11.2.2 Managed information
28.5323GPPGeneric management servicesManagement and orchestrationRelease 17TS Alarm information, alarm state change and Information Object Classes Imported information entities and local labels
None. Class diagram Introduction
This clause introduces the fault supervision related classes (i.e. IOCs, SupportIOCs). The intent is to identify the information required for the Fault management service implementation of its operations and notification emission. This clause provides the overview of all support object classes in UML. Subsequent clauses provide more detailed specification of various aspects of these support object classes. Attributes and relationships Information Object Class Definitions AlarmInformation Definition
AlarmInformation contains information about alarm conditions of an alarmed MonitoredEntity.
A MnS producer is related to at most one AlarmList. The MnS producer assigns an identifier, called alarmId, to each AlarmInformation in the AlarmList. An alarmId unambiguously identifies one AlarmInformation in the AlarmList. Attribute
Attribute name |
S |
alarmId |
M |
objectClass/objectInstance (attribute related to role) |
M |
notificationId |
M |
alarmRaisedTime |
M |
alarmChangedTime |
O |
alarmClearedTime |
M |
alarmType |
M |
probableCause |
M |
specificProblem |
O |
perceivedSeverity |
M |
backedUpStatus |
O |
backUpObject (attribute related to role) |
O |
trendIndication |
O |
thresholdInfo |
O |
correlatedNotifications (attribute related to role) |
O |
stateChangeDefinition |
O |
monitoredAttributes |
O |
proposedRepairActions |
O |
additionalText |
O |
additionalInformation |
O(see note 3) |
rootCauseIndicator |
O |
ackTime |
M |
ackUserId |
M |
ackSystemId |
O |
ackState |
M |
clearUserId |
O (see note 1) |
clearSystemId |
O (see note 1) |
serviceUser |
O (see note 2) |
serviceProvider |
O (see note 2) |
securityAlarmDetector |
O (see note 2) |
NOTE 1: These attributes and qualifiers are applicable only if the management service producer supports clearAlarms() (they are absent if clearAlarms() is not supported). NOTE 2: These attributes are supported if the management service producer emits notifyNewAlarm that carries security alarm information. NOTE 3: This attribute is optionally populated whenever vendor specific attributes are needed. | State diagram
Alarms have states. The alarm state information is captured in AlarmInformation in AlarmList.
The solid circle icon represents the Start State. The double circle icon represents the End State. In this state, the alarm is Cleared and acknowledged. The AlarmInformation shall not be accessible via the Service interface and is removed from the AlarmList.
Note the state diagram uses " X / Y ^ Z " to label the arc that indicates state transition. The meanings of X, Y and Z are:
– X identifies the triggering event;
– Y identifies the action of FaultSupervision MnS producer because of the triggering event;
– Z is the notification to be emitted by FaultSupervision MnS producer because of the triggering event.
Note that acknowledgeAlarm^notifyAckStateChanged and the unacknowledgeAlarm^notifyAckStateChanged refer to cases when the request of the management service consumer is successful for the AlarmInformation concerned. They do not refer to the cases when the request is a failure since in the failure cases, no state transition would occur.
Note that, to reduce cluttering to the diagram, the setComment^notifyComment is not included in the figure . One transition should be applied from unack&unclear to itself. Similarly, another transition should be applied from ack&unclear to itself. Another one is from unack&clear to itself.
"PS" used in the state diagram stands for "perceived severity".
Figure is used if it supports ^notifyChangedAlarm and Figure is used if it does not support ^notifyChangedAlarm.
