERATED {

t313-Expiry, randomAccessProblem,rlc-MaxNumRetx,

scg-ChangeFailure, spare4,

spare3, spare2, spare1},

measResultFreqListMRDC MeasResultFreqListFailMRDC OPTIONAL,




locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL



MeasResultFreqListFailMRDC ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2EUTRA



SCGFailureInformationEUTRA field descriptions


The field contains available results of measurements on E-UTRA frequencies the UE is configured to measure by measConfig.


Includes the E-UTRA MeasResultSCG-FailureMRDC IE as specified in TS 36.331 [10]. The field contains available results of measurements on E-UTRA frequencies the UE is configured to measure by the E-UTRA RRCConnectionReconfiguration message.


The SecurityModeCommand message is used to command the activation of AS security.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

SecurityModeCommand message



SecurityModeCommand ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

securityModeCommand SecurityModeCommand-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



SecurityModeCommand-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

securityConfigSMC SecurityConfigSMC,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL


SecurityConfigSMC ::= SEQUENCE {

securityAlgorithmConfig SecurityAlgorithmConfig,





The SecurityModeComplete message is used to confirm the successful completion of a security mode command.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

SecurityModeComplete message



SecurityModeComplete ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

securityModeComplete SecurityModeComplete-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



SecurityModeComplete-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL





The SecurityModeFailure message is used to indicate an unsuccessful completion of a security mode command.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

SecurityModeFailure message



SecurityModeFailure ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

securityModeFailure SecurityModeFailure-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



SecurityModeFailure-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL





SIB1 contains information relevant when evaluating if a UE is allowed to access a cell and defines the scheduling of other system information. It also contains radio resource configuration information that is common for all UEs and barring information applied to the unified access control.

Signalling radio bearer: N/A


Logical channels: BCCH

Direction: Network to UE

SIB1 message




cellSelectionInfo SEQUENCE {

q-RxLevMin Q-RxLevMin,

q-RxLevMinOffset INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL, — Need S

q-RxLevMinSUL Q-RxLevMin OPTIONAL, — Need R

q-QualMin Q-QualMin OPTIONAL, — Need S

q-QualMinOffset INTEGER (1..8) OPTIONAL — Need S

} OPTIONAL, — Cond Standalone

cellAccessRelatedInfo CellAccessRelatedInfo,

connEstFailureControl ConnEstFailureControl OPTIONAL, — Need R

si-SchedulingInfo SI-SchedulingInfo OPTIONAL, — Need R

servingCellConfigCommon ServingCellConfigCommonSIB OPTIONAL, — Need R

ims-EmergencySupport ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

eCallOverIMS-Support ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

ue-TimersAndConstants UE-TimersAndConstants OPTIONAL, — Need R

uac-BarringInfo SEQUENCE {

uac-BarringForCommon UAC-BarringPerCatList OPTIONAL, — Need S

uac-BarringPerPLMN-List UAC-BarringPerPLMN-List OPTIONAL, — Need S

uac-BarringInfoSetList UAC-BarringInfoSetList,

uac-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo CHOICE {

plmnCommon UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo,

individualPLMNList SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxPLMN)) OF UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo


} OPTIONAL, — Need R

useFullResumeID ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SIB1-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


SIB1-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

idleModeMeasurementsEUTRA-r16 ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

idleModeMeasurementsNR-r16 ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

posSI-SchedulingInfo-r16 PosSI-SchedulingInfo-r16 OPTIONAL, — Need R

nonCriticalExtension SIB1-v1630-IEs OPTIONAL


SIB1-v1630-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

uac-BarringInfo-v1630 SEQUENCE {

uac-AC1-SelectAssistInfo-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxPLMN)) OF UAC-AC1-SelectAssistInfo-r16

} OPTIONAL, — Need R

nonCriticalExtension SIB1-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


SIB1-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

hsdn-Cell-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

uac-BarringInfo-v1700 SEQUENCE {

uac-BarringInfoSetList-v1700 UAC-BarringInfoSetList-v1700


sdt-ConfigCommon-r17 SDT-ConfigCommonSIB-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need R

redCap-ConfigCommon-r17 RedCap-ConfigCommonSIB-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need R

featurePriorities-r17 SEQUENCE {

redCapPriority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need R

slicingPriority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need R

msg3-Repetitions-Priority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL, — Need R

sdt-Priority-r17 FeaturePriority-r17 OPTIONAL — Need R

} OPTIONAL, — Need R

si-SchedulingInfo-v1700 SI-SchedulingInfo-v1700 OPTIONAL, — Need R

hyperSFN-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (10)) OPTIONAL, — Need R

eDRX-AllowedIdle-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

eDRX-AllowedInactive-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Cond EDRX-RC

intraFreqReselectionRedCap-r17 ENUMERATED {allowed, notAllowed} OPTIONAL, — Need S

cellBarredNTN-r17 ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred} OPTIONAL, — Need S

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo ::= ENUMERATED {a, b, c}

UAC-AC1-SelectAssistInfo-r16 ::= ENUMERATED {a, b, c, notConfigured}

SDT-ConfigCommonSIB-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

sdt-RSRP-Threshold-r17 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL, — Need R

sdt-LogicalChannelSR-DelayTimer-r17 ENUMERATED { sf20, sf40, sf64, sf128, sf512, sf1024, sf2560, spare1} OPTIONAL, — Need R

sdt-DataVolumeThreshold-r17 ENUMERATED {byte32, byte100, byte200, byte400, byte600, byte800, byte1000, byte2000, byte4000,

byte8000, byte9000, byte10000, byte12000, byte24000, byte48000, byte96000},

t319a-r17 ENUMERATED { ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms600, ms1000, ms2000,

ms3000, ms4000, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}


RedCap-ConfigCommonSIB-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

halfDuplexRedCapAllowed-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need R

cellBarredRedCap-r17 SEQUENCE {

cellBarredRedCap1Rx-r17 ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred},

cellBarredRedCap2Rx-r17 ENUMERATED {barred, notBarred}

} OPTIONAL, — Need R


FeaturePriority-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..7)



SIB1 field descriptions


Value barred means that the cell is barred for connectivity to NTN, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. Value notBarred means that the cell is allowed for connectivity to NTN. If not present, the UE considers the cell is not allowed for connectivity to NTN, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is only applicable to NTN-capable UEs.


Value barred means that the cell is barred for a RedCap UE with 1 Rx branch, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by non-RedCap UEs.


Value barred means that the cell is barred for a RedCap UE with 2 Rx branches, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. This field is ignored by non-RedCap UEs.


Parameters for cell selection related to the serving cell.


Indicates whether the cell supports eCall over IMS services as defined in TS 23.501 [32]. If absent, eCall over IMS is not supported by the network in the cell.


The presence of this field indicates that extended DRX for CN paging is allowed in the cell for UEs in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE. The UE shall stop using extended DRX for CN paging in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE if eDRX-AllowedIdle is not present.


The presence of this field indicates that extended DRX for RAN paging is allowed in the cell for UEs in RRC_INACTIVE. The UE shall stop using extended DRX for RAN paging in RRC_INACTIVE if eDRX-AllowedInactive is not present.


Indicates priorities for features, such as RedCap, Slicing, SDT and MSG3-Repetitions for Coverage Enhancements. These priorities are used to determine which FeatureCombinationPreambles the UE shall use when a feature maps to more than one FeatureCombinationPreambles, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. A lower value means a higher priority. The network does not signal the same priority for more than one feature. The network signals a priority for all feature that map to at least one FeatureCombinationPreambles.


The presence of this field indicates whether the cell supports half-duplex FDD RedCap UEs.


This field indicates this is a HSDN cell as specified in TS 38.304 [20].


Indicates hyper SFN which increments by one when the SFN wraps around.


This field indicates that a UE that is configured for EUTRA idle/inactive measurements shall perform the measurements while camping in this cell and report availability of these measurements when establishing or resuming a connection in this cell. If absent, a UE is not required to perform EUTRA idle/inactive measurements.


This field indicates that a UE that is configured for NR idle/inactive measurements shall perform the measurements while camping in this cell and report availability of these measurements when establishing or resuming a connection in this cell. If absent, a UE is not required to perform NR idle/inactive measurements.


Indicates whether the cell supports IMS emergency bearer services for UEs in limited service mode. If absent, IMS emergency call is not supported by the network in the cell for UEs in limited service mode.


Controls cell selection/reselection to intra-frequency cells for RedCap UEs when this cell is barred, or treated as barred by the RedCap UE, as specified in TS 38.304 [20]. If not present, a RedCap UE treats the cell as barred, i.e.,the UE considers that the cell does not support RedCap.


Parameter "Qqualmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for serving cell. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of negative infinity for Qqualmin.


Parameter "Qqualminoffset" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qqualminoffset = field value [dB]. If the field is absent, the UE applies the (default) value of 0 dB for Qqualminoffset. Affects the minimum required quality level in the cell.


Parameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for serving cell.


Parameter "Qrxlevminoffset" in TS 38.304 [20]. Actual value Qrxlevminoffset = field value * 2 [dB]. If absent, the UE applies the (default) value of 0 dB for Qrxlevminoffset. Affects the minimum required Rx level in the cell.


Parameter "Qrxlevmin" in TS 38.304 [20], applicable for serving cell.


RSRP threshold used to determine whether SDT procedure can be initiated, as specified in TS 38.321 [3].


Data volume threshold used to determine whether SDT can be initiated, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value byte32 corresponds to 32 bytes, value byte100 corresponds to 100 bytes, and so on.


The value of logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer applied during SDT for logical channels configured with SDT, as specified in TS 38.321 [3]. Value in number of subframes. Value sf20 corresponds to 20 subframes, sf40 corresponds to 40 subframes, and so on. If this field is not configured, then logicalChannelSR-DelayTimer is not applied for SDT logical channels.


Configuration of the serving cell.


Initial value of the timer T319a. Value ms100 corresponds to 100 milliseconds, value ms200 corresponds to 200 milliseconds and so on.


