N.2 Modules
28.5413GPP5G Network Resource Model (NRM)Management and orchestrationStage 2 and stage 3TS
N.2.1 module _3gpp-ns-nrm-networkslice.yang
module _3gpp-ns-nrm-networkslice {
yang-version 1.1;
namespace urn:3gpp:sa5:_3gpp-ns-nrm-networkslice;
prefix ns3gpp;
import _3gpp-common-subnetwork { prefix subnet3gpp; }
import _3gpp-common-yang-types { prefix types3gpp; }
import _3gpp-common-top { prefix top3gpp; }
include _3gpp-ns-nrm-serviceprofile;
organization "3GPP SA5";
description "A network slice instance in a 5G network.";
reference "3GPP TS 28.541
Management and orchestration;
5G Network Resource Model (NRM);
Information model definitions for network slice NRM (chapter 6)
revision 2022-07-26 { reference CR-0770; }
revision 2020-06-02 {
reference "CR-0485, CR-0508";
revision 2020-02-19 {
description "Introduction of YANG definitions for network slice NRM";
reference "CR-0458";
grouping NetworkSliceGrp {
description "Represents the NetworkSlice IOC";
leaf operationalState {
description "The operational state of the network slice instance.
It describes whether or not the resource is installed
and working.";
type types3gpp:OperationalState;
config false;
mandatory true;
leaf administrativeState {
description "The administrative state of the network slice instance.
It describes the permission to use or prohibition against
using the instance, imposed through the OAM services.";
type types3gpp:AdministrativeState;
default LOCKED;
list serviceProfileList {
description "A list of service profiles supported by the network
slice instance.";
key serviceProfileId;
uses ServiceProfileGrp;
leaf networkSliceSubnetRef {
type types3gpp:DistinguishedName;
config false;
mandatory true;
description "DN of NetworkSliceSubnet relating to the
NetworkSlice instance";
augment /subnet3gpp:SubNetwork {
list NetworkSlice {
description "Represents the properties of a network slice instance in
a 5G network.";
key id;
container attributes {
uses NetworkSliceGrp;
uses top3gpp:Top_Grp;
N.2.2 module _3gpp-ns-nrm-networkslicesubnet.yang
module _3gpp-ns-nrm-networkslicesubnet {
yang-version 1.1;
namespace urn:3gpp:sa5:_3gpp-ns-nrm-networkslicesubnet;
prefix nss3gpp;
import _3gpp-common-yang-types { prefix types3gpp; }
import _3gpp-common-subnetwork { prefix subnet3gpp; }
import _3gpp-common-top { prefix top3gpp; }
include _3gpp-ns-nrm-sliceprofile;
organization "3GPP SA5";
description "This IOC represents the properties of a network slice subnet
instance in a 5G network.";
reference "3GPP TS 28.541
Management and orchestration;
5G Network Resource Model (NRM);
Information model definitions for network slice NRM (chapter 6)
revision 2022-07-26 { reference CR-0770; }
revision 2021-05-05 {
description "replace perfReq with 3 new datatypes xxxSliceSubnetProfile";
reference "CR-0485";
revision 2020-02-19 {
description "Introduction of YANG definitions for network slice NRM";
reference "CR-0458";
revision 2019-06-07 {
description "initial revision";
reference "Based on
3GPP TS 28.541 V15.X.XX";
typedef ETSI-GS-NFV-Identifier {
type string;
reference "ETSI GS NFV-IFA 013";
grouping EPTransportGrp {
leaf ipAddress {
description "This parameter specifies the IP address assigned to a
logical transport interface/endpoint. It can be an IPv4 address
(See RFC 791) or an IPv6 address (See RFC 2373).";
mandatory true;
type string;
leaf logicInterfaceId {
description "This parameter specifies the identify of a logical
transport interface. It could be VLAN ID (See IEEE 802.1Q),
MPLS Tag or Segment ID.";
mandatory true;
type string;
leaf-list nextHopInfo {
description "This parameter is used to identify ingress transport
node. Each node can be identified by any of combination of IP
address of next-hop router of transport network, system name,
port name, IP management address of transport nodes.";
type string;
leaf-list qosProfile {
description "This parameter specifies reference to QoS Profile for
a logical transport interface. A QoS profile includes a set of
parameters which are locally provisioned on both sides of a logical
transport interface.";
type string;
leaf-list epApplicationRef {
description "This parameter specifies a list of application level
EPs associated with the logical transport interface.";
min-elements 1;
type types3gpp:DistinguishedName;
uses top3gpp:Top_Grp;
grouping NsInfoGrp {
description "The NsInfo of the NS instance corresponding to the network
slice subnet instance.";
//suport condition: It shall be supported if the NSS instance is
//realized in the virtualized environment.
// Otherwise this attribute shall be absent.
reference "ETSI GS NFV-IFA 013 clause, which can be found at
/03.04.01_60/gs_NFV-IFA013v030401p.pdf page 123-124";
leaf nSInstanceId {
description "Uniquely identifies the NS instance.";
config false;
type ETSI-GS-NFV-Identifier;
leaf nsName {
description "Human readable name of the NS instance.";
type string;
config false;
leaf description {
description "Human readable description of the NS instance.";
config false;
type string;
grouping NetworkSliceSubnetGrp {
description "Represents the NetworkSliceSubnet IOC.";
leaf operationalState {
description "The operational state of the resouce.
It describes whether or not the resource is installed
and working.";
mandatory true;
config false;
type types3gpp:OperationalState;
leaf administrativeState {
description "The administrative state of the network slice instance.
It describes the permission to use or prohibition against
using the instance, imposed through the OAM services.";
default LOCKED;
type types3gpp:AdministrativeState;
list nsInfo {
description "This list represents the properties of network service
information corresponding to the network slice subnet instance.";
reference "ETSI GS NFV-IFA 013 clause";
config false;
key nSInstanceId;
max-elements 1;
uses NsInfoGrp;
list sliceProfileList {
description "List of SliceProfiles supported by the network slice
subnet instance. All members of the list, instances of SliceProfile,
shall contain the same datatype representing slice profile requirements:
TopSliceSubnetProfile, RANSliceSubnetProfile or CNSliceSubnetProfile.
Members of the list may contain TopSliceSubnetProfile datatype
only when this attribute (sliceProfileList) belongs to
a NetworkSliceSubnet that is directly referenced by a NetworkSlice";
key sliceProfileId;
uses SliceProfileGrp;
leaf priorityLabel {
type int32 ;
mandatory true ;
description "Specifies a label that consumer would assign a value on
an instance of network slice subnet. The management system takes
the value of this attribute into account. The effect of this
attribute value to the subject managed entity is not standardized";
leaf networkSliceSubnetType {
type enumeration {
mandatory true;
description "Indicates the type of network slice subnet, including:
– Top network slice subnet
– RAN network slice subnet
– CN network slice subnet";
leaf-list managedFunctionRef {
type types3gpp:DistinguishedName;
config false;
description "This holds a list of DN of ManagedFunction instances
supporting the NetworkSliceSubnet instance.";
leaf-list networkSliceSubnetRef {
type types3gpp:DistinguishedName;
config false;
description "List of DNs of constituent NetworkSliceSubnet supporting
NetworkSliceSubnet instance .";
leaf-list epTransportRef {
type types3gpp:DistinguishedName;
description "List of transport level EPs associated with the
application level EP (i.e. EP_N3 or EP_NgU) or network slice subnet.";
augment /subnet3gpp:SubNetwork {
list NetworkSliceSubnet {
description "Represents the properties of a network slice subnet
instance in a 5G network.
The NetworkSliceSubnet can be categorized by following types:
– RANSliceSubne represent the RAN network slice subnet in a 5G network,
which is associated to one or multiple ‘RANSliceSubnetProfile’.
– CNSliceSubnet represent the CN network slice subnet in a 5G network,
which is associated to one or multiple ‘CNSliceSubnetProfile’.
– TopSliceSubnet represent the top network slice subnet in a 5G network,
which is associated to one or multiple ‘TopSliceSubnetProfile’.
The attribute epTransportRef is used to specify a list of EP_Transport
instance as transport resources to be aggregated to a NetworkSliceSubnet
instance. The MnS consumer determines the EP_Transport instance(s) to
support EP_Application instances as part of the NetworkSliceSubnet
instance and request the MnS producer to configure the attribute
epTransportRef of the NetworkSliceSubnet.
