10 Radiated receiver characteristics
36.1083GPPEvolved Universal Terrestrial Radio Access (E-UTRA)Release 18Satellite Access Node radio transmission and receptionTS
10.1 General
Radiated receiver characteristics are specified at RIB for SAN type 1-H or SAN type 1-O, with full complement of transceivers for the configuration in normal operating condition.
Unless otherwise stated, the following arrangements apply for the radiated receiver characteristics requirements in clause 10:
– Requirements shall be met for any transmitter setting.
– The requirements shall be met with the transmitter unit(s) ON.
– Throughput requirements defined for the radiated receiver characteristics do not assume HARQ retransmissions.
– When SAN is configured to receive multiple carriers, all the throughput requirements are applicable for each received carrier.
– For ACS, blocking and intermodulation characteristics, the negative offsets of the interfering signal apply relative to the lower SAN RF Bandwidth edge, and the positive offsets of the interfering signal apply relative to the upper SAN RF Bandwidth edge.
– Each requirement shall be met over the RoAoA specified.
NOTE 1: In normal operating condition the SAN in FDD operation is configured to transmit and receive at the same time.
For FR1 requirements which are to be met over the OTA REFSENS RoAoA absolute requirement values are offset by the following term:
ΔOTAREFSENS = 44.1 – 10*log10(BeWθ,REFSENS*BeWφ,REFSENS) dB for the reference direction
ΔOTAREFSENS = 41.1 – 10*log10(BeWθ,REFSENS*BeWφ,REFSENS) dB for all other directions
For requirements which are to be met over the minSENS RoAoA absolute requirement values are offset by the following term:
10.2 OTA sensitivity
10.2.1 General
The OTA sensitivity requirement is a directional requirement based upon the declaration of one or more OTA sensitivity direction declarations (OSDD), related to a SAN type 1-H and SAN type 1-O receiver.
The SAN type 1-H and SAN type 1-O may optionally be capable of redirecting/changing the receiver target by means of adjusting SAN settings resulting in multiple sensitivity RoAoA. The sensitivity RoAoA resulting from the current SAN settings is the active sensitivity RoAoA.
If the SAN is capable of redirecting the receiver target related to the OSDD then the OSDD shall include:
– SAN channel bandwidth and declared minimum EIS level applicable to any active sensitivity RoAoA inside the receiver target redirection range in the OSDD.
– A declared receiver target redirection range, describing all the angles of arrival that can be addressed for the OSDD through alternative settings in the SAN.
– Five declared sensitivity RoAoA comprising the conformance testing directions as detailed in TS 36.181 [3].
– The receiver target reference direction.
NOTE 1: Some of the declared sensitivity RoAoA may coincide depending on the redirection capability.
NOTE 2: In addition to the declared sensitivity RoAoA, several sensitivity RoAoA may be implicitly defined by the receiver target redirection range without being explicitly declared in the OSDD.
If the SAN is not capable of redirecting the receiver target related to the OSDD, then the OSDD includes only:
– The set(s) of RAT, SAN channel bandwidth and declared minimum EIS level applicable to the sensitivity RoAoA in the OSDD.
– One declared active sensitivity RoAoA.
– The receiver target reference direction.
NOTE 4: For SAN without target redirection capability, the declared (fixed) sensitivity RoAoA is always the active sensitivity RoAoA.
The OTA sensitivity EIS level declaration shall apply to each supported polarization, under the assumption of polarization match.
10.2.2 Minimum requirement for SAN type 1-O
For a received signal whose AoA of the incident wave is within the active sensitivity RoAoA of an OSDD, the error rate criterion as described in clause 7.2 shall be met when the level of the arriving signal is equal to the minimum EIS level in the respective declared set of EIS level and SAN channel bandwidth.
10.3 OTA reference sensitivity level
10.3.1 General
The OTA REFSENS requirement is a directional requirement and is intended to ensure the minimum OTA reference sensitivity level for a declared OTA REFSENS RoAoA. The OTA reference sensitivity power level EISREFSENS is the minimum mean power received at the RIB at which a reference performance requirement shall be met for a specified reference measurement channel.
The OTA REFSENS requirement shall apply to each supported polarization, under the assumption of polarization match.
