5.2.2 Charging scenarios for edge enabling infrastructure resource usage

32.2573GPPCharging managementEdge computing domain chargingRelease 17Telecommunication managementTS Basic principles General

Converged charging for edge enabling infrastructure resources usage may be performed by the CEF interacting with CHF using Nchf specified in 3GPP TS 32.290 [6] and 3GPP TS 32.291 [7]. In order to provide the data required for the management activities outlined in 3GPP TS 32.240 [1] (Credit-Control, accounting, billing, statistics, etc.), the CEF shall be able to perform converged charging for each of the following:

– virtual CPU usage (see VR.VCpuUsageMean in clause of 3GPP TS 28.552 [13]);

– virtual memory usage (see VR.VMemoryUsageMean in clause of 3GPP TS 28.552 [13]);

– virtual disk usage (see VR.VDiskUsageMean in clause in 3GPP TS 28.552 [13]);

– data volumes (see DataVolum.InBytesEAS in clause and DataVolum.OutBytesEAS in clause of 3GPP TS 28.552 [13]).

The CEF shall request the MnS producer to create the measurement job for collecting the performance measurements on the usage of edge infrastructure resource for supporting the EAS.

Once the performance measurements on the usage of edge infrastructure resource are received or obtained, the CEF shall be able to report the corresponding charging events to CHF for CDR generation.

A detailed formal description of the converged charging parameters defined in the present document is to be found in 3GPP TS 32.291 [7].

A detailed formal description of the CDR parameters defined in the present document is to be found in 3GPP TS 32.298 [3]. Applicable Triggers in the CEF

When a charging event is issued towards the CHF by the CEF, it includes details of charging information, such as EAS identifier (e.g. EAS ID, see 3GPP TS 23.558 [9]).

Each trigger condition (i.e. chargeable event) defined for edge enabling infrastructure resource usage charging, is specified with the associated behaviour when they are met.

The immediate report is applied to the chargeable events for edge enabling infrastructure resource usage charging, i.e. the chargeable events for which. When the CEF consumes the MnS to create measurement job, the converged charging is activated. When the CEF receives or gets the performance data report containing the usage of edge enabling infrastructure resource, the CEF invokes a Charging Data Request to report the charging data based on PEC to CHF.

The charging for edge enabling infrastructure resources usage cannot be enabled and disabled by CHF.

Table summarizes the set of default trigger conditions and their category which shall be supported by the CEF when charging is active for the edge enabling infrastructure resource usage charging.

Table Default Trigger conditions in CEF

Trigger Conditions

Trigger level

Default category

CHF allowed to change category

CHF allowed to enable and disable

Message when "immediate reporting" category

Edge enabling infrastructure resource usage reporting

CEF has fetched the performance data file containing the measurements for the usage of edge enabling infrastructure resources, based on the notifyFileReady notification from the MnS producer, see 3GPP TS 28.532 [15]


Not Applicable


PEC: Charging Data Request [Event]

CEF receives the performance data containing the measurements for the usage of edge enabling infrastructure resources, by the reportStreamData operation from MnS producer, see 3GPP TS 28.532 [15]


Not Applicable


PEC: Charging Data Request [Event] Message flows General

The flows in the present document specify the interactions between the MnS producer, CEF and CHF for edge enabling infrastructure resource usage converged charging.

The interaction between MnS producer and CEF is based on MnS procedures for performance assurance specified in 3GPP TS 28.538 [12] and 3GPP TS 28.550 [14].

This interaction between CEF and CHF is based on Charging Data Request /Response specified in 3GPP TS 32.290 [6]. Edge enabling infrastructure resource usage charging enabled by CEF

Figure describes an edge enabling infrastructure resource usage charging message flows in PEC, based on the converged charging architecture with MnS producer enabled by CEF (see clause 4.2.2).

Figure Edge enabling infrastructure resource usage charging – PEC

1) Create measurement job: The CEF creates measurement job to collect the performance measurements related to Virtualized Resource (VR) usage for EAS to performance assurance MnS producer (see 3GPP TS 28.538 [12] and 3GPP TS 28.550 [14]). The performance measurements can be one or more of the following:

– mean virtual CPU usage (see VR.VCpuUsageMean in clause of 3GPP TS 28.552 [13]);

– mean virtual memory usage (see VR.VMemoryUsageMean in clause of 3GPP TS 28.552 [13]);

– mean virtual disk usage (see VR.VDiskUsageMean in clause in 3GPP TS 28.552 [13]);

– incoming data volume (see DataVolum.InBytesEAS in clause of 3GPP TS 28.552 [13]);

– outgoing data volume (see DataVolum.OutBytesEAS in clause of 3GPP TS 28.552 [13]).

1a) Subscribe to performance data file notifications: If file reporting method is chosen for the measurement job, the CEF subscribes to the performance data file notifications, see 3GPP TS 28.532 [15].

2) Generate performance measurements for resource usage for EAS: performance assurance MnS producer generates the performance measurements according to the measurement job.

3) Performance data report to CEF: the performance assurance MnS producer reports the performance data to the CEF according to the reporting method selected by the CEF for the measurement job.

If the file data reporting method is selected:

3a) The performance data are reported by a notifyFileReady notification (see 3GPP TS 28.532 [15]);

3b) CEF fetches the file containing the performance data.

If the streaming data reporting method is selected:

3c) and 3d) The performance assurance MnS producer establishes the streaming connection with the CEF if the connection has not been established (see 3GPP TS 28.532 [15]);

3e) The performance data are reported by the reportStreamData operation (see 3GPP TS 28.532 [15]).

3ch-a) Decide whether to trigger the charging: CEF decides whether to trigger the charging. If charging is triggered.

3ch-b) Charging Data Request [Event]: The CEF generates charging data for the collected resource usage and sends the charging data request for the CHF to process the related charging data for CDR generation purpose.

3ch-c) Create CDR: the CHF stores received information and decides whether to store the information for future aggregation or to create a CDR related to the event.

3ch-d) Charging Data Response [Event]: The CHF informs the CEF on the result of the request. CDR generation Introduction

The CHF CDRs for edge enabling infrastructure resource usage charging are generated by the CHF to collect charging information that they subsequently transfer to the Charging Gateway Function (CGF).

The following clauses describe in detail the conditions for generating the CHF CDR. Triggers for CHF CDR General

An edge enabling infrastructure resource usage charging CHF CDR is used to collect charging information related to edge enabling infrastructure resource usage chargeable events. Triggers for CHF CDR generation

The CHF decides whether to create a CDR for each received Charging Data Request [Event]. Ga record transfer flows

For Ga protocol application refer to 3GPP TS 32.295 [5].