3 Definitions and abbreviations
32.2753GPPCharging managementMultiMedia Telephony (MMTel) chargingRelease 17Telecommunication managementTS
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in TR 21.905 [100], TS 32.240 [1] apply.
3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols applies:
Bi Reference point for the CDR file transfer from the IMS CGF to the BD.
Ga Reference point for CDR transfer between a CDF and CGF.
Rf Offline Charging Reference Point between an IMS Network Entity or an AS and CDF.
Ro Online Charging Reference Point between an AS or MRFC and IMS-GWF and the OCS.
Nchf Service based interface exhibited by CHF.
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations defined in TR 21.905 [100], TS 32.240 [1] and the following apply:
3PCC Third Party Call Control
3PTY Three-Party
AoC Advice of Charge
CAT Customized Alerting Tone
CB Communication session Barring
CCBS Completion of Communication sessions to Busy Subscriber
CCNR Completion of Communications on No Reply
CD Communication Deflection
CDIV Communication DIVersion
CFB Communication Forwarding Busy
CFU Communication Forwarding Unconditional
CFNL Communication Forwarding on Not Logged-in
CFNR Communication Forwarding No Reply
CFNRc Communication Forwarding on Subscriber Not Reachable
CFUDB Communication Forwarding User Determined Busy
CUG Closed User Group
CW Communication Waiting
ECT Explicit Communication Transfer
FA Flexible Alerting
HOLD Communication HOLD
ICB Incoming Communication Barring
MCID Malicious Communication Identification
MMTel MultiMedia Telephony
MWI Message Waiting Indication
NDUB Network Determined User Busy
OCB Outgoing Communication Barring
OIP Originating Identity Presentation
OIR Originating Identity Restriction
PNM Personal Network Management
CRS Customized Ringing Signal
TIP Terminating Identity Presentation
TIR Terminating Identity Restriction
URN Uniform Resource Name