Information used to determine whether Access Category 1 applies to the UE, as defined in TS 22.261 [25]. If plmnCommon is chosen, the UAC-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo is applicable to all the PLMNs and SNPNs in plmn-IdentityInfoList and npn-IdentityInfoList. If individualPLMNList is chosen, the 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityList and the npn-IdentityInfoList, the 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityList and the npn-IdentityInfoList and so on. If uac-AC1-SelectAssistInfo-r16 is present, the UE shall ignore the uac-AccessCategory1-SelectionAssistanceInfo.


Information used to determine whether Access Category 1 applies to the UE, as defined in TS 22.261 [25]. The 1st entry in the list corresponds to the first network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityList and npn-IdentityInfoList, the 2nd entry in the list corresponds to the second network within all of the PLMNs and SNPNs across the plmn-IdentityList and the npn-IdentityInfoList and so on. Value notConfigured indicates that Access Category1 is not configured for the corresponding PLMN/SNPN.


Common access control parameters for each access category. Common values are used for all PLMNs/SNPNs, unless overwritten by the PLMN/SNPN specific configuration provided in uac-BarringPerPLMN-List. The parameters are specified by providing an index to the set of configurations (uac-BarringInfoSetList). UE behaviour upon absence of this field is specified in clause


Timer and constant values to be used by the UE. The cell operating as PCell always provides this field.


Indicates which resume identifier and Resume request message should be used. UE uses fullI-RNTI and RRCResumeRequest1 if the field is present, or shortI-RNTI and RRCResumeRequest if the field is absent.

Conditional Presence



The field is optionally present, Need R, in a cell that enables eDRX-AllowedIdle, otherwise it is absent.


The field is optionally present, Need R, in a cell that provides a configuration for disaster roaming, otherwise it is absent, Need R.


The field is mandatory present in a cell that supports standalone operation, otherwise it is absent.


The SidelinkUEinformationNR message is used for the indication of NR sidelink UE information to the network.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

SidelinkUEInformationNR message



SidelinkUEInformationNR-r16::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

sidelinkUEInformationNR-r16 SidelinkUEInformationNR-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



SidelinkUEInformationNR-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-RxInterestedFreqList-r16 SL-InterestedFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL,

sl-TxResourceReqList-r16 SL-TxResourceReqList-r16 OPTIONAL,

sl-FailureList-r16 SL-FailureList-r16 OPTIONAL,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SidelinkUEInformationNR-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


SidelinkUEInformationNR-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-TxResourceReqList-v1700 SL-TxResourceReqList-v1700 OPTIONAL,

sl-RxDRX-ReportList-v1700 SL-RxDRX-ReportList-v1700 OPTIONAL,

sl-RxInterestedGC-BC-DestList-r17 SL-RxInterestedGC-BC-DestList-r17 OPTIONAL,

sl-RxInterestedFreqListDisc-r17 SL-InterestedFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL,

sl-TxResourceReqListDisc-r17 SL-TxResourceReqListDisc-r17 OPTIONAL,

sl-TxResourceReqListCommRelay-r17 SL-TxResourceReqListCommRelay-r17 OPTIONAL,

ue-Type-r17 ENUMERATED {relayUE, remoteUE} OPTIONAL,

sl-SourceIdentityRemoteUE-r17 SL-SourceIdentity-r17 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


SL-InterestedFreqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF INTEGER (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)

SL-TxResourceReqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-TxResourceReq-r16

SL-TxResourceReq-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-DestinationIdentity-r16 SL-DestinationIdentity-r16,

sl-CastType-r16 ENUMERATED {broadcast, groupcast, unicast, spare1},

sl-RLC-ModeIndicationList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxNrofSLRB-r16)) OF SL-RLC-ModeIndication-r16 OPTIONAL,

sl-QoS-InfoList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIsPerDest-r16)) OF SL-QoS-Info-r16 OPTIONAL,

sl-TypeTxSyncList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-TypeTxSync-r16 OPTIONAL,

sl-TxInterestedFreqList-r16 SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL,

sl-CapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL


SL-TxResourceReqList-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-TxResourceReq-v1700

SL-RxDRX-ReportList-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-RxDRX-Report-v1700

SL-TxResourceReq-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-DRX-InfoFromRxList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-RxInfoSet-r17)) OF SL-DRX-ConfigUC-SemiStatic-r17 OPTIONAL,

sl-DRX-Indication-r17 ENUMERATED {on, off} OPTIONAL,


SL-RxDRX-Report-v1700 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-DRX-ConfigFromTx-r17 SL-DRX-ConfigUC-SemiStatic-r17,


SL-RxInterestedGC-BC-DestList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-RxInterestedGC-BC-Dest-r17

SL-RxInterestedGC-BC-Dest-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-RxInterestedQoS-InfoList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIsPerDest-r16)) OF SL-QoS-Info-r16,

sl-DestinationIdentity-r16 SL-DestinationIdentity-r16


SL-TxResourceReqListDisc-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-TxResourceReqDisc-r17

SL-TxResourceReqDisc-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-DestinationIdentityDisc-r17 SL-DestinationIdentity-r16,

sl-SourceIdentityRelayUE-r17 SL-SourceIdentity-r17 OPTIONAL,

sl-CastTypeDisc-r17 ENUMERATED {broadcast, groupcast, unicast, spare1},

sl-TxInterestedFreqListDisc-r17 SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16,

sl-TypeTxSyncListDisc-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-TypeTxSync-r16,

sl-DiscoveryType-r17 ENUMERATED {relay, non-Relay},


SL-TxResourceReqListCommRelay-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-TxResourceReqCommRelayInfo-r17

SL-TxResourceReqCommRelayInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-RelayDRXConfig-r17 SL-TxResourceReq-v1700 OPTIONAL,

sl-TxResourceReqCommRelay-r17 SL-TxResourceReqCommRelay-r17


SL-TxResourceReqCommRelay-r17 ::= CHOICE {

sl-TxResourceReqL2U2N-Relay-r17 SL-TxResourceReqL2U2N-Relay-r17,

sl-TxResourceReqL3U2N-Relay-r17 SL-TxResourceReq-r16


SL-TxResourceReqL2U2N-Relay-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-DestinationIdentityL2U2N-r17 SL-DestinationIdentity-r16 OPTIONAL,

sl-TxInterestedFreqListL2U2N-r17 SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16,

sl-TypeTxSyncListL2U2N-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF SL-TypeTxSync-r16,

sl-LocalID-Request-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

sl-PagingIdentityRemoteUE-r17 SL-PagingIdentityRemoteUE-r17 OPTIONAL,

sl-CapabilityInformationSidelink-r17 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,


SL-TxInterestedFreqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)) OF INTEGER (1..maxNrofFreqSL-r16)

SL-QoS-Info-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16 SL-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16,

sl-QoS-Profile-r16 SL-QoS-Profile-r16 OPTIONAL


SL-RLC-ModeIndication-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-Mode-r16 CHOICE {

sl-AM-Mode-r16 NULL,

sl-UM-Mode-r16 NULL


sl-QoS-InfoList-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-QFIsPerDest-r16)) OF SL-QoS-Info-r16


SL-FailureList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSL-Dest-r16)) OF SL-Failure-r16

SL-Failure-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

sl-DestinationIdentity-r16 SL-DestinationIdentity-r16,

sl-Failure-r16 ENUMERATED {rlf,configFailure, drxReject-v1710, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}




SidelinkUEinformationNR field descriptions


Indicates the accepted DRX configuration that is received from the peer UE and reported to the network for NR sidelink unicast communication.


Indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to receive NR sidelink communication. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list.


Indicates the reported QoS profile and associated destination for which UE is interested in reception to the network for NR sidelink groupcast and broadcast communication, or NR sidelink discovery.


This field is used to indicate the Source Layer-2 ID to be used to establish PC5 link with the target L2 U2N Relay UE for path switch.


Parameters to request the transmission resources for NR sidelink communication to the network in the Sidelink UE Information report.


List of parameters to request the transmission resources for NR sidelink communication for the associated destination. If sl-TxResourceReqList-v1700 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in sl-TxResourceReqList (without suffix).


Indicates the UE is acting as U2N Relay UE or U2N Remote UE.

SL-TxResourceReq field descriptions


Includes the UECapabilityInformationSidelink message (which can be also included in ueCapabilityInformationSidelink-r16 in UECapabilityEnquirySidelink from peer UE) received from the peer UE.


Indicates the cast type for the corresponding destination for which to request the resource.


Indicates the destination for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned.


Indicates the sidelink DRX is applied (value on) or not applied (value off) for the associated destination. This field is only valid for NR sidelink groupcast communication.


Indicates list of the sidelink DRX configurations as assistance information received from the peer UE for NR sidelink unicast communication.


Includes the QoS profile of the sidelink QoS flow as specified in TS 23.287 [55].


This identity uniquely identifies one sidelink QoS flow between the UE and the network in the scope of UE, which is unique for different destination and cast type.


This field indicates the RLC mode and optionally the related QoS profiles for the sidelink radio bearer, which has not been configured by the network and is initiated by another UE in unicast. The RLC mode for one sidelink radio bearer is aligned between UE and NW by the sl-QoS-FlowIdentity.


Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink communication. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.


A list of synchronization reference used by the UE. The UE shall include the same number of entries, listed in the same order, as in sl-TxInterestedFreqList, i.e. one for each carrier frequency included in sl-TxInterestedFreqList.

SL-Failure field descriptions


Indicates the destination for which the SL failure is reporting for unicast.


Indicates the sidelink cause for the sidelink RLF (value rlf), sidelink AS configuration failure (value configFailure) and the rejection of sidelink DRX configuration (value drxReject-v1710) for the associated destination for unicast.

SL-RxDRX-Report field descriptions


Indicates the sidelink DRX configuration received from the peer UE for NR sidelink unicast communication.

SL-RxInterestedGC-BC-Dest field descriptions


Indicates the QoS profile for which UE reports its interested service to which SL DRX is applied to the network, for NR sidelink groupcast or broadcast reception.

