7.3E Reference sensitivity for V2X
38.101-13GPPNRPart 1: Range 1 StandaloneRelease 17TSUser Equipment (UE) radio transmission and reception
7.3E.1 General
The reference sensitivity power level PREFSENS_V2X is the minimum mean power applied to each one of the UE antenna port for V2X UE, at which the throughput shall meet or exceed the requirements for the specified reference measurement channel.
7.3E.2 Minimum requirements
When UE is configured for NR V2X reception non-concurrent with NR uplink transmissions for NR V2X operating bands specified in Table 5.2E.1-1, the throughput shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channels as specified in Annexes A.7.2 with parameters specified in Table 7.3E.2-1.
Table 7.3E.2-1: Reference sensitivity of NR V2X Bands (PC5)
NR V2X |
Channel bandwidth / PREFSENS_V2X(dBm) |
5MHz4 |
10 MHz |
20 MHz |
30 MHz |
40 MHz |
Duplex |
n14 |
15 |
-95.9 |
-92.7 |
HD |
30 |
-93.0 |
60 |
n38 |
15 |
-96.5 |
-93.2 |
-91.4 |
-90.1 |
HD |
30 |
-96.1 |
-93.4 |
-91.7 |
-90.2 |
60 |
-96.9 |
-93.1 |
-91.9 |
-90.4 |
n47 |
15 |
-92.5 |
-89.2 |
-87.4 |
-86.1 |
HD |
30 |
-92.1 |
-89.4 |
-87.7 |
-86.2 |
60 |
-92.9 |
-89.1 |
-87.9 |
-86.4 |
n795 |
15 |
-95.5 |
-92.2 |
-90.4 |
-89.1 |
HD |
30 |
-95.1 |
-92.4 |
-90.7 |
-89.2 |
60 |
-95.9 |
-92.1 |
-90.9 |
-89.4 |
NOTE 1: Reference measurement channel is defined in A.7.2. NOTE 2: The signal power is specified per antenna port. NOTE 3: Void. NOTE 4: The CBW is only applicable for PS UE in n14. NOTE 5: These REFSENS values do not consider the impact of the near/far effect |
Table 7.3E.2-2: Sidelink TX configuration for reference sensitivity of NR V2X Bands (PC5)
NR Band / SCS / Channel bandwidth / Duplex mode |
NR V2X Band |
SCS kHz |
5 MHz3 |
10 MHz |
20 MHz |
30 MHz |
40 MHz |
Duplex Mode |
n14 |
15 |
20 |
20 |
HD |
30 |
10 |
60 |
n38 |
15 |
50 |
105 |
160 |
216 |
HD |
30 |
24 |
50 |
75 |
105 |
60 |
102 |
24 |
36 |
50 |
n47 |
15 |
50 |
105 |
160 |
216 |
HD |
30 |
24 |
50 |
75 |
105 |
60 |
102 |
24 |
36 |
50 |
n79 |
15 |
50 |
105 |
160 |
216 |
HD |
30 |
24 |
50 |
75 |
105 |
60 |
10 |
24 |
36 |
50 |
NOTE 1: The sidelink allocated RB (LCRB) size could be adjusted according to resource pool configuration in [7]. NOTE 2: For the case, 11 RB is allowed for S-SSB Block. NOTE 3: The CBW is only applicable for PS UE in n14. |
7.3E.3 Reference sensitivity power level for V2X con-current operation
When UE is configured for NR V2X reception on V2X carrier con-current with NR uplink and downlink, NR V2X sidelink throughput for the carrier shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channels as specified in Annexes A.7.2 with parameters specified in Table 7.3E.2-1 and 7.3E.2-2. Also the NR downlink throughput shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channels as specified in Annexes A.3 with parameters specified in table 7.3.2-1a, 7.3.2-1b, 7.3.2-2 and 7.3.2-3. The reference sensitivity is defined to be met with all downlink component carriers active. The REFSENS of Uu downlink and PC5 sidelink will be tested at the same time. Exceptions to reference sensitivity with different transmission and reception configurations are allowed for the combinations of aggressor and victim bands specified in table 7.3E.3-3 and 7.3E.3-4. The limited test configurations are specified in table 7.3E.3-3 and 7.3E.3-4 to verify MSD requirements.
For the intra-band con-current NR V2X operation, the reference sensitivity power level shall be applied per carrier. The requirements in clause 7.3.2 shall be appled for NR downlink carrier and the requirements in clause 7.3E.2 shall be applied for NR sidelink carrier. NR V2X sidelink throughput for the carrier shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channels as specified in Annexes A.7.2. Also the NR downlink throughput shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channels as specified in Annexes A.3.2 in TS38.101-1.
For reference sensitivity exception test points where the specified carrier frequency does not correspond to a valid NR-ARFCN, the closest NR-ARFCN as specified in clause 5.4.2 applies.
Table 7.3E.3-1: Void
Table 7.3E.3-2: ΔRIB,V2X (two bands)
V2X inter-band con-current band Combination |
NR Band |
ΔRIB,V2X [dB] |
V2X_n71-n47 |
n71 |
0.0 |
Table 7.3E.3-3: Reference sensitivity exceptions (MSD) due to cross band isolation for Con-current operation
Aggressor band |
Victim band |
Aggressor band Fc |
Aggressor band BW |
SCS of Aggressor band |
Aggressor band RB Allocation |
Victim band Fc |
Victim band BW |
(MHz) |
(MHz) |
(kHz) |
(MHz) |
(MHz) |
(dB) |
n79 |
n47 |
4980 |
40 |
15 |
216 (RBstart=0) |
5860 |
10 |
3.3 |
n47 |
n79 |
5860 |
10 |
15 |
50 (RBstart=0) |
4980 |
40 |
3.3 |
Table 7.3E.3-4: Reference sensitivity exceptions (MSD) due to harmonic interference for Con-current operation
Aggressor band |
Victim band |
Aggressor band BW |
SCS of Aggressor band |
Aggressor band RB Allocation |
Victim band BW |
UL/DL fc condition |
UL/DL harmonic order |
(MHz) |
(kHz) |
(MHz) |
(dB) |
n1 |
n47 |
5 |
15 |
16 (RBstart=4) |
10 |
20.1 |
NOTE 2 |
UL3/DL1 direct-hit |
NOTE 1: These requirements apply when there is at least one individual RE within the uplink transmission bandwidth of the aggressor (lower) band for which the 2nd / 3rd / 4th / 5th transmitter harmonic is within the downlink transmission bandwidth of a victim (higher) band. NOTE 2: The requirements should be verified for UL NR ARFCN of the aggressor (lower) band (superscript LB) such that |