4 C code structure
26.1733GPPANSI-C code for the Adaptive Multi-Rate - Wideband (AMR-WB) speech codecRelease 17TS
This clause gives an overview of the structure of the bit‑exact C code and provides an overview of the contents and organization of the C code attached to this document.
The C code has been verified on the following systems:
– Sun Microsystems workstations and GNU gcc compiler
– HP workstations and cc compiler
– IBM PC compatible computers with Windows NT4 operating system and GNU gcc compiler.
ANSI‑C was selected as the programming language because portability was desirable.
4.1 Contents of the C source code
The C code distribution has all files in the root level.
The distributed files with suffix "c" contain the source code and the files with suffix "h" are the header files. The ROM data is contained mostly in files with suffix "tab".
The C code distribution also contains one speech coder installation verification data file, "spch_dos.inp". The reference encoder output file is named "spch_dos.cod", the reference decoder input file is named "spch_dos.dec" and the reference decoder output file is named "spch_dos.out". These four files are formatted such that they are correct for an IBM PC/AT compatible computer. The same files with reversed byte order of the 16 bit words are named "spch_unx.inp", "spch_unx.cod", "spch_unx.dec" and "spch_unx.out", respectively.
Final verification is to be performed using the GSM Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband test sequences described in 3GPP TS 26.174 [1].
Makefiles are provided for the platforms in which the C code has been verified (listed above). Once the software is installed, this directory will have a compiled version of encoder and decoder (the bit-exact C executables of the speech codec) and all the object files.
4.2 Program execution
The GSM Adaptive Multi-Rate Wideband codec is implemented in two programs:
– (encoder) speech encoder;
– (decoder) speech decoder.
The programs should be called like:
– encoder [encoder options] <speech input file> <parameter file>;
– decoder <parameter file> <speech output file>.
The speech files contain 16-bit linear encoded PCM speech samples and the parameter files contain encoded speech data and some additional flags.
The encoder and decoder options will be explained by running the applications without input arguments. See the file readme.txt for more information on how to run the encoder and decoder programs.
4.3 Code hierarchy
Tables 1 to 3 are call graphs that show the functions used in the speech codec, including the functions of VAD, DTX, and comfort noise generation.
Each column represents a call level and each cell a function. The functions contain calls to the functions in rightwards neighbouring cells. The time order in the call graphs is from the top downwards as the processing of a frame advances. All standard C functions: printf(), fwrite(), etc. have been omitted. Also, no basic operations (add(), L_add(), mac(), etc.) or double precision extended operations (e.g. L_Extract()) appear in the graphs. The initialization of the static RAM (i.e. calling the _init functions) is also omitted.
The basic operations are not counted as extending the depth, therefore the deepest level in this software is level 6.
The encoder call graph is broken down into two separate call graphs, Table 1 to 2.
Table 1: Speech encoder call structure
coder |
Copy |
Decim_12k8 |
Down_samp |
Interpol (function) |
Copy |
Set_zero |
HP50_12k8 |
Scale_sig |
wb_vad |
Filter_bank |
Filter5 |
Filter3 |
Level_calculation |
vad_decision |
Ilog2 |
Noise_estimate_update |
update_cntrl |
hangover_addition |
Estimate_Speech |
tx_dtx_handler |
Parm_serial |
Autocorr |
Lag_window |
Levinson |