SL-TxResourceReqDisc field descriptions


This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned for relay discovery and non-relay discovery.


This field is used to indicate the source L2 ID of relay-related discovery transmission by L2 U2N Relay UE.


Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink discovery. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.

SL-TxResourceReqCommRelayInfo field descriptions


This field is used to indicate the applied sidelink DRX configuration for the relay related communication.


This field is used to indicate the destination L2 ID for which the TX resource request and allocation from the network are concerned for the established PC5 link for relay by L2 U2N Relay UE, or L3 U2N Relay UE, or L3 U2N Remote UE.


This field is used to request local UE ID for the corresponding destination by the L2 U2N Relay UE.


Each entry of this field indicates the index of frequency on which the UE is interested to transmit NR sidelink communication for established PC5 link for relay. The value 1 corresponds to the frequency of first entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12, the value 2 corresponds to the frequency of second entry in sl-FreqInfoList broadcast in SIB12 and so on. In this release, only value 1 can be included in the interested frequency list. In this release, only one entry can be included in the list.


This field is used to indicate the paging UE ID(s) for the corresponding destination(s) by the L2 U2N Relay UE.


The SystemInformation message is used to convey one or more System Information Blocks or Positioning System Information Blocks. All the SIBs or posSIBs included are transmitted with the same periodicity.

Signalling radio bearer: N/A


Logical channels: BCCH

Direction: Network to UE

SystemInformation message



SystemInformation ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

systemInformation SystemInformation-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture-r16 CHOICE {

posSystemInformation-r16 PosSystemInformation-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}




SystemInformation-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

sib-TypeAndInfo SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF CHOICE {

sib2 SIB2,

sib3 SIB3,

sib4 SIB4,

sib5 SIB5,

sib6 SIB6,

sib7 SIB7,

sib8 SIB8,

sib9 SIB9,


sib10-v1610 SIB10-r16,

sib11-v1610 SIB11-r16,

sib12-v1610 SIB12-r16,

sib13-v1610 SIB13-r16,

sib14-v1610 SIB14-r16,

sib15-v1700 SIB15-r17,

sib16-v1700 SIB16-r17,

sib17-v1700 SIB17-r17,

sib18-v1700 SIB18-r17,

sib19-v1700 SIB19-r17,

sib20-v1700 SIB20-r17,

sib21-v1700 SIB21-r17


lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL





The UEAssistanceInformation message is used for the indication of UE assistance information to the network.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1, SRB3


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

UEAssistanceInformation message



UEAssistanceInformation ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

ueAssistanceInformation UEAssistanceInformation-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



UEAssistanceInformation-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

delayBudgetReport DelayBudgetReport OPTIONAL,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension UEAssistanceInformation-v1540-IEs OPTIONAL


DelayBudgetReport::= CHOICE {


msMinus1280, msMinus640, msMinus320, msMinus160,msMinus80, msMinus60, msMinus40,

msMinus20, ms0, ms20,ms40, ms60, ms80, ms160, ms320, ms640, ms1280},


UEAssistanceInformation-v1540-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

overheatingAssistance OverheatingAssistance OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension UEAssistanceInformation-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


OverheatingAssistance ::= SEQUENCE {

reducedMaxCCs ReducedMaxCCs-r16 OPTIONAL,

reducedMaxBW-FR1 ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16 OPTIONAL,

reducedMaxBW-FR2 ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16 OPTIONAL,

reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR1 SEQUENCE {

reducedMIMO-LayersFR1-DL MIMO-LayersDL,

reducedMIMO-LayersFR1-UL MIMO-LayersUL


reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR2 SEQUENCE {

reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-DL MIMO-LayersDL,

reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-UL MIMO-LayersUL



OverheatingAssistance-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

reducedMaxBW-FR2-2-r17 SEQUENCE {

reducedBW-FR2-2-DL-r17 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17,

reducedBW-FR2-2-UL-r17 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17


reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR2-2 SEQUENCE {

reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-2-DL MIMO-LayersDL,

reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-2-UL MIMO-LayersUL



ReducedAggregatedBandwidth ::= ENUMERATED {mhz0, mhz10, mhz20, mhz30, mhz40, mhz50, mhz60, mhz80, mhz100, mhz200, mhz300, mhz400}

ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {mhz0, mhz100, mhz200, mhz400, mhz800, mhz1200, mhz1600, mhz2000}

UEAssistanceInformation-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

idc-Assistance-r16 IDC-Assistance-r16 OPTIONAL,

drx-Preference-r16 DRX-Preference-r16 OPTIONAL,

maxBW-Preference-r16 MaxBW-Preference-r16 OPTIONAL,

maxCC-Preference-r16 MaxCC-Preference-r16 OPTIONAL,

maxMIMO-LayerPreference-r16 MaxMIMO-LayerPreference-r16 OPTIONAL,

minSchedulingOffsetPreference-r16 MinSchedulingOffsetPreference-r16 OPTIONAL,

releasePreference-r16 ReleasePreference-r16 OPTIONAL,

sl-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r16 SL-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r16 OPTIONAL,

referenceTimeInfoPreference-r16 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension UEAssistanceInformation-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


UEAssistanceInformation-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

ul-GapFR2-Preference-r17 UL-GapFR2-Preference-r17 OPTIONAL,

musim-Assistance-r17 MUSIM-Assistance-r17 OPTIONAL,

overheatingAssistance-r17 OverheatingAssistance-r17 OPTIONAL,

maxBW-PreferenceFR2-2-r17 MaxBW-PreferenceFR2-2-r17 OPTIONAL,

maxMIMO-LayerPreferenceFR2-2-r17 MaxMIMO-LayerPreferenceFR2-2-r17 OPTIONAL,

minSchedulingOffsetPreferenceExt-r17 MinSchedulingOffsetPreferenceExt-r17 OPTIONAL,

rlm-MeasRelaxationState-r17 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,

bfd-MeasRelaxationState-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (1..maxNrofServingCells)) OPTIONAL,

nonSDT-DataIndication-r17 SEQUENCE {

resumeCause-r17 ResumeCause OPTIONAL


scg-DeactivationPreference ENUMERATED { scgDeactivationPreferred, noPreference } OPTIONAL,

uplinkData-r17 ENUMERATED { true } OPTIONAL,

rrm-MeasRelaxationFulfilment-r17 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,

propagationDelayDifference-r17 PropagationDelayDifference-r17 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


IDC-Assistance-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

affectedCarrierFreqList-r16 AffectedCarrierFreqList-r16 OPTIONAL,

affectedCarrierFreqCombList-r16 AffectedCarrierFreqCombList-r16 OPTIONAL,


AffectedCarrierFreqList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1.. maxFreqIDC-r16)) OF AffectedCarrierFreq-r16

AffectedCarrierFreq-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

carrierFreq-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR,

interferenceDirection-r16 ENUMERATED {nr, other, both, spare}


AffectedCarrierFreqCombList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCombIDC-r16)) OF AffectedCarrierFreqComb-r16

AffectedCarrierFreqComb-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

affectedCarrierFreqComb-r16 SEQUENCE (SIZE (2..maxNrofServingCells)) OF ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL,

victimSystemType-r16 VictimSystemType-r16


VictimSystemType-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {


glonass-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,


galileo-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,


wlan-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

bluetooth-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,


DRX-Preference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

preferredDRX-InactivityTimer-r16 ENUMERATED {

ms0, ms1, ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms8, ms10, ms20, ms30, ms40, ms50, ms60, ms80,

ms100, ms200, ms300, ms500, ms750, ms1280, ms1920, ms2560, spare9, spare8,

spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL,

preferredDRX-LongCycle-r16 ENUMERATED {

ms10, ms20, ms32, ms40, ms60, ms64, ms70, ms80, ms128, ms160, ms256, ms320, ms512,

ms640, ms1024, ms1280, ms2048, ms2560, ms5120, ms10240, spare12, spare11, spare10,

spare9, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL,

preferredDRX-ShortCycle-r16 ENUMERATED {

ms2, ms3, ms4, ms5, ms6, ms7, ms8, ms10, ms14, ms16, ms20, ms30, ms32,

ms35, ms40, ms64, ms80, ms128, ms160, ms256, ms320, ms512, ms640, spare9,

spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1 } OPTIONAL,

preferredDRX-ShortCycleTimer-r16 INTEGER (1..16) OPTIONAL


MaxBW-Preference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

reducedMaxBW-FR1-r16 ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16 OPTIONAL,

reducedMaxBW-FR2-r16 ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16 OPTIONAL


MaxBW-PreferenceFR2-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

reducedMaxBW-FR2-2-r17 SEQUENCE {

reducedBW-FR2-2-DL-r17 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL,

reducedBW-FR2-2-UL-r17 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17 OPTIONAL



MaxCC-Preference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

reducedMaxCCs-r16 ReducedMaxCCs-r16 OPTIONAL


MaxMIMO-LayerPreference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR1-r16 SEQUENCE {

reducedMIMO-LayersFR1-DL-r16 INTEGER (1..8),

reducedMIMO-LayersFR1-UL-r16 INTEGER (1..4)


reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR2-r16 SEQUENCE {

reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-DL-r16 INTEGER (1..8),

reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-UL-r16 INTEGER (1..4)



MaxMIMO-LayerPreferenceFR2-2-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

reducedMaxMIMO-LayersFR2-2-r17 SEQUENCE {

reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-2-DL-r17 INTEGER (1..8),

reducedMIMO-LayersFR2-2-UL-r17 INTEGER (1..4)



