6.5 Retainability KPI
28.5543GPP5G end to end Key Performance Indicators (KPI)Management and orchestrationRelease 18TS
6.5.1 QoS flow Retainability Definition
a) QoSRetain_R1, QoSRetain_R2.
b) This KPI shows how often an end-user abnormally loses a QoS flow during the time the QoS flow is used. It is obtained by number of QoS flows with data in a buffer that was abnormally released, normalized with number of data session time units. The unit of this KPI is “active release / second”. The KPI type is MEAN.
c) To measure QoS flow Retainability for a single QoS level (R1) is fairly straight forward.
However to measure the QoS flow Retainability for UEs is not as straight forward. The measurement R1 is defined to look at the activity level of just one QoS level at the time, so to use this formula and measurements in an aggregated way to get QoS flow Retainability on UE level will not be accurate (e.g. for an UE with multiple QoS flows there might be QoS flows that are active at the same time, hence aggregating the QoS level measurements for session time will give a larger session time than the total UE session time. See picture below).
Hence a measurement QoS flow Retainability on UE level is defined (R2) to provide a measurement for the overall QoS flow Retainability.
d) SubNetwork, NRCellCU
e) The definition of the service provided by 5GS is QoS flows. Extended definition
The retainability rate is defined as:
Number of abnormally released QoS flow with data in any of the buffers
[Releases/Session time]
To define (from a QoS flow Retainability point of view) if a QoS flow is considered active or not, the QoS flows can be divided into two groups:
– For QoS flows with bursty flow, a QoS flow is said to be active if there is user data in the PDCP queue in any of the directions or if any data (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms.
– For QoS flows with continuous flow, the QoS flow (and the UE) is seen as being active in the context of this measurement as long as the UE is in RRC connected state, and the session time is increased from the first data transmission on the QoS flow until 100 ms after the last data transmission on the QoS flow.
A particular QoS flow is defined to be of type continuous flow if the mapped 5QI is any of {1, 2, 65, 66}.
6.5.2 DRB Retainability Definition
a) DRBRetain
b) This KPI shows how often an end-user abnormally loses a DRB during the time the DRB is active. It is obtained by number of DRBs that were abnormally released and that were active at the time of release, normalized with number of data session time units. The unit of this KPI is "active release / second". The KPI type is MEAN.
c) DRB Retainability for a single mapped 5QI level (R1) and for a single S-NSSAI (R1) are defined as:
d) SubNetwork, NRCellCU
e) The definition of the service provided by 5GS is DRBs. Extended definition
To define (from a DRB Retainability point of view) if a DRB is considered active or not, the DRB can be divided into two groups:
– For DRBs with bursty flow, a DRB is said to be active if any data (UL or DL) has been transferred during the last 100 ms.
– For DRBs with continuous flow, the DRB (and the UE) is seen as being active in the context of this measurement as long as the UE is in RRC connected state, and the session time is increased from the first data transmission on the DRB until 100 ms after the last data transmission on the DRB.
A particular DRB is defined to be of type continuous flow if the mapped 5QI is any of {1, 2, 65, 66}.