Az_isp |
Chebps2 |
Int_isp |
Isp_Az |
Get_isp_pol |
Isp_isf |
Gp_clip_test_isf |
Weight_a |
Residu |
Deemph2 |
LP_Decim2 |
Scale_mem_Hp_wsp |
Pitch_med_ol |
Hp_wsp |
Isqrt_n |
wb_vad_tone_detection |
Med_olag |
median5 |
dtx_buffer |
Copy |
dtx_enc |
Find_frame_indices |
Aver_isf_history |
Qisf_ns |
Sub_VQ |
Disf_ns |
Reorder_isf |
Parm_serial |
Pow2 |
Random |
Dot_product12 |
Isqrt_n |
Isf_isp |
Isp_Az |
Get_isp_pol |
Synthesis |
Copy |
Syn_filt_32 |
Deemph_32 |
HP50_12k8 |
Random |
Scale_sig |
Dot_product12 |
Isqrt_n |
HP400_12k8 |
Weight_a |
Syn_filt |
Filt_6k_7k |
Reset_encoder |
Set_zero |
Init_gp_clip |
Init_Phase_dispersion |
Set_zero |
Qpisf_2s_36b |
VQ_stage1 |
Sub_VQ |
Dpisf_2s_36b |
Reorder_isf |
Qpisf_2s_46b |
VQ_stage1 |
Sub_VQ |
Dpisf_2s_46b |
Reorder_isf |
Syn_filt |
Preemph2 |
Pitch_fr4 |
Norm_Corr |
Convolve |
Isqrt_n |
Interpol_4 |
Gp_clip |
Pred_lt4 |
Convolve |
G_pitch |
Dot_product12 |
Updt_tar |
Preemph |
Pit_shrp |
Cor_h_x |
ACELP_2t64_fx |
Dot_product12 |
Isqrt_n |
ACELP_4t64_fx |
See Table 2 |
Q_gain2 |
Dot_product12 |
Pow2 |
Gp_clip_test_gain_pit |
voice_factor |
Dot_product12 |
Table 2: ACELP_4t64_fx call structure
ACELP_4t64_fx |
Dot_product12 |
Isqrt_n |
cor_h_vec |
search_ixiy |
quant_1p_N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
quant_3p_3N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
quant_1p_N1 |
quant_4p_4N |
quant_4p_4N1 |
Quant_2p_2N1 |
quant_1p_N1 |
quant_3p_3N1 |
Quant_2p_2N1 |
Quant_1p_N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
quant_5p_5N |
quant_3p_3N1 |
Quant_2p_2N1 |
Quant_1p_N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
quant_6p_6N_2 |
quant_5p_5N |
Quant_3p_3N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
Quant_1p_N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
quant_1p_N1 |
quant_4p_4N |
quant_4p_4N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
quant_1p_N1 |
quant_3p_3N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
quant_1p_N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
quant_3p_3N1 |
quant_2p_2N1 |
Quant_1p_N1 |
Table 3: Speech decoder call structure
decoder |
Rx_dtx_handler |
Dtx_dec |
Copy |
Disf_ns |
Reorder_isf |
Serial_parm |
Pow2 |
Random |
Dot_product12 |
Isqrt_n |
Serial_parm |
Isf_isp |
Isp_Az |
Get_isp_pol |
Copy |
Synthesis |
Copy |
Syn_filt_32 |
Deemph_32 |
HP50_12k8 |
Oversamp_16k |
Copy |
Up_samp |
Interpol |
Random |
Scale_sig |
Dot_product12 |
Isqrt_n |
HP400_12k8 |
Isf_Extrapolation |
Isf_isp |
Isp_Az |
Get_isp_pol |
Weight_a |
Syn_filt |
Filt_6k_7k |
Copy |
Filt_7k |
Copy |
Reset_decoder |
Set_zero |
Init_Phase_dispersion |
Set_zero |
Dpisf_2s_36b |
Reorder_isf |
Dpisf_2s_46b |
Reorder_isf |
Int_isp |
Isp_Az |
Get_isp_pol |
Lagconc |
insertion_sort |
Insert |
Random |
Pred_lt4 |
Random |
DEC_ACELP_2t64_fx |
DEC_ACELP_4t64_fx |
dec_1p_N1 |
add_pulses |
dec_2p_2N1 |
dec_3p_3N1 |
Dec_2p_2N1 |
dec_1p_N1 |
dec_4p_4N |
dec_4p_4N1 |
dec_2p_2N1 |
dec_1p_N1 |
Dec_3p_3N1 |
Dec_2p_2N1 |
Dec_1p_N1 |
Dec_2p_2N1 |
dec_5p_5N |
dec_3p_3N1 |
Dec_2p_2N1 |
Dec_1p_N1 |
Dec_2p_2N1 |
dec_6p_6N_2 |
Dec_5p_5N |
dec_3p_3N1 |
Dec_2p_2N1 |
Dec_1p_N1 |
dec_2p_2N1 |
dec_1p_N1 |
dec_4p_4N |
dec_4p_4N1 |
dec_2p_2N1 |
dec_1p_N1 |
Dec_3p_3N1 |
Dec_2p_2N1 |
Dec_1p_N1 |
Dec_2p_2N1 |
dec_2p_2N1 |
dec_3p_3N1 |
Dec_2p_2N1 |
Dec_1p_N1 |
Preemph |
Pit_shrp |
D_gain2 |
Dot_product12 |
Isqrt_n |
Median5 |
Pow2 |
Scale_sig |
voice_factor |
Dot_product12 |
Phase_dispersion |
Set_zero |
Agc2 |
Isqrt |
Isqrt_n |
Set_zero |
Dtx_dec_activity_update |
Copy |
4.5 Variables, constants and tables
The data types of variables and tables used in the fixed point implementation are signed integers in 2’s complement representation, defined by:
– Word16 16 bit variable;
– Word32 32 bit variable.