MinSchedulingOffsetPreference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

preferredK0-r16 SEQUENCE {

preferredK0-SCS-15kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6} OPTIONAL,

preferredK0-SCS-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6} OPTIONAL,

preferredK0-SCS-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl4, sl8, sl12} OPTIONAL,

preferredK0-SCS-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl4, sl8, sl12} OPTIONAL


preferredK2-r16 SEQUENCE {

preferredK2-SCS-15kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6} OPTIONAL,

preferredK2-SCS-30kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl1, sl2, sl4, sl6} OPTIONAL,

preferredK2-SCS-60kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl4, sl8, sl12} OPTIONAL,

preferredK2-SCS-120kHz-r16 ENUMERATED {sl2, sl4, sl8, sl12} OPTIONAL



MinSchedulingOffsetPreferenceExt-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

preferredK0-r17 SEQUENCE {

preferredK0-SCS-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl8, sl16, sl32, sl48} OPTIONAL,

preferredK0-SCS-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl8, sl16, sl32, sl48} OPTIONAL


preferredK2-r17 SEQUENCE {

preferredK2-SCS-480kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl8, sl16, sl32, sl48} OPTIONAL,

preferredK2-SCS-960kHz-r17 ENUMERATED {sl8, sl16, sl32, sl48} OPTIONAL



MUSIM-Assistance-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

musim-PreferredRRC-State-r17 ENUMERATED {idle, inactive, outOfConnected} OPTIONAL,

musim-GapPreferenceList-r17 MUSIM-GapPreferenceList-r17 OPTIONAL


MUSIM-GapPreferenceList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF MUSIM-GapInfo-r17

ReleasePreference-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

preferredRRC-State-r16 ENUMERATED {idle, inactive, connected, outOfConnected}


ReducedMaxBW-FRx-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

reducedBW-DL-r16 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth,

reducedBW-UL-r16 ReducedAggregatedBandwidth


ReducedMaxCCs-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

reducedCCsDL-r16 INTEGER (0..31),

reducedCCsUL-r16 INTEGER (0..31)


SL-UE-AssistanceInformationNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofTrafficPattern-r16)) OF SL-TrafficPatternInfo-r16

SL-TrafficPatternInfo-r16::= SEQUENCE {

trafficPeriodicity-r16 ENUMERATED {ms20, ms50, ms100, ms200, ms300, ms400, ms500, ms600, ms700, ms800, ms900, ms1000},

timingOffset-r16 INTEGER (0..10239),

messageSize-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (8)),

sl-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16 SL-QoS-FlowIdentity-r16


UL-GapFR2-Preference-r17::= SEQUENCE {

ul-GapFR2-PatternPreference-r17 INTEGER (0..3) OPTIONAL


PropagationDelayDifference-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..4)) OF INTEGER (-270..270)



Editor’s note: The value range for ReducedAggregatedBandwidth-r17 needs RAN4 confirmation

Editor’s note: The value range for preferred K0/K2 for SCS 960 kHz needs RAN1 confirmation

UEAssistanceInformation field descriptions


Indicates a list of NR carrier frequencies that are affected by IDC problem.


Indicates a list of NR carrier frequencie combinations that are affected by IDC problems due to Inter-Modulation Distortion and harmonics from NR when configured with UL CA.


Indicates the relaxation state of BFD measurements. Each bit corresponds to a serving cell of the cell group. A serving cell is mapped to the (servCellIndex+1)-th bit, starting from MSB. A bit that is set to 1 indicates that the UE is performing BFD measurements relaxation on the serving cell mapped on the bit. A bit that is set to 0 indicates that the UE is not performing BFD measurements relaxation on the serving cell mapped on the bit. If a serving cell is not configured to the UE, the corresponding bit is set to 0.


Indicates the UE-preferred adjustment to connected mode DRX.


Indicates the direction of IDC interference. Value nr indicates that only NR is victim of IDC interference, value other indicates that only another radio is victim of IDC interference and value both indicates that both NR and another radio are victims of IDC interference. The other radio refers to either the ISM radio or GNSS (see TR 36.816 [44]).


Indicates the UE’s preferences on minimumSchedulingOffset of cross-slot scheduling for power saving.


Indicates the UE’s preferences on minimumSchedulingOffset of cross-slot scheduling for power saving for SCS 480 kHz and/or 960 kHz.


Indicates the UE’s MUSIM gap preference and related MUSIM gap configuration, as defined in TS 38.133 [14] clause 9.1.10.


Indicates the UE’s preferred RRC state when leaving RRC_CONNECTED.


Informs the network about the arrival of data and/or signaling mapped to radio bearers not configured for SDT while SDT procedure is ongoing.


Indicates the UE’s preferred DRX inactivity timer length for power saving. Value in ms (milliSecond). ms0 corresponds to 0, ms1 corresponds to 1 ms, ms2 corresponds to 2 ms, and so on. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the DRX inactivity timer. If secondary DRX group is configured, the preferredDRX-InactivityTimer only applies to the default DRX group.


Indicates the UE’s preferred long DRX cycle length for power saving. Value in ms. ms10 corresponds to 10ms, ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, ms32 corresponds to 32 ms, and so on. If preferredDRX-ShortCycle is provided, the value of preferredDRX-LongCycle shall be a multiple of the preferredDRX-ShortCycle value. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the long DRX cycle.


Indicates the UE’s preferred short DRX cycle length for power saving. Value in ms. ms2 corresponds to 2ms, ms3 corresponds to 3 ms, ms4 corresponds to 4 ms, and so on. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the short DRX cycle.


Indicates the UE’s preferred short DRX cycle timer for power saving. Value in multiples of preferredDRX-ShortCycle. A value of 1 corresponds to preferredDRX-ShortCycle, a value of 2 corresponds to 2 * preferredDRX-ShortCycle and so on. If the field is absent from the DRX-Preference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference for the short DRX cycle timer. A preference for the short DRX cycle is indicated when a preference for the short DRX cycle timer is indicated.


Indicates the UE’s preferred value of k0 (slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PDSCH – see TS 38.214 [19], clause for cross-slot scheduling for power saving. Value is defined for each subcarrier spacing (numerology) in units of slots. sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, sl4 corresponds to 4 slots, and so on. If a value for a subcarrier spacing is absent, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k0 for cross-slot scheduling for that subcarrier spacing. If the field is absent from the MinSchedulingOffsetPreference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k0 for cross-slot scheduling.


Indicates the UE’s preferred value of k2 (slot offset between DCI and its scheduled PUSCH – see TS 38.214 [19], clause for cross-slot scheduling for power saving. Value is defined for each subcarrier spacing (numerology) in units of slots. sl1 corresponds to 1 slot, sl2 corresponds to 2 slots, sl4 corresponds to 4 slots, and so on. If a value for a subcarrier spacing is absent, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k2 for cross-slot scheduling for that subcarrier spacing. If the field is absent from the MinSchedulingOffsetPreference IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on k2 for cross-slot scheduling.


Indicates the UE’s preferred RRC state. The value idle is indicated if the UE prefers to be released from RRC_CONNECTED and transition to RRC_IDLE. The value inactive is indicated if the UE prefers to be released from RRC_CONNECTED and transition to RRC_INACTIVE. The value connected is indicated if the UE prefers to revert an earlier indication to leave RRC_CONNECTED state. The value outOfConnected is indicated if the UE prefers to be released from RRC_CONNECTED and has no preferred RRC state to transition to. The value connected can only be indicated if the UE is configured with connectedReporting.


Indicates the service link propagation delay difference between serving cell and each neighbour cell included in neighCellInfoList, defined as neighbour cell’s service link propagation delay minus serving cell’s service link propagation delay, in number of ms. First entry in propagationDelayDifference corresponds to first entry in neighCellInfoList, second entry in propagationDelayDifference corresponds to second entry in neighCellInfoList, and so on.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR1, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR1. The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR1 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR1. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR1 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR1. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-Preference IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR1.

When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR1 of both the NR MCG and the SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR1 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC. Value mhz0 is not used when indicated to address overheating.

When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR1 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR2-1. The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-Preference IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR2-1.

When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR2-1 of both the NR MCG and the NR SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR2-1 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC.

When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR2-1 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) and across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cell(s) operating on FR2-2. The aggregated bandwidth across all downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2 is the sum of bandwidth of active downlink BWP(s) across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2. The aggregated bandwidth across all uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2 is the sum of bandwidth of active uplink BWP(s) across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2. If the field is absent from the MaxBW-PreferenceFR2-2 IE or the OverheatingAssistance IE, it is interpreted as the UE having no preference on the maximum aggregated bandwidth of FR2-2.

When indicated to address overheating, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR2-2 of both the NR MCG and the NR SCG. This maximum aggregated bandwidth only includes carriers of FR2-2 of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC.

When indicated to address power saving, this maximum aggregated bandwidth includes carrier(s) of FR2-2 of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The aggregated bandwidth can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink SCells indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving.

When indicated to address overheating, this maximum number includes both SCells of the NR MCG and PSCell/SCells of the SCG. This maximum number only includes PSCell/SCells of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC.

When indicated to address power saving, this maximum number includes PSCell/SCells of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The maximum number of downlink SCells can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink SCells indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving.

When indicated to address overheating, this maximum number includes both SCells of the NR MCG and PSCell/SCells of the SCG. This maximum number only includes PSCell/SCells of the SCG in (NG)EN-DC.

When indicated to address power saving, this maximum number includes PSCell/SCells of the cell group that this UE assistance information is associated with. The maximum number of uplink SCells can only range up to the current active configuration when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR1. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR1. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-1. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-1 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-1. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-1 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of downlink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-2 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-2. The maximum number of downlink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated downlink carrier(s) of FR2-2 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates the UE’s preference on reduced configuration corresponding to the maximum number of uplink MIMO layers of each serving cell operating on FR2-2 indicated by the field, to address overheating or power saving. This field is allowed to be reported only when UE is configured with serving cells operating on FR2-2. The maximum number of uplink MIMO layers can only range up to the maximum number of MIMO layers configured across all activated uplink carrier(s) of FR2-2 in the cell group when indicated to address power savings.


Indicates whether the UE prefers being provisioned with the timing information specified in the IE ReferenceTimeInfo.


Provides the resume cause based on the information received from the upper layers.