10.3.2 Minimum requirement for SAN type 1-O
For SAN supporting E-UTRA, the throughput shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channel as specified in annex A.1 with parameter specified in table 10.3.2-1 and table 10.3.2-2 when the OTA test signal is at the corresponding EISREFSENS level and arrives from any direction within the OTA REFSENS RoAoA.
Table 10.3.2-1: Reference sensitivity levels of SAN supporting E-UTRA (GEO class payload)
SAN channel bandwidth (MHz) |
Sub-carrier spacing (kHz) |
Reference measurement channel (NOTE) |
Reference sensitivity power level, EISREFSENS (dBm) |
1.4 |
15 |
FRC A1-1 in Annex A.1 |
-104.4 – ΔOTAREFSENS |
NOTE: PREFSENS is the power level of a single instance of the reference measurement channel. |
Table 10.3.2-2: Reference sensitivity levels of SAN supporting E-UTRA (LEO class payload)
SAN channel bandwidth (MHz) |
Sub-carrier spacing (kHz) |
Reference measurement channel (NOTE) |
Reference sensitivity power level, EISREFSENS (dBm) |
1.4 |
15 |
FRC A1-1 in Annex A.1 |
-107.5 – ΔOTAREFSENS |
NOTE: PREFSENS is the power level of a single instance of the reference measurement channel. |
For SAN supporting standalone NB-IoT operation, the throughput shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channel as specified in annex A.1 with parameter specified in table 10.3.2-3 and table 10.3.2-4 when the OTA test signal is at the corresponding EISREFSENS level and arrives from any direction within the OTA REFSENS RoAoA.
Table 10.3.2-3: Reference sensitivity levels of SAN supporting standalone NB-IoT operation (GEO class payload)
SAN channel bandwidth [kHz] |
Sub-carrier spacing [kHz] |
Reference measurement channel |
Reference sensitivity power level, EISREFSENS [dBm] |
200 |
15 |
FRC A14-1 in Annex A.14 |
-124.9 – ΔOTAREFSENS |
200 |
3.75 |
FRC A14-2 in Annex A.14 |
-130.9 – ΔOTAREFSENS |
Table10.3.2-4: Reference sensitivity levels of SAN supporting standalone NB-IoT operation (LEO class payload)
SAN channel bandwidth [kHz] [kHz] |
Sub-carrier spacing [kHz] |
Reference measurement channel |
Reference sensitivity power level, EISREFSENS [dBm] |
200 |
15 |
FRC A14-1 in Annex A.14 |
-128.0 – ΔOTAREFSENS |
200 |
3.75 |
FRC A14-2 in Annex A.14 |
-134.0 – ΔOTAREFSENS |
10.4 OTA dynamic range
10.4.1 General
The OTA dynamic range is a measure of the capability of the receiver unit to receive a wanted signal in the presence of an interfering signal inside the received SAN channel bandwidth.
The requirement shall apply at the RIB when the AoA of the incident wave of a received signal and the interfering signal are from the same direction and are within the OTA REFSENS RoAoA.
The wanted and interfering signals apply to each supported polarization, under the assumption of polarization match.
10.4.2 Minimum requirement for SAN type 1-O
For SAN supporting E-UTRA, the throughput shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channel as specified in annex A.2 with parameters specified in table 10.4.2-1 for LEO SAN.
Table 10.4.2-1: Dynamic range of SAN supporting E-UTRA (LEO class payload)
SAN channel bandwidth [MHz] |
Reference measurement channel |
Wanted signal mean power [dBm] |
Interfering signal mean power [dBm] / BWConfig |
Type of interfering signal |
1.4 |
FRC A2-1 in Annex A.2 |
Note*: The wanted signal mean power is the power level of a single instance of the reference measurement channel. This requirement shall be met for each consecutive application of a single instance of FRC A2-3 mapped to disjoint frequency ranges with a width of 25 resource blocks each. |
For SAN supporting standalone NB-IoT, the throughput shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channel as specified in annex A.2 with parameters specified in table 10.4.2-2 for GEO SAN and table 10.4.2-3 for LEO SAN.
