3 Definitions of terms, symbols and abbreviations

38.115-13GPPNRRelease 17Repeater conformance testing - Part 1: Conducted conformance testingTS

3.1 Terms

For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

Antenna connector: connector at the conducted interface of the repeater type 1-C

Fractional bandwidth: fractional bandwidth FBW is defined as

gap between passbands: frequency gap between two consecutive passbands that belong to the same operating band, where the RF requirements in the gap are based on co-existence for un-coordinated operation

Inter-passband gap: The frequency gap between two supported consecutive passbands that belong to different operating bands.

Maximum passband output power: mean power level measured per passband at the antenna connector, during the transmitter ON state in a specified reference condition

Maximum passband TRP output power: mean power level measured per passband during the transmitter ON state in a specified reference condition and corresponding to the declared rated passband TRP output power (Prated,p,,TRP)Measurement bandwidth: RF bandwidth in which an emission level is specified

multi-band connector: Antenna Connector for a Multi-band repeater.

Multi-band repeater: Repeater Type 1-C whose antenna connector is associated with a transmitter and/or receiver that is characterized by the ability to process two or more passband(s) in common active RF components simultaneously, where at least one passband is configured at a different operating band than the other passband(s) and where this different operating band is not a sub-band or superseding-band of another supported operating band

Non-contiguous spectrum: spectrum consisting of two or more passbands separated by inter-passband gap(s).

Operating band: frequency range in which NR operates (paired or unpaired), that is defined with a specific set of technical requirements

passband edge: Frequency at the edge of the passband

Repeater type 1-C:Repeater operating at FR1 with a requirement set consisting only of conducted requirements defined at individual antenna connectors.

Requirement set: one of the NR requirements set as defined for NR repeater

single-band connector: Repeater type 1-C antenna connector supporting operation either in a single operating band only, or in multiple operating bands but does not meet the conditions for a multi-band connector.

Sub-band: A sub-band of an operating band contains a part of the uplink and downlink frequency range of the operating band.

sub-block: one contiguous allocated block of spectrum for transmission and reception by the repeater.

Superseding-band: A superseding-band of an operating band includes the whole of the uplink and downlink frequency range of the operating band.

Transmitter OFF state: Time period during which the repeater downlink or uplink is not allowed to transmit in the corresponding direction.

3.2 Symbols

For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:

BWPassband Passband bandwidth

Δf Separation between the passband edge frequency and the nominal -3 dB point of the measuring filter closest to the carrier frequency

Δfmax f_offsetmax minus half of the bandwidth of the measuring filter

ΔfOBUE Maximum offset of the operating band unwanted emissions mask from the operating band edgeFDL,low The lowest frequency of the downlink operating band

FDL,high The highest frequency of the downlink operating band

FFBWhigh Highest supported frequency within supportedoperating band, for which fractional bandwidth support was declared

FFBWlow Lowest supported frequency within supported operating band, for which fractional bandwidth support was declared

Ffilter Filter centre frequency

Foffset,high Frequency offset from FC,high to the upper passband edge

Foffset,low Frequency offset from FC,low to the lower passband edge

f_offset Separation between the passband edge frequency and the centre of the measuring

f_offsetmax The offset to the frequency ΔfOBUE outside the operating band

FUL,low The lowest frequency of the uplink operating band

FUL,high The highest frequency of the uplink operating band

PEM,n50/n75,ind Declared emission level for Band n50/n75; ind = a, b

Pmax,p,AC Maximum passband output power measured per antenna connector

Wgap Inter passband Bandwidth gap size

3.3 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage Ratio

AoA Angle of Arrival

BW Bandwidth

CACLR Cumulative ACLR

CP-OFDM Cyclic Prefix-OFDM

DFT-s-OFDM Discrete Fourier Transform-spread-OFDM

DL Downlink

EVM Error Vector Magnitude

FBW Fractional Bandwidth

FR Frequency Range

ITU‑R Radiocommunication Sector of the International Telecommunication Union

LA Local Area

MR Medium Range

NR New Radio

OBUE Operating Band Unwanted Emissions

OOB Out-of-band

QAM Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

RF Radio Frequency

RX Receiver

SCS Sub-Carrier Spacing

TX Transmitter

UL Uplink

WA Wide Area