12.2 Generic fault supervision management service
28.5323GPPGeneric management servicesManagement and orchestrationRelease 17TS
12.2.1 RESTful HTTP-based solution set Mapping of operations Introduction
The IS operations are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS operations to SS equivalents
IS operation |
HTTP Method |
Resource URI |
S |
getAlarmList |
/alarms |
M |
getAlarmCount |
/alarms/alarmCount |
O |
acknowledgeAlarms |
/alarms |
M |
/alarms/{alarmId} |
M |
unacknowledgeAlarms |
/alarms |
M |
/alarms/{alarmId} |
M |
clearAlarms |
/alarms |
M |
/alarms/{alarmId} |
M |
setComment |
/alarms/{alarmId}/comment |
O |
subscribe |
/subscriptions |
M |
unsubscribe |
/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} |
M | Operation getAlarmList
The IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP GET)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
alarmAckState |
query |
alarmAckState |
AlarmAckState- |
O |
baseObjectClass baseObjectInstance |
query |
baseObjectInstance |
Dn |
O |
filter |
query |
filter |
Filter |
O |
Table Mapping of IS operation output parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP GET)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
alarmInformationList |
response body |
n/a |
map(lastNotificationHeader, AlarmRecord, (map(Comment)) |
M |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
response body |
error |
ErrorResponse |
O |
The message flow is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP GET request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/alarms" collection resource.
– The querycomponent may contain three optional parameters: "alarmAckstate", "baseObjectInstance" and "filter". Absence of the query component means all alarms shall be returned.
– The request message body shall be empty.
2. The MnS producer sends a HTTP GET response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "200 OK" shall be returned. The response message body shall contain the queried alarm records. For each alarm, the notification header of the last alarm notification, that was related to this alarm, shall be included. Only "notifyNewAlarm", "notifyChangedAlarm" or "notifyClearedAlarm" notifications shall be considered when determining the last alarm notification. The comments related to each alarms shall be contained in the response as well.
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body may carry additional error information. Operation getAlarmCount
The IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP GET)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
alarmAckState |
query |
alarmAckState |
AlarmAckState- |
O |
filter |
query |
filter |
string |
O |
Table Mapping of IS operation output parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP GET)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
criticalCount, majorCount, minorCount, warningCount, indeterminateCount, clearedCount |
response body |
n/a |
AlarmCount |
M |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
response body |
error |
ErrorResponse |
O |
The message flow is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP GET request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/alarms/alarmsCount" collection resource.
– The query component may contain two optional parameters: "alarmAckstate" and "filter". Absence of the query component means all alarms shall be counted.
– The request message body shall be empty.
2. The MnS producer sends a HTTP GET response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "200 OK" shall be returned. The response message body shall carry the alarm count for all perceived severity values. The response format is defined by "AlarmsCount".
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body may carry additional error information. Operation setComment
In case a comment shall be added to a single alarm the IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP POST)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
alarmInformationReferenceList |
path |
/alarms/{alarmId}/comments |
n/a |
M |
commentUserId |
request body |
commentUserId |
string |
M |
commentSystemId |
request body |
commentSystemId |
string |
O |
commentText |
request body |
commentText |
string |
M |
Table Mapping of IS operation output parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP POST)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
badAlarmInformationReferenceList |
response body |
n/a |
ErrorResponse |
M |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
response body |
error |
ErrorResponse |
O |
The message flow for adding a comment to a single alarm is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP POST request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/alarms/{alarmId}/comment" alarm resource the comment shall be added to.
– The query component shall be absent.
– The request message body shall contain a JSON object with "commentUserId" and "commentText" properties. In addition to that the request object may contain the "commentSystemId" property. .
2. The MnS producer sends a HTTP POST response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "201 Created " shall be returned. The response message body shall carry the representation of the created comment resource. The Location header shall be present and carry the URI of the created comment resource.
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body may carry additional error information.
The stage 3 solution does not support adding a comment to multiple alarms. Operation acknowledgeAlarms
In case a single alarm shall be acknowledged the IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
alarmInformationAndSeverityReferenceList |
path |
/{alarmId} |
string |
M |
ackUserId |
request body |
ackUserId |
string |
M |
ackSystemId |
request body |
ackSystemId |
string |
O |
The perceived severity is not mapped in the present documet.
Table Mapping of IS operation output parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
badAlarmInformationReferenceList |
response body |
n/a |
errorResponse |
M |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
response body |
error |
ErrorResponse |
O |
The message flow for acknowledging a single alarm is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP PATCH request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/alarms/{alarmId}" alarm resource to be acknowledged.
– The query component is absent..
– The request message body contains a merge patch document. The document shall patch the "ackState" and "ackUserId" property of the identified alarm resource, and may patch the "ackSystemId" property. The patch document is defined by "MergePatchAcknowledgeAlarms".
2. The MnS producer sends a HTTP PATCH response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "204 No Content" shall be returned. The response message body shall be empty.
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body shall return the alarmId, together with failure reason. The response message body may carry additional error information.
In case multiple alarms shall be acknowledged the IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
alarmInformationAndSeverityReferenceList |
path request body |
/alarms alarmId (key in map) |
n/a string |
M M |
ackUserId |
request body |
ackUserId |
string |
M |
ackSystemId |
request body |
ackSystemId |
string |
O |
The perceived severity is not mapped in the present document.
Table Mapping of IS operation output parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
badAlarmInformationReferenceList |
response body |
n/a |
array(FailedAlarm) |
M |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
The message flow for acknowledging multiple alarms is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP PATCH request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/alarms" collection resource.
– The query component is absent.
– The request message body contains a merge patch document. The document shall patch the "ackState" and "ackUserId" property of the identified alarm resources, and my patch the "ackSystemId" property. The patch document is defined by "MergePatchAcknowledgeAlarms".
2. The MnS producer sends a HTTP PATCH response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "200 OK" shall be returned. The response message body shall be empty.
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body shall return a list with the alarmId’s that did not exist or were identifying alarms that could not be acknowledged, together with the failure reasons. Operation unacknowledgeAlarms
In case a single alarm shall be unacknowledged the IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
alarmInformationReferenceList |
path |
/{alarmId} |
string |
M |
ackUserId |
request body |
ackUserId |
string |
M |
ackSystemId |
request body |
ackSystemId |
string |
O |
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
badAlarmInformationReferenceList |
response body |
n/a |
errorResponse |
M |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
response body |
error |
ErrorResponse |
O |
The message flow for unacknowledging a single alarm is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP PATCH request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/alarms/{alarmId}" alarm resource to be acknowledged.
– The query component is absent.