The EP_Transport is name contained by SubNetwork, and an EP_Transport
instance can be a new instance created for the EP_Application instances
as part of NetworkSliceSubnet instance or an existing instance reused
for EP_Application instance.";
key id;
container attributes {
uses NetworkSliceSubnetGrp;
uses top3gpp:Top_Grp;
N.2.3 Void
N.2.4 module _3gpp-ns-nrm-serviceprofile.yang
submodule _3gpp-ns-nrm-serviceprofile {
yang-version 1.1;
belongs-to _3gpp-ns-nrm-networkslice { prefix ns3gpp; }
import _3gpp-common-yang-types { prefix types3gpp; }
import _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types { prefix types5g3gpp; }
import _3gpp-ns-nrm-common { prefix ns3cmn; }
organization "3GPP SA5";
description "A network slice instance in a 5G network.";
reference "3GPP TS 28.541
Management and orchestration;
5G Network Resource Model (NRM);
Information model definitions for network slice NRM (chapter 6)
revision 2020-06-02 {
reference "CR-0485, CR-0508";
revision 2020-02-19 {
description "Introduction of YANG definitions for network slice NRM";
reference "CR-0458";
revision 2019-06-23 {
description "Initial revision";
reference "3GPP TS 28.541 V15.X.XX";
typedef availability-percentage {
description "
Percentage value of the amount of time the end-to-end communication
service is delivered according to an agreed QoS, divided by the amount
of time the system is expected to deliver the end-to-end service
according to the specification in a specific area.";
reference "3GPP TS 22.261 3.1";
type decimal64 {
fraction-digits 4; // E.g. 99.9999
range 0..100;
typedef V2XMode-enum {
type enumeration {
grouping ServiceProfileGrp {
leaf serviceProfileId {
description "Service profile identifier.";
type types3gpp:DistinguishedName;
list sNSSAIList {
description "The S-NSSAI list to be supported by the new NSI to be
created or the existing NSI to be re-used.";
min-elements 1;
key idx;
unique "sst sd";
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses types5g3gpp:SNssai;
list pLMNIdList {
description "List of PLMN IDs.";
min-elements 1;
key "mcc mnc";
ordered-by user;
uses types3gpp:PLMNId;
leaf maxNumberofUEs {
description "The maximum number of UEs that may simultaneously
access the network slice instance.";
mandatory true;
type uint64;
leaf-list coverageArea {
min-elements 1;
description "A list of TrackingAreas where the NSI can be selected.";
type types3gpp:Tac;
leaf latency {
description "The packet transmission latency (milliseconds) through
the RAN, CN, and TN part of 5G network, used to evaluate utilization
performance of the end-to-end network slice instance.";
reference "3GPP TS 28.554 clause 6.3.1";
mandatory true;
type uint16;
units milliseconds;
leaf uEMobilityLevel {
description "The mobility level of UE accessing the network slice
reference "3GPP TS 22.261 clause 6.2.1";
type types3gpp:UeMobilityLevel;
leaf resourceSharingLevel {
description "Specifies whether the resources to be allocated to the
network slice instance may be shared with another network slice
type types3gpp:ResourceSharingLevel;
//Stage2 issue: The sNSSAIList above specifies one or potentially
// several sST objects for the service profile.
// How do they relate?
leaf sST {
description "Specifies the slice/service type. See 3GPP TS 23.501
for defined values.";
mandatory true;
type uint32;
reference "3GPP TS 23.501";
leaf availability {
description "The availability requirement for a network slice
instance, expressed as a percentage.";
type availability-percentage;
list delayTolerance {
description "An attribute specifies the properties of service delivery
flexibility, especially for the vertical services that are not
chasing a high system performance.";
reference "TS 22.104 clause 4.3";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf support {
description "An attribute specifies whether or not the network
slice supports service delivery flexibility, especially for the
vertical services that are not chasing a high system performance.";
type ns3cmn:Support-enum;
list deterministicComm {
//Stage2 issue: deterministicComm is not defined in 28.541 chapter 6,
// but I guess deterministicComm is meant
description "This list represents the properties of the deterministic
communication for periodic user traffic. Periodic traffic refers to the
type of traffic with periodic transmissions.";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf availability {
//Stage2 issue: Defined differently in 28.541 chapter 6, but XML
// uses DeterministicCommAvailability
config false;
type ns3cmn:DeterminCommAvailability;
leaf periodicityList {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541 chapter 6. XML and YAML
// says "string".
type string;
list dLThptPerSlice {
description "This attribute defines achievable data rate of the
network slice in downlink that is available ubiquitously across
the coverage area of the slice";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:XLThptGrp;
list dLThptPerUE {
description "This attribute defines data rate supported by the network
slice per UE";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:XLThptGrp;
list uLThptPerSlice {
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
description "This attribute defines achievable data rate of the
network slice in uplink that is available ubiquitously across
the coverage area of the slice";
uses ns3cmn:XLThptGrp;
list uLThptPerUE {
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
description "This attribute defines data rate supported by the
network slice per UE";
uses ns3cmn:XLThptGrp;
list maxPktSize {
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
description "This parameter specifies the maximum packet size
supported by the network slice";
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf maxSize {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541, guessing integer bytes
type uint32;
units bytes;
list maxNumberofPDUSessions {
description "Represents the maximum number of
concurrent PDU sessions supported by the network slice";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf nOofPDUSessions {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541, guessing integer
type uint32;
list kPIMonitoring {
description "Represents performance monitoring";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf kPIList {
//Stage2 issue: Data format not specified, low interoperability
description "An attribute specifies the name list of KQIs and KPIs
available for performance monitoring";
type string;
list userMgmtOpen {
description "An attribute specifies whether or not the network slice
supports the capability for the NSC to manage their users or groups
of users’ network services and corresponding requirements.";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf support {
type ns3cmn:Support-enum;
list v2XCommModels {
description "An attribute specifies whether or not the V2X
communication mode is supported by the network slice.";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf v2XMode {
type V2XMode-enum;
list termDensity {
description "An attribute specifies the overall user density over
the coverage area of the network slice";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf density {
type uint32;
units users/km2;
leaf activityFactor {
//Stage2 issue: This is modeled as writable/config true in 28.542,
// but that does not appear to match the description
description "An attribute specifies the percentage value of the
amount of simultaneous active UEs to the total number of UEs where
active means the UEs are exchanging data with the network";
reference "TS 22.261 Table 7.1-1";
type decimal64 {
fraction-digits 1;
leaf uESpeed {
//Stage2 issue: This is modeled as writable/config true in 28.542,
// but that does not appear to match the description
description "An attribute specifies the maximum speed (in km/hour)
supported by the network slice at which a defined QoS can be
type uint32;
units km/h;
leaf jitter {
//Stage2 issue: This is modeled as writable/config true in 28.542,
// but that does not appear to match the description
description "An attribute specifies the deviation from the desired
value to the actual value when assessing time parameters";
reference "TS 22.104 clause C.4.1";
type uint32;
units microseconds;
leaf survivalTime {
description "An attribute specifies the time that an application
consuming a communication service may continue without an
anticipated message.";
reference "TS 22.104 clause 5";
type string;
leaf reliability {
description "An attribute specifies in the context of network layer
packet transmissions, percentage value of the amount of sent
network layer packets successfully delivered to a given system
entity within the time constraint required by the targeted service,
divided by the total number of sent network layer packets.";
reference "TS 22.261, TS 22.104";
type string;
leaf maxDLDataVolume {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541. XML and YAML says "string"
type string;
leaf maxULDataVolume {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541. XML and YAML says "string"
type string;
list nBIoT {
description "An attribute specifies whether NB-IoT is supported in
the RAN in the network slice";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf support {
description "An attribute specifies whether NB-IoT is supported
in the RAN in the network slice";
type ns3cmn:Support-enum;
N.2.5 module _3gpp-ns-nrm-sliceprofile.yang
submodule _3gpp-ns-nrm-sliceprofile {
yang-version 1.1;
belongs-to _3gpp-ns-nrm-networkslicesubnet { prefix nss3gpp; }
import _3gpp-common-yang-types { prefix types3gpp; }
import _3gpp-5g-common-yang-types { prefix types5g3gpp; }
// import _3gpp-ns-nrm-networkslice { prefix ns3gpp; }
import _3gpp-ns-nrm-common { prefix ns3cmn3gpp; }
organization "3GPP SA5";
description "Represents the properties of network slice subnet related
requirement that should be supported by the network slice subnet
instance in a 5G network.";
reference "3GPP TS 28.541
Management and orchestration;
5G Network Resource Model (NRM);
Information model definitions for network slice NRM (chapter 6)
revision 2021-07-16 { reference CR-0566 ; }
revision 2021-05-05 {
description "replace perfReq with 3 new datatypes xxxSliceSubnetProfile";
reference "CR-0485";
revision 2020-02-19 {
description "Introduction of YANG definitions for network slice NRM";
reference "CR-0458";
revision 2019-05-27 {
description "initial revision.";
reference "Based on
3GPP TS 28.541 V15.X.XX";
typedef SliceSimultaneousUse-enum {
type enumeration {
enum ZERO;
enum ONE;
enum TWO;
enum THREE;
enum FOUR;
typedef ServiceType-enum {
type enumeration {
enum eMBB;
enum URLLC;
enum MIoT;
enum V2X;
grouping PositioningGrp {
description "Represents positioning support.";
reference "Clause 3.4.20 of GSMA NG.116 ";
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp ;
leaf-list availability {
type enumeration {
enum CIDE_CID ;
enum OTDOA;
enum AECID;
enum NET_RTK;
min-elements 1;
config false;
description "Specifies if this attribute is provided by the RAN domain
of the network slice and contains a list of positioning methods
provided by the RAN domain. If the list is empty this attribute is
not available in the RAN domain and the other parameters might be
ignored, see NG.116. Values allowed: are
CIDE-CID (LTE and NR), OTDOA (LTE and NR), RF fingerprinting, AECID,
Hybrid positioning, NET-RTK.";
leaf predictionfrequency {
type enumeration {
enum PERSEC;
enum PERMIN;
mandatory true;
description "Specifies how often location information is provided.
This parameter simply defines how often the customer is allowed to
request location information. This is not related to the time it
takes to determine the location, which is a characteristic of the
positioning method.
