6.2 Accessibility KPI

28.5543GPP5G end to end Key Performance Indicators (KPI)Management and orchestrationRelease 18TS

6.2.1 Mean registered subscribers of network and network slice through AMF

a) AMFMeanRegNbr.

b) This KPI describe the mean number of subscribers that are registered to a network slice instance. It is obtained by counting the subscribers in AMF that are registered to a network slice instance. It is an Interger. The KPI type is CUM.


d) SubNetwork, NetworkSlice

6.2.2 Registered subscribers of network through UDM

a) UDMRegNbr.

b) This KPI describe the total number of subscribers that are registered to a network through UDM. It is corresponding to the measurement RM.RegisteredSubUDMNbrMean that counts subscribers registered in UDM. It is an Interger. The KPI type is CUM.


d) SubNetwork

6.2.3 Registration success rate of one single network slice

a) RSR.

b) This KPI describes the ratio of the number of successfully performed registration procedures to the number of attempted registration procedures for the AMF set which related to one single network slice and is used to evaluate accessibility provided by the end-to-end network slice and network performance. It is obtained by successful registration procedures divided by attempted registration procedures. It is a percentage. The KPI type is RATIO.


Note: Above measurements with subcounter .Type should be defined in 3GPP TS 24.501 [4].

d) NetworkSlice

6.2.4 Partial DRB Accessibility for UE services

a) Partial DRB Accessibility

b) This KPI describes the DRBs setup success rate, including the success rate for setting up RRC connection and NG signalling connection. It is obtained as the succeess rate for RRC connection setup multiplied by the success rate for NG signalling connection setup multiplied by the success rate for DRB setup. The success rate for RRC connection setup and for NG signalling connection setup shall exclude setups with establishment cause mo-Signalling [5]. It is a percentage. The KPI type is RATIO.

c) Partial DRBAccessibility 5QI = (∑RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Cause/∑RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Cause) * (∑UECNTXT.ConnEstabSucc.Cause/∑ UECNTXT.ConnEstabAtt.Cause) * (DRB.EstabSucc.5QI/DRB.EstabAtt.5QI) * 100

Partial DRB Accessibility SNSSAI = (∑RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Cause/∑RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Cause) * (∑UECNTXT.ConnEstabSucc.Cause/∑ UECNTXT.ConnEstabAtt.Cause) * (DRB.EstabSucc.SNSSAI/DRB.EstabAtt.SNSSAI) * 100.

The sum over causes shall exclude the establishment cause mo-Signalling [5].

For KPI on SubNetwork level the measurement shall be the averaged over all NRCellCUs in the SubNetwork

d) SubNetwork, NRCellCU.

6.2.5 PDU session Establishment success rate of one network slice (S-NSSAI)

a) PDUSessionEstSR.

b) This KPI describes the ratio of the number of successful PDU session establishment request to the number of PDU session establishment request attempts for all SMF which related to one network slice (S-NSSAI) and is used to evaluate accessibility provided by the end-to-end network slice and network performance. It is obtained by the number of successful PDU session requests divided by the number of attempted PDU session requests. It is a percentage. The KPI type is RATIO.


d) NetworkSlice

6.2.6 Maximum registered subscribers of network slice through AMF

a) AMFMaxRegNbr.

b) This KPI describe the maximum number of subscribers that are registered to a network slice. It is obtained by counting the subscribers in AMF that are registered to a network slice. It is an Interger. The KPI type is CUM.


d) NetworkSlice

6.2.7 Total DRB accessibility for UE services

a) Total DRB accessibility

b) This KPI describes the total DRBs accessibility obtained as the ratio of the number of successfully established DRBs and number of services intended to be setup by the end user that shall result into a DRB establishment via Initial Context setup procedure, Added DRB setup and RRC Resume procedure. The number of services intended to be setup by the end user that shall result into a DRB establishment via Initial Context setup procedure is obtained as number of attempted establishments of DRB via Initial Context setup procedure amplified by inverse of the UE-associated logical NG-connection success ratio further amplified by inverse of the RRC Connection setup state success ratio. The number of services intended to be setup by the end user that shall result into a DRB establishment via added DRB setup procedure is measured directly in gNB via number of attempted establishments of DRB via added DRB setup procedure. Finally the number of services intended to be setup by the end user that shall result into a DRB establishment via RRC Resume procedure is provided as number of attempted establishments of DRB via RRC Resume procedure amplified by inverse of the RRC Resume success ratio. The success rate for RRC connection setup and for UE-associated logical NG-connection setup shall exclude setups with establishment cause mo-Signalling [5]. The success rate for RRC resume shall exclude setups related to RNA update. It is a percentage. The KPI type is RATIO.