– The request message body contains a merge patch document. The document shall patch the "ackState" and "ackUserId" property of the identified alarm resource, and may patch the "ackSystemId" property. The patch document is defined by "MergePatchAcknowledgeAlarms".
2. The MnS producer sends a HTTP PATCH response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "204 No Content" shall be returned. The response message body shall be empty.
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body may carry additional error information.
In case multiple alarms shall be unacknowledged the IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
alarmInformationReferenceList |
path request body |
/alarms alarmId (key in map) |
n/a string |
M M |
ackUserId |
request body |
ackUserId |
string |
M |
ackSystemId |
request body |
ackSystemId |
string |
O |
Table Mapping of IS operation output parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
badAlarmInformationReferenceList |
response body |
error |
array(FailedAlarm) |
M |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
The message flow for unacknowledging multiple alarms is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP PATCH request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/alarms" collection resource.
– The query component is absent.
– The request message body contains a merge patch document. The document shall patch the "ackState" and "ackUserId" property of the identified alarm resources, and my patch the "ackSystemId" property. The patch document is defined by "MergePatchAcknowledgeAlarms".
2. The MnS producer sends a HTTP PATCH response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "200 OK" shall be returned. The response message body shall be empty.
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body shall return a list with the alarmId’s that did not exist or were identifying alarms that could not be unacknowledged, together with the failure reasons. Operation clearAlarms
In case a single alarm shall be cleared the IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
alarmInformationReferenceList |
path |
/{alarmId} |
string |
M |
clearUserId |
request body |
clearUserId |
string |
M |
clearSystemId |
request body |
clearSystemId |
string |
O |
Table Mapping of IS operation output parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
badAlarmInformationReferenceList |
response body |
n/a |
errorResponse |
M |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
response body |
error |
ErrorResponse |
O |
The message flow for clearing a single alarm is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP PATCH request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/alarms/{alarmId}" alarm resource.
– The query component is absent.
– The request message body contains a merge patch document. The document shall patch the "clearUserId" property, may patch the "clearSystemId" property and shall patch the "perceivedSeverity" property of the identified alarm resource represented by an "alarmRecord" object. The patch document is defined by "MergePatchClearAlarms".
2. The MnS producer sends a HTTP PATCH response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "204 No content" shall be returned. The response message body shall be empty.
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body shall return the alarmId that did not exist or was identifying an alarm that could not be cleared together with a failure reason. The JSON document carried in the response shall comply to "FailedAlarms-Response" .
In case multiple alarms shall be cleared the IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
alarmInformationReferenceList |
path request body |
/alarms alarmId (key in map) |
n/a string |
M M |
clearUserId |
request body |
clearUserId |
string |
M |
clearSystemId |
request body |
clearSystemId |
string |
O |
Table Mapping of IS operation output parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP PATCH)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
badAlarmInformationReferenceList |
response body |
n/a |
array(FailedAlarm) |
M |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
The message flow for clearing multiple alarms is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP PATCH request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/alarms" collection resource.
– The query component is absent..
– The request message body contains a merge patch document. The document shall patch the "clearUserId" property, may patch the "clearSystemId" property and shall patch the "perceivedSeverity" property of the identified alarm resources . The patch document is defined by "patchClearAlarms-RequestType".
2. The MnS producer sends a HTTP PATCH response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "200 OK" shall be returned. The response message body shall be empty.
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body shall return a list with the alarmId’s that did not exist or were identifying alarms that could not be cleared, together with the failure reasons. Operation subscribe
The IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP POST)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
consumerReference |
request body |
consumerReference |
Uri |
M |
timeTick |
request body |
timeTick |
integer |
O |
filter |
request body |
filter |
Filter |
O |
Table Mapping of IS operation output parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP POST)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
subscriptionId |
Location header |
n/a |
Uri |
M |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
response body |
error |
ErrorResponse |
O |
The procedure for subscribing to notifications is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP POST request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/subscriptions" collection resource.
– The query component shall be absent.
– The request message body shall carry a data structure of type "Subscription". This data structure contains filtering criteria and a consumer side URI to which the provider will subsequently send notifications about events that match the filter.
2. The MnS producer creates a new subscription for notifications related to fault management, and a resource that represents this subscription.
3. The MnS producer sends a HTTP POST response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "201 Created " shall be returned. The response message body shall carry the representation of the created subscription resource. The Location header shall be present and carry the URI of the created subscription resource.
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body may carry additional error information. Operation unsubscribe
In case one subscription shall be cancelled the IS operation parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table and table
Table Mapping of IS operation input parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP DELETE)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
consumerReference |
— |
— |
— |
— |
subscriptionId |
path |
/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} |
string |
M |
Table Mapping of IS operation output parameters to SS equivalents (HTTP DELETE)
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
status |
response status codes |
n/a |
n/a |
M |
response body |
error |
ErrorResponse |
O |
The consumer reference is not mapped in the present document.
The procedure for unsubscribing from one subscription is as follows:
1. The MnS consumer sends a HTTP DELETE request to the MnS producer.
– The URI identifies the "…/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}" subscription resource.
– The querycomponent shall be absent.
– The request message body shall be empty.
2. The MnS producer sends a HTTP DELETE response to the MnS consumer.
– On success "204 No Content" shall be returned. The response message body shall be empty.
