5 TTCN-2 ATS structure

34.123-33GPPPart 3: Abstract test suite (ATS)TSUser Equipment (UE) conformance specification

The total TTCN specification for the UE testing is structured in a number of separate layered ATSs. The number of ATS being produced corresponds to the number of the 3GPP core specifications referred. The separation of ATSs reduces the size of ATSs. The layer-specific test preambles and test data can be confined to one test suite and parallel development of test suites can be facilitated. The separation of ATSs enables also easily to follow the evolution of the core specifications.


1) GSM MAP L3 ATS including MM, CC, GMM, SM test groups;



– AS ATSs:

1) RRC ATS including Single cell and multicell test group;






7) IR_U ATS;

8) HSD_ENH ATS (Rel-5 or later);

9) HSU_ENH ATS (Rel-6 or later);

10) MBMS ATS (Rel-6 or later);

11) HSPA7_ENH ATS (Rel-7 or later);

12) HSPA8_ENH ATS (Rel-8 or later);

13) HSPA9_ENH ATS (Rel-9 or later).

5.1 Modularity

The modular TTCN approach is used for the development of the 3GPP ATS specification work. Three modules, BasicM, RRC_M and L3M are installed.

5.1.1 Module structure

The module structure is shown in Figure 5.1.1.

Figure 5.1.1: Module structure

The BasicM (Basic Module) is a minimum module commonly for the layer 2 and layer 3 testing. The L3M (Layer 3 Module) contains all the items to be shared by the RRC, NAS, SMS, RAB, IR_U/G, A-GPS, HSD_ENH, HSU_ENH and MBMS ATSs. NAS is applied to the NAS, A-GPS, HSD_ENH, HSU_ENH, MBMS, HSPA7_ENH, HSPA8_ENH and HSPA9_ENH ATSs. The RRC_M is a module containing common object for RRC, RAB, IR_U/G, SMS, A-GPS, HSD_ENH, HSU_ENH, MBMS, HSPA7_ENH, HSPA8_ENH and HSPA9_ENH ATSs.

5.1.2 Contents of the modules

The BasicM module includes objects related to the RRC, the layer 2 and the physical layer. It includes also all test steps needed by the layer 2 and layer 3 test cases for configurations and all objects related to the definition of the steps:

– Common test steps and default test steps defined as generic procedures in 3GPP TS 34.108 [3];

– RRC declarations related to the steps: types, timers, PDU types, ASP type, PCOs, TSOs, constants;

– Related ICS and IXIT parameters needed for testing and respectively defined in 3GPP TS 34.123-2 [2] and the present document;

– Defaults constraints based on the default message contents defined in 3GPP TS 34.108 [3];

– MMI PCO and ASPs;

– All TTCN objects related to the SS configuration, e.g. PCOs, declaration of the components.

The L3M module includes the NAS configuration steps and all related TTCN objects:

– Common test steps and default test steps defined as generic procedures in 3GPP TS 34.108 [3];

– NAS declarations related to these steps: types, PDU, ASP, PCOs, TSOs, constants;

– Related ICS and IXIT parameters needed for testing and respectively defined in 3GPP TS 34.123-2 [2] and the present document;

– Default constraints based on the default message contents defined in 3GPP TS 34.108 [3].

The RRC_M module includes the RRC steps common to RRC and RAB test cases and all related TTCN objects.

5.1.3 Example of a working platform

Figure 5.1.3 shows the working platform for the user that is writing the SMS test cases.

Figure 5.1.3: An example of working platform for SMS