6.4 Utilization KPI
28.5543GPP5G end to end Key Performance Indicators (KPI)Management and orchestrationRelease 18TS
6.4.1 Mean number of PDU sessions of network and network Slice Instance
a) PDUSesMeanNbr.
b) This KPI describes the mean number of PDU sessions that are successfully established in a network slice . It is obtained by successful PDU session establishment procedures of SMFs which is related to the network slice . It is an integer. The KPI type is MEAN.
d) NetworkSlice
6.4.2 Virtualised Resource Utilization of Network Slice Instance
a) VirtualResUtilizaiton.
b) This KPI describes utilization of virtualised resource (e.g. processor, memory, disk) that are allocated to a network slice . It is obtained by the usage of virtualised resource (e.g. processor, memory, disk) divided by the system capacity that allocated to the network slice . It is a percentage, The KPI type is Ratio.
Note: In the present document, this KPI is for the scenario when NF is not shared between different network slice .
d) NetworkSlice
6.4.3 PDU session establishment time of network slice
a) PDUEstTime.
b) This KPI describes the time of successful PDU session establishment which related to one single network slice and is used to evaluate utilization provided by the end-to-end network slice and network performance. It is obtained by measuring the time between the receipt by SMF from AMF of " Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request ", which includes N2 SM information received from (R)AN to the SMF and the sending of a " Nsmf_PDUSession_CreateSMContext Request or Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request PDU Session Establishment Request " message from AMF to the SMF. It is a time interval (millisecond). The KPI type is MEAN.
c) PDUEstTime = SM.PduSessionTimeMean.SNSSAI
d) NetworkSlice
6.4.4 Mean number of successful periodic registration updates of Single Network Slice
a) RegUpdMeanNbr.
b) This KPI describes the mean number of successfully periodic registration updates in a network slice at the AMF. It is obtained by summing successful of periodic registration updates at the AMFs which is related to the network slice after registration accept by the AMF to the UE that sent the periodic registration update request. It is an integer. The KPI type is MEAN.
d) NetworkSlice
6.4.5 Maximum number of PDU sessions of network slice
a) PDUSesMaxNbr.
b) This KPI describes the maximum number of PDU sessions that are successfully established in a network slice. It is obtained by successful PDU session establishment procedures of SMFs which is related to the network slice. It is an integer. The KPI type is MEAN.
d) NetworkSlice