– On failure, an appropriate error code shall be returned. The response message body may carry an error object. Mapping of notifications Introduction
The IS notifications are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notifications to SS equivalents
IS notifications |
HTTP Method |
Resource URI |
S |
notifyNewAlarm |
{notificationTarget} |
M |
notifyAckStateChanged |
{notificationTarget} |
M |
notifyClearedAlarm |
{notificationTarget} |
M |
notifyAlarmListRebuilt |
{notificationTarget} |
M |
notifyChangedAlarm |
{notificationTarget} |
M |
notifyComments |
{notificationTarget} |
M |
notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList |
{notificationTarget} |
M |
notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged |
{notificationTarget} |
M |
notifyChangedAlarmGeneral |
{notificationTarget} |
O | Notification notifyNewAlarm (non-security alarm)
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass, |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
alarmId |
request body |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
M |
alarmType |
request body |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
M |
probableCause |
request body |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
M |
specificProblem |
request body |
specificProblem |
SpecificProblem |
O |
perceivedSeverity |
request body |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
M |
correlatedNotifications |
request body |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
O |
backedUpStatus |
request body |
backedUpStatus |
boolean |
O |
backUpObject |
request body |
backUpObject |
Dn |
O |
trendIndication |
request body |
trendIndication |
TrendIndication |
O |
thresholdInfo |
request body |
thresholdInfo |
ThresholdInfo |
O |
correlatedNotifications |
request body |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
O |
stateChangeDefinition |
request body |
stateChangeDefinition |
AttributeValueChangeSet |
O |
monitoredAttributes |
request body |
monitoredAttributes |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
O |
proposedRepairActions |
request body |
proposedRepairActions |
string |
O |
additionalText |
request body |
additionalText |
string |
O |
additionalInformation |
request body |
additionalInformation |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
O | Notification notifyNewAlarm (security alarm)
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass, |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
alarmId |
request body |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
M |
alarmType |
request body |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
M |
probableCause |
request body |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
M |
perceivedSeverity |
request body |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
M |
correlatedNotifications |
request body |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
O |
additionalText |
request body |
additionalText |
string |
O |
additionalInformation |
request body |
additionalInformation |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
O |
rootCauseIndicator |
request body |
rootCauseIndicator |
boolean |
O |
serviceUser |
request body |
serviceUser |
string |
M |
serviceProvider |
request body |
serviceProvider |
string |
M |
securityAlarmDetector |
request body |
securityAlarmDetector |
string |
M | Notification notifyAckStateChanged
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass, |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
alarmId |
request body |
alarmId |
AlarmId- |
M |
alarmType |
request body |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
M |
probableCause |
request body |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
M |
perceivedSeverity |
request body |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
M |
ackState |
request body |
ackState |
AckState |
M |
ackUserId |
request body |
ackUserId |
string |
M |
ackSystemId |
request body |
ackSystemId |
string |
O | Notification notifyClearedAlarm
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass, |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
alarmId |
request body |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
M |
alarmType |
request body |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
M |
probableCause |
request body |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
M |
perceivedSeverity |
request body |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
M |
correlatedNotifications |
request body |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
O |
clearUserId |
request body |
clearUserId |
string |
O |
clearSystemId |
request body |
clearSystemId |
string |
O | Notification notifyAlarmListRebuilt
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
reason |
request body |
reason |
string |
M |
alarmListAlignmentRequirement |
request body |
alarmListAlignmentRequirement |
AlarmListAlignmentRequirement |
O | Notification notifyChangedAlarm
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass, |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
alarmId |
request body |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
M |
alarmType |
request body |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
M |
probableCause |
request body |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
M |
perceivedSeverity |
request body |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
M | Notification notifyComments
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass, |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
alarmId |
request body |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
M |
alarmType |
request body |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
M |
probableCause |
request body |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
M |
perceivedSeverity |
request body |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
M |
comments |
request body |
comments |
map(Comment) |
M | Notification notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass, |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
reason |
request body |
reason |
string |
M | Notification notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass, |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
alarmId |
request body |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
M |
correlatedNotifications |
request body |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
M |
rootCauseIndicator |
request body |
rootCauseIndicator |
boolean |
O | Notification notifyChangedAlarmGeneral (non-security alarm)
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass, |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
alarmId |
request body |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
M |
alarmType |
request body |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
M |
probableCause |
request body |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
O |
specificProblem |
request body |
specificProblem |
SpecificProblem |
O |
perceivedSeverity |
request body |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
O |
backedUpStatus |
request body |
backedUpStatus |
booleanbackedUpStatus |
O |
backUpObject |
request body |
backUpObject |
Dn |
O |
trendIndication |
request body |
trendIndication |
TrendIndication |
O |
thresholdInfo |
request body |
thresholdInfo |
ThresholdInfo |
O |
correlatedNotifications |
request body |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
O |
stateChangeDefinition |
request body |
stateChangeDefinition |
AttributeValueChangeSet |
O |
monitoredAttributes |
request body |
monitoredAttributes |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
O |
proposedRepairActions |
request body |
proposedRepairActions |
string |
O |
additionalText |
request body |
additionalText |
string |
O |
additionalInformation |
request body |
additionalInformation |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
O |
rootCauseIndicator |
request body |
rootCauseIndicator |
booleanr |
O |
changedAlarmAttributes |
request body |
changedAlarmAttributes |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
O | Notification notifyChangedAlarmGeneral (security alarm)
The IS notification parameters are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of IS notification parameters to SS equivalents
IS parameter name |
SS parameter location |
SS parameter name |
SS parameter type |
S |
objectClass, |
request body |
href |
Uri |
M |
objectInstance |
notificationId |
request body |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
M |
notificationType |
request body |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
M |
eventTime |
request body |
eventTime |
DateTime |
M |
systemDN |
request body |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
M |
alarmId |
request body |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
M |
alarmType |
request body |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
M |
probableCause |
request body |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
O |
perceivedSeverity |
request body |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
O |
correlatedNotifications |
request body |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
O |
additionalText |
request body |
additionalText |
string |
O |
additionalInformation |
request body |
additionalInformation |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
O |
rootCauseIndicator |
request body |
rootCauseIndicator |
boolean |
O |
serviceUser |
request body |
serviceUser |
string |
M |
serviceProvider |
request body |
serviceProvider |
string |
M |
securityAlarmDetector |
request body |
securityAlarmDetector |
string |
M |
changedAlarmAttributes |
request body |
changedAlarmAttributes |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
M | Resources Resource structure Resource structure on the MnS producer
Figure shows the resource structure of the Fault Supervision MnS on the MnS producer.
Figure Resource URI structure of the Fault Supervision MnS on the MnS producer
Table provides an overview of the resources and applicable HTTP methods.
Table Resources and methods overview
Resource name |
Resource URI |
HTTP method |
Description |
Alarms |
…/alarms |
Retrieve all alarms or a filtered subset |
Clear, acknowledge or unacknowledge multiple alarms |
Alarm Count |
…/alarms/alarmCount |
Retrieve the alarm count per perceived severity |
Alarm |
…/alarms/{alarmId} |
Clear, acknowledge or unacknowledge an alarm |
Comments |
…/alarms/{alarmId}/comments |
Add a comment to an alarm |
Subscriptions |
…/subscriptions |
Create a subscription |
Subscription |
…/subscriptions/{subscriptionId} |
Delete a subscription | Resource structure on the MnS consumer
Figure shows the resource structure of the Fault Supervision MnS on the MnS consumer.
Figure Resource URI structure of the Fault Supervision MnS on the MnS consumer
Table provides an overview of the resources and applicable HTTP methods.
Table Resources and methods overview
Resource name |
Resource URI |
HTTP method |
Description |
Notification Target |
{notificationTarget} |
Send a notification to the notification target | Resource definitions Resource "…/alarms" Description
This resource represents a collection of alarms. URI
Resource URI: {MnSRoot}/FaultSupervisionMnS/{MnSVersion}/alarms
The resource URI variables are defined in table
Table URI variables
Name |
Definition |
MnSRoot |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
MnSVersion |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] | HTTP methods HTTP GET
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in the following table.