Table 10.4.2-2: Dynamic range of SAN supporting standalone NB-IoT operation (GEO class payload)
SAN channel bandwidth [kHz] |
Reference measurement channel |
Wanted signal mean power [dBm] |
Interfering signal mean power [dBm] / BWChannel |
Type of interfering signal |
200 |
FRC A15-1 in Annex A.15 |
200 |
FRC A15-2 in Annex A.15 |
-103.2 – ΔOTAREFSENS |
Table 10.4.2-3: Dynamic range of SAN supporting standalone NB-IoT operation (LEO class payload)
SAN channel bandwidth [kHz] |
Reference measurement channel |
Wanted signal mean power [dBm] |
Interfering signal mean power [dBm] / BWChannel |
Type of interfering signal |
200 |
FRC A15-1 in Annex A.15 |
[-89.4] – ΔOTAREFSENS |
[-85.7] – ΔOTAREFSENS |
200 |
FRC A15-2 in Annex A.15 |
[-95.3] – ΔOTAREFSENS |
[-85.7] – ΔOTAREFSENS |
10.5 OTA in-band selectivity and blocking
10.5.1 OTA adjacent channel selectivity General
OTA Adjacent channel selectivity (ACS) is a measure of the receiver’s ability to receive an OTA wanted signal at its assigned channel frequency in the presence of an OTA adjacent channel signal with a specified centre frequency offset of the interfering signal to the band edge of a victim system. Minimum requirement for SAN type 1-O
The requirement shall apply at the RIB when the AoA of the incident wave of a received signal and the interfering signal are from the same direction and are within the minSENS RoAoA.
The wanted and interfering signals apply to each supported polarization, under the assumption of polarization match.
The throughput shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channel.
For SAN supporting E-UTRA, the OTA wanted signal and the interfering signal are specified in table for OTA ACS. The reference measurement channel for the OTA wanted signal is further specified in annex A.1. The characteristic of the interfering signal is further specified in annex C.
For SAN supporting standalone NB-IoT operation, the OTA wanted signal and the interfering signal are specified in table for OTA ACS. The reference measurement channel for the OTA wanted signal is further specified in annex A.1. The characteristic of the interfering signal is further specified in annex C.
The OTA ACS requirement is applicable outside the SAN RF Bandwidth or Radio Bandwidth. The OTA interfering signal offset is defined relative to the SAN RF Bandwidth edges or Radio Bandwidth edges.
Table ACS requirement of SAN supporting E-UTRA
SAN channel bandwidth of the lowesthighest carrier received [MHz] |
Wanted signal mean power [dBm] |
Interfering signal mean power [dBm] |
Interfering signal centre frequency offset from the lower/upper Base Station RF Bandwidth edge or sub-block edge inside a sub-block gap [MHz] |
Type of interfering signal |
1.4 |
GEO SAN class: -57.6- ΔOTAREFSENS LEO SAN class: -60.7- ΔOTAREFSENS |
±0.7025 |
1.4MHz E-UTRA signal |
Note: PREFSENS depends on the channel bandwidth as specified in Table 7.2.2-1 and Table 7.2.2-2. |
Table ACS requirement of SAN supporting standalone NB-IoT operation
SAN channel bandwidth of the lowest/highest carrier received [kHz] |
Wanted signal mean power [dBm] |
Interfering signal mean power [dBm] |
Interfering signal centre frequency offset to the lower/upper Base Station RF Bandwidth edge or sub-block edge inside a sub-block gap [kHz] |
Type of interfering signal |
200 |
GEO SAN class: -56.6- ΔOTAREFSENS LEO SAN class: -59.7- ΔOTAREFSENS |
±100 |
180 kHz NB-IoT signal |
Note: PREFSENS depends on the sub-carrier spacing as specified in Table 7.2.2-3 and Table 7.2.2-4. |
10.5.2 OTA in-band blocking
The requirement is not applicable in this version of the specification.
10.6 OTA out-of-band blocking
10.6.1 General
The OTA out-of-band blocking characteristics are a measure of the receiver unit ability to receive a wanted signal at the RIB at its assigned channel in the presence of an unwanted interferer.
