A.3 AVP codes

29.2303GPP3GPP specific codes and identifiersDiameter applicationsRelease 18TS

If a working group detects a Diameter application needs new 3GPP specific AVP codes, it should contact the 3GPP TSG-CN WG 4 via an LS. The LS shall contain the name of the Diameter application and a reference to the corresponding 3GPP TS. The 3GPP TSG-CN WG 4 will allocate a range of 100 AVP codes for the application. The range will be informed to the corresponding working group and the table 7.1 will be updated in this specification to show the reserved range. The working group can use the allocated range as a working assumption when defining the actual AVPs.

When the corresponding working group has specified the AVPs, and the specification has been approved and is under CR control, it should inform the AVPs to the 3GPP TSG-CN WG 4 via an LS. The LS should list the used AVP codes in the form of the table 7.1.

If there will be defined new AVPs for a Diameter application through the CR procedure, the assigned AVP range can be used, but the 3GPP TSG-CN WG 4 should be also informed about the new AVP codes via an LS.

Re-using of the existing AVPs is recommended, but special attention should be paid on the use of enumerated AVPs. Defining new values for an enumerated AVP should be agreed case by case with the working group responsible of the particular enumerated AVP. 3GPP TSG-CN WG 4 shall be informed via an LS about the new values assigned to the enumerated AVP.