Figure notifyChangedAlarm supported
Figure notifyChangedAlarm not supported AlarmList Definition
The MnS producer maintains an AlarmList that contains currently active alarms (i.e. AlarmInformation whose perceivedSeverity is not Cleared) and alarms that are Cleared but not yet acknowledged. Attribute
There is no additional attribute defined for this class besides those inherited. FSMnSProducer Definition
FSMnSProducer is the representation of the entity who provides the fault supervision management service(s) and contains the AlarmList. Attribute
There is no additional attribute defined for this class besides those inherited. Notification Table
Name |
S |
Notes |
notifyAlarmListRebuilt |
M |
notifyPotentialFaultyAlarmList |
O |
. | Comment Definition
Comment contains commentary and associated information such as the time when the commentary is made. Attribute
Attribute Name |
S |
commentTime |
M |
commentUserId |
M |
commentSystemId |
O |
commentText |
M | CorrelatedNotification Definition
The sourceObjectInstance attribute of CorrelatedNotification identifies one MonitoredEntity. For the MonitoredEntity identified, a set of notification identifiers is also identified. One or more CorrelatedNotification instances can be related to an AlarmInformation. In this case, the information of the AlarmInformation is said to be correlated to information carried in the notifications identified by the CorrelatedNotification instances. See further definition of correlated notification in ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4], clause
The notification identified by the CorrelatedNotification, as defined in ITU-T and used here, can carry all types of information and is not restricted to carrying alarm information only. For example, a notification, identified by the CorrelatedNotification, can indicate a managed instance attribute value change. In this case, the information of the AlarmInformation is said to be correlated to the managed instance attribute value change event.
The meaning of correlation is dependent on the type of notification itself. See the comment column of the correlatedNotification input parameter for each type of notification, such as notifyNewAlarm.
Notification carries AlarmInformation. The AlarmInformation instances referred to by the correlatedNotification may or may not exist in the AlarmList. For example, the AlarmInformation carried by the identified notification may have been acknowledged and Cleared and therefore, no longer exist in the AlarmList. Attribute
Attribute Name |
S |
sourceObjectInstance |
M |
notificationIdSet |
M | MonitoredEntity Definition
It represents classes that can have an alarmed state. The types of classes that can have alarmed state are:
a) All classes whose Notification Tables include alarm notifications.
b) VSE subclass of 3GPP defined classes and VSE defined classes that can have alarmed state.
The objectClass and objectInstance of this class identifies an instance of this class. The AlarmInformation uses this information in two places. In one place, the information is used to identify the instance that is in alarmed state. In another place, the information is used to identify an instance that can be used as the back up network resource for the instance that is in alarmed state. Attribute
There is no attribute for this class. Information relationships definition relation-FSMnSProducer-AlarmList (M) Definition
This represents the relationship between FSMnSProducer and AlarmList. Role
There is no role defined for this relationship. Constraint
There is no constraint for this relationship. relation-AlarmList-AlarmInformation (M) Definition
This represents the relationship between AlarmList and AlarmInformation. Role
Name |
Definition |
identifyAlarmInformation |
It represents a capability to obtain the information contained in AlarmInformation. | Constraint
Name |
Definition |
inv_ hasAlarmInformation1 |
No AlarmInformation playing the role of theAlarmInformation shall have its perceivedSeverity = "cleared" and its ackState = "acknowledged". |
inv_ hasAlarmInformation2 |
The alarmId of all AlarmInformation instances playing the role of theAlarmInformation are distinct. | relation-AlarmInformation-Comment (M) Definition
This represents the relationship between AlarmInformation and Comment. Role
Name |
Definition |
comment |
It represents a capability to obtain the information contained in Comment. | Constraint
There is no constraint. relation-AlarmInformation-CorrelatedNotification (M) Definition
This represents the relationship between AlarmInformation and CorrelatedNotification. Role
Name |
Definition |
correlatedNotification |
It represents a capability to obtain the information contained in CorrelatedNotification. | Constraint
There is no constraint. relation-AlarmedObject-AlarmInformation (M) Definition
This represents the relationship between MonitoredEntity and AlarmInformation. Role
Name |
Definition |