Indicates the relaxation state of RLM measurements. Value true indicates that the UE is performing relaxation of RLM measurements, and value false indicates that the UE is not performing relaxation of RLM measurements.


Indicates whether the UE fulfils the relaxed measurement criterion for stationary UE in Value true indicates that the UE fulfils the criterion, and value false indicates that the UE does not fulfil the criterion.


This identity uniquely identifies one sidelink QoS flow between the UE and the network in the scope of UE, which is unique for different destination and cast type.


Indicates the traffic characteristic of sidelink logical channel(s), specified in the IE SL-TrafficPatternInfo, that are setup for NR sidelink communication.


Indicates the preferred amount of increment/decrement to the long DRX cycle length with respect to the current configuration. Value in number of milliseconds. Value ms40 corresponds to 40 milliseconds, msMinus40 corresponds to -40 milliseconds and so on.


Indicates the UE’s preference on FR2 UL gap pattern as defined in TS 38.133 [14].


Indicate the list of victim system types to which IDC interference is caused from NR when configured with UL CA. Value gps, glonass, bds, galileo and navIC indicates the type of GNSS. Value wlan indicates WLAN and value bluetooth indicates Bluetooth.

SL-TrafficPatternInfo field descriptions


Indicates the maximum TB size based on the observed traffic pattern. The value refers to the index of TS 38.321 [3], table


This field indicates the estimated timing for a packet arrival in a sidelink logical channel. Specifically, the value indicates the timing offset with respect to subframe#0 of SFN#0 in milliseconds.


This field indicates the estimated data arrival periodicity in a sidelink logical channel. Value ms20 corresponds to 20 ms, ms50 corresponds to 50 ms and so on.


The UECapabilityEnquiry message is used to request UE radio access capabilities for NR as well as for other RATs.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

UECapabilityEnquiry message



UECapabilityEnquiry ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

ueCapabilityEnquiry UECapabilityEnquiry-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



UECapabilityEnquiry-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

ue-CapabilityRAT-RequestList UE-CapabilityRAT-RequestList,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

ue-CapabilityEnquiryExt OCTET STRING (CONTAINING UECapabilityEnquiry-v1560-IEs) OPTIONAL — Need N


UECapabilityEnquiry-v1560-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

capabilityRequestFilterCommon UE-CapabilityRequestFilterCommon OPTIONAL, — Need N

nonCriticalExtension UECapabilityEnquiry-v1610-IEs OPTIONAL


UECapabilityEnquiry-v1610-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-SegAllowed-r16 ENUMERATED {enabled} OPTIONAL, — Need N

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL





The IE UECapabilityInformation message is used to transfer UE radio access capabilities requested by the network.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

UECapabilityInformation message



UECapabilityInformation ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

ueCapabilityInformation UECapabilityInformation-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



UECapabilityInformation-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

ue-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList UE-CapabilityRAT-ContainerList OPTIONAL,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE{} OPTIONAL





The UEInformationRequest message is used by the network to retrieve information from the UE.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: Network to UE

UEInformationRequest message



UEInformationRequest-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

ueInformationRequest-r16 UEInformationRequest-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



UEInformationRequest-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

idleModeMeasurementReq-r16 ENUMERATED{true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

logMeasReportReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

connEstFailReportReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

ra-ReportReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

rlf-ReportReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

mobilityHistoryReportReq-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension UEInformationRequest-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


UEInformationRequest-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

successHO-ReportReq-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

coarseLocationRequest-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL, — Need N

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




UEInformationRequest-IEs field descriptions


This field is used to request UE to report coarse location information.


This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the connection failure.


This field indicates that the UE shall report the idle/inactive measurement information, if available, to the network in the UEInformationResponse message.


This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about logged measurements.


This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about mobility history information.


This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the random access procedure.


This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the radio link failure.


This field is used to indicate whether the UE shall report information about the successful handover report.


The UEInformationResponse message is used by the UE to transfer information requested by the network.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1 or SRB2 (when logged measurement information is included)


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to network

UEInformationResponse message



UEInformationResponse-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

rrc-TransactionIdentifier RRC-TransactionIdentifier,

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

ueInformationResponse-r16 UEInformationResponse-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



UEInformationResponse-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

measResultIdleEUTRA-r16 MeasResultIdleEUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL,

measResultIdleNR-r16 MeasResultIdleNR-r16 OPTIONAL,

logMeasReport-r16 LogMeasReport-r16 OPTIONAL,

connEstFailReport-r16 ConnEstFailReport-r16 OPTIONAL,

ra-ReportList-r16 RA-ReportList-r16 OPTIONAL,

rlf-Report-r16 RLF-Report-r16 OPTIONAL,

mobilityHistoryReport-r16 MobilityHistoryReport-r16 OPTIONAL,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension UEInformationResponse-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


UEInformationResponse-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

successHO-Report-r17 SuccessHO-Report-r17 OPTIONAL,

connEstFailReportList-r17 ConnEstFailReportList-r17 OPTIONAL,

coarseLocationInfo-r17 OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


LogMeasReport-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

absoluteTimeStamp-r16 AbsoluteTimeInfo-r16,

traceReference-r16 TraceReference-r16,

traceRecordingSessionRef-r16 OCTET STRING (SIZE (2)),

tce-Id-r16 OCTET STRING (SIZE (1)),

logMeasInfoList-r16 LogMeasInfoList-r16,

logMeasAvailable-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

logMeasAvailableBT-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

logMeasAvailableWLAN-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,


LogMeasInfoList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxLogMeasReport-r16)) OF LogMeasInfo-r16

LogMeasInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,

relativeTimeStamp-r16 INTEGER (0..7200),

servCellIdentity-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16 OPTIONAL,

measResultServingCell-r16 MeasResultServingCell-r16 OPTIONAL,

measResultNeighCells-r16 SEQUENCE {

measResultNeighCellListNR MeasResultListLogging2NR-r16 OPTIONAL,

measResultNeighCellListEUTRA MeasResultList2EUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL


anyCellSelectionDetected-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,



inDeviceCoexDetected-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL



ConnEstFailReport-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

measResultFailedCell-r16 MeasResultFailedCell-r16,

locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,

measResultNeighCells-r16 SEQUENCE {

measResultNeighCellListNR MeasResultList2NR-r16 OPTIONAL,

measResultNeighCellListEUTRA MeasResultList2EUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL


numberOfConnFail-r16 INTEGER (1..8),

perRAInfoList-r16 PerRAInfoList-r16,

timeSinceFailure-r16 TimeSinceFailure-r16,


ConnEstFailReportList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCEFReport-r17)) OF ConnEstFailReport-r16

MeasResultServingCell-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

resultsSSB-Cell MeasQuantityResults,


best-ssb-Index SSB-Index,

best-ssb-Results MeasQuantityResults,

numberOfGoodSSB INTEGER (1..maxNrofSSBs-r16)



MeasResultFailedCell-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

cgi-Info CGI-Info-Logging-r16,

measResult-r16 SEQUENCE {

cellResults-r16 SEQUENCE{

resultsSSB-Cell-r16 MeasQuantityResults


rsIndexResults-r16 SEQUENCE{

resultsSSB-Indexes-r16 ResultsPerSSB-IndexList




RA-ReportList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxRAReport-r16)) OF RA-Report-r16

RA-Report-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

cellId-r16 CHOICE {

cellGlobalId-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16,

pci-arfcn-r16 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16


ra-InformationCommon-r16 RA-InformationCommon-r16 OPTIONAL,

raPurpose-r16 ENUMERATED {accessRelated, beamFailureRecovery, reconfigurationWithSync, ulUnSynchronized,

schedulingRequestFailure, noPUCCHResourceAvailable, requestForOtherSI,

msg3RequestForOtherSI-r17, spare8, spare7, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3,

spare2, spare1},



spCellID-r17 CGI-Info-Logging-r16 OPTIONAL



RA-InformationCommon-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

absoluteFrequencyPointA-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR,

locationAndBandwidth-r16 INTEGER (0..37949),

subcarrierSpacing-r16 SubcarrierSpacing,

msg1-FrequencyStart-r16 INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL,

msg1-FrequencyStartCFRA-r16 INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL,

msg1-SubcarrierSpacing-r16 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL,

msg1-SubcarrierSpacingCFRA-r16 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL,

msg1-FDM-r16 ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL,

msg1-FDMCFRA-r16 ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL,

perRAInfoList-r16 PerRAInfoList-r16,



perRAInfoList-v1660 PerRAInfoList-v1660 OPTIONAL



msg1-SCS-From-prach-ConfigurationIndex-r16 ENUMERATED {kHz1dot25, kHz5, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL



msg1-SCS-From-prach-ConfigurationIndexCFRA-r16 ENUMERATED {kHz1dot25, kHz5, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL



msgA-RO-FrequencyStart-r17 INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL,

msgA-RO-FrequencyStartCFRA-r17 INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL,

msgA-SubcarrierSpacing-r17 SubcarrierSpacing OPTIONAL,

msgA-RO-FDM-r17 ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL,

msgA-RO-FDMCFRA-r17 ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL,

msgA-SCS-From-prach-ConfigurationIndex-r17 ENUMERATED {kHz1dot25, kHz5, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL,

msgA-TransMax-r17 ENUMERATED {n1, n2, n4, n6, n8, n10, n20, n50, n100, n200} OPTIONAL,

msgA-MCS-r17 INTEGER (0..15) OPTIONAL,

nrofPRBs-PerMsgA-PO-r17 INTEGER (1..32) OPTIONAL,

msgA-PUSCH-TimeDomainAllocation-r17 INTEGER (1..maxNrofUL-Allocations) OPTIONAL,

frequencyStartMsgA-PUSCH-r17 INTEGER (0..maxNrofPhysicalResourceBlocks-1) OPTIONAL,

nrofMsgA-PO-FDM-r17 ENUMERATED {one, two, four, eight} OPTIONAL,

dlPathlossRSRP-r17 RSRP-Range OPTIONAL,

intendedSIBs-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxSIB)) OF SIB-Type-r17 OPTIONAL,

ssbsForSI-Acquisition-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrofSSBs-r16)) OF SSB-Index OPTIONAL,

msgA-PUSCH-PayloadSize-r17 BIT STRING (SIZE (5)) OPTIONAL,

onDemandSISuccess-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL



PerRAInfoList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..200)) OF PerRAInfo-r16

