8 Consolidated data model management

32.1813GPPFramework for Model Handling and ManagementRelease 17Telecommunication managementTSUser Data Convergence (UDC)

8.1 Lifecycle Management of the Consolidated Data Model in the UDR

Figure 8.1-1 below shows the operational environment of UDC according to Figure 4.3-1. The Provisioning Gateway is an additional aspect which is essential for the operation of the UDR. The Provisioning Gateway provides a single logical point for consistent provisioning of user data for all services in the UDR. The mechanism used by the Provisioning Gateway to access UDR data using the CDM is outside the scope of the present document. The Application boxes denote Application Front Ends including Provisioning Front Ends according to 23.335 [8]. The Provisioning Front Ends access UDR data via the Ud reference point and are restricted by their Application Data Model.

Chapter 4.3 describes how AIM(s) may be added and consolidated into the SpIM and the generation of the Application Data Model and its mapping to the CDM. It is the decision of the operator when the newly added AIM(s) may become operational.

It is the decision of the operator, when a new actual version of the SpIM with the newly added AIM(s) is implemented into the UDR as actual version of the CDM.

The Provisioning Gateway provides a view of the actual version of the CDM to enable provisioning of all data stored by different applications in the UDR.

The CDM implementation into the UDR is an atomic operation.

Figure 8.1-1: Evolution of the CDM in a UDR

8.2 Activation and Deactivation of Application Adaptation

As described above the operator shall be capable of

– adding new AIM to SpIM, described in Chapter 4.3

– adding ADM to UDR together with adaptation to CDM as described in Chapter 4.3 and 8.1.

– generate and activate new actual CDM based on the current SpIM as described in Chapter 8.1 above

– activate the access of the application to its data in the UDR which can only be done after the implementation of the CDM containing that data and is done by associating the proper Application Data View to the application.

– deactivate the access of the application to its data in the UDR which is needed when, for example, the data of the application have changed Deactivation is done by deleting the current association of Application Data View to the application.