If leaf-list availability is empty, the value has no meaning.";
reference "NG.116";
leaf accuracy {
type decimal64 {
fraction-digits 2;
units meter;
mandatory true;
description "Specifies the accuracy of the location information.
Accuracy depends on the respective positioning solution applied in the
RAN domain of the network slice.";
reference "NG.116";
grouping TopSliceSubnetProfileGrp {
leaf-list coverageArea {
min-elements 1;
description "A list of TrackingAreas where the NSI can be selected.";
type types3gpp:Tac;
leaf latency {
description "The packet transmission latency (milliseconds) through
the RAN, CN, and TN part of 5G network, used to evaluate
utilization performance of the end-to-end network slice instance.";
reference "3GPP TS 28.554 clause 6.3.1";
//optional support
mandatory true;
type uint16;
units milliseconds;
leaf maxNumberofUEs {
description "Specifies the maximum number of UEs may simultaneously
access the network slice instance.";
//optional support
mandatory true;
type uint64;
list dLThptPerSliceSubnet {
description "This attribute defines achievable data rate of the
network slice subnet in downlink that is available ubiquitously
across the coverage area of the slice";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list dLThptPerUE {
description "This attribute defines data rate supported by the
network slice per UE, refer NG.116.";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list uLThptPerSliceSubnet {
description "This attribute defines achievable data rate of the
network slice subnet in uplink that is available ubiquitously
across the coverage area of the slice";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list uLThptPerUE {
description "This attribute defines data rate supported by the
network slice per UE, refer NG.116";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list maxPktSize {
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
description "This parameter specifies the maximum packet size
supported by the network slice";
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf maxSize {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541, guessing integer bytes
type uint32;
units bytes;
list maxNumberofPDUSessions {
description "Represents the maximum number of
concurrent PDU sessions supported by the network slice";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf nOofPDUSessions {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541, guessing integer
type uint32;
leaf sliceSimultaneousUse {
description "This attribute describes whether a network slice
can be simultaneously used by a device together with other
network slices and if so, with which other classes of network slices.";
type SliceSimultaneousUse-enum;
list delayTolerance {
description "An attribute specifies the properties of service delivery
flexibility, especially for the vertical services that are not
chasing a high system performance.";
reference "TS 22.104 clause 4.3";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf support {
description "An attribute specifies whether or not the network
slice supports service delivery flexibility, especially for the
vertical services that are not chasing a high system performance.";
type ns3cmn3gpp:Support-enum;
list termDensity {
description "An attribute specifies the overall user density over
the coverage area of the network slice";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf density {
type uint32;
units users/km2;
leaf activityFactor {
//Stage2 issue: This is modeled as writable/config true in 28.542,
// but that does not appear to match the description
description "An attribute specifies the percentage value of the
amount of simultaneous active UEs to the total number of UEs where
active means the UEs are exchanging data with the network";
reference "TS 22.261 Table 7.1-1";
type decimal64 {
fraction-digits 1;
leaf-list coverageAreaTAList {
description "A list of TrackingAreas where the NSI can be selected.";
//optional support
min-elements 1;
type types3gpp:Tac;
leaf uEMobilityLevel {
description "The mobility level of UE accessing the network slice
//optional support
type types3gpp:UeMobilityLevel;
leaf resourceSharingLevel {
description "Specifies whether the resources to be allocated to the
network slice subnet instance may be shared with another network
slice subnet instance(s).";
//optional support
type types3gpp:ResourceSharingLevel;
leaf uESpeed {
//Stage2 issue: This is modeled as writable/config true in 28.542,
// but that does not appear to match the description
description "An attribute specifies the maximum speed (in km/hour)
supported by the network slice at which a defined QoS can be
type uint32;
units km/h;
leaf reliability {
description "An attribute specifies in the context of network layer
packet transmissions, percentage value of the amount of sent
network layer packets successfully delivered to a given system
entity within the time constraint required by the targeted service,
divided by the total number of sent network layer packets.";
reference "TS 22.261, TS 22.104";
type string;
leaf serviceType {
description "An attribute specifies the standardized network slice type.
allowedValues: eMBB, URLLC, MIoT, V2X.";
type ServiceType-enum;
list deterministicComm {
//Stage2 issue: deterministicComm is not defined in 28.541 chapter 6,
// but I guess determinComm is meant
description "This list represents the properties of the deterministic
communication for periodic user traffic. Periodic traffic refers to the
type of traffic with periodic transmissions.";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf availability {
//Stage2 issue: Defined differently in 28.541 chapter 6, but XML
// uses DeterminCommAvailability
config false;
type ns3cmn3gpp:DeterminCommAvailability;
leaf periodicityList {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541 chapter 6. XML and YAML
// says "string".
type string;
leaf survivalTime {
description "An attribute specifies the time that an application
consuming a communication service may continue without an
anticipated message.";
reference "TS 22.104 clause 5";
type string;
list positioning {
key predictionfrequency;
min-elements 1;
max-elements 1;
description "Specifies whether the network slice provides
geo-localization methods or supporting methods";
reference "Clause 3.4.20 of NG.116";
uses PositioningGrp;
grouping CNSliceSubnetProfileGrp {
leaf-list coverageArea {
min-elements 1;
description "A list of TrackingAreas where the NSI can be selected.";
type types3gpp:Tac;
leaf latency {
description "The packet transmission latency (milliseconds) through
the RAN, CN, and TN part of 5G network, used to evaluate
utilization performance of the end-to-end network slice instance.";
reference "3GPP TS 28.554 clause 6.3.1";
//optional support
mandatory true;
type uint16;
units milliseconds;
leaf maxNumberofUEs {
description "Specifies the maximum number of UEs may simultaneously
access the network slice instance.";
//optional support
mandatory true;
type uint64;
list dLThptPerSliceSubnet {
description "This attribute defines achievable data rate of the
network slice subnet in downlink that is available ubiquitously
across the coverage area of the slice";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list dLThptPerUE {
description "This attribute defines data rate supported by the
network slice per UE, refer NG.116.";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list uLThptPerSliceSubnet {
description "This attribute defines achievable data rate of the
network slice subnet in uplink that is available ubiquitously
across the coverage area of the slice";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list uLThptPerUE {
description "This attribute defines data rate supported by the
network slice per UE, refer NG.116";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list maxPktSize {
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
description "This parameter specifies the maximum packet size
supported by the network slice";
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf maxSize {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541, guessing integer bytes
type uint32;
units bytes;
list maxNumberofPDUSessions {
description "Represents the maximum number of
concurrent PDU sessions supported by the network slice";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf nOofPDUSessions {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541, guessing integer
type uint32;
leaf sliceSimultaneousUse {
description "This attribute describes whether a network slice
can be simultaneously used by a device together with other
network slices and if so, with which other classes of network slices.";
type SliceSimultaneousUse-enum;
list delayTolerance {
description "An attribute specifies the properties of service delivery
flexibility, especially for the vertical services that are not
chasing a high system performance.";
reference "TS 22.104 clause 4.3";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf support {
description "An attribute specifies whether or not the network
slice supports service delivery flexibility, especially for the
vertical services that are not chasing a high system performance.";
type ns3cmn3gpp:Support-enum;
leaf-list coverageAreaTAList {
description "A list of TrackingAreas where the NSI can be selected.";
//optional support
min-elements 1;
type types3gpp:Tac;
leaf resourceSharingLevel {
description "Specifies whether the resources to be allocated to the
network slice subnet instance may be shared with another network
slice subnet instance(s).";
//optional support
type types3gpp:ResourceSharingLevel;
list deterministicComm {
//Stage2 issue: deterministicComm is not defined in 28.541 chapter 6,
// but I guess determinComm is meant
description "This list represents the properties of the deterministic
communication for periodic user traffic. Periodic traffic refers to the
type of traffic with periodic transmissions.";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf availability {
//Stage2 issue: Defined differently in 28.541 chapter 6, but XML
// uses DeterminCommAvailability
config false;
type ns3cmn3gpp:DeterminCommAvailability;
leaf periodicityList {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541 chapter 6. XML and YAML
// says "string".
type string;
grouping PositioningRANSubnetGrp {
description "Represents positioning support in RAN domain";
leaf-list availability {
type enumeration {
enum CIDE_CID ;
enum OTDOA;
enum AECID;
enum NET_RTK;
config false;
description "Specifies if this attribute is provided by the RAN domain
of the network slice and contains a list of positioning methods
provided by the RAN domain. If the list is empty this attribute is
not available in the RAN domain and the other parameters might be
ignored, see NG.116. Values allowed: are
CIDE-CID (LTE and NR), OTDOA (LTE and NR), RF fingerprinting, AECID,
Hybrid positioning, NET-RTK.";
leaf predictionfrequency {
type enumeration {
enum PERSEC;
enum PERMIN;
mandatory true;
description "Specifies how often location information is provided.
This parameter simply defines how often the customer is allowed to
request location information. This is not related to the time it
takes to determine the location, which is a characteristic of the
positioning method.
If leaf-list availability is empty, the value has no meaning.";
reference "NG.116";
leaf accuracy {
type decimal64 {
fraction-digits 2;
units meter;
mandatory true;
description "Specifies the accuracy of the location information.