4.5.1 Description of constants used in the C-code
This subclause contains a listing of all global constants defined in cnst.h.
Table 5: Global constants
Constant |
Value |
Description |
384 |
total size of speech buffer. |
384 |
window size in LP analysis |
64 |
Look-ahead size |
256 |
frame size in 12.8 kHz |
L_FRAME16k |
320 |
frame size in 16 kHz |
64 |
Subframe size in 12.8 kHz |
L_SUBFR16k |
80 |
Subframe size in 16 kHz |
4 |
Number of subframes |
M16k |
20 |
order of LP filter in high-band synthesis in 6.60 mode |
M |
16 |
order of LP filter |
L_FILT16k |
15 |
Delay of down-sampling filter in 16 kHz |
12 |
Delay of down-sampling filter in 12.8 kHz |
15565 |
Pitch gain clipping |
27853 |
pitch sharpening factor |
34 |
minimum pitch lag (all modes) |
128 |
Minimum pitch lag with resolution ½ |
PIT_FR1_9b |
160 |
Minimum pitch lag with resolution for 9 bit quantization |
PIT_FR1_8b |
92 |
Minimum pitch lag with resolution for 8 bit quantization |
231 |
maximum pitch lag |
(16+1) |
length of filter for interpolation |
2 |
Decimation in open-loop pitch analysis |
22282 |
preemphasis factor |
30147 |
Weighting factor (numerator) |
22282 |
tilt factor (denominator) |
8 |
scaling max for signal |
21845 |
random init value |
3 |
Size of ISF buffer |
10923 |
Inverse of L_MEANBUF |
4.5.2 Description of fixed tables used in the C-code
This section contains a listing of all fixed tables sorted by source file name and table name. All table data is declared as Word16.
Table 6: Fixed tables
File |
Table name |
Length |
Description |
c4t64fx.c |
tipos |
36 |
Starting points of iterations |
cod_main.c |
HP_gain |
16 |
High band gain table for 23.85 kbit/s mode |
cod_main.c |
interpol_frac |
4 |
LPC interpolation coefficients |
cod_main.c |
isp_init |
16 |
Isp tables for initialization |
cod_main.c |
isf_init |
16 |
Isf tables for initialization |
d_gain2.c |
cdown_unusable |
7 |
Attenuation factors for codebook gain in lost frames |
d_gain2.c |
cdown_usable |
7 |
Attenuation factors for codebook gain in bad frames |
d_gain2.c |
pdown_unusable |
7 |
Attenuation factors for adaptive codebook gain in lost frames |
d_gain2.c |
pdown_usable |
7 |
Attenuation factors for adaptive codebook gain in bad frames |
d_gain2.c |
pred |
4 |
Algebraic code book gain MA predictor coefficients |
dec_main.c |
HP_gain |
16 |
High band gain table for 23.85 kbit/s mode |
dec_main.c |
interpol_frac |
4 |
LPC interpolation coefficients |
dec_main.c |
isp_init |
16 |
Isp tables for initialization |
dec_main.c |
isf_init |
16 |
Isf tables for initialization |
decim54.c |
fir_down |
120 |
Downsample FIR filter coefficients |
decim54.c |
fir_up |
120 |
Upsample FIR filter coefficients |
dtx.c |
en_adjust |
9 |
Energy scaling factor for each mode during comfort noise |
grid100.tab |
grid |
101 |
Grid points of Chebyshev polynomials |
ham_wind.tab |
window |
384 |
LP analysis window |
hp400.c |
a |
3 |
HP filter coefficients (denominator) in higher band energy estimation |
hp400.c |
b |
3 |
HP filter coefficients (numerator) in higher band energy estimation |
hp50.c |
a |
3 |
HP filter coefficients (denominator) in pre-filtering |
hp50.c |
b |
3 |