10.6.2 Minimum requirement for SAN type 1-O General minimum requirement
The requirement shall apply at the RIB when the AoA of the incident wave of the received signal and the interfering signal are from the same direction and are within the minSENS RoAoA.
The wanted signal applies to each supported polarization, under the assumption of polarization match. The interferer shall be polarization matched in-band and the polarization maintained for out-of-band frequencies.
For OTA wanted and OTA interfering signals provided at the RIB using the parameters in table, the following requirements shall be met:
– The throughput shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channel. The reference measurement channel for the OTA wanted signal is identified in clause 10.3.2 for each SAN channel bandwidth and further specified in annex A.1.
For SAN type 1-O the OTA out-of-band blocking requirement apply from 30 MHz to FUL,low – ΔfOOB and from FUL,high + ΔfOOB up to 12750 MHz, including the downlink frequency range of the SAN operating band. The ΔfOOB for SAN type 1-O is defined in table
Table OTA out-of-band blocking performance requirement for SAN supporting E-UTRA or standalone NB-IoT operation
Wanted signal mean power (dBm) |
Interfering signal RMS field-strength (V/m) |
Type of interfering Signal |
EISminSENS + 6 dB (NOTE 1) |
0.0129 (NOTE 2) |
CW carrier |
NOTE 1: EISminSENS depends on the channel bandwidth as specified in clause 10.2. NOTE 2: The RMS field-strength level in V/m is related to the interferer EIRP level at a distance described as NOTE 3: [For SAN supporting standalone NB-IoT operation, up to 24 exceptions are allowed for spurious response frequencies in each wanted signal frequency when measured using a 1MHz step size. For these exceptions the above throughput requirement shall be met when the blocking signal is set to a level of 0.0103 V/m for 3.75 kHz subcarrier spacing. In addition, each group of exceptions shall not exceed three contiguous measurements using a 1MHz step size.] |
Table ΔfOOB offset for satellite operating bands
SAN type |
Operating band characteristics |
ΔfOOB (MHz) |
SAN type 1-O |
FUL,high – FUL,low < 100 MHz |
20 |
10.7 OTA receiver spurious emissions
The requirement is not applicable in this version of the specification.
10.8 OTA receiver intermodulation
The requirement is not applicable in this version of the specification.
10.9 OTA in-channel selectivity
10.9.1 General
In-channel selectivity (ICS) is a measure of the receiver ability to receive a wanted signal at its assigned resource block locations in the presence of an interfering signal received at a larger power spectral density. In this condition a throughput requirement shall be met for a specified reference measurement channel. The interfering signal shall be an E-UTRA signal as specified in annex A.1 and shall be time aligned with the wanted signal.
10.9.2 Minimum requirement for SAN type 1-O
The requirement shall apply at the RIB when the AoA of the incident wave of the received signal and the interfering signal are the same direction and are within the minSENS RoAoA.
The wanted and interfering signals applies to each supported polarization, under the assumption of polarization match.
For a wanted and an interfering signal coupled to the RIB, the following requirements shall be met:
– For SAN supporting E-UTRA, the throughput shall be ≥ 95% of the maximum throughput of the reference measurement channel as specified in annex A.1 with parameters specified in table 10.9.2-1 for GEO SAN, in table 10.9.2-2 for LEO SAN. The characteristics of the interfering signal is further specified in annex C.
Table 10.9.2-1: In-channel selectivity of SAN supporting E-UTRA (GEO class payload)
SAN channel bandwidth (MHz) |
Reference measurement channel |
Wanted signal mean power [dBm] |
Interfering signal mean power [dBm] |
Type of interfering signal |
1.4 |
A1-4 in Annex A.1 |
-104.5 – ΔminSENS |
-97.6 – ΔminSENS |
1.4 MHz E-UTRA signal, 3 RBs |
Table 10.9.2-2: In-channel selectivity of SAN supporting E-UTRA (LEO class payload)
SAN channel bandwidth (MHz) |
Reference measurement channel |
Wanted signal mean power [dBm] |
Interfering signal mean power [dBm] |
Type of interfering signal |
1.4 |
A1-4 in Annex A.1 |
-107.6 – ΔminSENS |
-88.7 – ΔminSENS |
1.4 MHz E-UTRA signal, 3 RBs |