Accuracy depends on the respective positioning solution applied in the
RAN domain of the network slice.";
reference "NG.116";
grouping RANSliceSubnetProfileGrp {
description "Represents the RANSliceSubnetProfile datatype";
leaf latency {
description "The packet transmission latency (milliseconds) through
the RAN, CN, and TN part of 5G network, used to evaluate
utilization performance of the end-to-end network slice instance.";
reference "3GPP TS 28.554 clause 6.3.1";
//optional support
mandatory true;
type uint16;
units milliseconds;
leaf maxNumberofUEs {
description "Specifies the maximum number of UEs may simultaneously
access the network slice instance.";
//optional support
mandatory true;
type uint64;
list dLThptPerSliceSubnet {
description "This attribute defines achievable data rate of the
network slice subnet in downlink that is available ubiquitously
across the coverage area of the slice";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list dLThptPerUE {
description "This attribute defines data rate supported by the
network slice per UE, refer NG.116.";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list uLThptPerSliceSubnet {
description "This attribute defines achievable data rate of the
network slice subnet in uplink that is available ubiquitously
across the coverage area of the slice";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list uLThptPerUE {
description "This attribute defines data rate supported by the
network slice per UE, refer NG.116";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:XLThptGrp;
list maxPktSize {
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
description "This parameter specifies the maximum packet size
supported by the network slice";
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf maxSize {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541, guessing integer bytes
type uint32;
units bytes;
list delayTolerance {
description "An attribute specifies the properties of service delivery
flexibility, especially for the vertical services that are not
chasing a high system performance.";
reference "TS 22.104 clause 4.3";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf support {
description "An attribute specifies whether or not the network
slice supports service delivery flexibility, especially for the
vertical services that are not chasing a high system performance.";
type ns3cmn3gpp:Support-enum;
leaf sliceSimultaneousUse {
description "This attribute describes whether a network slice
can be simultaneously used by a device together with other
network slices and if so, with which other classes of network slices.";
type SliceSimultaneousUse-enum;
list termDensity {
description "An attribute specifies the overall user density over
the coverage area of the network slice";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf density {
type uint32;
units users/km2;
leaf activityFactor {
//Stage2 issue: This is modeled as writable/config true in 28.542,
// but that does not appear to match the description
description "An attribute specifies the percentage value of the
amount of simultaneous active UEs to the total number of UEs where
active means the UEs are exchanging data with the network";
reference "TS 22.261 Table 7.1-1";
type decimal64 {
fraction-digits 1;
leaf-list coverageAreaTAList {
description "A list of TrackingAreas where the NSI can be selected.";
//optional support
min-elements 1;
type types3gpp:Tac;
leaf uEMobilityLevel {
description "The mobility level of UE accessing the network slice
//optional support
type types3gpp:UeMobilityLevel;
leaf resourceSharingLevel {
description "Specifies whether the resources to be allocated to the
network slice subnet instance may be shared with another network
slice subnet instance(s).";
//optional support
type types3gpp:ResourceSharingLevel;
leaf uESpeed {
//Stage2 issue: This is modeled as writable/config true in 28.542,
// but that does not appear to match the description
description "An attribute specifies the maximum speed (in km/hour)
supported by the network slice at which a defined QoS can be
type uint32;
units km/h;
leaf reliability {
description "An attribute specifies in the context of network layer
packet transmissions, percentage value of the amount of sent
network layer packets successfully delivered to a given system
entity within the time constraint required by the targeted service,
divided by the total number of sent network layer packets.";
reference "TS 22.261, TS 22.104";
type string;
leaf serviceType {
description "An attribute specifies the standardized network slice type.
allowedValues: eMBB, URLLC, MIoT, V2X.";
type ServiceType-enum;
list deterministicComm {
//Stage2 issue: deterministicComm is not defined in 28.541 chapter 6,
// but I guess determinComm is meant
description "This list represents the properties of the deterministic
communication for periodic user traffic. Periodic traffic refers to the
type of traffic with periodic transmissions.";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ns3cmn3gpp:ServAttrComGrp;
leaf availability {
//Stage2 issue: Defined differently in 28.541 chapter 6, but XML
// uses DeterminCommAvailability
config false;
type ns3cmn3gpp:DeterminCommAvailability;
leaf periodicityList {
//Stage2 issue: Not defined in 28.541 chapter 6. XML and YAML
// says "string".
type string;
leaf survivalTime {
description "An attribute specifies the time that an application
consuming a communication service may continue without an
anticipated message.";
reference "TS 22.104 clause 5";
type string;
list positioning {
min-elements 1;
max-elements 1;
description "Specifies whether the RAN domain of the network slice
provides geo-localization methods or supporting methods.";
reference "Clause 3.4.20 of NG.116 [50].";
uses PositioningRANSubnetGrp;
grouping SliceProfileGrp {
leaf sliceProfileId {
description "A unique identifier of the property of network slice
subnet related requirement should be supported by the network
slice subnet instance.";
type types3gpp:DistinguishedName;
list sNSSAIList {
description "List of S-NSSAIs the managed object is capable of
supporting. (Single Network Slice Selection Assistance Information)
An S-NSSAI has an SST (Slice/Service type) and an optional SD
(Slice Differentiator) field.";
key idx;
unique "sst sd";
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses types5g3gpp:SNssai;
list pLMNIdList {
description "List of at most six entries of PLMN Identifiers, but at
least one (the primary PLMN Id). The PLMN Identifier is composed
of a Mobile Country Code (MCC) and a Mobile Network Code (MNC).";
min-elements 1;
max-elements 6;
key "mcc mnc";
ordered-by user;
uses types3gpp:PLMNId;
leaf maxNumberofUEs {
description "Specifies the maximum number of UEs may simultaneously
access the network slice instance.";
//optional support
mandatory true;
type uint64;
leaf-list coverageAreaTAList {
description "A list of TrackingAreas where the NSI can be selected.";
//optional support
min-elements 1;
type types3gpp:Tac;
leaf latency {
description "The packet transmission latency (milliseconds) through
the RAN, CN, and TN part of 5G network, used to evaluate
utilization performance of the end-to-end network slice instance.";
reference "3GPP TS 28.554 clause 6.3.1";
//optional support
mandatory true;
type uint16;
units milliseconds;
leaf uEMobilityLevel {
description "The mobility level of UE accessing the network slice
//optional support
type types3gpp:UeMobilityLevel;
leaf resourceSharingLevel {
description "Specifies whether the resources to be allocated to the
network slice subnet instance may be shared with another network
slice subnet instance(s).";
//optional support
type types3gpp:ResourceSharingLevel;
list CNSliceSubnetProfile {
description " This represents the requirements for the top slice associated with the
network slice. ";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses TopSliceSubnetProfileGrp;
list RANSliceSubnetProfile {
description " This represents the requirements for the top slice associated with the
network slice. ";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses TopSliceSubnetProfileGrp;
list TopSliceSubnetProfile {
description " This represents the requirements for the top slice associated with the
network slice. ";
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses TopSliceSubnetProfileGrp;
N.2.6 module _3gpp-ns-nrm-common.yang
module _3gpp-ns-nrm-common {
yang-version 1.1;
namespace urn:3gpp:sa5:_3gpp-ns-nrm-common;
prefix ns3cmn3gpp;
// import _3gpp-common-subnetwork { prefix subnet3gpp; }
// import _3gpp-common-yang-types { prefix types3gpp; }
// import _3gpp-common-top { prefix top3gpp; }
organization "3GPP SA5";
description "Common network slice definitions";
reference "3GPP TS 28.541
Management and orchestration;
5G Network Resource Model (NRM);
Information model definitions for network slice NRM (chapter 6)
revision 2021-07-16 { reference CR-0566 ; }
revision 2021-05-17 {
description "Introduction of Common Data types";
reference "CR-0485";
grouping XLThptGrp {
list servAttrCom {
description "This list represents the common properties of service
requirement related attributes.";
reference "GSMA NG.116 corresponding to Attribute categories,
tagging and exposure";
config false;
key idx;
max-elements 1;
leaf idx {
description "Synthetic index for the element.";
type uint32;
uses ServAttrComGrp;
leaf guaThpt {
description "This attribute describes the guaranteed data rate.";
type uint64;
units kbits/s;
leaf maxThpt {
description "This attribute describes the maximum data rate.";
type uint64;
units kbits/s;
typedef Tagging-enum {
type enumeration {
enum performance;
enum function;
enum operation;
typedef Exposure-enum {
type enumeration {
enum API;
enum KPI;
typedef Category-enum {
type enumeration {
enum character;
enum scalability;
typedef Support-enum {
type enumeration {
grouping ServAttrComGrp {
leaf category {
description "This attribute specifies the category of a service
requirement/attribute of GST";
type Category-enum;
config false;
leaf-list tagging {
description "This attribute specifies the tagging of a service
requirement/attribute of GST in character category";
when "../category = ‘character’";
type Tagging-enum;
config false;
leaf exposure {
description "This attribute specifies exposure mode of a service
requirement/attribute of GST";
type Exposure-enum;
config false;
typedef DeterminCommAvailability {
type Support-enum;
Annex O (informative):
Change history
Change history |
Date |
Meeting |
TDoc |
CR |
Rev |
Cat |
Subject/Comment |
New version |
2018-09 |
SA#81 |
Upgrade to change control version |
15.0.0 |
2018-09 |
SA#81 |
EdiHelp review |
15.0.1 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0001 |
1 |
F |
Fix issues raised by EditHelp |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0002 |
2 |
F |
Update NR Stage 2 definition to align with TS 37.340 for MR-DC |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0003 |
1 |
F |
Update NRM Stage 2 defintion to align with TS 23.501 for 5G architecture |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0005 |
1 |
F |
Update Stage 3 XML definition of NR to align with Stage 2 content |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0006 |
1 |
F |
Update Stage 3 JSON definition of NR to align with Stage 2 content |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0007 |
1 |
F |
Update Stage 3 YANG definition of NR to align with Stage 2 content |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0008 |
1 |
F |
Update Stage 3 XML definition of 5GC to align with Stage 2 content |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0009 |
1 |
F |
Update Stage 3 JSON definition of 5GC to align with Stage 2 content |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0011 |
1 |
F |
Update stage 3 XML definition of NS to align with Stage 2 content |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0012 |
1 |
F |
Update Stage 3 JSON definition of NS to align with Stage 2 content |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0013 |
1 |
F |