HP filter coefficients (numerator) in pre-filtering |
hp6k.c |
fir_6k_7k |
31 |
Bandpass FIR filter coefficients for higher band generation |
hp7k.c |
fir_7k |
31 |
Bandpass FIR filter coefficients for higher band in 23.85 kbit/s mode |
hp_wsp.c |
a |
3 |
HP filter coefficients (denominator) in open-loop lag gain computation |
hp_wsp.c |
b |
3 |
HP filter coefficients (numerator) in open-loop lag gain computation |
isp_isf.tab |
slope |
128 |
Table to compute acos(x) in Isp_isf() |
isp_isf.tab |
table |
129 |
Table to compute cos(x) in Isf_isp() |
lag_wind.tab |
lag_h |
16 |
High part of the lag window table |
lag_wind.tab |
lag_l |
16 |
Low part of the lag window table |
lp_dec2.c |
h_fir |
5 |
HP FIR filter coefficients in open-loop lag search |
math_op.c |
table_isqrt |
49 |
Table used in inverse square root computation |
math_op.c |
table_pow2 |
33 |
Table used in power of two computation |
p_med_ol.tab |
corrweight |
199 |
Weighting of the correlation function in open loop LTP search |
ph_disp.c |
ph_imp_low |
64 |
Phase dispersion impulse response |
ph_disp.c |
ph_imp_mid |
64 |
Phase dispersion impulse response |
pitch_f4.c |
inter4_1 |
32 |
Interpolation filter coefficients |
pred_lt4.c |
inter4_2 |
128 |
Interpolation filter coefficients |
q_gain2.c |
pred |
4 |
Algebraic code book gain MA predictor coefficients |
q_gain2.tab |
t_qua_gain6b |
2*64 |
Gain quantization table for 6-bit gain quantization |
q_gain2.tab |
t_qua_gain7b |
2*128 |
Gain quantization table for 7-bit gain quantization |
qisf_ns.tab |
dico1_isf_noise |
2*64 |
1st ISF quantizer for comfort noise |
qisf_ns.tab |
dico2_isf_noise |
3*64 |
2nd ISF quantizer for comfort noise |
qisf_ns.tab |
dico3_isf_noise |
3*64 |
3rd ISF quantizer for comfort noise |
qisf_ns.tab |
dico4_isf_noise |
4*32 |
4th ISF quantizer for comfort noise |
qisf_ns.tab |
dico5_isf_noise |
4*32 |
5th ISF quantizer for comfort noise |
qisf_ns.tab |
mean_isf_noise |
16 |
ISF mean for comfort noise |
qpisf_2s.tab |
dico1_isf |
9*256 |
1st ISF quantizer of the 1st stage |
qpisf_2s.tab |
dico2_isf |
7*256 |
2nd ISF quantizer of the 1st stage |
qpisf_2s.tab |
dico21_isf |
3*64 |
1st ISF quantizer of the 2nd stage (not the 6.60 kbit/s mode) |
qpisf_2s.tab |
dico21_isf_36b |
5*128 |
1st ISF quantizer of the 2nd stage (the 6.60 kbit/s mode) |
qpisf_2s.tab |
dico22_isf |
3*128 |
2nd ISF quantizer of the 2nd stage (not the 6.60 kbit/s mode) |
qpisf_2s.tab |
dico22_isf_36b |
4*128 |
2nd ISF quantizer of the 2nd stage (the 6.60 kbit/s mode) |
qpisf_2s.tab |
dico23_isf |
3*128 |
3rd ISF quantizer of the 2nd stage (not the 6.60 kbit/s mode) |
qpisf_2s.tab |
dico23_isf_36b |
7*64 |
3rd ISF quantizer of the 2nd stage (the 6.60 kbit/s mode) |
qpisf_2s.tab |
dico24_isf |
3*32 |
4th ISF quantizer of the 2nd stage (not the 6.60 kbit/s mode) |
qpisf_2s.tab |
dico25_isf |
4*32 |
5th ISF quantizer of the 2nd stage (not the 6.60 kbit/s mode) |
qpisf_2s.tab |
mean_isf |
16 |
ISF mean |
4.5.3 Static variables used in the C-code
In this section two tables that specify the static variables for the speech encoder and decoder respectively are shown. All static variables are declared within a C struct.
