5.2.20 Resource: SubscriptionDataSubscriptions
29.5053GPP5G SystemRelease 18Stage 3TSUsage of the Unified Data Repository services for Subscription Data Description
This resource is used to represent explicit subscriber data subscriptions to notifications. Resource Definition
Resource URI: {apiRoot}/nudr-dr/<apiVersion>/subscription-data/subs-to-notify
This resource shall support the resource URI variables defined in table
Table Resource URI variables for this resource
Name |
Definition |
apiRoot |
See 3GPP TS 29.504 [2] clause 6.1.1 | Resource Standard Methods POST
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table
Table URI query parameters supported by the POST method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
P |
Cardinality |
Description |
n/a |
This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and response codes specified in table
Table Data structures supported by the POST Request Body on this resource
Data type |
P |
Cardinality |
Description |
SubscriptionDataSubscriptions |
M |
1 |
Identifies the subscriber data subscription to be stored in the UDR. |
The UDR shall limit the number of subscriptions created based on the following criteria:
– For the UE based sdmSubscriptions: if the sdmSubscription object is present with the uniqueSubscription attribute is set to true, the UDR shall only allow one UE based SubscriptionDataSubscriptions per UE per NF service consumer identified by the ueId in the URI and the NfInstanceId in SdmSubscription, and if additional filter criteria (e.g. dnn and/or singleNssai) are present in the sdmSubscription, per filter criteria (see 3GPP TS 29.503 [6], clause
– For shared data sdmSubscriptions: if the sdmSubscription object is present with the uniqueSubscription attribute is set to true, there shall be only one SubscriptionDataSubscriptions per NF service consumer identified by nfInstanceId inside sdmSubscription (see 3GPP TS 29.503 [6], clause
– For UE based UDM subscriptions: if the uniqueSubscription attribute is set to true in the SubscriptionDataSubscription object, the UDR shall only allow one UE based SubscriptionDataSubscriptions identified by the ueId attribute.
If the UDR detects that a subscription for the criteria already exist in the UDR, the UDR shall replace the old SubscriptionDataSubscriptions with the new one.
Table Data structures supported by the POST Response Body on this resource
Data type |
P |
Cardinality |
Response codes |
Description |
SubscriptionDataSubscriptions |
M |
1 |
201 Created |
Upon success, a response body containing a representation of the UeId’s Individual subscription resource shall be returned. The HTTP response shall include a "Location" HTTP header that contains the resource URI of the created resource. |
NOTE: In addition common data structures as listed in table 5.5-1 are supported. | GET
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table
Table URI query parameters supported by the GET method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
P |
Cardinality |
Description |
ue-id |
VarUeId |
M |
1 |
Represents the Subscription Identifier SUPI or GPSI (see 3GPP TS 23.501 [4] clause 5.9.2) |
supported-features |
SupportedFeatures |
O |
0..1 |
see 3GPP TS 29.500 [8] clause 6.6 |
This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and response codes specified in table
Table Data structures supported by the GET Request Body on this resource
Data type |
P |
Cardinality |
Description |
n/a |
Table Data structures supported by the GET Response Body on this resource
Data type |
P |
Cardinality |
Response codes |
Description |
array(SubscriptionDataSubscriptions) |
M |
0..N |
200 OK |
Upon success, a response body containing the individual subscriptions shall be returned. |
NOTE: In addition common data structures as listed in table 5.5-1 are supported. | DELETE
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table
Table URI query parameters supported by the DELETE method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
P |
Cardinality |
Description |
ue-id |
VarUeId |
M |
1 |
Represents the Subscription Identifier SUPI or GPSI (see 3GPP TS 23.501 [4] clause 5.9.2) of the UE associated to this subscription. Pattern: See pattern of type VarUeId 3GPP TS 29.571 [3] |
nf-instance-id |
NfInstanceId |
C |
0..1 |
If included, this IE shall contain the Instance ID of the original NF Service Consumer of the UDM that created the subscription, and the UDR shall delete all subscriptions associated to the ue-id that were created by this specific nf-instance-id. If not included, the UDR shall delete all subscriptions matching the rest of query parameters. (See NOTE) |
delete-all-nfs |
boolean |
C |
0..1 |
If included, this IE indicates that the UDR shall delete all subscriptions associated to the ue-id. (See NOTE) |
implicit-unsubscribe-indication |
boolean |
O |
0..1 |
If included, this IE shall contain the content of the "implicitUnsubscribe" attribute sent during the creation of the subscription in UDM. If it is set to true, it means that the UDR shall delete all those subscriptions from NF Service Consumers of UDM, whose implicitUnsubscribe value is set to true. It not included, or set to false, the UDR shall delete all subscriptions matching the rest of query parameters. |
NOTE: Either "nf-instance-id" or "delete-all-nfs" shal be included in the request. |
This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and response codes specified in table
Table Data structures supported by the DELETE Request Body on this resource
Data type |
P |
Cardinality |
Description |
n/a |
The request body shall be empty. |
Table Data structures supported by the DELETE Response Body on this resource
Data type |
P |
Cardinality |
Response codes |
Description |
n/a |
204 No Content |
Upon success, an empty response body shall be returned. |
NOTE: In addition, common data structures as listed in table 5.5-1 are supported. |