Update stage 3 YANG definition of NS to align with Stage 2 content |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0014 |
1 |
F |
Correct the term sNSSAIList and nRTAClist |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0015 |
1 |
F |
Update the inheritance hierarchy figure for NR NRM to include BWP IOC and NRSectorCarrier IOC |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0016 |
1 |
F |
Change the term nCGI to nCI |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0019 |
1 |
F |
Align properties of cell state |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0021 |
1 |
F |
Add missing attribute definition and condition |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181047 |
0022 |
1 |
F |
Add missing detail definition for attribute |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181047 |
0023 |
1 |
F |
Adding missing attribute, and correction of reference |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181043 |
0025 |
– |
F |
Remove NSSF from the abbrevations |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0027 |
– |
F |
Replace symbol for network slice state management |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0031 |
1 |
F |
Remove the ExternalENBFunction definition |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181046 |
0033 |
1 |
F |
Align the management of external function and cell with TS 28.658 |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181156 |
0034 |
1 |
F |
Update NR NRM with Cell Relation |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181156 |
0038 |
3 |
F |
RRM Policy enhancements |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181156 |
0039 |
1 |
F |
Fix containment issue in YANG definition |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181156 |
0040 |
– |
F |
Implement minor corrections |
15.1.0 |
2018-12 |
SA#82 |
SP-181042 |
0041 |
– |
F |
Update Stage 3 NRM for RRM Policy enhancements |
15.1.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0043 |
1 |
F |
Align NR attributes definition related to SSB with corresponding NG-RAN IE definition |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0044 |
1 |
F |
Correct the use of nCI and PLMN |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0045 |
– |
F |
Remove duplicate definition for ExternalNRCellCU |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0046 |
2 |
F |
Correct class diagram for view on external entities |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0047 |
1 |
F |
Correct the definition for resourceSharingLevel |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0048 |
1 |
F |
Correction of references |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0052 |
1 |
F |
Align the term mFIdList and constituentNSSIIdList |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0053 |
1 |
F |
Correct the definition of nSSIId |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0054 |
1 |
F |
Add missing attribute constraint for class definition of NSSFFunction |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0055 |
1 |
F |
Correct attribute constraints for RRMpolicy related attributes in NRCellCU |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0057 |
– |
F |
Correct cardinality of End Point (EP) to target |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0058 |
0 |
F |
Correct Import table |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0059 |
– |
F |
Remove ExternalNRCellCU.pLMNIdList |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0060 |
– |
F |
Use ‘bS’ (not ‘bs’) to prefix all BS (base station) attributes |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0061 |
1 |
F |
Correction of State attributes descriptions |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0062 |
– |
F |
Update 5G JSON Solution Set to align with generic NRM |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0063 |
1 |
F |
Update YANG Solution Set to align with Stage 2 definition |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0064 |
1 |
F |
Update Information Service to fix Network Slice modeling issue |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0065 |
1 |
F |
Update Solution Set to fix Network Slice modeling issue |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0066 |
1 |
F |
Add availability in service profile of network slice resource model |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0068 |
1 |
F |
Add sST attribute to ServiceProfile |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190121 |
0069 |
1 |
F |
Update to sST attribute stage 3 |
15.2.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190149 |
0073 |
2 |
F |
Replace CoverageAreaTAList type definition |
16.0.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190149 |
0074 |
1 |
F |
Name datatypes SliceProfile and ServiceProfile |
16.0.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190149 |
0075 |
1 |
F |
Add datatype definition for S-NSSAI |
16.0.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190149 |
0076 |
1 |
F |
Remove incomplete description for TAC |
16.0.0 |
2019-03 |
SA#83 |
SP-190149 |
0079 |
1 |
F |
Name datatype RRMPolicyRatio2 |
16.0.0 |
2019-06 |
SA#84 |
SP-190374 |
0083 |
– |
A |
Remove attribute availabilityStatus in NRCellDU IOC |
16.1.0 |
2019-06 |
SA#84 |
SP-190373 |
0085 |
1 |
F |
Correct the definition for nsInfo |
16.1.0 |
2019-06 |
SA#84 |
SP-190374 |
0088 |
1 |
A |
Update Information Service of NR to fix unclear Note issue |
16.1.0 |
2019-06 |
SA#84 |
SP-190373 |
0096 |
2 |
A |
Correct the use of plmnIdList |
16.1.0 |
2019-06 |
SA#84 |
SP-190373 |
0098 |
1 |
F |
Add missing clauses to RRMPolicyRatio2 data type |
16.1.0 |
2019-06 |
SA#84 |
SP-190373 |
0099 |
1 |
F |
Update RRMPolicyRatio2 data type name in stage 3 |
16.1.0 |
2019-06 |
SA#84 |
SP-190373 |
0102 |
– |
F |
Fix the implementation errors |
16.1.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190745 |
0089 |
2 |
B |
Update 5GC Information Service to align with Managed Service Definition |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190743 |
0107 |
1 |
A |
Correct description for NR deployment scenario |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190743 |
0109 |
1 |
A |
Correct NR NRM model to be applicable for all NG-RAN architecture |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190745 |
0114 |
1 |
C |
Support NF Profile management |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190743 |
0121 |
1 |
A |
Clarification of sNSSAIList attribute |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190744 |
0123 |
– |
A |
Remove pLMNId from GNBDUFunction |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190743 |
0126 |
2 |
A |
Update class definition with inheritance information |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190743 |
0128 |
1 |
A |
Correct description of NRCellCU and NRCellDU to be applicable for all deployment scenarios |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190743 |
0130 |
– |
A |
Correct XML solution set for NR |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190743 |
0132 |
– |
A |
Correct XML solution set for Network slice |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190750 |
0133 |
1 |
F |
Clarification on slice model |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190743 |
0142 |
1 |
A |
Add YANG mount info |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190743 |
0143 |
– |
A |
Add YANG solution |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190745 |
0149 |
1 |
F |
generate JSON definition for 5GC NRM based on new style guideline |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190744 |
0150 |
1 |
A |
Fix NR NRM to add missed ID info |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190744 |
0152 |
– |
F |
XML Solution Set for 5GC |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190744 |
0154 |
– |
A |
Correct ETSI NFV reference |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190744 |
0157 |
1 |
A |
generate JSON definition for Slice NRM based on new style guideline |
16.2.0 |
2019-09 |
SA#85 |
SP-190744 |
0158 |
1 |
A |
generate JSON definition for NR NRM based on new style guideline |
16.2.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191159 |
0146 |
3 |
F |
To syn up with v1540 stage 2 |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191173 |
0156 |
2 |
A |
Correct Import table |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0161 |
1 |
C |
Extensions to PCF and UPF IOCs for support of TSC (Time Sensitive Communication) |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0166 |
1 |
F |
Correct XML solution set for NR |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0167 |
1 |
F |
Correct Network slice NRM |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191173 |
0168 |
2 |
A |
Correct NR TAC attribute property |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191173 |
0170 |
– |
A |
Correction of the duplicated IOC NSSFFunction in daigram |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191173 |
0172 |
– |
A |
Correction of the wrong IOC names in transport view diagram—Not implemented, wrong baseline (MCC) |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0175 |
2 |
F |
XML Solution Set for 5GC |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191170 |
0177 |
3 |
C |
Update on slice NRM |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191170 |
0178 |
2 |
B |
Add relation of GST and profiles |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0180 |
3 |
F |
Update SEPP Stage 2 definition in 5GC NRM |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0182 |
1 |
C |
Add NEF Stage 2 definition in 5GC NRM |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0184 |
1 |
C |
Add SCP Stage 2 definition in 5GC NRM |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0185 |
– |
C |
Add Stage 3 definitions of 5GC NRM to align with stage 2 |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0186 |
1 |
C |
Support communication model in 5GC NF – Stage 2 |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0192 |
1 |
F |
Fix merging errors of the specification |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0195 |
– |
C |
Add State Handling diagram for NF service |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0197 |
– |
B |
Updates to YANG SS |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191170 |
0198 |
1 |
C |
Update XML definitions of ServiceProfile NRM |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191170 |
0199 |
2 |
C |
Update JSON definitions of ServiceProfile NRM |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0200 |
1 |
C |
Add managedNFProfile definition for ngc NRM – stage3 |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0202 |
2 |
B |
Add the RIM monitoring parameters for remote interference management |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0212 |
2 |
F |
Correct Network slice NRM |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191166 |
0213 |
– |
F |
Update SEPP Stage 3 definition in 5GC NRM |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191180 |
0222 |
2 |
B |
Management of NR ANR, Stage 2 |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191180 |
0223 |
– |
B |
Management of NR ANR, Stage 3 |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191173 |
0226 |
1 |
A |
Add Stages 2 NRM Info Model definitions for beam managed object classes |
16.3.0 |
2019-12 |
SA#86 |
SP-191173 |
0227 |
– |
A |
Add Stages 2 NRM Info Model definitions for beam managed object classes |
16.3.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200169 |
0163 |
4 |
F |
Correct the parameter sNSSAIList |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200169 |
0179 |
3 |
C |
Update of RRM Policy |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200169 |
0235 |
– |
F |
Correction of reference |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200169 |
0239 |
1 |
F |
Update the NR NRM to align with NG-RAN overview architecture |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200169 |
0241 |
– |
F |
Some correction on the NR NRM |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200169 |
