5.3 Performance measurements for SMF

28.5523GPP5G performance measurementsManagement and orchestrationRelease 18TS

5.3.1 Session Management Number of PDU sessions (Mean)

  1. a) This measurement provides the mean number of PDU sessions.
  2. b) SI
  3. c) The measurement is obtained by sampling at a pre-defined interval, the number of PDU sessions established by SMF, and then taking the arithmetic mean. The measurement is optionally split into subcounters per S-NSSAI.
  4. d) A single integer value
  5. e) SM.SessionNbrMean.SNSSAI
    Where SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI
  6. f) SMFFunction
  7. g) Valid for packet switched traffic
  8. h) 5GS Number of PDU sessions (Maximum)

a) This measurement provides the max number of PDU sessions.

b) SI

c) The measurement is obtained by sampling at a pre-defined interval, the number of PDU sessions established by SMF, and then selecting the maximum value. The measurement is optionally split into subcounters per S-NSSAI.

d) A single integer value

e) SM.SessionNbrMax.SNSSAI
Where SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switched traffic

h) 5GS Number of PDU session creation requests

a) This measurement provides the number of PDU sessions requested to be created by the SMF.

b) CC

c) On receipt by the SMF from AMF of Nsmf_PDUSession_CreateSMContext Request (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each PDU session requested to be created is added to the relevant subcounter per S-NSSAI and the relevant subcounter per request type.

d) Each subcounter is an integer value

e) SM.PduSessionCreationReq.SNSSAI

Where SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI;


WhereReqType indicates the request type (e.g., initial request, initial emergency request) cause for the PDU session.

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switched traffic

h) 5GS

i) One usage of this performance measurements is for performance assurance. Number of successful PDU session creations

a) This measurement provides the number of PDU sessions successfully created by the SMF.

b) CC

c) On transmission by the SMF to AMF of Nsmf_PDUSession_CreateSMContext Response that indicates a successful PDU session creation (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each PDU session successfully created is added to the relevant subcounter per S-NSSAI and the relevant subcounter per request type.

d) Each subcounter is an integer value

e) SM.PduSessionCreationSucc.SNSSAI

Where SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI;


WhereReqType indicates the request type (e.g., initial request, initial emergency request) cause for the PDU session.

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switched traffic

h) 5GS

i) One usage of this performance measurements is for performance assurance. Number of failed PDU session creations

a) This measurement provides the number of PDU sessions failed to be created by the SMF.

b) CC

c) On transmission by the SMF to AMF of Nsmf_PDUSession_CreateSMContext Response that indicates a rejected PDU session creation (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each PDU session rejected to be created is added to the relevant subcounter per rejection cause.

d) Each subcounter is an integer value

e) SM.PduSessionCreationFail.cause

Where cause indicates the rejection cause for the PDU session.

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switched traffic

h) 5GS

i) One usage of this performance measurements is for performance assurance. PDU session modifications Number of requested PDU session modifications (UE initiated)

a) This measurement provides the number of PDU session modification requests (initiated by UE) received by the SMF.

b) CC.

c) On receipt of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request which includes the N1 SM container IE indicating the "PDU Session Modification Request" (see TS 23.502 [7]) by the SMF from AMF.

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.PduSessionModUeInitReq.

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Number of successful PDU session modifications (UE initiated)

a) This measurement provides the number of successful PDU session modifications (initiated by UE) acknowledged by the SMF.

b) CC.

c) On transmission of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Response indicating a successful PDU session modification by the SMF to AMF as reply to a smf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request that includes the N1 SM container IE indicating the "PDU Session Modification Complete" (see TS 23.502 [7]) for a PDU session modification request (initiated by the UE).

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.PduSessionModUeInitSucc.

