11 Workflows for MDA management

28.1043GPPManagement and orchestrationManagement Data Analytics (MDA)Release 17TS

11.1 MDA request and reporting workflow

Figure 11.1-1: Generic MDA request/reporting workflow

1 MDAS Producer creates MOI for MDARequest IOC (see createMOI operation defined in TSĀ 28.532 [11]) for the MDAS Consumer with MDA request related information.

Note: Void

2. The MDAS producer subscribes to the relevant notifications or setup the streaming connections, per the selected reporting method (identified by reportingMethod attribute in the MDARequest MOI):

– If the reportingMethod designated in the MDARequest MOI is "File":

2a. if subscription for the reporting target (specified by the reportingTarget attribute in the MDARequest MOI) do not exist, the MDAS producer subscribes to the file data reporting related notifications (see TS 28.532 [11]) for the reporting target;

– If the reportingMethod designated in the MDARequest MOI is "Streaming":

2b/2c. if the streaming connection with the reporting target does not exist, the MDAS producer invokes the establishStreamingConnection operation (see TS 28.532 [11]) to setup the streaming connection with the streaming target;

2d/2e. if the streaming connection with the reporting target exists, the MDAS producer invokes the addStream operation (see TS 28.532 [11]) to add the stream for the expected MDA reports. And,

2f/2g. if the newly added stream is to replace an existing one, the MDAS producer invokes the deleteStream operation (see TS 28.532 [11]) to delete the stream.

NOTE 1: the order of 2d/2e and 2f/2g is not significant and could be swapped too.

– If the reportingMethod designated in the MDARequest MOI is "Notification":

2h. if subscription for the reporting target do not exist, the MDAS producer subscribes to the provisioning related notifications (see TS 28.532 [11]) for the reporting target.

NOTE 2: Although, the workflow assumes that different entities are playing the role of "MDAS Consumer" and "Reporting target", it is possible and allowed to have single entity playing the role of both "MDAS Consumer" and "Reporting target".

3. While the MDARequest is active, the MDAS Producer keeps performing MDA, and making the MDA report (see the MDAReport IOC defined in clause 9) according to the MDARequest MOI.

3a. the MDAS producer makes the MDA report ready and sends the MDA report to the reporting target per the selected reporting method (identified by reportingMethod attribute in the MDARequest MOI):

– If the reportingMethod designated in the MDARequest MOI is "File":

3b. the MDAS producer makes the MDA report into a file;

3c. the MDAS producer emits the notifyFileReady notification (see TS 28.531 [11]) to the reporting target for the MDA report.

– If the reportingMethod designated in the MDARequest MOI is "Streaming":

3d. the MDAS producers makes the MDA report into a stream date unit;

3e. invokes the reportStreamData operation (see TS 28.531 [11]) to the reporting target for the MDA report.

– If the reportingMethod designated in the MDARequest MOI is "Notification":

3f. the MDAS producer creates and MDAReport MOI (see clause 9) for the MDA report;

3g. if notifyMOICreation is used, the MDAS producer emits the notifyMOICreation notification (see TS 28.531 [11]) to the reporting target for the MDA report.

3h. if notifyMOIChanges is used, the MDAS producer emits the notifyMOIChanges notification (see TS 28.531 [11]) to the reporting target for the MDA report.