27.22.1A General Test purpose

31.1243GPPMobile Equipment (ME) conformance test specificationRelease 16TSUniversal Subscriber Identity Module Application Toolkit (USAT) conformance test specification

Testing of functional conformance to USIM Application Toolkit commands, including proactive UICC commands.

All facilities given by the TERMINAL PROFILE as supported, for which tests exist in the present document, shall be tested.

Many of the proactive UICC commands include an alpha identifier data object. This is intended to be a short one or two word identifier for the ME to optionally display on the screen along with any other indications, at the same time as the ME performs the UICC command.

Note: The sequence of USIM Application Toolkit commands are specific to the Toolkit Application being executed within the UICC, hence sequential testing of commands is not possible. The testing will therefore have to be performed on a command by command basis.