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Number of failed PDU session modifications (UE initiated)

a) This measurement provides the number of failed PDU session modifications (initiated by UE) responded by the SMF. This measurement is split into subcounters per failure cause.

b) CC.

c) On transmission of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Response indicating a failed PDU session modification by the SMF to AMF (see TS 23.502 [7]) for a PDU session modification request (initiated by the UE). Each transmitted Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Response indicating the failed PDU session modification triggers the relevant subcounter per failure cause (see the causes listed in table of TS 29.502 [14]) to increment by 1.

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.PduSessionModUeInitFail.Cause.

Where Cause identifies the cause of the PDU session modification failure. Encoding of the Cause is defined in in table of TS 29.502 [14].

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Number of requested PDU session modifications (SMF initiated)

a) This measurement provides the number of PDU session modification requests (initiated by SMF) sent by the SMF to AMF.

b) CC.

c) On transmission of Namf_Communication_N1N2MessageTransfer which includes the N2 SM information IE and N1 SM container IE indicating the "PDU Session Modification Command" (see TS 23.502 [7]) by the SMF to AMF.

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.PduSessionModSmfInitReq.

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Number of successful PDU session modifications (SMF initiated)

a) This measurement provides the number of successful PDU session modifications (initiated by SMF) acknowledged by the SMF.

b) CC.

c) On transmission of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Response indicating a successful PDU session modification by the SMF to AMF as reply to a smf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request that includes the N1 SM container IE indicating the "PDU Session Modification Complete" (see TS 23.502 [7]) for a PDU session modification request (initiated by the SMF).

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.PduSessionModSmfInitSucc.

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Number of failed PDU session modifications (SMF initiated)

a) This measurement provides the number of failed PDU session modifications (initiated by SMF) responded by the SMF. This measurement is split into subcounters per failure cause.

b) CC.

c) On transmission of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Response indicating a failed PDU session modification by the SMF to AMF (see TS 23.502 [7]) for a PDU session modification request (initiated by the SMF). Each transmitted Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Response indicating the failed PDU session modification triggers the relevant subcounter per failure cause (see the causes listed in table of TS 29.502 [14]) to increment by 1.

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.PduSessionModSmfInitFail.Cause.

Where Cause identifies the cause of the PDU session modification failure. Encoding of the Cause is defined in in table of TS 29.502 [14].

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. PDU session releases Number of released PDU sessions (AMF initiated)

a) This measurement provides the number of released PDU sessions (initiated by AMF) at the SMF. There could be several reasons for the AMF to request release of PDU sessions, for instance the mismatch of PDU Session status between UE and AMF. This step may also be invoked due to a change of the set of network slices for a UE where a network slice instance is no longer available, as described in TS 23.501 clause, or the PDU Session(s) is not accepted by the T-AMF (e.g. S-NSSAI associated with the PDU Session is not available in the T-AMF). This measurement is split into subcounters per S-NSSAI and subcounters per cause.

b) CC.

c) On transmission of Nsmf_PDUSession_ReleaseSMContext Response indicating a successful PDU session release from the SMF to AMF, as a reply to the received Nsmf_PDUSession_ReleaseSMContext Request from the AMF (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each transmitted Nsmf_PDUSession_ReleaseSMContext Response triggers the relevant subcounter per S-NSSAI and the relevant subcounter per cause (the cause, ngApCause or 5GMmCauseValue as indicated in the received Nsmf_PDUSession_ReleaseSMContext Request, see TableĀ of TS 29.502 [14]) to increment by 1 respectively.

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.PduSessionRelAmfInit.SNSSAI and SM.PduSessionRelAmfInit.cause.

Where the SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI; and the cause identifies the cause, ngApCause or 5GMmCauseValue as indicated in the received Nsmf_PDUSession_ReleaseSMContext Request, see TableĀ of TS 29.502 [14]).

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS.

i) One usage of this measurement is for performance assurance. Number of PDU session creation requests in HR roaming scenario

a) This measurement provides the number of PDU sessions requested to be created by the H-SMF in Home-Routed roaming scenario.

b) CC

c) On receipt by the H-SMF from V-SMF of Nsmf_PDUSession_Create Request (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each PDU session requested to be created is added to the relevant subcounter per S-NSSAI and the relevant subcounter per request type.

d) Each subcounter is an integer value

e) SM.PduSessionCreationHRroam.SNSSAI

Where SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI;


Where ReqType indicates the request type (e.g., initial request, initial emergency request) for the PDU session.