Table URI query parameters supported by the GET method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
alarmAckState |
AlarmAckState |
O |
href |
Dn |
O |
filter |
string |
O |
This method shall support the request data structures, the response data structures and response codes specified in the following table.
Table Data structures supported by the GET Request Body on this resource
Data type |
Description |
S |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Table Data structures supported by the GET Response Body on this resource
Data type |
Response codes |
Description |
S |
GetAlarmsResponse |
200 OK |
The alarms returned. |
M |
ErrorResponse |
4xx/5xx |
Returned in case of an error |
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in the following table.
Table URI query parameters supported by the PATCH method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
This method shall support the request data structures, the response data structures and response codes specified in the following table.
Table Data structures supported by the PATCH Request Body on this resource
Data type |
Description |
S |
map(MergePatchAcknowledgeAlarm) |
Patch document for acknowledging one or multiple alarms |
M |
map(MergePatchClearAlarm) |
Patch document for clearing one or multiple alarms |
M |
Table Data structures supported by the PATCH Response Body on this resource
Data type |
Response codes |
Description |
S |
n/a |
204 No Content |
In case of success the response body shall be empty. |
M |
ErrorResponse |
4xx/5xx |
In case of failure, the response body shall be described by "ErrorResponse". |
M | Resource "…/alarms /{alarmId}" Description
This resource represents an alarm. URI
Resource URI: {MnSRoot}/FaultSupervisionMnS/{MnSVersion}/alarms/{alarmId}
The resource URI variables are defined in table
Table URI variables
Name |
Definition |
MnSRoot |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
MnSVersion |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
alarmId |
Alarm identifier | HTTP methods HTTP PATCH
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in the following table.
Table URI query parameters supported by the PATCH method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
This method shall support the request data structures, the response data structures and response codes specified in the following table.
Table Data structures supported by the PATCH Request Body on this resource
Data type |
Description |
S |
MergePatchAcknowledgeAlarm |
Patch document for acknowledging an alarm |
M |
MergePatchClearAlarm |
Patch document for clearing an alarm |
M |
Table Data structures supported by the PATCH Response Body on this resource
Data type |
Response codes |
Description |
S |
n/a |
200 OK |
In case of success the response body shall be empty. |
ErrorResponse |
4xx/5xx |
In case of failure, the response body shall carry a JSON object described by "ErrorResponse". | Resource "…/alarms/alarmCount" Definition
This resource holds metadata about the /alarms collection resource like the alarm count per perceived severity. URI
Resource URI: {MnSRoot}/FaultSupervisionMnS/{MnSVersion}/alarms/alarmCount
The resource URI variables are defined in table
Table URI variables
Name |
Definition |
MnSRoot |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
MnSVersion |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] | HTTP methods GET
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table
Table URI query parameters supported by the GET method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
alarmAckState |
AlarmAckState |
Allows to control which alarms are counted based on acknowledgement state |
O |
filter |
string |
Allows to control which alarms are counted based on a general filter applied to the alarm records. |
O |
This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and response codes specified in table
Table Data structures supported by the GET Request Body on this resource
Data type |
Description |
S |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Table Data structures supported by the GET Response Body on this resource
Data type |
Response codes |
Description |
S |
AlarmsCount |
200 OK |
The alarm count per severity level returned. |
M |
ErrorResponse |
4xx/5xx |
Returned in case of an error |
O | Resource "…/alarms/{alarmId}/comments" Definition
This resource is a collection resource for comments attached to an alarm. URI
Resource URI: {MnSRoot}/FaultSupervisionMnS/{MnSVersion}/alarms/{alarmId}/comments
The resource URI variables are defined in table
Table URI variables
Name |
Definition |
MnSRoot |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
MnSVersion |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
alarmId |
Alarm identifier | HTTP methods POST
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in the following table.
Table URI query parameters supported by the POST method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
This method shall support the request data structures, and the response data structures and response codes specified in the following tables.
Table Data structures supported by the POST Request Body on this resource
Data type |
Description |
S |
Comment |
The representation of the comment to be added to an alarm. |
M |
Table Data structures supported by the POST Response Body on this resource
Data type |
Response codes |
Description |
S |
Comment |
201 Created |
In case of success, the response body shall carry the representation of a comment. The "commentTime" shall be set by the MnS producer. |
M |
ErrorResponse |
4xx/5xx |
In case of failure, the response body shall be described by "ErrorResponse". |
M | Resource "…/comments/{commentId}" Definition
This resource represents a comment attached to an alarm. URI
Resource URI: {MnSRoot}/FaultSupervisionMnS/{MnSVersion}/alarms/{alarmId}/comments/{commentId}
The resource URI variables are defined in table
Table URI variables
Name |
Definition |
MnSRoot |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
MnSVersion |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
alarmId |
Alarm identifier |
commentId |
Comment identifier | HTTP methods
None. Resource "…/subscriptions" Description
This resource is a container resource for individual subscriptions. URI
Resource URI: {MnSRoot}/FaultSupervisionMnS/{MnSVersion}/subscriptions
The resource URI variables are defined in table
Table URI variables
Name |
Definition |
MnSRoot |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
MnSVersion |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] | HTTP methods POST
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table
Table URI query parameters supported by the POST method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and response codes specified in table
Table Data structures supported by the POST Request Body on this resource
Data type |
Description |
S |
Subscription |
Details of the subscription to be created |
M |
Table Data structures supported by the POST Response Body on this resource
Data type |
Response codes |
Description |
S |
Subscription |
201 Created |
In case of success the representation of the created subscription is returned. |
M |
ErrorResponse |
4xx/5xx |
In case of failure the error object is returned. |
M | Void Resource "…/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}" Description
This resource represents a subscription. URI
Resource URI: {MnSRoot}/FaultSupervisionMnS/{MnSVersion}/ subscriptions/{subscriptionId}
The resource URI variables are defined in table
Table URI variables
Name |
Definition |
MnSRoot |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
MnSVersion |
See clause 4.4.3 of TS 32.158 [15] |
subscriptionId |
Subscription identifier | HTTP methods DELETE
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table
Table URI query parameters supported by the DELETE method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and response codes specified in table
Table Data structures supported by the DELETE Request Body on this resource
Data type |
Description |
S |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
Table Data structures supported by the DELETE Response Body on this resource
Data type |
Response codes |
Description |
S |
n/a |
204 No Content |
In case of success no message body is returned |
M |
ErrorResponse |
4xx/5xx |
In case of failure the error object is returned. |
M | Resource "{notificationTarget}" Description
This resource represents a notification target on the MnS consumer. URI
Resource URI: {notificationTarget}
The resource URI variables are defined in table
Table URI variables
Name |
Definition |
notificationTarget |
URI of the notification target on the MnS consumer, contained in the notification subscription | HTTP methods POST
This method shall support the URI query parameters specified in table
Table URI query parameters supported by the POST method on this resource