0242 |
– |
F |
Fix merging errors of the specification |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200169 |
0243 |
1 |
F |
Update NRM attribute definitions |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200233 |
0245 |
2 |
B |
Add the RIM parameters for remote interference management |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200234 |
0248 |
1 |
F |
Update on slice NRM and solution sets |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200234 |
0250 |
1 |
F |
Update of GNBCUUPFunction NRM |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200232 |
0253 |
2 |
B |
Add Stage 3 NRM Info Model definitions for RRMPolicy and PLMNInfo related CRs |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200178 |
0254 |
1 |
F |
Correct CR implementation errors |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200235 |
0255 |
1 |
F |
Add OpenAPI definitions required by the ProvMnS |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
SP-200169 |
0258 |
F |
Correct errors in yang solution set |
16.4.0 |
2020-03 |
SA#87E |
Correction of implementation errrors |
16.4.1 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200489 |
0259 |
1 |
F |
Update on the RRMpolicyRatio |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200493 |
0260 |
– |
F |
Replace DN with better identifier for whitelists and blacklists management |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200603 |
0261 |
1 |
B |
Add IOC for control of QoS monitoring per QoS flow per UE |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200604 |
0262 |
1 |
B |
Add IOC for control of GTP-U path QoS monitoring |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200489 |
0263 |
1 |
F |
Correction of reference |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200493 |
0268 |
– |
B |
ANR management for EN-DC architecture |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200484 |
0269 |
1 |
F |
Clarification on network slice related identifiers |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200484 |
0270 |
– |
F |
Stage 3 update for clarification on network slice related identifiers |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200484 |
0274 |
1 |
F |
Correct sNSSAI definition in XML solution set |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200484 |
0275 |
1 |
F |
Clarify the NR NRM used for different deployment scenarios |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200484 |
0278 |
– |
F |
Add missing notification types to the definition of common notifications |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200491 |
0279 |
1 |
A |
Update on NRCellDU |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200491 |
0281 |
1 |
A |
Update Clause Inheritance UML diagram |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0283 |
2 |
B |
new NRM fragment to support RIM stage 2 |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0284 |
1 |
B |
new NRM fragment to support RIM stage 3 |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200489 |
0285 |
– |
F |
Update stage 3 on the RRMpolicyRatio |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200605 |
0286 |
2 |
B |
Add IOC for configurable 5QIs |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0287 |
1 |
B |
Add IOC for 5QI to DSCP mapping |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200493 |
0289 |
– |
B |
Stage3 add the NRM fragment for SON management |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200493 |
0290 |
– |
B |
ANR management for EN-DC architecture |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200493 |
0291 |
1 |
B |
Add the NRM fragment for SON management |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0293 |
– |
F |
Add CommModelList NRM definition |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0294 |
1 |
F |
Update NRM attribute definitions |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0295 |
1 |
F |
Correct NRM definition in XML solution |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200485 |
0300 |
1 |
F |
Clarification on the relation of GST, ServiceProfile and SliceProfile |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200496 |
0301 |
1 |
B |
Add ES coverage relation in NRCellRelation |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0302 |
– |
F |
Update the decription for RRMPolicy_ and resouceType |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0303 |
– |
F |
Update definition for attribute localAddress in EP_RP IOC |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200486 |
0305 |
1 |
A |
Correction of references |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200485 |
0306 |
1 |
F |
add transport information and slice mapping on backhaul endpoints |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200485 |
0307 |
– |
F |
add transport information and slice mapping on backhaul endpoints stage 3 |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0312 |
1 |
F |
Update SliceProfile attributes solution 1 |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0315 |
1 |
B |
Add configuredMaxTxEIRP on NRSectorCarrier |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0316 |
– |
B |
Stage 3 Add configuredMaxTxEIRP on NRSectorCarrier |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200490 |
0318 |
– |
F |
Update NRM YANG for 28.541 |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200496 |
0319 |
– |
B |
Add ES coverage relation in NRCellRelation Stage 3 |
16.5.0 |
2020-06 |
SA#88-e |
SP-200612 |
0320 |
1 |
F |
Update openAPI for NRCellRelation and NRFreqRelation |
16.5.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0321 |
– |
F |
Correction of NRM YANG errors |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0322 |
1 |
F |
Correct on NR NRM |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0323 |
– |
F |
Correct the openAPI definition for NR NRM |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200730 |
0325 |
– |
A |
Correct on frequency related IOC |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0329 |
1 |
B |
Add IOC for predefined PCC rules |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0330 |
2 |
B |
Add IOC for predefined PCC rules |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0331 |
– |
B |
Enable PCF to support configurable 5QIs |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0332 |
– |
B |
Add IOC for dynamic 5QIs – stage 2 |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0333 |
– |
B |
Add IOC for dynamic 5QIs – stage 3 |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0334 |
– |
B |
Add TCE mapping info in GNBCUCPFunction |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0335 |
– |
B |
Add TCE mapping info in openAPI solution |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0336 |
– |
F |
Add missing definitions for perfReq |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200754 |
0338 |
1 |
F |
Delete supportedAccessTech to align with GST |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200724 |
0339 |
– |
F |
Correction on duplicated annex numbering |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0345 |
– |
F |
Update NRM attribute definitions |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200749 |
0362 |
– |
F |
Deleting SupportedAccessTech – Stage 3 – XML |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200724 |
0368 |
1 |
F |
Add relation between transport and application level endpoints |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200724 |
0369 |
– |
F |
Add relation between transport and application level endpoints stage 3 |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0370 |
1 |
F |
Cleanup stage 2 editorial issue and stage 3 yaml error |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200749 |
0371 |
– |
F |
Add clarifying note to ServiceProfile |
16.6.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200752 |
0337 |
– |
B |
Add the MLB support indicator in NRcellrelation |
17.0.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200749 |
0341 |
1 |
F |
Update maxNumberofConns |
17.0.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200749 |
0342 |
– |
B |
Add NB-IoT support in ServiceProfile |
17.0.0 |
2020-09 |
SA#89-e |
SP-200729 |
0366 |
1 |
B |
Addition of attribute for network slice supporting maximum of data volume |
17.0.0 |
2020-11 |
No technical changes. Cleanup of diverse issues in order to improve performance of the file: hidden XML, watermarks,etc.. |
17.0.1 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201057 |
0380 |
– |
A |
Correct the definition for configurable5QI and dynamic5QI |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201066 |
0382 |
1 |
F |
Change RACH control attributes from beam to cell |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201045 |
0384 |
1 |
A |
Move Distributed RACH control IOC from CU to DU |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201045 |
0386 |
2 |
A |
Move Distributed PCI control IOC from DU to CU |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201057 |
0388 |
– |
A |
Correction of cell neighbour relations related attributes in openAPI solution |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201057 |
0393 |
– |
A |
Correction of NRM YANG errors |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201057 |
0395 |
1 |
A |
Correct Network slice NRM |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201053 |
0399 |
1 |
A |
Fix description related to service profile |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201050 |
0405 |
– |
A |
Add containment relationship for network slice IOCs |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201050 |
0406 |
– |
F |
Add containment relationship for network slice IOCs stage 3 |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201045 |
0407 |
– |
F |
Add subclause reference of MRO related attribute |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201089 |
0410 |
1 |
A |
Correction of NRM YANG errors |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201089 |
0412 |
– |
A |
YANG improvements |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201056 |
0414 |
– |
A |
Add serviceProfileId and sliceProfileId to stage 3 yaml |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201089 |
0419 |
– |
A |
Update notifyThresholdCrossing to be a common notification. |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201089 |
0421 |
– |
A |
pLMNInfoList faulty attribute definition |
17.1.0 |
2020-12 |
SA#90e |
SP-201089 |
0423 |
– |
A |
Fix containment relationship for EP_Transport IOC |
17.1.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210153 |
0432 |
1 |
A |
Correction on Dynamic5QISet IOC based on LS reply from SA2 |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210154 |
0435 |
3 |
A |
Correct the NF name in definition of EP_NgU |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210153 |
0440 |
– |
A |
Add missing inheritance description information in the attribute definition for several IOCs |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210153 |
0442 |
2 |
A |
Correct multiplicity issue for several attributes of NR NRM |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210146 |
0445 |
2 |
A |
Fix containment relationship for EP_Transport IOC |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210155 |
0457 |
– |
C |
Remove the XML Solution set |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210144 |
0459 |
1 |
B |
Update the information model definitions for network slice NRM |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210143 |
0461 |
1 |
A |
Update of the PCI and DESManagementFunction |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210154 |
0467 |
1 |
A |
Correction to NSI and NSSI state management |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210155 |
0472 |
– |
A |
YANG compilation error and missing stage 2 corrections |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
SP-210146 |
0474 |
– |
A |
Fix compilation and other errors |
17.2.0 |
2021-03 |
SA#91e |
Fixing CR implementation error in E.5.13 |