PerRAInfoList-v1660 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..200)) OF PerRACSI-RSInfo-v1660

PerRAInfo-r16 ::= CHOICE {

perRASSBInfoList-r16 PerRASSBInfo-r16,

perRACSI-RSInfoList-r16 PerRACSI-RSInfo-r16


PerRASSBInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

ssb-Index-r16 SSB-Index,

numberOfPreamblesSentOnSSB-r16 INTEGER (1..200),

perRAAttemptInfoList-r16 PerRAAttemptInfoList-r16


PerRACSI-RSInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

csi-RS-Index-r16 CSI-RS-Index,

numberOfPreamblesSentOnCSI-RS-r16 INTEGER (1..200)


PerRACSI-RSInfo-v1660 ::= SEQUENCE {

csi-RS-Index-v1660 INTEGER (1..96) OPTIONAL


PerRAAttemptInfoList-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..200)) OF PerRAAttemptInfo-r16

PerRAAttemptInfo-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

contentionDetected-r16 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,

dlRSRPAboveThreshold-r16 BOOLEAN OPTIONAL,



fallbackToFourStepRA-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL



SIB-Type-r17 ::= ENUMERATED {sibType2, sibType3, sibType4, sibType5, sibType9, sibType10-v1610, sibType11-v1610, sibType12-v1610,

sibType13-v1610, sibType14-v1610, spare6, spare5, spare4, spare3, spare2, spare1}

RLF-Report-r16 ::= CHOICE {

nr-RLF-Report-r16 SEQUENCE {

measResultLastServCell-r16 MeasResultRLFNR-r16,

measResultNeighCells-r16 SEQUENCE {

measResultListNR-r16 MeasResultList2NR-r16 OPTIONAL,

measResultListEUTRA-r16 MeasResultList2EUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL


c-RNTI-r16 RNTI-Value,

previousPCellId-r16 CHOICE {

nrPreviousCell-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16,

eutraPreviousCell-r16 CGI-InfoEUTRALogging


failedPCellId-r16 CHOICE {

nrFailedPCellId-r16 CHOICE {

cellGlobalId-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16,

pci-arfcn-r16 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16


eutraFailedPCellId-r16 CHOICE {

cellGlobalId-r16 CGI-InfoEUTRALogging,

pci-arfcn-r16 PCI-ARFCN-EUTRA-r16



reconnectCellId-r16 CHOICE {

nrReconnectCellId-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16,

eutraReconnectCellId-r16 CGI-InfoEUTRALogging


timeUntilReconnection-r16 TimeUntilReconnection-r16 OPTIONAL,

reestablishmentCellId-r16 CGI-Info-Logging-r16 OPTIONAL,

timeConnFailure-r16 INTEGER (0..1023) OPTIONAL,

timeSinceFailure-r16 TimeSinceFailure-r16,

connectionFailureType-r16 ENUMERATED {rlf, hof},

rlf-Cause-r16 ENUMERATED {t310-Expiry, randomAccessProblem, rlc-MaxNumRetx,

beamFailureRecoveryFailure, lbtFailure-r16,

bh-rlfRecoveryFailure, t312-expiry-r17, spare1},

locationInfo-r16 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,

noSuitableCellFound-r16 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

ra-InformationCommon-r16 RA-InformationCommon-r16 OPTIONAL,



csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-v1650 BIT STRING (SIZE (96)) OPTIONAL



lastHO-Type-r17 ENUMERATED {cho, daps, spare2, spare1} OPTIONAL,

timeConnSourceDAPS-Failure-r17 TimeConnSourceDAPS-Failure-r17 OPTIONAL,

timeSinceCHO-Reconfig-r17 TimeSinceCHO-Reconfig-r17 OPTIONAL,

choCellId-r17 CHOICE {

cellGlobalId-r17 CGI-Info-Logging-r16,

pci-arfcn-r17 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16


choCandidateCellList-r17 ChoCandidateCellList-r17 OPTIONAL



eutra-RLF-Report-r16 SEQUENCE {

failedPCellId-EUTRA CGI-InfoEUTRALogging,

measResult-RLF-Report-EUTRA-r16 OCTET STRING,







SuccessHO-Report-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

sourceCellInfo-r17 SEQUENCE {

sourcePCellId-r17 CGI-Info-Logging-r16,

sourceCellMeas-r17 MeasResultSuccessHONR-r17 OPTIONAL,



targetCellInfo-r17 SEQUENCE {

targetPCellId-r17 CGI-Info-Logging-r16,

targetCellMeas-r17 MeasResultSuccessHONR-r17 OPTIONAL


measResultNeighCells-r17 SEQUENCE {

measResultListNR-r17 MeasResultList2NR-r16 OPTIONAL,

measResultListEUTRA-r17 MeasResultList2EUTRA-r16 OPTIONAL


locationInfo-r17 LocationInfo-r16 OPTIONAL,

timeSinceCHO-Reconfig-r17 TimeSinceCHO-Reconfig-r17 OPTIONAL,

shr-Cause-r17 SHR-Cause-r17 OPTIONAL,

ra-InformationCommon-r17 RA-InformationCommon-r16 OPTIONAL,

upInterruptionTimeAtHO-r17 UPInterruptionTimeAtHO-r17 OPTIONAL,



MeasResultList2NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2NR-r16

MeasResultList2EUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResult2EUTRA-r16

MeasResult2NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

ssbFrequency-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR OPTIONAL,


measResultList-r16 MeasResultListNR


MeasResultListLogging2NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE (1..maxFreq)) OF MeasResultLogging2NR-r16

MeasResultLogging2NR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

carrierFreq-r16 ARFCN-ValueNR,

measResultListLoggingNR-r16 MeasResultListLoggingNR-r16


MeasResultListLoggingNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxCellReport)) OF MeasResultLoggingNR-r16

MeasResultLoggingNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

physCellId-r16 PhysCellId,

resultsSSB-Cell-r16 MeasQuantityResults,

numberOfGoodSSB-r16 INTEGER (1..maxNrofSSBs-r16) OPTIONAL


MeasResult2EUTRA-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

carrierFreq-r16 ARFCN-ValueEUTRA,

measResultList-r16 MeasResultListEUTRA


MeasResultRLFNR-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

measResult-r16 SEQUENCE {

cellResults-r16 SEQUENCE{

resultsSSB-Cell-r16 MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL,

resultsCSI-RS-Cell-r16 MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL


rsIndexResults-r16 SEQUENCE{

resultsSSB-Indexes-r16 ResultsPerSSB-IndexList OPTIONAL,

ssbRLMConfigBitmap-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (64)) OPTIONAL,

resultsCSI-RS-Indexes-r16 ResultsPerCSI-RS-IndexList OPTIONAL,

csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-r16 BIT STRING (SIZE (96)) OPTIONAL




MeasResultSuccessHONR-r17::= SEQUENCE {

measResult-r17 SEQUENCE {

cellResults-r17 SEQUENCE{

resultsSSB-Cell-r17 MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL,

resultsCSI-RS-Cell-r17 MeasQuantityResults OPTIONAL


rsIndexResults-r17 SEQUENCE{

resultsSSB-Indexes-r17 ResultsPerSSB-IndexList OPTIONAL,

resultsCSI-RS-Indexes-r17 ResultsPerCSI-RS-IndexList OPTIONAL




ChoCandidateCellList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE(SIZE (1..maxNrofCondCells-r16)) OF ChoCandidateCell-r17

ChoCandidateCell-r17 ::= CHOICE {

cellGlobalId-r17 CGI-Info-Logging-r16,

pci-arfcn-r17 PCI-ARFCN-NR-r16


SHR-Cause-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

t304-cause-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

t310-cause-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

t312-cause-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,

sourceDAPS-Failure-r17 ENUMERATED {true} OPTIONAL,


TimeSinceFailure-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..172800)

MobilityHistoryReport-r16 ::= VisitedCellInfoList-r16

TimeUntilReconnection-r16 ::= INTEGER (0..172800)

TimeSinceCHO-Reconfig-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..1023)

TimeConnSourceDAPS-Failure-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..1023)

UPInterruptionTimeAtHO-r17 ::= INTEGER (0..1023)



UEInformationResponse-IEs field descriptions


Parameter type Ellipsoid-Point defined in TS 37.355 [49]. The first/leftmost bit of the first octet contains the most significant bit. The least significant bits of degreesLatitude and degreesLongitude are set to 0 to meet the accuracy requirement corresponds to a granularity of approximately 2 km.

It is up to UE implementation how many LSBs are set to 0 to meet the accuracy requirement.


This field is used to provide connection establishment failure or connection resume failure information.


This field is used to provide the list of connEstFailReport that are stored by the UE for the past up to maxCEFReport-r17.


This field is used to provide the measurement results stored by the UE associated to logged MDT.


EUTRA measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE or RRC_IDLE.


NR measurement results performed during RRC_INACTIVE or RRC_IDLE.


This field is used to provide the list of RA reports that is stored by the UE for the past upto maxRAReport-r16 number of successful random access procedures, or failed or successful completion of on-demand system information request procedure.


This field is used to indicate the RLF report related contents.


This field is used to provide the successful handover report if triggered based on the successful handover configuration.

LogMeasReport field descriptions


Indicates the absolute time when the logged measurement configuration logging is provided, as indicated by NR within absoluteTimeInfo.


This field is used to indicate the detection of any cell selection state, as defined in TS 38.304 [20]. The UE sets this field when performing the logging of measurement results in RRC_IDLE or RRC_INACTIVE and there is no suitable cell or no acceptable cell.


Indicates that measurement logging is suspended due to IDC problem detection.


This field refers to the log measurement results taken in the Serving cell.