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switched traffic

h) 5GS

i) One usage of this performance measurements is for performance assurance. Number of successful PDU session creations in HR roaming scenario

a) This measurement provides the number of PDU sessions successfully created by the H-SMF in Home-Routed roaming scenario.

b) CC

c) On transmission by the H-SMF to V-SMF of Nsmf_PDUSession_Create Response that indicates a successful PDU session creation (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each PDU session successfully created is added to the relevant subcounter per S-NSSAI and the relevant subcounter per request type.

d) Each subcounter is an integer value

e) SM.PduSessionCreationHRroamSucc.SNSSAI

Where SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI;


Where ReqType indicates the request type (e.g., initial request, initial emergency request) for the PDU session.

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switched traffic

h) 5GS

i) One usage of this performance measurements is for performance assurance. Number of failed PDU session creations in HR roaming scenario

a) This measurement provides the number of PDU sessions failed to be created by the H-SMF in Home-Routed roaming scenario.

b) CC

c) On transmission by the H-SMF to V-SMF of Nsmf_PDUSession_Create Response that indicates a rejected PDU session creation (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each PDU session rejected to be created is added to the relevant subcounter per rejection cause.

d) Each subcounter is an integer value

e) SM.PduSessionCreationHRroamFail.cause

Where cause indicates the rejection cause for the PDU session.

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switched traffic

h) 5GS

i) One usage of this performance measurements is for performance assurance. Mean time of PDU session establishment

a) This measurement provides the mean time of PDU session establishment during each granularity period. The measurement is split into subcounters per S-NSSAI.

b) DER(n=1)

c) This measurement is obtained by measuring the time interval for every successful PDU session establishment procedure per S-NSSAI between the receipt by SMF from AMF of " Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request ", which includes N2 SM information received from (R)AN to the SMF and the sending of a " Nsmf_PDUSession_CreateSMContext Request or Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request " message from AMF to the SMF over a granularity period using DER. The end value of this time will then be divided by the number of successful PDU session establishment observed in the granularity period to give the arithmetic mean, the accumulator shall be reinitialised at the beginning of each granularity period.

d) Each measurement is an integer value.(in milliseconds)

e) SM.PduSessionTimeMean.SNSSAI

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switched traffic

h) 5GS

i) One usage of this measurement is for monitoring the mean time of registration procedure during the granularity period. Max time of PDU session establishment

a) This measurement provides the max time of PDU session establishment during each granularity period. The measurement is split into subcounters per S-NSSAI.

b) DER(n=1)

c) This measurement is obtained by measuring the time interval for every successful registration procedure per S-NSSAI per registration type between the receipt by SMF from AMF of " Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request", which includes N2 SM information received from (R)AN to the SMF and the sending of a " Nsmf_PDUSession_CreateSMContext Request or Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request PDU Session Establishment Request " message from AMF to the SMF over a granularity period using DER. The high tide mark of this time will be stored in a gauge, the gauge shall be reinitialised at the beginning of each granularity period.

d) Each measurement is an integer value.(in milliseconds)

e) SM.PduSessionTimeMax.SNSSAI

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switched traffic

h) 5GS

i) One usage of this measurement is for monitoring the max time of registration procedure during the granularity period.

