J.2 MIME Type and Subtype

26.2473GPPProgressive Download and Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (3GP-DASH)Release 17Transparent end-to-end Packet-switched Streaming Service (PSS)TS

The MIME Type and Subtype are defined as follows:

– Media Type name: application

– Subtype name: Standards Tree – 3gpdash-qoe-report+xml

– Required parameters:

– None

– Optional parameters:

– charset: If a charset parameter is provided its value must be "utf-8".Encoding considerations: 8bit

– The utf-8 charset is always used for this type.

– Security considerations:

– The general XML security issues are addressed in clause 10 of RFC 3023 [83].

– The QoE report XML document instances contain information about what content, services and files a particular UE has received. The information also has privacy relevance as it reveals what a specific receiver, which usually can be connected to a specific user, has received.

– This media type only contains quality of experience data; there is no defined executable content.

– XML from other vocabularies is allowed in this media type. Such material will have its own security considerations.

– If operating in an insecure environment and required by the content/service provider, elements and attributes of the report may be encrypted to protect their confidentiality.

– If operating in an insecure environment and required by the content/service provider, digital signing and verification procedures may be used to protect data origin authenticity and integrity of the report.

– Thus to prevent manipulation of that information it would need to be integrity protected.

– Interoperability considerations:

– None

– Published specification:

– 3GPP TS 26.247

– Applications which use this media type:

– 3GPP DASH based applications

– 3GPP progressive download applications

– Additional information:

– None

– Person & email address to contact for further information:

– Ozgur Oyman (ozgur.oyman@intel.com)

– Intended usage: COMMON

– Restrictions on usage:

– None

– Author:


– Change controller:


Annex K (normative):
ITU-T P.1203 Audio/Video MOS Estimation