Indicates the number of good beams (beams that are above absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, if configured by the network) associated to the cells within the R value range (which is configured by network for cell reselection) of the highest ranked cell as part of the beam level measurements. If the UE has no SSB of a neighbour cell whose measurement quantity is above the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation or if the network has not configured the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, then the UE does not include numberOfGoodSSB for the corresponding neighbour cell. If the UE has no SSB of the serving cell whose measurement quantity is above the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation or if the network has not configured the absThreshSS-BlocksConsolidation, then the UE shall set the numberOfGoodSSB for the serving cell to one.


Indicates the time of logging measurement results, measured relative to the absoluteTimeStamp. Value in seconds.


Parameter Trace Collection Entity Id: See TS 32.422 [52].


Parameter Trace Recording Session Reference: See TS 32.422 [52].

ConnEstFailReport field descriptions


This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the cell, where connection establishment failure or connection resume failure happened.


This field refers to the neighbour cell measurements when connection establishment failure or connection resume failure happened.


This field is used to indicate the latest number of consecutive failed RRCSetup or RRCResume procedures in the same cell independent of RRC state transition.


This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed since the connection (establishment or resume) failure. Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer.

RA-InformationCommon field descriptions


This field indicates the absolute frequency position of the reference resource block (Common RB 0).


Frequency domain location and bandwidth of the bandwidth part associated to the random-access resources used by the UE.

perRAInfoList, perRAInfoList-v1660

This field provides detailed information about each of the random access attempts in the chronological order of the random access attempts. If perRAInfoList-v1660 is present, it shall contain the same number of entries, listed in the same order as in perRAInfoList-r16.


Subcarrier spacing used in the BWP associated to the random-access resources used by the UE.

RA-Report field descriptions


This field indicates the CGI of the cell in which the associated random access procedure was performed.


This field is used to indicate that contention was detected for the transmitted preamble in the given random access attempt or not. This field is not included when the UE performs random access attempt is using contention free random-access resources or when the raPurpose is set to requestForOtherSI or when the RA attempt is a 2-step RA attempt and fallback to 4-step RA did not occur (i.e. fallbackToFourStepRA is not included).

csi-RS-Index, csi-RS-Index-v1660

This field is used to indicate the CSI-RS index corresponding to the random access attempt.

If the random access procedure is for beam failure recovery, the field indicates the NZP-CSI-RS-ResourceId. For CSI-RS index larger than maxNrofCSI-RS-ResourcesRRM-1, the index value is the sum of csi-RS-Index (without suffix) and csi-RS-Index-v1660.


Measeured RSRP of the DL pathloss reference obtained at the time of RA_Type selection stage of the RA procedure as captured in TS 38.321 [3].


In 4 step random access procedure, this field is used to indicate whether the DL beam (SSB) quality associated to the random access attempt was above or below the threshold rsrp-ThresholdSSB in beamFailureRecoveryConfig in UL BWP configuration of UL BWP selected for random access procedure initiated for beam failure recovery; Otherwise, rsrp-ThresholdSSB in rach-ConfigCommon in UL BWP configuration of UL BWP selected for random access procedure.

In 2 step random access procedure, this field is used to indicate whether the DL beam (SSB) quality associated to the random access attempt was above or below the threshold msgA-RSRP-ThresholdSSB in rach-ConfigCommonTwoStepRA in UL BWP configuration of UL BWP selected for random access procedure.


This field indicates if a fallback indication in MsgB is received (according to TS 38.321 [3]) for the 2-step random access attempt.


This field indicates the SIB(s) the UE wanted to receive as a result of the on demand SI request (when the RA procedure is a used as a SI request) initiated by the UE. That is, it indicates the one(s) of the SIB(s) in the SI message(s) requested to be broadcast that the UE was interested in.


This field is set by the UE with the corresponding SCS for CBRA as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGeneric when the msg1-SubcarrierSpacing is absent; otherwise, this field is absent.


This field is set by the UE with the corresponding SCS for CFRA as derived from the prach-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGeneric when the msg1-SubcarrierSpacing is absent; otherwise, this field is absent.


This field indicates the size of the overall payload available in the UE buffer at the time of initiating the 2 step RA procedure. The value refers to the index of TS 38.321 [3], table, corresponding to the UE buffer size.


This field indicates the number of msgA PRACH transmission occasions Frequency-Division Multiplexed in one time instance for the PRACH resources configured for 2-step CBRA..


This field indicates the number of msgA PRACH transmission occasions Frequency-Division Multiplexed in one time instance for the PRACH resources configured for 2-step CFRA.


This field indicates the lowest resource block of the contention based random-access resources for 2-step CBRA in the random-access procedure. The indication has the form of the offset of the lowest PRACH transmissions occasion with respect to PRB 0 in the frequency domain.


This field indicates the lowest resource block of the contention free random-access resources for the 2-step CFRA in the random-access procedure. The indication has the form of the offset of the lowest PRACH transmissions occasion with respect to PRB 0 in the frequency domain.


This field is set by the UE with the corresponding SCS as derived from the msgA-PRACH-ConfigurationIndex in RACH-ConfigGenericTwoStepRA (see tables Table, Table, Table and Table, TS 38.211 [16]) when the msgA-SubcarrierSpacing is absent and when only 2-step random-access resources are available in the UL BWP used in the random-access procedure; otherwise, this field is absent.


This field is used to indicate the total number of successive RA preambles that were transmitted on the corresponding CSI-RS.


This field is used to indicate the total number of successive RA preambles that were transmitted on the corresponding SS/PBCH block.


This field is set to true when the RA report entry is included because of either msg1 based on demand SI request or msg3 based on demand SI request and if the on-demand SI request is successful. Otherwise, the field is absent.


This field provides detailed information about a random access attempt.


This field provides detailed information about the successive random access attempts associated to the same CSI-RS.


This field provides detailed information about the successive random access attempts associated to the same SS/PBCH block.


This field is used to provide information on random access attempts. This field is mandatory present.


This field is used to indicate the RA scenario for which the RA report entry is triggered. The RA accesses associated to Initial access from RRC_IDLE, RRC re-establishment procedure, transition from RRC-INACTIVE. The indicator beamFailureRecovery is used in case of successful beam failure recovery related RA procedure in the SpCell [3]. The indicator reconfigurationWithSync is used if the UE executes a reconfiguration with sync. The indicator ulUnSynchronized is used if the random access procedure is initiated in a SpCell by DL or UL data arrival during RRC_CONNECTED when the timeAlignmentTimer is not running in the PTAG or if the RA procedure is initiated in a serving cell by a PDCCH order [3]. The indicator schedulingRequestFailure is used in case of SR failures [3]. The indicator noPUCCHResourceAvailable is used when the UE has no valid SR PUCCH resources configured [3]. The indicator requestForOtherSI is used for MSG1 based on demand SI request. The indicator msg3RequestForOtherSI is used in case of MSG3 based SI request. The field can also be used for the SCG-related RA-Report when the raPurpose is set to beamFailureRecovery, reconfigurationWithSync, ulUnSynchronized, schedulingRequestFailure and noPUCCHResourceAvailable.


This field is used to indicate the CGI of the SpCell of the cell group associated to the SCell in which the associated random access procedure was performed. If the UE performs RA procedure on a SCell associated to the MCG, then this field is set to the CGI of the PCell and if the UE performs RA procedure on a SCell associated to the SCG, then this field is set to the CGI of the PSCell. Otherwise, the field is absent.


This field is used to indicate the SS/PBCH index of the SS/PBCH block corresponding to the random access attempt.


This field indicates the SSB(s) (in the form of SSB index(es)) that the UE used to receive the requested SI message(s). The field is present if the purpose of the random access procedure was to request on-demand SI (i.e. if the raPurpose is set to requestForOtherSI or msg3RequestForOtherSI). Otherwise, the field is absent.

RLF-Report field descriptions


This field is used to indicate the list of candidate target cells for conditional handover included in condRRCReconfig at the time of connection failure. The field does not include the candidate target cells included in measResulNeighCells.


This field is used to indicate the candidate target cell for conditional handover included in condRRCReconfig that the UE selected for CHO based recovery while T311 is running.


This field is used to indicate whether the connection failure is due to radio link failure or handover failure.


These fields are used to indicate the CSI-RS indexes configured in the RLM configurations for the active BWP when the UE declares RLF or HOF. The UE first fills in the csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-r16 to indicate the first 96 CSI-RS indexes and then csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-v1650 to indicate the latter 96 CSI-RS indexes. The first/leftmost bit in csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-r16 corresponds to CSI-RS index 0, the second bit corresponds to CSI-RS index 1. The first/leftmost bit in csi-rsRLMConfigBitmap-v1650 corresponds to CSI-RS index 96, the second bit corresponds to CSI-RS index 97. These fields are included only if the RadioLinkMonitoringConfig for the respective BWP is configured.


This field indicates the C-RNTI used in the PCell upon detecting radio link failure or the C-RNTI used in the source PCell upon handover failure.


This field is used to indicate the PCell in which RLF is detected or the target PCell of the failed handover. For intra-NR handover nrFailedPCellId is included and for the handover from NR to EUTRA eutraFailedPCellId is included. The UE sets the ARFCN according to the frequency band used for transmission/ reception when the failure occurred.


This field is used to indicate the PCell in which RLF is detected or the source PCell of the failed handover in an E-UTRA RLF report.


This field is used to indicate the type of the last executed handover before the last detected connection failure. The field is set to cho if the last executed handover was initiated by a conditional reconfiguration execution. The field is set to daps if the last executed handover was a DAPS handover.


This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the neighboring EUTRA Cells, when the radio link failure or handover failure happened.


This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the neighboring NR Cells, when the radio link failure or handover failure happened.


This field refers to the log measurement results taken in the PCell upon detecting radio link failure or the source PCell upon handover failure.


Includes the E-UTRA RLF-Report-r9 IE as specified in TS 36.331 [10].