17.2.1 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210407 |
0430 |
4 |
F |
Correction of ServiceProfile attributes |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210410 |
0479 |
1 |
B |
Add positioning support in RANSliceSubnetProfile |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210410 |
0480 |
1 |
B |
OpenAPI of adding positioning support in RANSliceSubnetProfile |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210410 |
0481 |
1 |
B |
Add synchronicity support in RANSliceSubnetProfile |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210410 |
0482 |
1 |
B |
OpenAPI of adding synchronicity support in RANSliceSubnetProfile |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210410 |
0485 |
1 |
C |
perfReq mapping to domain specific attributes |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210410 |
0486 |
1 |
B |
Add reliability to CN SliceProfile |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210401 |
0487 |
1 |
B |
Enhancement of NRM definition for the NWDAF – Stage 2 |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210401 |
0488 |
1 |
B |
OpenAPI Enhancement of NRM definition for the NWDAF |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210411 |
0490 |
– |
A |
Correct the description for GNBDUFunction and EP_NgC |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210401 |
0491 |
1 |
F |
Improve the readability of EP_Transport |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210465 |
0493 |
2 |
B |
Add energyEfficiency attribute |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210410 |
0495 |
1 |
B |
enhance 5GC NRM to support network slice admission control |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210407 |
0498 |
1 |
F |
Add note for RRMPolicy |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210467 |
0499 |
1 |
F |
Inclusive language review |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210406 |
0501 |
1 |
A |
Fix editorial issue of network slice NRM |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210406 |
0503 |
1 |
A |
fix inheritance relation of network slice NRM |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210406 |
0506 |
1 |
C |
Correction of 5QI definitions in NRM |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210410 |
0508 |
– |
F |
Correction on mapping GST attributes |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210411 |
0510 |
– |
A |
Correct inconsistencies in definitions around network slice management |
17.3.0 |
2021-06 |
SA#92e |
SP-210406 |
0514 |
1 |
A |
Correction to definition for domain centralized SON |
17.3.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210871 |
0518 |
– |
A |
YANG NR-NRM model structure repair and cleanup |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210870 |
0520 |
– |
C |
Use of TopSliceSubnetProfile |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210885 |
0522 |
– |
A |
Deprecate Top-Attr and use Top instead |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210885 |
0524 |
– |
A |
Fix incorrect attributes inheritance description |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210870 |
0525 |
– |
B |
Add survival time to CNSliceProfile |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210867 |
0526 |
1 |
B |
Add NRM IOC definitions for N5, N70 and N71 reference points |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210867 |
0527 |
1 |
B |
Adding NRM for N33 |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210867 |
0528 |
– |
B |
Enhance 5GC NRM to support 5G_DDNMF |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210871 |
0530 |
– |
A |
Remove the attribute definition which is not used |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210882 |
0531 |
1 |
B |
Add NPN Identity on NR cell to support access control for NPN UEs |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210871 |
0534 |
1 |
A |
Fix the issue caused by the updated NetworkSliceSubnet inheritence relationship |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210867 |
0535 |
1 |
F |
Update logicInterfaceId of EP_transport |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210870 |
0539 |
1 |
B |
Add radio spectrum support in slicing profiles |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210870 |
0542 |
– |
C |
Update maxPktSize and determinComm to support UL and DL requirements |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210870 |
0543 |
– |
F |
Remove obsolete coverageArea attribute in TopSliceSubnetProfile |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210871 |
0545 |
A |
Correction for attribute description of servAttrCom |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210871 |
0547 |
– |
A |
Correcion of YAML references |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210871 |
0548 |
– |
F |
Revise description of NextHopInfo and qosProfileRefList attribute in EP_transport IOC |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210867 |
0549 |
C |
Update resourceType PRB for UL (Uplink) and DL (Downlink) |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210887 |
0551 |
– |
F |
Correction of ServiceProfile |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210887 |
0554 |
– |
B |
Enhance 5G Core AMF NRM fragment |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210885 |
0555 |
– |
A |
Remove isINEF attribute from NEFFunction IOC |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210871 |
0556 |
– |
A |
YANG updates to correct YANG merging problems |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210885 |
0557 |
1 |
A |
Fix inconsistent clauses and attributes used in TS 38.211 and TS 28.541 |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210871 |
0558 |
1 |
A |
Moving RIM monitoring related attributes to NRCellDU |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210867 |
0559 |
1 |
C |
Extend NRM fragment to support EP_transport for mid-haul |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210867 |
0562 |
– |
B |
Enhance 5G Core managed NF Profile NRM fragment |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210867 |
0564 |
– |
F |
Delete AMFInfo datatype in NRM fragment |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210867 |
0566 |
1 |
F |
Correction of YANG Solution set |
17.4.0 |
2021-09 |
SA#93e |
SP-210867 |
0568 |
– |
F |
Add missing openAPI definition update for S5-213508 |
17.4.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211471 |
0468 |
3 |
B |
Update NR NRM to support MOCN network sharing scenario |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211472 |
0571 |
– |
A |
Align different (abbreviated) names for support qualifier to S |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211454 |
0575 |
1 |
A |
Clarify the usage of pLMNId in first entry in pLMNInfoList |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211452 |
0576 |
1 |
B |
Add Stage 2 solutions to support D-LBO |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211452 |
0577 |
1 |
B |
Add Stage 3 solutions to support D-LBO |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211466 |
0578 |
– |
C |
Update latency to support UL and DL requirements |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211466 |
0579 |
– |
F |
Align attribute names for CNSliceSubnetProfile |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0580 |
– |
F |
YAML update for RRMPolicy |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0581 |
1 |
B |
Add attribute networkSliceSubnetType for NetworkSliceSubnet IOC |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0582 |
1 |
C |
Add maxnumber of PDU Sessions in NsacfInfoSnssai |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0583 |
1 |
C |
Add serving area information for NSACF discovery and selection |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0584 |
1 |
C |
Enhance NRM to support local NEF selection |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0585 |
1 |
C |
Update NRM to support EASDF |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211466 |
0587 |
1 |
F |
Update relationship between GST and Network Slice NRM fragment |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211454 |
0589 |
1 |
A |
cNSIId description clarificaiton |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211454 |
0591 |
1 |
A |
Correct NRM for AMFRegion and AMFSet |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211457 |
0592 |
B |
Adding transport view NRM from 5GC to EDN |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211462 |
0595 |
1 |
A |
DMRO correction |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211466 |
0599 |
1 |
D |
Introduce missing GST references |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0600 |
1 |
B |
Enhance 5G Core managed NF Profile NRM fragment (Stage 2) |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0601 |
1 |
B |
5GC NRM enhancements for AMFFunction and ManagedNFProfile (Stage 3) |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0602 |
1 |
B |
NR NRM additions to support 5GC enhancements (Stage 3) |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211454 |
0604 |
– |
A |
Correct PLMNInfo support qualifier |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211464 |
0606 |
1 |
A |
Clarify tenant relationship with ServiceProfileId |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0607 |
– |
F |
Correction of YANG Solution set |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211474 |
0608 |
1 |
B |
NRM for CHO |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211474 |
0609 |
1 |
B |
NRM for CHO Stage 3 |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211474 |
0610 |
1 |
B |
NRM for DAPS handover |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211474 |
0611 |
1 |
B |
NRM for DAPS Stage 3 |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211466 |
0612 |
– |
F |
Remove editor notes |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0613 |
– |
F |
Update 5GC NRM for 5G_DDNMF reference point |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211463 |
0619 |
1 |
D |
Update inclusive language modification for TS 28.541 |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211475 |
0621 |
– |
A |
Correct the wrong reference for TS 32.160 |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211471 |
0622 |
– |
B |
Add YAML solution set for NG-RAN MOCN network sharing scenarios |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211472 |
0624 |
– |
A |
Fix stage3 definition for plmnId |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211466 |
0626 |
1 |
B |
network slice protection on N6 interface |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211466 |
0627 |
1 |
B |
network slice specific authentication |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0629 |
1 |
B |
Enhance NRM of UDM function |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0630 |
1 |
F |
Stage3 Update for UPF and PCF |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0631 |
1 |
F |
Introduce missing attribute nRFreqRelationRef in table of attribute properties (stage 2) |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0634 |
1 |
F |
Correct attribute in IOC NRCellRelation (stage 3) |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0636 |
1 |
B |
Enhance 5G Core managed NF Profile NRM fragment (Stage 2) |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211473 |
0637 |
1 |
B |
5GC NRM enhancements for ManagedNFProfile (Stage 3) |
17.5.0 |
2021-12 |
SA#94e |
SP-211475 |
0638 |
– |
A |
Correct spelling of Attribute properties |
17.5.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220182 |
0633 |
2 |
C |
Update maximumDeviationHoTrigger |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220168 |
0641 |
– |
F |
Fix stage3 definition for 5G_DDNMF |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220168 |
0643 |
– |
F |
YANG corrections |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220168 |
0644 |
– |
F |
Fixing lists errors in AmfFunction-Single (stage 3) |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-200176 |
0645 |
1 |
F |