Table 7: Speech encoder static variables
Struct name |
Variable |
Type[Length] |
Description |
Coder_State |
mem_decim |
Word16[30] |
Decimation filter memory |
mem_sig_in |
Word16[6] |
Prefilter memory |
mem_preemph |
Word16 |
Preemphasis filter memory |
old_speech |
Word16[128] |
speech buffer |
old_wsp |
Word16[115] |
buffer holding spectral weighted speech |
old_exc |
Word16[248] |
excitation vector |
mem_levinson |
Word16[18] |
Levinson memories |
Ispold |
Word16[16] |
Old ISP vector |
ispold_q |
Word16[16] |
Old quantized ISP vector |
past_isfq |
Word16[16] |
past quantized ISF prediction error |
mem_wsp |
Word16 |
Open-loop LTP deemphasis filter memory |
mem_decim2 |
Word16[3] |
Open-loop LTP decimation filter memory |
mem_w0 |
Word16 |
weighting filter memory (applied to error signal) |
mem_syn |
Word16[16] |
synthesis filter memory |
tilt_code |
Word16 |
Preemhasis filter memory |
old_wsp_max |
Word16 |
Open loop scaling factor |
old_wsp_shift |
Word16 |
Maximum open loop scaling factor |
Q_old |
Word16 |
Old scaling factor |
Q_max |
Word16[2] |
Maximum scaling factor |
gp_clip |
Word16[2] |
memory of pitch clipping |
qua_gain |
Word16[4] |
Gain quantization memory |
old_T0_med |
Word16 |
weighted open loop pitch lag |
ol_gain |
Word16 |
Open-loop gain |
ada_w |
Word16 |
weigthing level depeding on open loop pitch gain |
ol_wght_flg |
Word16 |
switches lag weighting on and off |
old_ol_lag |
Word16[5] |
Open loop lag history |
hp_wsp_mem |
Word16[9] |
Open-loop lag gain filter memory |
old_hp_wsp |
Word16[243] |
Open-loop lag |
vadSt |
VadVars* |
see below in this table |
dtx_encSt |
dtx_encState* |
see below in this table |
first_frame |
Word16 |
First frame indicator |
Isfold |
Word16[16] |
Old ISF vector |
L_gc_thres |
Word16 |
Noise enhancer threshold |
mem_syn_hi |
Word16[16] |
synthesis filter memory (most significant word) |
mem_syn_lo |
Word16[16] |
synthesis filter memory (least significant word) |
mem_deemph |
Word16 |
Deemphasis filter memory |
mem_sig_out |
Word16[6] |
HP filter memory in the synthesis |
mem_hp400 |
Word16[6] |
HP filter memory |
mem_oversamp |
Word16[2*12] |
Oversampling filter memory |
mem_syn_hf |
Word16[16] |
Higher band synthesis filter memory |
mem_hf |
Word16[30] |
Estimated BP filter memory (23.85 kbit/s mode) |
mem_hf2 |
Word16[30] |
Input BP filter memory (23.85 kbit/s mode) |
mem_hf3 |
Word16[30] |
Input LP filter memory (23.85 kbit/s mode) |
seed2 |
Word16 |
Random generation seed |
disp_mem |
Word16[8] |
Phase dispersion memory |
vad_hist |
Word16 |
VAD history |
Gain_alpha |
Word16 |
Higher band gain weighting factor (23.85 kbit/s mode) |
dtx_encState |
Isf_hist |
Word16[128] |
LSP history (8 frames) |
Log_en_hist |
Word16[8] |
logarithmic frame energy history (8 frames) |
Hist_ptr |
Word16 |
pointer to the cyclic history vectors |
Log_en_index |
Word16 |
Index for logarithmic energy |
Cng_seed |
Word16 |
Comfort noise excitation seed |
D |
Word16[28] |
ISF history distance matrix |
sumD |
Word16[8] |
Sum of ISF history distances |
dtxHangoverCount |
Word16 |
is decreased in DTX hangover period |
decAnaElapsedCount |
Word16 |
counter for elapsed speech frames in DTX |
vadState1 |
bckr_est |
Word16[12] |
background noise estimate |
ave_level |
Word16[12] |
averaged input components for stationary estimation |
old_level |
Word16[12] |
input levels of the previous frame |
sub_level |
Word16[12] |