5.3.2 QoS flow monitoring QoS flow monitoring Number of QoS flows requested to create

a) This measurement provides the number of QoS flows requested to create. This measurement is split into subcounters per S-NSSAI and subcounters per 5QI.

b) CC.

c) Receipt of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request which includes the N1 SM container IE containing the QoS flows requested to create (see TS 23.502 [7]) from AMF by the SMF; or transmission of Namf_Communication_N1N2MessageTransfer which includes N1 SM container IE containing the QoS flows requested to create to AMF by the SMF (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each QoS flow requested to create in the message triggers the relevant subcounter per S-NSSAI and the relevant subcounter per 5QI to increment by 1 respectively (the S-NSSAI is the S-NSSAI that the PDU session belongs to, or the new S-NSSAI if the S-NSSAI for the serving PLMN derived from the S-NSSAI of the home PLMN differs from the S-NSSAI provided in the Create SM Context Request, see clause in TS 29.502 [15]).

d) Each measurement is an integer value.

e) SM.QoSflowCreateReq.SNSSAI and SM.QoSflowCreateReq.5QI.

Where the SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI, and the 5QI identifies the 5QI.

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Number of QoS flows successfully created

a) This measurement provides the number of QoS flows successfully created. This measurement is split into subcounters per S-NSSAI and subcounters per 5QI.

b) CC.

c) Receipt of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request that includes the N2 SM information IE containing the successfully created (set up or added) QoS flows from AMF by the SMF (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each successfully created QoS flow triggers the relevant subcounter per S-NSSAI and the relevant subcounter per 5QI to increment by 1 respectively (the S-NSSAI is the S-NSSAI that the PDU session belongs to, or the new S-NSSAI if the S-NSSAI for the serving PLMN derived from the S-NSSAI of the home PLMN differs from the S-NSSAI provided in the Create SM Context Request, see clause in TS 29.502 [15]).

d) Each measurement is an integer value.

e) SM.QoSflowCreateSucc.SNSSAI and SM.QoSflowCreateSucc.5QI.

Where the SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI, and the 5QI identifies the 5QI.

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Number of QoS flows failed to create

a) This measurement provides the number of QoS flows failed to create. This measurement is split into subcounters per cause.

b) CC.

c) Receipt of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request that includes the N2 SM information IE containing the QoS flows failed to create (set up or add) from AMF by the SMF (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each QoS flow failed to create triggers the relevant subcounter per cause (see clause in TS 38.413 [11]).

d) Each measurement is an integer value..

e) SM.QoSflowCreateFail.cause.

Where the cause identifies the cause that resulted in the QoS flow setup failure (see clause in TS 38.413 [11]).

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Number of QoS flows requested to modify

a) This measurement provides the number of QoS flows requested to modify. This measurement is split into subcounters per S-NSSAI and subcounters per 5QI.

b) CC.

c) Receipt of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request which includes the N1 SM container IE containing the QoS flows requested to modify (see TS 23.502 [7]) from AMF by the SMF; or transmission of Namf_Communication_N1N2MessageTransfer which includes N1 SM container IE containing the QoS flows requested to modify to AMF by the SMF (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each QoS flow requested to modify in the message triggers the relevant subcounter per S-NSSAI and the relevant subcounter per 5QI to increment by 1 respectively (the S-NSSAI is the S-NSSAI that the PDU session belongs to, or the new S-NSSAI if the S-NSSAI for the serving PLMN derived from the S-NSSAI of the home PLMN differs from the S-NSSAI provided in the Create SM Context Request, see clause in TS 29.502 [15]).

d) Each measurement is an integer value.

e) SM.QoSflowModReq.SNSSAI and SM.QoSflowModReq.5QI.

Where the SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI, and the 5QI identifies the 5QI.

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Number of QoS flows successfully modified

a) This measurement provides the number of QoS flows successfully modified. This measurement is split into subcounters per S-NSSAI and subcounters per 5QI.

b) CC.

c) Receipt of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request that includes the N2 SM information IE containing the successfully modified QoS flows from AMF by the SMF (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each successfully modified QoS flow triggers the relevant subcounter per S-NSSAI and the relevant subcounter per 5QI to increment by 1 respectively (the S-NSSAI is the S-NSSAI that the PDU session belongs to, or the new S-NSSAI if the S-NSSAI for the serving PLMN derived from the S-NSSAI of the home PLMN differs from the S-NSSAI provided in the Create SM Context Request, see clause in TS 29.502 [15]).

d) Each measurement is an integer value.

e) SM.QoSflowModSucc.SNSSAI and SM.QoSflowModSucc.5QI.