Name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
n/a |
This method shall support the request data structures specified in table and the response data structures and response codes specified in table
Table Data structures supported by the POST Request Body on this resource
Data type |
Description |
S |
NotifyNewAlarm |
Type for a notifyNewAlarm notification (non-security alarm) |
M |
NotifyNewSecAlarm |
Type for a notifyNewAlarm notification (security alarm) |
M |
NotifyAckStateChanged |
Type for a notifyAckStateChanged notification |
M |
NotifyClearedAlarm |
Type for a notifyClearedAlarm notification |
M |
NotifyAlarmListRebuilt |
Type for a notifyAlarmListRebuilt notification |
M |
NotifyChangedAlarm |
Type for a notifyChangedAlarm notification |
M |
NotifyComments |
Type for a notifyComments notification |
M |
NotifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList |
Type for a notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList notification |
M |
NotifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged |
Type for a notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged notification |
M |
NotifyChangedAlarmGeneral |
Type for a notifyChangedAlarmGeneral notification (non-security alarm) |
M |
NotifyChangedSecAlarmGeneral |
Type for a notifyChangedAlarmGeneral notification (security alarm) |
M |
Table Data structures supported by the POST Response Body on this resource
Data type |
Response codes |
Description |
S |
n/a |
204 No Content |
In case of success no message body is returned |
M |
ErrorResponse |
4xx/5xx |
In case of failure the error object is returned. |
M | Data type definitions General
This clause defines the data types used by the Fault Supervision MnS. Table specifies the data types defined in the present document and table the data types imported.
Table Data types defined in the present document
Data type |
Reference |
Description |
AlarmAckState | |
Used in the query part of HTTP GET on /alarms to discriminate alarms to be returned or counted |
AlarmId | |
Alarm identifier, see clause |
AlarmType | |
Alarm type as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
ProbableCause | |
Probable cause of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.733 [4] |
PerceivedSeverity | |
Perceived severity of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
TrendIndication | |
Severity trend of the alarmed object as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
ThresholdHysteresis | |
Used in the definition of ThresholdInfo as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
ThresholdLevelInd | |
Used in the definition of ThresholdInfo as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
ThresholdInfo | |
Provides information for threshold crossing alarms as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
CorrelatedNotification | |
Describes the correlated notifications of a single source |
AckState | |
Acknowledgement state, see clause |
AlarmNotificationTypes | |
Alarm notification types (notifyNewAlarm, etc.) |
AlarmListAlignmentRequirement | |
Indicating if alarm list alignment is required or not |
AlarmRecord | |
Representation of an alarm resource |
AlarmCount | |
Representation of an alarmCout resource |
Comment | |
Representation of a comment resource |
Subscription | |
Representation of a subscription resource |
MergePatchAcknowledgeAlarm | |
Used in the request message body of HTTP PATCH to acknowledge or unacknowledge an alarm |
MergePatchClearAlarm | |
Used in the request body of HTTP PATCH to clear an alarm |
FailedAlarm | |
Used in the response body of multiple HTTP methods to indicate error reasons per alarm id |
NotifyNewAlarm | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyNewAlarm |
NotifyNewSecAlarm | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyNewAlarm |
NotifyClearedAlarm | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyClearedAlarm |
NotifyChangedAlarm | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyChangedAlarm |
NotifyChangedAlarmGeneral | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyChangedAlarmGeneral |
NotifyChangedSecAlarmGeneral | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyChangedAlarmGeneral |
NotifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged |
NotifyAckStateChanged | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyAckStateChanged |
NotifyComments | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyComments |
NotifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList |
NotifyAlarmListRebuilt | |
Used in the request body of HTTP POST for the notification type notifyAlarmListRebuilt |
Table Data types imported
Data type |
Reference |
Description |
DateTime |
TS 28.623 [44] |
Date and time |
Float |
TS 28.623 [44] |
Float type |
Dn |
TS 28.623 [44] |
DN type |
SystemDN |
TS 28.623 [44] |
systemDN type |
Uri |
TS 28.623 [44] |
URI type |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
TS 28.623 [44] |
Set of attribute name/value pairs |
AttributeValueChangeSet |
TS 28.623 [44] |
Set of attribute names with their old and new values |
Filter |
TS 28.623 [44] |
Filter type |
NotificationId |
TS 28.623 [44] |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
NotificationType |
TS 28.623 [44] |
Notification type |
NotificationHeader |
TS 28.623 [44] |
Notification header |
ErrorResponse |
TS 28.623 [44] |
Used in the response body of multiple HTTP methods in case of error | Structured data types Type ThresholdHysteresis
Table Definition of type ThresholdHysteresis
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
high |
oneOf(integer, Float) |
Higher value of a threshold with hysteris, the integer type is used for counter thresholds and the float type for gauge thresholds. |
M |
low |
Float |
Lower value of a threshold with hysteresis, applicable only to gauge thresholds. |
M | Type ThresholdLevelInd
Table Definition of type ThresholdLevelInd
Attribute name (choice) |
Data type |
Description |
S |
up |
ThresholdHysteresis |
Indicates for counter and gauge thresholds that the threshold crossing occurred when going up. |
M |
down |
ThresholdHysteresis |
Indicates for gauge thresholds that the threshold crossing occurred when going down, applicable only to gauge thresholds. |
M | Type ThresholdInfo
Table Definition of type ThresholdInfo
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
observedMeasurement |
string |
The name of the monitored measurement that crossed the threshold and that caused the notification (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
M |
observedValue |
number |
The value of the gauge or counter which crossed the threshold. This may be different from the threshold value if, for example, the gauge may only take on discrete values. Integer values are used for counters and float values for gauges (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). Note that a "number" type property can contain both integers and floating point numbers. |
M |
thresholdLevel |
ThresholdLevelInd |
In the case of a gauge the threshold level specifies a pair of threshold values, the first being the value of the crossed threshold and the second, its corresponding hysteresis; in the case of a counter the threshold level specifies only the threshold value (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
O |
armTime |
DateTime |
For a gauge threshold, the time at which the threshold was last re-armed, namely the time after the previous threshold crossing at which the hysteresis value of the threshold was exceeded thus again permitting generation of notifications when the threshold is crossed. For a counter threshold, the later of the time at which the threshold offset was last applied, or the time at which the counter was last initialized (for resettable counters) (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
O | Type CorrelatedNotification
Table Definition of type CorrelatedNotification
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
sourceObjectInstance |
Dn |
Source oject instance of the notifications identified by notificationIds. The sourceObjectInstance shall be present if the sourceObjectInstance is not identical to the alarmed objectInstance of the alarmRecord |
O |
notificationIds |
array(NotificationId) |
Notification identifiers of notifications related to the sourceObjectInstance that are considered to be correlated to the alarmRecord |
M | Type AlarmRecord
Table Definition of type AlarmRecord
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
alarmId |
key(AlarmId) |
Alarm identifier, see clause The alarmId is used as key in alarm record maps. |
M |
objectInstance |
Dn |
Alarmed object instance |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier of the last notifyNewAlarm, notifyChangedAlarm or notifyClearedAlarm |
M |
alarmRaisedTime |
DateTime |
Date and time the alarm was raised the first time, see clause |
M |
alarmChangedTime |