c) DRBAccessibility 5QI = 100 * (DRB.InitialEstabSucc.5QI + (DRB.EstabSucc.5QI-DRB.InitialEstabSucc.5QI) + DRB.ResumeSucc.5QI)/( DRB.InitialEstabAtt.5QI/((RRC connection setup success rate /100)*( UE-associated logical NG-connection success ratio/100)) + (DRB.EstabAtt.5QI-DRB.InitialEstabAtt.5QI) + DRB.ResumeAtt.5QI/( RRC Resume success rate/100))

DRBAccessibility SNSSAI = 100 * (DRB.InitialEstabSucc. SNSSAI + (DRB.EstabSucc. SNSSAI -DRB.InitialEstabSucc. SNSSAI) + DRB.ResumeSucc. SNSSAI)/( DRB.InitialEstabAtt. SNSSAI /((RRC connection setup success rate /100)*( UE-associated logical NG-connection success ratio /100)) + (DRB.EstabAtt. SNSSAI -DRB.InitialEstabAtt. SNSSAI) + DRB.ResumeAtt. SNSSAI /( RRC Resume success rate/100))


RRC Resume success rate = 100* ∑RRC.ResumeSucc.cause /∑(RRC.ResumeAtt.cause – RRC.ResumeFallbackToSetupAtt.cause), where all but the causes related to RNA update shall be included.

RRC connection setup success rate = 100* (∑(RRC.ConnEstabSucc.Cause + RRC.ResumeSuccByFallback.cause) + RRC.ReEstabSuccWithoutUeContext) /(∑(RRC.ConnEstabAtt.Cause + RRC.ResumeFallbackToSetupAtt.cause) + RRC.ReEstabFallbackToSetupAtt)

UE-associated logical NG-connection success ratio = 100*(∑UECNTXT.ConnEstabSucc.Cause/∑ UECNTXT.ConnEstabAtt.Cause)

The sum over causes shall exclude the establishment cause mo-Signalling [5].

The sum over causes for RRC resume shall exclude the causes related to RNA update [5].

For KPI on SubNetwork level the measurement shall be the averaged over all NRCellCUs in the SubNetwork

d) SubNetwork, NRCellCU.

6.2.8 Mean CM-Connected subscribers of network slice through AMF

a) AMFMeanCmConNbr.

b) This KPI describe the mean number of subscribers in a period that are not only registered to a network slice but also established a PDU session related to the network slice. And subscribers also have a NAS signalling connection with the AMF over N1. It is obtained by counting the subscribers in AMF that are showed "cm-connected" state for a network slice. It is an Interger. The KPI type is CUM.


d) NetworkSlice.

6.2.9 Maximum on-line subscribers of network slice through AMF

a) AMFMaxCmConNbr.

b) This KPI describe the maximum number of subscribers in a period that are not only registered to a network slice but also established a PDU session related to a network slice. And subscribers also have a NAS signalling connection with the AMF over N1. It is obtained by counting the subscribers in AMF that are showed "cm-connected" state for a network slice. It is an Interger. The KPI type is CUM.


d) NetworkSlice.

6.2.10 PFCP session established success rate of one network and one network slice

a) PFCPSessionEstSR.

b) This KPI describes the successful rate of PFCP session established in a network or a network slice e on the UPF.

It is used to evaluate the quality of user-plane connection established and the accessibility provided by the end-to-end network slice and network performance. It is obtained by the number of successful PFCP session requests divided by the number of attempted PFCP session requests. It is a percentage. The KPI type is RATIO.


d) Subnetwork, NetworkSlice.