C.5 3D Video Display Information Scheme

26.2473GPPProgressive Download and Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP (3GP-DASH)Release 17Transparent end-to-end Packet-switched Streaming Service (PSS)TS

The 3D Video Display Information description scheme may only be signalled in SupplementalProperty element with SupplementalProperty@schemeIdUri urn:3GPP:dash:3dVideoDisplayInformation:2013. When present the 3D Video Display Information description scheme shall be present on the Adaptation Set level. The SupplementalProperty@value of 3D Video Display Information description scheme shall be present and is defined below using ABNF [40]:


displayInformation = displayWidth [viewingDistance]

displayWidth = 1*5DIGIT

viewingDistance = 1*5DIGIT

displayWidth and viewingDistance provide actual values for which the stereoscopic 3D video content is optimized and are expressed in millimeters. The displayWidth defines the width of the part of the screen actually used for displaying the 3D video content.

NOTE: The DASH client can choose the Adaptation Set which contains the 3D Video Display Information Scheme with displayWidth closest to the actual display size used by the DASH client to display the content.

Annex D (informative):
MPD Examples