input levels calculated at the end of a frame (lookahead) |
a_data5 |
Word16[5][2] |
memory for the filter bank |
a_data3 |
Word16[6] |
memory for the filter bank |
burst_count |
Word16 |
counts length of a speech burst |
Hang_count |
Word16 |
hangover counter |
Stat_count |
Word16 |
stationary counter |
Vadreg |
Word16 |
15 flags for intermediate VAD decisions |
Tone_flag |
Word16 |
15 flags for tone detection |
sp_est_cnt |
Word16 |
Speech level estimation counter |
Sp_max |
Word16 |
Maximum signal level |
sp_max_cnt |
Word16 |
Maximum level estimation counter |
Speech_level |
Word16 |
Speech level |
prev_pow_sum |
Word16 |
Power of previous frame |
Table 8: Speech decoder static variables
Struct name |
Variable |
Type[Length] |
Description |
Decoder_State |
old_exc |
Word16[248] |
excitation vector |
ispold |
Word16[16] |
Old ISP vector |
isfold |
Word16[16] |
Old ISF vector |
isf_buf |
Word16[48] |
ISF vector history |
past_isfq |
Word16[16] |
past quantized ISF prediction error |
tilt_code |
Word16 |
Preemhasis filter memory |
Q_old |
Word16 |
Old scaling factor |
Qsubfr |
Word16 |
Scaling factor history |
L_gc_thres |
Word16 |
Noise enhancer threshold |
mem_syn_hi |
Word16[16] |
synthesis filter memory (most significant word) |
mem_syn_lo |
Word16[16] |
synthesis filter memory (least significant word) |
mem_deemph |
Word16 |
Deemphasis filter memory |
mem_sig_out |
Word16[6] |
HP filter memory in the synthesis |
mem_oversamp |
Word16[24] |
Oversampling filter memory |
mem_syn_hf |
Word16[20] |
Higher band synthesis filter memory |
mem_hf |
Word16[30] |
Estimated BP filter memory (23.85 kbit/s mode) |
mem_hf2 |
Word16[30] |
Input BP filter memory (23.85 kbit/s mode) |
mem_hf3 |
Word16[30] |
Input LP filter memory (23.85 kbit/s mode) |
seed |
Word16 |
Random code generation seed for bad frames |
seed2 |
Word16 |
Random generation seed for higher band |
old_T0 |
Word16 |
Old LTP lag (integer part) |
old_T0_frac |
Word16 |
Old LTP lag (fraction part) |
lag_hist |
Word16[5] |
LTP lag history |
dec_gain |
Word16[23] |
Gain decoding memory |
seed3 |
Word16 |
Random LTP lag generation seed for bad frames |
disp_mem |
Word16[8] |
Phase dispersion memory |
mem_hp400 |
Word16[6] |
HP filter memory |
prev_bfi |
Word16 |
Previous BFI |
state |
Word16 |
BGH state machine memory |
first_frame |
Word16 |
First frame indicator |
dtx_decSt |
dtx_decState* |
see below in this table |
Vad_hist |
Word16 |
VAD history |
dtx_decState |
Since_last_sid |
Word16 |
number of frames since last SID frame |
true_sid_period_inv |
Word16 |
inverse of true SID update rate |
log_en |
Word16 |
logarithmic frame energy |
old_log_en |
Word16 |
previous value of log_en |
isf |
Word16[16] |
ISF vector |
Isf_old |
Word16[16] |
Previous ISF vector |
Cng_seed |
Word16 |
Comfort noise excitation seed |
Isf_hist |
Word16[128] |
ISF vector history (8 frames) |
Log_en_hist |
Word16[8] |
logarithmic frame energy history |
Hist_ptr |
Word16 |
index to beginning of LSF history |
dtxHangoverCount |
Word16 |
counts down in hangover period |
DecAnaElapsedCount |
Word16 |
counts elapsed speech frames after DTX |
sid_frame |
Word16 |
flags SID frames |
valid_data |
Word16 |
flags SID frames containing valid data |
log_en_adjust |
Word16 |
mode-dependent frame energy adjustment |
dtxHangoverAdded |
Word16 |
flags hangover period at end of speech |
dtxGlobalState |
Word16 |
DTX state flags |
data_updated |
Word16 |
flags CNI updates |