DateTime |
Date and time the perceived severity of the alarm changed the last time, see clause |
O |
alarmClearedTime |
DateTime |
Date and time the alarm was cleared, see clause |
M |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
Alarm type as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
Probable cause of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.733 [4] |
M |
specificProblem |
oneOf(string, integer) |
Refinements to the probable cause of the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
Perceived severity of the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
backedUpStatus |
boolean |
Indicating if the object emitting the alarm has been backed up as defined in ITU-T Recommendation X. 733 [4] |
O |
backUpObject |
Dn |
Backup object of the alarmed object as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
trendIndication |
TrendIndication |
Severity trend of the alarmed object as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
thresholdInfo |
ThresholdInfo |
Additional information for threshold crossing alarms as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
Set of all notifications to which this notification is considered to be correlated as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
stateChangeDefinition |
AttributeValueChangeSet |
State transition associated to an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
monitoredAttributes |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
Attributes of the alarmed manged object and their corresponding values at the time of the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4]. |
O |
proposedRepairActions |
string |
Proposed repair action, used if the cause is known and the system being managed can suggest one or more solutions to fix the problem causing the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
additionalText |
string |
Allows a free form text description to be reported as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
additionalInformation |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
Allows the inclusion of a set of additional information in the event report as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
rootCauseIndicator |
boolean |
Indicates if this event is the root cause of the events captured by the notifications whose identifiers are in the related correlatedNotifications attribute, see clause |
O |
ackTime |
DateTime |
Time when the alarm has been acknowledged or unacknowledged the last time, see clause |
M |
ackUserId |
string |
Identifier of a user acknowledging an alarm, see clause |
M |
ackSystemId |
string |
Identifier of a system acknowledging an alarm, see clause |
O |
ackState |
AckState |
Acknowledgement state, see clause |
M |
clearUserId |
string |
Identifier of a system clearing an alarm, see clause |
O |
clearSystemId |
string |
Identifier of a user clearing an alarm, see clause |
O |
serviceUser |
string |
Identifies the service-user whose request for service provided by the serviceProvider led to the generation of the security alarm, see clause |
O |
serviceProvider |
string |
Identifies the service-provider whose service is requested by the serviceUser and the service request provokes the generation of the security alarm, see clause |
O |
securityAlarmDetector |
string |
Identity of the detector of the security alarm, see clause |
O | Type AlarmCount
Table Definition of type AlarmCount
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
criticalCount |
integer |
Number of alarms with perceived severity equal to critical |
M |
majorCount |
integer |
Number of alarms with perceived severity equal to major |
M |
minorCount |
integer |
Number of alarms with perceived severity equal to minor |
M |
warningCount |
integer |
Number of alarms with perceived severity equal to warning |
M |
indeterminateCount |
integer |
Number of alarms with perceived severity equal to indeterminate |
M |
clearedCount |
integer |
Number of alarms with perceived severity equal to cleared |
M | Type Comment
Table Definition of type Comment
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
commentTime |
DateTime |
Time when the comment has been added to the alarm. |
M |
commentText |
string |
Comment in text form |
M |
commentUserId |
string |
Identifier of the user who makes the comment |
M |
commentSystemId |
string |
Identifier of the system which makes the comment |
O | Type Subscription
Table Definition of type Subscription
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
consumerReference |
Uri |
URI of the notification target on the MnS consumer |
M |
timeTick |
integert |
Time window within which the subscriber intends to subscribe again to confirm its subscription, see clause |
O |
filter |
Filter |
Filter settings for this subscription, to define the subset of all notifications this subscription relates to. A notification is sent to the subscriber if the filter matches, or if there is no filter. |
O | Type MergePatchAcknowledgeAlarm
Table Definition of type MergePatchAcknowledgeAlarm
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
ackUserId |
string |
User acknowledging an alarm |
M |
ackSystemId |
string |
System acknowledging an alarm |
O |
ackState |
AckState |
Indicates the ackState shall be set to "ACKNOWLEDGED" or "UNACKNOWLEDGED" |
M | Type MergePatchClearAlarm
Table Definition of type MergePatchClearAlarm
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
clearUserId |
clearUserId |
User clearing an alarm |
M |
clearSystemId |
clearSystemId |
System clearing an alarm |
O |
perceivedSeverity |
type string, enum "CLEARED" |
Indicates the perceivedSeverity shall be set to "CLEARED" |
M | Type FailedAlarm
Table Definition of type FailedAlarm
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
Indicating the alarms for which the action on the alarm could not be performed |
M |
failureReason |
string |
Indicating the reason why the action could not be performed |
M | Type NotifyNewAlarm
Table Definition of type NotifyNewAlarm
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyNewAlarm) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event (alarm) occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
Alarm identifier, see clause |
M |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
Alarm type as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
Probable cause of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.733 [4] |
M |
specificProblem |
SpecificProblem |
Identifies further refinements to the Probable cause of the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
Perceived severity of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
backedUpStatus |
boolean |
Indicating if the object emitting the alarm has been backed up as defined in ITU-T Recommendation X. 733 [4] |
O |
backUpObject |
Dn |
Indicating the backup object of the alarmed object as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
trendIndication |
TrendIndication |
Severity trend of the alarmed object as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
thresholdInfo |
ThresholdInfo |
Provides additional information for threshold crossing alarms as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
Set of all notifications to which this notification is considered to be correlated as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
stateChangeDefinition |
AttributeValueChangeSet |
Indicates a state transition associated to an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
monitoredAttributes |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
Defines one or more attributes of the alarmed manged object and their corresponding values at the time of the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4]. |
O |
proposedRepairActions |
string |
Used if the cause is known and the system being managed can suggest one or more solutions to fix the problem causing the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
additionalText |
string |
Allows a free form text description to be reported as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
additionalInformation |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
Allows the inclusion of a set of additional information in the event report as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
rootCauseIndicator |
boolean |
Indicates if this event is the root cause of the events captured by the notifications whose identifiers are in the related correlatedNotifications attribute, see clause |
O | Type NotifyNewSecAlarm
Table Definition of type NotifyNewSecAlarm
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyNewAlarm) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event (alarm) occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
Alarm identifier, see clause |
M |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
Alarm type as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