objectClass/objectInstance |
It represents the capability to obtain the identification, in terms of objectClass and objectInstance, of alarmed network resource. | Constraint
Name |
Definition |
inv_relation-AI-ME |
All AlarmInformation involved in this relationship with the same MonitoredEntity shall have at least one different value in the following attributes: alarmType, probableCause and specificProblem. | relation-backUpObject-AlarmInformation (O) Definition
The relationship represents the relationship between AlarmInformation and the backUpObject. Role
Name |
Definition |
backUpObject |
It represents a capability to obtain the identification, in terms of objectClass and objectInstance, of the backUpObject. | Constraint
Name |
Definition |
inv_identifyBackUpObject |
This relationship is present if and only if the AlarmInformation.backedUpStatus attribute is present and is indicating true. | Information attribute definition Definition and legal values
Name |
Definition |
Legal Values |
alarmId |
It identifies one AlarmInformation in the AlarmList. |
notificationId |
It identifies the notification that carries the AlarmInformation. |
alarmRaisedTime |
It indicates the date and time when the alarm is first raised by the alarmed resource. |
All values indicating valid date and time. |
alarmChangedTime |
It indicates the last date and time when the AlarmInformation is changed by the alarmed resource. Changes to AlarmInformation caused by invocations of the management service consumer would not change this date and time. |
All values indicating valid date and time. |
alarmClearedTime |
It indicates the date and time when the alarm is cleared. |
All values indicating valid date and time. |
alarmType |
It indicates the type of alarm. Communications Alarm: An alarm of this type is associated with the procedure and/or process required conveying information from one point to another (ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4]). Processing Error Alarm: An alarm of this type is associated with a software or processing fault (ITU T Recommendation X.733 [4]). Environmental Alarm: An alarm of this type is associated with a condition related to an enclosure in which the equipment resides (ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4]). Quality of Service Alarm: An alarm of this type is associated with degradation in the quality of a service (ITU T Recommendation X.733 [4]). Equipment Alarm: An alarm of this type is associated with an equipment fault (ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4]). Integrity Violation: An indication that information may have been illegally modified, inserted or deleted. Operational Violation: An indication that the provision of the requested service was not possible due to the unavailability, malfunction or incorrect invocation of the service. Physical Violation: An indication that a physical resource has been violated in a way that suggests a security attack. Security Service or Mechanism Violation: An indication that a security attack has been detected by a security service or mechanism. Time Domain Violation: An indication that an event has occurred at an unexpected or prohibited time. |
probableCause |
It qualifies alarm and provides further information than alarmType. Probable causes are ouside the scope of the present document. |
specificProblem |
It provides further refinement to the probableCause. This attribute value shall be single-valued and of simple type such as integer or string. See definition in ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4] clause |
Provided by vendor. |
perceivedSeverity |
It indicates the relative level of urgency for operator attention. |
Critical, Major, Minor, Warning, Indeterminate, Cleared: see ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4]. The present document does not recommend the use of indeterminate. |
backedUpStatus |
It indicates if an object (the MonitoredEntity) has a back up. See definition in ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4] clause |
All values that carry the semantics of backedUpStatus defined by ITU-T X.733 [4] clause |
trendIndication |
It indicates if some observed condition is getting better, worse, or not changing. |
"Less severe", "no change", "more severe": see definition in ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4] clause |
thresholdInfo |
It indicates the crossed threshold information such as: – The identifier of the monitored attribute whose value has crossed a threshold, – The threshold settings, – The observed value that have crossed a threshold, etc. See definition in ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4] clause See also for information in TS 32.401 [19] clause 5.6. |
stateChangeDefinition |
It indicates attribute value changes associated with the alarm for state attributes of the monitored entity (state transitions). The change is reported with the name of the state attribute, the new value and an optional old value. See definition in ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4] clause |