Where the SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI, and the 5QI identifies the 5QI.

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Number of QoS flows failed to modify

a) This measurement provides the number of QoS flows failed to modify. This measurement is split into subcounters per cause.

b) CC.

c) Receipt of Nsmf_PDUSession_UpdateSMContext Request that includes the N2 SM information IE containing the QoS flows failed to modify from AMF by the SMF (see TS 23.502 [7]). Each QoS flow failed to modify triggers the relevant subcounter per cause (see clause in TS 38.413 [11]).

d) Each measurement is an integer value.

e) SM.QoSflowModFail.cause.

Where the cause identifies the cause that resulted in the QoS flow modification failure (see clause in TS 38.413 [11]).

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Mean number of QoS flows

a) This measurement provides the mean number of QoS flows at the SMF. This measurement is split into subcounters per S-NSSAI and subcounters per 5QI.

b) SI

c) This measurement is obtained by sampling at a pre-defined interval, the number of QoS flows per S-NSSAI and per 5QI, and then taking the arithmetic mean.

d) Each measurement is a real value.

e) SM.QoSflowNbrMean.SNSSAI and SM.QoSflowNbrMean.5QI.

Where the SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI, and the 5QI identifies the 5QI.

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS. Peak number of QoS flows

a) This measurement provides the peak number of QoS flows at the SMF. This measurement is split into subcounters per S-NSSAI and subcounters per 5QI.

b) SI

c) This measurement is obtained by sampling at a pre-defined interval, the number of QoS flows per S-NSSAI and per 5QI, and then taking the maximum.

d) Each measurement is a real value.

e) SM.QoSflowNbrPeak.SNSSAI and SM.QoSflowNbrPeak.5QI.

Where the SNSSAI identifies the S-NSSAI, and the 5QI identifies the 5QI.

f) SMFFunction.

g) Valid for packet switched traffic.

h) 5GS.

5.3.3 Performance measurement for N4 interface Number of N4 session modifications

a) This measurement provides the number of attempted N4 session modifications.

b) CC

c) Transmission of "N4 Session Modification Request" message from SMF, this counter is cumulated by different N4 Session Modification Request messages sent by SMF as specified in TS 23.502 [7] and TS 29.244 [16].

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.N4SessionModify.

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switching

h) 5GS. Number of failed N4 session modifications

A This measurement provides the number of failed N4 session modifications.

b) CC

c) Receipt of "N4 Session Modification Response" message with appropriate error cause value from UPF, SMF identifies a failed N4 session modification as defined in TS 23.502 [7] and TS 29.244 [16]. Each rejected N4 Session Modification Request increments the relevant subcounter by 1.

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.N4SessionModifyFail.Cause.

Where Cause identifies the reject cause of N4 session modification request, per the encoding of the cause specified in TS 29.244 [16].

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switching

h) 5GS. Number of N4 session deletions

a) This measurement provides the number of attempted N4 session deletions.

b) CC

c) Transmission of "N4 Session Deletion Request" message from SMF, this counter is cumulated by different N4 Session Deletion Request messages sent by SMF as specified in TS 23.502 [7] and TS 29.244 [16].

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.N4SessionDelete.

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switching

h) 5GS. Number of failed N4 session deletions

a) This measurement provides the number of failed N4 session deletions.

b) CC

c) Receipt of "N4 Session Deletion Response" message with appropriate error cause value from UPF, SMF identifies a failed N4 session deletion as defined in TS 23.502 [7] and TS 29.244 [16]. Each rejected N4 Session Deletion Request increments the relevant subcounter by 1.

d) A single integer value.

e) SM.N4SessionDeleteFail.Cause.

Where Cause identifies the reject cause of N4 session deletion request, per the encoding of the cause specified in TS 29.244 [16].

f) SMFFunction

g) Valid for packet switching

h) 5GS.