Probable cause of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.733 [4] |
M |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
Perceived severity of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
Set of all notifications to which this notification is considered to be correlated as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
additionalText |
string |
Allows a free form text description to be reported as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
additionalInformation |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
Allows the inclusion of a set of additional information in the event report as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
rootCauseIndicator |
boolean |
Indicates if this event is the root cause of the events captured by the notifications whose identifiers are in the related correlatedNotifications attribute, see clause |
O |
serviceUser |
string |
Identifies the service-user whose request for service provided by the serviceProvider led to the generation of the security alarm, see clause |
M |
serviceProvider |
string |
Identifies the service-provider whose service is requested by the serviceUser and the service request provokes the generation of the security alarm, see clause |
M |
securityAlarmDetector |
string |
Identity of the detector of the security alarm, see clause |
M | Type NotifyClearedAlarm
Table Definition of type NotifyClearedAlarm
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyClearedAlarm) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
Alarm identifier, see clause |
M |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
Alarm type as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
Probable cause of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.733 [4] |
M |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
Perceived severity of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
correlatedNotifications |
array(correlatedNotification) |
Set of all notifications to which this notification is considered to be correlated as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
clearUserId |
string |
Identifier of a user clearing an alarm, see clause |
O |
clearSystemId |
string |
Identifier of a system clearing an alarm, see clause |
O | Type NotifyChangedAlarm
Table Definition of type NotifyChangedAlarm
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyChangedAlarm) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
Alarm identifier, see clause |
M |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
Alarm type as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
Probable cause of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.733 [4] |
M |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
Perceived severity of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M | Type NotifyChangedAlarmGeneral
Table Definition of type NotifyChangedAlarmGeneral
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyChangedAlarmGeneral) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
Alarm identifier, see clause |
M |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
Alarm type as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
Probable cause of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.733 [4] |
O |
specificProblem |
SpecificProblem |
Identifies further refinements to the Probable cause of the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
Perceived severity of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
backedUpStatus |
boolean |
Indicating if the object emitting the alarm has been backed up as defined in ITU-T Recommendation X. 733 [4] |
O |
backUpObject |
Dn |
Indicating the backup object of the alarmed object as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
trendIndication |
TrendIndication |
Severity trend of the alarmed object as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
thresholdInfo |
ThresholdInfo |
Provides additional information for threshold crossing alarms as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
Set of all notifications to which this notification is considered to be correlated as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
stateChangeDefinition |
AttributeValueChangeSet |
Indicates a state transition associated to an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
monitoredAttributes |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
Defines one or more attributes of the alarmed manged object and their corresponding values at the time of the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4]. |
O |
proposedRepairActions |
string |
Used if the cause is known and the system being managed can suggest one or more solutions to fix the problem causing the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
additionalText |
string |
Allows a free form text description to be reported as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
additionalInformation |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
Allows the inclusion of a set of additional information in the event report as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
rootCauseIndicator |
boolean |
Indicates if this event is the root cause of the events captured by the notifications whose identifiers are in the related correlatedNotifications attribute, see clause |
O |
changedAlarmAttributes |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
Indicating the alarm attributes that have changed |
O | Type NotifyChangedSecAlarmGeneral
Table Definition of type NotifyChangedSecAlarmGeneral
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyChangedAlarmGeneral) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
Alarm identifier, see clause |
M |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
Alarm type as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
Probable cause of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.733 [4] |
O |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
Perceived severity of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
Set of all notifications to which this notification is considered to be correlated as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
additionalText |
string |
Allows a free form text description to be reported as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
additionalInformation |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
Allows the inclusion of a set of additional information in the event report as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
O |
rootCauseIndicator |
boolean |
Indicates if this event is the root cause of the events captured by the notifications whose identifiers are in the related correlatedNotifications attribute, see clause |
O |
serviceUser |
string |
Identifies the service-user whose request for service provided by the serviceProvider led to the generation of the security alarm, see clause |
M |
serviceProvider |
string |
Identifies the service-provider whose service is requested by the serviceUser and the service request provokes the generation of the security alarm, see clause |
M |
securityAlarmDetector |
string |
Identity of the detector of the security alarm, see clause |
M |
changedAlarmAttributes |
AttributeNameValuePairSet |
Indicating the alarm attributes that have changed |
O | Type NotifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged
Table Definition of type NotifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
Alarm identifier, see clause |
M |
correlatedNotifications |
array(CorrelatedNotification) |
Set of all notifications to which this notification is considered to be correlated as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
rootCauseIndicator |
boolean |
Indicates if this event is the root cause of the events captured by the notifications whose identifiers are in the related correlatedNotifications attribute, see clause |
O | Type NotifyAckStateChanged
Table Definition of type NotifyAckStateChanged
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyAckStateChanged) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
Alarm identifier, see clause |
M |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
Alarm type as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
Probable cause of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.733 [4] |
M |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
Perceived severity of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
ackState |
string |
Acknowledgement state, see clause |
M |
ackUserId |
string |
Identifier of a system acknowledging an alarm, see clause |
M |
ackSystemId |
string |
Identifier of a user acknowledging an alarm, see clause |
O | Type NotifyComments
Table Definition of type NotifyComments
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyComments) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
alarmId |
AlarmId |
Alarm identifier, see clause |