monitoredAttributes |
It indicates attributes of the monitored entity and their values at the time the alarm occurred that are of interest for the alarm report. How these attributes are chosen is outside of the scope of the present document. See definition in ITU-T Recommendation X.733 [4] clause |
proposedRepairActions |
Used if the cause is known and the system being managed can suggest one or more solutions to fix the problem causing the alarm as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4] |
additionalText |
Allows a free form text description to be reported as defined in ITU-T Rec. X. 733 [4]. |
N/A |
additionalInformation |
This attribute when present allows the inclusion of a set of vendor specific alarm information in the alarm. A specific condition for this optional population is when an alarm presented by the Management System (e.g. via the user interface) has different values of perceived severity, and / or alarm type, compared with the values presented to the Itf-N. Any other uses of additional information on the alarm and its semantics is outside the scope of the present document |
The additional information field is a list of one or more information parts. The present document allows the support of two such information parts to carry – vendor defined perceived severity – vendor defined alarm type using defined identification. Other vendor specific information parts are allowed by using vendor specific identifications. |
rootCauseIndicator |
It indicates that this AlarmInformation is the root cause of the events captured by the notifications whose identifiers are in the related CorrelatedNotification instances. |
boolean |
ackTime |
It identifies the time when the alarm has been acknowledged or unacknowledged the last time, i.e. it registers the time when ackState changes. |
All values that indicate valid time that are later than that carried in alarmRaisedTime. |
ackUserId |
It identifies the last user who has changed the acknowledgement state. |
It can be used to identify the human operator such as "John Smith" or it can identify a group, such as "Team Six", or it can contain no information such as "". |
ackSystemId |
It identifies the system that last changed the ackState of an alarm, i.e. acknowledged or unacknowledged the alarm. |
It can be used to identify the system, such as "system 6" or it can contain no information such as "". |
ackState |
It identifies the acknowledgement state of an alarm. |
Acknowledged: the alarm has been acknowledged. Unacknowledged: the alarm has been unacknowledged or the alarm has never been acknowledged. |
commentTime |
It carries the time when the comment has been added to the alarm. |
commentText |
It carries the textual comment. |
commentUserId |
It carries the identification of the user who made the comment. |
commentSystemId |
It carries the identification of the system (Management System) from which the comment is made. That system supports the user that made the comment. |
clearUserId |
It carries the identity of the user who invokes the clearAlarms operation. |
It can be used to identify the human operator such as "John Smith" or it can identify a group, such as "Team Six", or it can contain no information such as "". |
clearSystemId |
It carries the identity of the system in consuming the fault management service. That management service consumer supports the user who invokes the clearAlarms(). |
It can be used to identify the system, such as "system 6" or it can contain no information such as "". |
serviceUser |
It identifies the service-user whose request for service provided by the serviceProvider led to the generation of the security alarm. |
This attribute may carry no information if the server user is not identifiable. |
serviceProvider |
It identifies the service-provider whose service is requested by the serviceUser and the service request provokes the generation of the security alarm. |
securityAlarmDetector |
It carries the identity of the detector of the security alarm. |
This attribute may carry no information if the security alarm detector is not identifiable. |
sourceObjectInstance |
It identifies one MonitoredEntity. |
All values that carry the semantics of DN. |
notificationIdSet |
It carries one or more notification identifiers. | Constraints
Name |
Definition |
inv_alarmChangedTime |
Time indicated shall be later than that carried in alarmRaisedTime. |
inv_alarmClearedTime |
Time indicated shall be later than that carried in alarmRaisedTime. |
inv_ackTime |
Time indicated shall be later than that carried in alarmRaisedTime. |
inv_notificationId |
NotificationIds shall be chosen to be unique across all notifications of a particular Managed Object throughout the time that alarm correlation is significant. The algorithm by which alarm correlation is accomplished is outside the scope of the present document. | Subscription information, subscription state and Information Object Classes Imported information entities and local labels
