2 References

32.2573GPPCharging managementEdge computing domain chargingRelease 17Telecommunication managementTS

The following documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisions of the present document.

– References are either specific (identified by date of publication, edition number, version number, etc.) or non‑specific.

– For a specific reference, subsequent revisions do not apply.

– For a non-specific reference, the latest version applies. In the case of a reference to a 3GPP document (including a GSM document), a non-specific reference implicitly refers to the latest version of that document in the same Release as the present document.

[1] 3GPP TR 21.905: "Vocabulary for 3GPP Specifications".

[2] 3GPP TS 32.240: "Telecommunication management; Charging management; Charging architecture and principles".

[3] 3GPP TS 32.298: "Telecommunication management; Charging management; Charging Data Record (CDR) parameter description".

[4] 3GPP TS 32.297: "Telecommunication management; Charging management; Charging Data Record (CDR) file format and transfer".

[5] 3GPP TS 32.295: "Telecommunication management; Charging management; Charging Data Record (CDR) transfer".

[6] 3GPP TS 32.290: "Telecommunication management; Charging management; 5G system; Services, operations and procedures of charging using Service Based Interface (SBI)".

[7] 3GPP TS 32.291: "Telecommunication management; Charging management; 5G system, charging service; Stage 3".

[8] 3GPP TS 23.501: "System architecture for the 5G System (5GS)".

[9] 3GPP TS 23.558: "Architecture for enabling Edge Applications".

[10] 3GPP TS 23.548 "5G System Enhancements for Edge Computing; Stage 2".

[11] 3GPP TS 32.255: "Telecommunication management; Charging management; 5G Data connectivity domain charging; stage 2".

[12] 3GPP TS 28.538: "Management and orchestration; Edge Computing Management".

[13] 3GPP TS 28.552: "Management and orchestration; 5G performance measurements".

[14] 3GPP TS 28.550: "Management and orchestration; Performance assurance".

[15] 3GPP TS 28.532: "Management and orchestration; Generic management services".

[16] 3GPP TS 32.254: "Telecommunication management; Charging management; Exposure function Northbound Application Program Interfaces (APIs) charging".

[17] 3GPP TS 29.558: "Enabling Edge Applications; Application Programming Interface (API) specification; Stage 3".