7.2.26 Remote UE Report Notification

29.2743GPP3GPP Evolved Packet System (EPS)Evolved General Packet Radio Service (GPRS) Tunnelling Protocol for Control plane (GTPv2-C)Release 18Stage 3TS

The direction of this message shall be from MME to SGW and from SGW to the PGW (see Table 6.1-1).

This message is used by an MME to notify that at least one remote UE is newly connected to or disconnected from a ProSe UE-to-Network Relay when the MME receives such notification from the ProSe UE-to-Network Relay via the PDN connection established by the ProSe UE-to-Network Relay as specified in 3GPP TS 23.303 [72].

Table 7.2.26-1 specifies the presence of IEs in this message.

Table 7.2.26-1: Information Elements in Remote UE Report Notification

Information elements


Condition / Comment

IE Type


Remote UE Context Connected


This IE shall be sent on the S11 interface and S5/S8 interface when the MME receives a report from the ProSe UE-to-Network Relay that a remote UE is newly connected.

The SGW shall forward this IE to the PGW.

Several IEs with the same type and instance value may be included as necessary to represent a list of remote UEs newly connected.

Remote UE Context


Remote UE Context Disconnected


This IE shall be sent on the S11 interface and S5/S8 interface when the MME receives a report from the ProSe UE-to-Network Relay that a remote UE is newly disconnected.

The SGW shall forward this IE to the PGW.

Several IEs with the same type and instance value may be included as necessary to represent a list of remote UEs newly disconnected.

Remote UE Context


Private Extension


Private Extension


Table 7.2.26-2: Remote UE Context Connected within Remote UE Report Notification

Octets 1

Remote UE Context IE Type = 191 (decimal)

Octets 2 and 3

Length = n

Octets 4

Spare and Instance fields

Information elements


Condition / Comment

IE Type


Remote User ID


See clause 8.123 for the description and use of this parameter

Remote User ID


Remote UE IP Information


See clause 8.124 for the description and use of this parameter

Remote UE IP Information


Table 7.2.26-3: Remote UE Context Disconnected with Remote UE Report Notification

Octets 1

Remote UE Context IE Type = 191 (decimal)

Octets 2 and 3

Length = n

Octets 4

Spare and Instance fields

Information elements


Condition / Comment

IE Type


Remote User ID


See clause 8.123 for the description and use of this parameter

Remote User ID