None. Class Diagram Attributes and relationships
This clause depicts the set of Support IOCs that encapsulate information within the notification IRP. The intent is to identify the information required for the notification IRP implementation of its operations and notification emission. This clause provides the overview of all Support IOCs in UML. Subsequent clauses provide more detailed specification of various aspects of these Support IOCs. Inheritance
This clause depicts the inheritance relationships that exist between Support IOCs. Information object classes definition NtfSubscriber Definition
This Support IOC represents a Subscriber from a notification perspective: a subscriber is fully identified by a management service consumer reference. A management service consumer using multiple management service consumer reference attributes to subscribe will result in multiple NtfSubscriber instances. Attributes
Attribute name |
Support Qualifier |
Read Qualifier |
Write Qualifier |
ntfConsumerReference |
M |
M |
M | NtfSubscription Definition
This Support IOC represents a subscription that has been requested by a management service consumer and created. Attributes
Attribute name |
Support Qualifier |
Read Qualifier |
Write Qualifier |
ntfSubscriptionId |
M |
M |
– |
ntfSubscriptionState |
M |
M |
M |
ntfTimeTick |
M |
M |
M |
ntfTimeTickTimer |
M |
– |
– |
ntfNotificationCategorySet |
M |
M |
M |
ntfFilter |
M |
M |
M | Void NotificationIRP Definition
This Support IOC represents a notification IRP. It inherits from Support IOC ManagedGenericIRP. Information relationship definitions relation-ntfSubscriber-ntfSubscription (M) Definition
This relationship defines the relationship between a NtfSubscriber and its current subscriptions. Roles
Name |
Definition |
theNtfSubscriber |
This role represents the one who has subscribed. It can be played by instances of Support IOC NtfSubscriber |
theNtfSubscription |
This role represents the subscriptions which were made and not unsubscribed. It can be played by instances of Support IOC NtfSubscription | Constraints
Name |
Definition |
inv_notificationCategoriesAllDistinct |
The notification categories contained in the ntfNotificationCategorySet attribute of NtfSubscription playing the role theNtfSubscription are all distinct from each other. | relation-ntfIRP-ntfSubscriber (M) Definition
This relationship defines the relationship between the NotificationIRP and the current subscribers of notifications. Roles
Name |
Definition |
theNtfSubscriber |
This role represents the entities to which IRPAgent will notify events. It is played by instances of Support IOC NtfSubscriber |
theNotificationIRP |
This role represents the NotificationIRP to which an IRPManager has subscribed. It is played by instances of Support IOC NotificationIRP | Constraints
Name |
Definition |
inv_uniqueManagerReference |
All NtfSubscriber involved in the subscriptionRegistration relationship are distinguished from each other by their ntfManagerReference Attribute. | Information attribute definitions Introduction
This clause defines the semantics of the Attributes used in Support IOCs. Definitions and legal values
Attribute Name |
Definition |
Legal Values |
ntfSubscriptionId |
It identifies uniquely a subscription |
N/A |
ntfSubscriptionState |
It indicates the activation state of a subscription |
"suspended": the subscription is suspended "notSuspended": the subscription is active |
ntfTimeTick |
This attribute represents the initial value of ntfTimeTickTimer. It is in unit of whole minute. This value defines a time window within which management service consumer intends to invoke getSubscriptionStatus (or subscribe) operation to confirm its subscription. A special value indicates infinity which is such that timer will never expire and management service producer needs other means to decide when to delete resources allocated to the management service consumer |
Integer greater or equal to 15, OR special infinite value |
ntfTimeTickTimer |
This attribute represents the current value of a timer |
integer greater or equal to zero |
ntfNotificationCategorySet |
This attribute represents a set of notification categories (see also Definition of notification category in clause 3.1) |
ntfFilter |
This attribute represents the filter of a subscription. The filter can be applied to parameters of notification header (see Notificationmaanagement service producer interface) and to parameters of notifications defined as filterable to IManagement service producer shall notifymanagement service consumer if the event satisfies the filter constraint. |
ntfConsumerReference |
This attribute contains the reference of a consumer. It uniquely identifies a subscriber | Constraints
– "ntfTimeTickTimer is lower.