Update RANSliceSubnetProfile attributes |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220182 |
0649 |
– |
F |
Correct NRM fragment for DMRO Management |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220173 |
0650 |
1 |
B |
Add Stage 2 solutions to support ECM |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220176 |
0651 |
1 |
F |
Update energy efficiency attribute |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220184 |
0652 |
1 |
F |
Alignment on NR NRM for MOCN network sharing |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220184 |
0653 |
1 |
B |
Add administrativeState attribute in NROperatorCellDU |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220179 |
0655 |
– |
A |
Remove incorrect reference to TS 22.104 |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220168 |
0658 |
1 |
B |
NRM enhacements for SMFFunction |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220182 |
0659 |
1 |
B |
Add C-SON CCO NRM model stage3 |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220182 |
0660 |
1 |
B |
Add C-SON CCO NRM model stage2 |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220176 |
0666 |
1 |
F |
Clean up of eMA5SLA |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-200168 |
0667 |
– |
F |
Update 5G NRM to solve CR clash in Figure |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-200168 |
0670 |
1 |
B |
NRM enhancements for the SMFFunction (stage 3) |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220178 |
0672 |
– |
F |
Correct YANG Network Slice NRM solution set reference |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-200168 |
0674 |
1 |
F |
Update 5GC NRM for 5G_DDNMF |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220179 |
0678 |
– |
A |
Correct YANG mapping in TS document |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220168 |
0679 |
– |
F |
Correct NR YAML in TS document |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220168 |
0680 |
– |
F |
Correct 5GC YAML in TS document |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220168 |
0681 |
– |
F |
Correct Network Slicing YAML in TS document |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#95e |
SP-220173 |
0682 |
– |
B |
Add Stage 3 solutions to support ECM |
17.6.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220507 |
0642 |
2 |
F |
Update Figure L.2.1 and accompanying paragraph. |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220508 |
0683 |
– |
F |
Correct maximumDeviationHoTrigger for D-LBO |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220497 |
0685 |
– |
A |
Diagram fix for NRM fragment for RRM policies |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220497 |
0689 |
– |
A |
Fixing OpenAPI Discoverability issue in stage 3 5gcNrm.yaml |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220497 |
0690 |
– |
A |
Fixing OpenAPI Discoverability issue in stage 3- nrNrm.yaml |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220497 |
0691 |
– |
A |
Fixing OpenAPI Discoverability issue in stage 3 sliceNrm.yaml |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220498 |
0693 |
– |
A |
CT OpenAPI file relative-path URI references and dependence change for 5gcNrm.yaml |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220564 |
0694 |
– |
F |
Fixing a few issues with attribute related to nextHopInfoList in EP_transport |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220498 |
0698 |
1 |
A |
OpenAPI file name and dependence change for 5gcNrm.yaml |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220498 |
0699 |
1 |
A |
OpenAPI file name and dependence change for nrNrm.yaml |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220498 |
0700 |
1 |
A |
OpenAPI file name and dependence change for sliceNrm.yaml |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220498 |
0702 |
– |
A |
Correction to RRMPolicy_ IOC reference in RRMPolicyRatio IOC |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220498 |
0704 |
– |
A |
Add attribute properties for NetworkSliceSubnet attribute priorityLabel |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220564 |
0705 |
– |
F |
Fix to change Support Qualifier to S |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220564 |
0706 |
– |
F |
Define LogicInterfaceInfo datatype and fix attribute properties for logicInterfaceInfo |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220564 |
0708 |
1 |
F |
Fixing attribute properties for ServiceProfile attribute networkSliceSharingIndicator |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220510 |
0710 |
1 |
A |
Correct isOrdered-isUnique for multivalue attributes |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220499 |
0712 |
1 |
B |
Network slice subnet provider capability IOC |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220507 |
0715 |
– |
F |
Correction on two SLA attributes |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220507 |
0716 |
– |
F |
Correction on attribute latency of SubnetProfiles |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220510 |
0719 |
– |
A |
Correction on minor errors in nrNRM.yaml |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220510 |
0721 |
– |
A |
Correction on the attribution definition in the wrong yaml file |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220499 |
0722 |
– |
B |
Add feasibility check NRM fragment |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220509 |
0723 |
– |
F |
Address the unnecessary reference for the yaml file |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220510 |
0727 |
– |
A |
Fix BWP association in NRCellDU |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220510 |
0729 |
– |
A |
Update 5QI set description – YANG module |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220510 |
0731 |
– |
A |
Update 5QI set reference attribute definition |
17.7.0 |
2022-03 |
SA#96 |
SP-220511 |
0711 |
– |
B |
Access specific GST configuration |
18.0.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220847 |
0732 |
– |
B |
Enhance 5G Core managed NF Profile NRM fragment |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220847 |
0733 |
– |
B |
NRM enhancements for UPFFunction |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220847 |
0734 |
– |
C |
NRM enhancements for NSSFFunction |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220847 |
0735 |
1 |
B |
NRM enhancements for PCFFunction |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220847 |
0736 |
1 |
B |
NRM enhancements for UDMFunction |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220847 |
0737 |
1 |
B |
NRM enhancements for UDRFunction |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220849 |
0741 |
1 |
A |
FiveQICharacteristics inheritance issue and reference issue in stage 3 |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220859 |
0743 |
1 |
A |
Fix inconsistency in AMFFunction stage 2 and stage 3 |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220849 |
0745 |
– |
A |
Correction to DESManagementFunction and CESManagementFunction |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220849 |
0748 |
1 |
A |
Correction to serviceType attribute |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220847 |
0755 |
1 |
B |
Add BWP Set configuration support in NRM (stage 2) |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220847 |
0756 |
– |
B |
Add BWP Set configuration support in NRM (stage 3, YANG) |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220859 |
0758 |
1 |
A |
Update stage2 and stage3 definition for FeasibilityCheckAndReservationJob |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220859 |
0760 |
– |
A |
Add missing notifyMOIChanges in configuration notification table |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220861 |
0762 |
– |
A |
Correction on two SLA attributes |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220847 |
0764 |
1 |
B |
Add BWP set support to NRM (Stage3, YAML) |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220847 |
0765 |
1 |
B |
Update NWDAFFunction IOC to support management and control purpose |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220859 |
0767 |
1 |
A |
Update EASDF IOC |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220849 |
0770 |
– |
F |
YANG Corrections |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220849 |
0772 |
– |
A |
Add missing attributes n6Protection and nssaaSupport defined in CNSliceSubnetProfile to TopSliceSubnetProfile |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220849 |
0774 |
– |
A |
fix TaiList issues in stage 3 in TS28541_5gcNrm.yaml |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
SP-220849 |
0784 |
– |
A |
Correction to coverageAreaTAList |
18.1.0 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
Removing duplicated content due to CRs including duplicated changes (MCC). |
18.1.1 |
2022-09 |
SA#97e |
Aligning OpenAPI code from FORGE |
18.1.2 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221188 |
0753 |
3 |
C |
Add Enhanced QoS support in NRM (stage 2) |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221188 |
0754 |
3 |
C |
Add Enhanced QoS support in NRM (stage 3, YANG) |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221172 |
0785 |
– |
F |
YANG Corrections in Word TS |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221188 |
0787 |
– |
B |
NRM enhancements for AUSFFunction |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221188 |
0788 |
1 |
B |
NRM enhancements for NEFFunction |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221188 |
0789 |
– |
B |
NRM enhancements for NSACFFunction |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221188 |
0790 |
1 |
B |
NRM enhancements for NWDAFFunction |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221188 |
0791 |
1 |
B |
NRM enhancements for SCPFunction |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221188 |
0792 |
1 |
B |
NRM enhancements for SEPPFunction |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221188 |
0793 |
– |
B |
NRM enhancements for UDSFFunction |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221169 |
0796 |
– |
A |
Correcting name of nSInstanceId |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221167 |
0803 |
2 |
A |
Correction to multiplicity of relation between NetworkSlice IOC and NetworkSliceSubnet IOC |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221169 |
0806 |
– |
A |
Correction to GSMA NG 116 reference for KPIMonitoring |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221169 |
0809 |
– |
A |
Correction to ServiceProfile attribute v2XCommModels name in YAML defintion |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221169 |
0812 |
– |
A |
Correction to inconsistencies in GNBCUCPFunction definition |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221173 |
0816 |
1 |
A |
Adding YANG begin and End markers |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221167 |
0820 |
1 |
A |
Address Editor’s Note for the description of FeasibilityCheckAndReservationJob (6.3.9) |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221180 |
0822 |
– |
A |
Correct the definition for cellLocalId to support MOCN network sharing sceanrio (6.3.11) |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221188 |
0823 |
1 |
B |
Update NWDAFFunction IOC to support management and control purpose |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221181 |
0825 |
– |
A |
Correct the misalignment information between stage2 and stage3 |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221167 |
0828 |
– |
A |
Replacing Support Qualifier with S |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221182 |
0834 |
– |
A |
Consistency in use of servAttrCom |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221182 |
0837 |
1 |
A |
Correct kPIList |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221182 |
0840 |
2 |
A |
Correct periodicityList |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
SP-221167 |
0843 |
1 |
A |
Correct network slice state management table |
18.2.0 |
2023-01 |
SA#98e |
Fixing some implementation errors |
18.2.1 |
2023-02 |
Removing revision marks |
18.2.2 |