Includes the E-UTRA RLF-Report-v9e0 IE as specified in TS 36.331 [10].


This field is set by the UE when the T311 expires.


This field is used to indicate the source PCell of the last handover (source PCell when the last executed RRCReconfiguration message including reconfigurationWithSync was received). For intra-NR handover nrPreviousCell is included and for the handover from EUTRA to NR eutraPreviousCell is included.


This field is optionally included when connectionFailureType is set to ‘hof’ or when connectionFailureType is set to ‘rlf’ and the rlf-Cause equals to ‘randomAccessProblem’ or ‘beamRecoveryFailure’; otherwise this field is absent.


This field is used to indicate the cell in which the UE comes back to connected after connection failure and after failing to perform reestablishment. If the UE comes back to RRC CONNECTED in an NR cell then nrReconnectCellID is included and if the UE comes back to RRC CONNECTED in an LTE cell then eutraReconnectCellID is included


If the UE was not configured with conditionalReconfiguration at the time of re-establishment attempt, or if the cell selected for the re-establishment attempt is not a candidate target cell for conditional reconfiguration, this field is used to indicate the cell in which the re-establishment attempt was made after connection failure.


This field is used to indicate the cause of the last radio link failure that was detected. In case of handover failure information reporting (i.e., the connectionFailureType is set to ‘hof‘), the UE is allowed to set this field to any value, except for the case in which a radio link failure was detected in the source PCell while performing a DAPS handover..


This field is used to indicate the SS/PBCH block indexes configured in the RLM configurations for the active BWP when the UE declares RLF or HOF.The first/leftmost bit corresponds to SSB index 0, the second bit corresponds to SSB index 1. This field is included only if the RadioLinkMonitoringConfig for the respective BWP is configured.


This field is used to indicate the time elapsed since the last HO execution until connection failure. Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.


This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed between the last DAPS handover execution and the radio link failure detected in the source cell while T304 is running. Value in milliseconds. The maximum value 1023 means 1023ms or longer.


This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed since the connection (radio link or handover) failure. Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer. In the case of failure(s) (either at source or at target or at both) associated to DAPS handover, this field indicates the time elapsed since the latest connection (radio link or handover) failure.


In case of handover failure, this field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the initiation of the last conditional reconfiguration execution towards the target cell and the reception of the latest conditional reconfiguration. In case of radio link failure, this field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the radio link failure and the reception of the latest conditional reconfiguration while connected to the source PCell. Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.


This field is used to indicate the time that elapsed between the connection (radio link or handover) failure and the next time the UE comes to RRC CONNECTED in an NR or EUTRA cell, after failing to perform reestablishment. Value in seconds. The maximum value 172800 means 172800s or longer.

SuccessHO-Report field descriptions


This field indicates the C-RNTI assigned by the target PCell of the handover for which the successful HO report was generated.


This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the neighboring NR Cells when a successful handover is executed.


This field indicates whether a radio link failure occurred at the source cell while T304 was running.


This field is used to indicate the cause of the successful HO report.


This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the source PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.


This field is used to indicate the source PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.


This field is used to indicate the target PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.


This field refers to the last measurement results taken in the target PCell of a handover in which the successful handover triggers the SuccessHO-Report.


This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the initiation of the last conditional reconfiguration execution towards the target cell and the reception of the latest conditional reconfiguration for this target cell. Actual value = field value * 100ms. The maximum value 1023 means 102.3s or longer.


This field is used to indicate the time elapsed between the time of arrival of the last PDCP PDU received from the source cell for any data radio bearer and the time of arrival of the first non-duplicate PDCP PDU received from the target cell for any data radio bearer, and it is measured at the time of arrival of the first non-duplicate PDCP PDU received from the target cell for any data radio bearer. The field is set only in case of DAPS handover.
Value in milliseconds. The maximum value 1023 means 1023ms or longer.


The UEPositioningAssistanceInfo message is used to provide positioning assistance information as requested by the Network.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

UEPositioningAssistanceInfo message



UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

uePositioningAssistanceInfo-r17 UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-r17-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-r17-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

ue-TxTEG-AssociationList-r17 UE-TxTEG-AssociationList-r17 OPTIONAL,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-v1720-IEs OPTIONAL


UEPositioningAssistanceInfo-v1720-IEs::= SEQUENCE {

ue-TxTEG-TimingErrorMarginValue-r17 ENUMERATED {tc0, tc2, tc4, tc6, tc8, tc12, tc16, tc20, tc24, tc32, tc40, tc48, tc56,

tc64, tc72, tc80} OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL


UE-TxTEG-AssociationList-r17 ::= SEQUENCE (SIZE (1..maxNrOfTxTEGReport-r17)) OF UE-TxTEG-Association-r17

UE-TxTEG-Association-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

ue-TxTEG-ID-r17 INTEGER (0..maxNrOfTxTEG-ID-1-r17),

nr-TimeStamp-r17 NR-TimeStamp-r17,

associatedSRS-PosResourceIdList-r17 SEQUENCE (SIZE(1..maxNrofSRS-PosResources-r16)) OF SRS-PosResourceId-r16,

servCellId-r17 ServCellIndex OPTIONAL


NR-TimeStamp-r17 ::= SEQUENCE {

nr-SFN-r17 INTEGER (0..1023),

nr-Slot-r17 CHOICE {

scs15-r17 INTEGER (0..9),

scs30-r17 INTEGER (0..19),

scs60-r17 INTEGER (0..39),

scs120-r17 INTEGER (0..79)





UEPositioningAssistanceInfo field descriptions


This field specifies the latest time instance at which the association is valid prior to the reporting.


This field indicates the serving cell information of SRS for positioning resources associated to the UE Tx TEG report.


Identifies the ID of UE Tx TEG.


This field specifies the UE Tx TEG timing error margin value of all the UE Tx TEGs within one UEPositioningAssistanceInfo. Value tc0 corresponds to 0 Tc, tc2 corresponds to 2 Tc and so on (see TS 37.355 [49]).


The ULDedicatedMessageSegment message is used to transfer segments of the UECapabilityInformation or MeasurementReportAppLayer message. SRB1 is used at transfer of segments of UECapabilityInformation and SRB4 is used at transfer of segments of MeasurementReportAppLayer.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1 or SRB4


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

ULDedicatedMessageSegment message



ULDedicatedMessageSegment-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

ulDedicatedMessageSegment-r16 ULDedicatedMessageSegment-r16-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



ULDedicatedMessageSegment-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

segmentNumber-r16 INTEGER (0..15),

rrc-MessageSegmentContainer-r16 OCTET STRING,

rrc-MessageSegmentType-r16 ENUMERATED {notLastSegment, lastSegment},

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




ULDedicatedMessageSegment field descriptions


Identifies the sequence number of a segment within the encoded UL DCCH message.


Includes a segment of the encoded UL DCCH message. The size of the included segment in this container should be small enough that the resulting encoded RRC message PDU is less than or equal to the PDCP SDU size limit.


Indicates whether the included UL DCCH message segment is the last segment or not.


The ULInformationTransfer message is used for the uplink transfer of NAS or non-3GPP dedicated information, or IAB-DU specific F1-C related information.

Signalling radio bearer: SRB2 or SRB1 (only if SRB2 not established yet). If SRB2 is suspended, the UE does not send this message until SRB2 is resumed. If only dedicatedInfoF1c is included, SRB2 is used.


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to network

ULInformationTransfer message



ULInformationTransfer ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {

ulInformationTransfer ULInformationTransfer-IEs,

criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



ULInformationTransfer-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

dedicatedNAS-Message DedicatedNAS-Message OPTIONAL,

lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension ULInformationTransfer-v1700-IEs OPTIONAL


ULInformationTransfer-v1700-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {

dedicatedInfoF1c-r17 DedicatedInfoF1c-r17 OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL





The ULInformationTransferIRAT message is used for the uplink transfer of information terminated at NR MCG but specified by another RAT. In this version of the specification, the message is used for V2X sidelink communication messages specified in TS 36.331 [10].

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to network

ULInformationTransferIRAT message



ULInformationTransferIRAT-r16 ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {


ulInformationTransferIRAT-r16 ULInformationTransferIRAT-r16-IEs,

spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL


criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



ULInformationTransferIRAT-r16-IEs ::= SEQUENCE {


lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




ULInformationTransferIRAT field descriptions


Includes the UL-DCCH-Message as defined in TS 36.331 [10]. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the E-UTRA RRC MeasurementReport, E-UTRA RRC SidelinkUEInformation and the E-UTRA RRC UEAssistanceInformation messages.

– ULInformationTransferMRDC

The ULInformationTransferMRDC message is used for the uplink transfer of MR-DC dedicated information (e.g. for transferring the NR or E-UTRA RRC MeasurementReport message, the FailureInformation message, the UEAssistanceInformation message, the RRCReconfigurationComplete message or the NR or E-UTRA RRC MCGFailureInformation message).

Signalling radio bearer: SRB1, SRB3


Logical channel: DCCH

Direction: UE to Network

ULInformationTransferMRDC message



ULInformationTransferMRDC ::= SEQUENCE {

criticalExtensions CHOICE {


ulInformationTransferMRDC ULInformationTransferMRDC-IEs,

spare3 NULL, spare2 NULL, spare1 NULL


criticalExtensionsFuture SEQUENCE {}



ULInformationTransferMRDC-IEs::= SEQUENCE {



lateNonCriticalExtension OCTET STRING OPTIONAL,

nonCriticalExtension SEQUENCE {} OPTIONAL




ULInformationTransferMRDC field descriptions


Includes the UL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the NR RRC MeasurementReport, RRCReconfigurationComplete, UEAssistanceInformation, FailureInformation, and IABOtherInformation messages when sent via SRB1 and to transfer the NR MCGFailureInformation message when sent via SRB3.


Includes the UL-DCCH-Message. In this version of the specification, the field is only used to transfer the E-UTRA RRC MeasurementReport message when sent via SRB1 and to transfer the E-UTRA MCGFailureInformation message when sent via SRB3.