G.2 Governing scenarios
33.1283GPPProtocol and procedures for Lawful Interception (LI)Release 18SecurityStage 3TS
With respect to the interception performed within the CSP network, there are five scenarios:
1. The target (or party communicating with a target non-local ID) is non-roaming.
2. The target (or party communicating with a target non-local ID) is outbound roaming with HR.
3. The target (or party communicating with a target non-local ID) is outbound roaming with LBO.
4. The target (or party communicating with a target non-local ID) is inbound roaming with HR.
5. The target (or party communicating with a target non-local ID) is inbound roaming with LBO.
The scenario 4 is also referred to as N9HR or S8HR, depending on whether the packet core is 5GC or EPC. As indicated clause G.1, a target can be a non-local ID only when the service type is Voice or Messaging.
The same NF that provides an LI function may be present in one or more of the above scenarios. The LIPF logic, even though may not be aware of the roaming nature of a target, will have to accommodate the above five scenarios while provisioning the LI functions.