M |
alarmType |
AlarmType |
Alarm type as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
probableCause |
ProbableCause |
Probable cause of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X.733 [4] |
M |
perceivedSeverity |
PerceivedSeverity |
Perceived severity of an alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
comments |
map(Comment) |
Set of all comments related to an alarm |
M | Type NotifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList
Table Definition of type NotifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
reason |
string |
Indicating the reason why the alarm list has to be rebuilt. |
M | Type NotifyAlarmListRebuilt
Table Definition of type NotifyAlarmListRebuilt
Attribute name |
Data type |
Description |
S |
href |
Uri |
URI of the resource where the event (alarm) occurred |
M |
notificationId |
NotificationId |
Notification identifier as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
M |
notificationType |
NotificationType |
Notification type (notifyAlarmListRebuilt) |
M |
eventTime |
DateTime |
Event occurrence time |
M |
systemDN |
SystemDN |
System DN |
M |
reason |
string |
Indicating the reason why the alarm list has been rebuilt |
M |
alarmListAlignmentRequirement |
AlarmListAlignmentRequirement |
Indicating if alarm list alignment is required or not |
O | Void Void Simple data types and enumerations General
This clause defines simple data types and enumerations that are used by the data structures defined in the previous clauses. Simple data types
Table Simple data types
Type name |
Type definition |
Description |
AlarmId |
string |
Alarm identifier, see clause | Enumeration AlarmAckState
Table Enumeration AlarmAckState
Enumeration value |
Description |
All alarms shall be returned or counted. |
All active alarms shall be returned or counted. |
All active and acknowledged alarms shall be returned or counted. |
All active and unacknowledged alarms shall be returned or counted. |
All cleared and unacknowledged alarms shall be returned or counted. |
All unacknowledged alarms shall be returned or counted | Enumeration AckState
Table Enumeration ackState
Enumeration value |
Description |
State acknowledged. |
State unacknowledged. | Enumeration AlarmListAlignmentRequirement
Table Enumeration AlarmListAlignmentRequirement
Enumeration value |
Description |
Alarm list alignment is required |
Alarm list alignment is not required | Enumeration AlarmType
Table Enumeration AlarmType
Enumeration value |
Description |
An alarm of this type is principally associated with the procedures and/or processes required to convey information from one point to another (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
An alarm of this type is principally associated with a software or processing fault (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
An alarm of this type is principally associated with a condition relating to an enclosure in which the equipment resides (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
An alarm of this type is principally associated with a degradation in the quality of a service (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
An alarm of this type is principally associated with an equipment fault (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
An indication that information may have been illegally modified, inserted or deleted. |
An indication that the provision of the requested service was not possible due to the unavailability, malfunction or incorrect invocation of the service. |
An indication that a physical resource has been violated in a way that suggests a security attack. |
An indication that a security attack has been detected by a security service or mechanism. |
An indication that an event has occurred at an unexpected or prohibited time. | Enumeration ProbableCause
Table Enumeration ProbableCause
Enumeration value |
Description |
Generic probable cause string 001, mapping to a concrete probable cause is vendor specific |
Generic probable cause string 002, mapping to a concrete probable cause is vendor specific |
Generic probable cause string 003, mapping to a concrete probable cause is vendor specific |
Generic probable cause string 004, mapping to a concrete probable cause is vendor specific |
Generic probable cause string 005, mapping to a concrete probable cause is vendor specific | Enumeration AlarmNotificationTypes
Table Enumeration AlarmNotificationTypes
Enumeration value |
Description |
notifyNewAlarm |
Notification type is notifyNewAlarm |
notifyAckStateChanged |
Notification type is notifyAckStateChanged |
notifyClearedAlarm |
Notification type is notifyClearedAlarm |
notifyAlarmListRebuilt |
Notification type is notifyAlarmListRebuilt |
notifyChangedAlarm |
Notification type is notifyChangedAlarm |
notifyComments |
Notification type is notifyComments |
notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList |
Notification type is notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList |
notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged |
Notification type is notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged |
notifyChangedAlarmGeneral |
Notification type is notifyChangedAlarmGeneral | Enumeration PerceivedSeverity
Table Enumeration PerceivedSeverity
Enumeration value |
Description |
The Critical severity level indicates that a service affecting condition has occurred and an immediate corrective action is required (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
The Major severity level indicates that a service affecting condition has developed and an urgent corrective action is required (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
The Minor severity level indicates the existence of a non-service affecting fault condition and that corrective action should be taken in order to prevent a more serious (for example, service affecting) fault (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
The Warning severity level indicates the detection of a potential or impending service affecting fault, before any significant effects have been felt (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
The Indeterminate severity level indicates that the severity level cannot be determined (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). |
The Cleared severity level indicates the clearing of one or more previously reported alarms (Rec. ITU-T X. 733 [4]). | Enumeration TrendIndication
Table Enumeration TrendIndication
Enumeration value |
Description |
Severity trend of the alarmed object is more severe (Rec. ITU-T X.733 [4]) |
Severity trend of the alarmed object is no change (Rec. ITU-T X.733 [4]) |
Severity trend of the alarmed object is less severe (Rec. ITU-T X.733 [4]) |
12.2.2 RESTful HTTP-based solution set for integration with ONAP VES API Mapping of operations
NOTE: no use case has been specified by ONAP. Therefore this mapping is not part of the present document. Mapping of notifications Introduction General
The 3GPP IS notifications are mapped to SS equivalents according to table
Table Mapping of 3GPP IS notifications to SS equivalents
3GPP IS notifications |
HTTP Method |
Resource URI |
S |
notifyNewAlarm |
/eventListener |
M |
notifyAckStateChanged |
/eventListener |
M |
notifyClearedAlarm |
/eventListener |
M |
notifyAlarmListRebuilt |
/eventListener |
M |
notifyChangedAlarm |
/eventListener |
M |
notifyComments |
/eventListener |
M |
notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList |
/eventListener |
M |
notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged |
/eventListener |
M |
notifyChangedAlarmGeneral |
/eventListener |
O | Void Notification notifyNewAlarm (non-security alarm)
See clause Notification notifyNewAlarm (security alarm)
See clause Notification notifyAckStateChanged
See clause Notification notifyClearedAlarm
See clause Notification notifyAlarmListRebuilt
See clause Notification notifyChangedAlarm
See clause Notification notifyComments
See clause Notification notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList
See clause Notification notifyCorrelatedNotificationChanged
See clause Notification notifyChangedAlarmGeneral (non-security alarm)
See clause Notification notifyChangedAlarmGeneral (security alarm)
See clause Resources Resource structure
Figure shows the resource structure of the fault supervision data report MnS in the context of its integration with VES Event Listener 7.1.1 [45].
Figure Resource URI structure of the fault supervision data report MnS for integration with ONAP VES Event Listener 7.1.1 (Resource structure section) [45]
Table provides an overview of the resources and applicable HTTP methods.
Table Resources and methods overview
Resource name |
Resource URI |
HTTP method |
Description |
eventListener |
/eventListener |
Send notifications | Resource definitions
See Resource structure section in [45]. Data type definitions
See clause