6.5 Sidetone characteristics (handset, headset, and analogue electrical interface UE)

26.1313GPPRelease 18RequirementsTerminal acoustic characteristics for telephonyTS

6.5.1 Sidetone loss

The talker sidetone masking rating (STMR) shall be ≥ 15 dB and should be ≤ 23 dB for the nominal setting of the volume control. For all other positions of the volume control, the STMR shall be ≥ 10 dB.

In case the STMR is below the lower limit also when the electrical sidetone path has been disabled, the result shall not be regarded as a failure.

Compliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS 26.132.

NOTE 1: Where a user-controlled receiving volume control is provided, it is recommended that the sidetone loss is independent of the volume control setting.

NOTE 2: In general, it is recommended to provide a terminal sidetone path for handset and headset UEs.

NOTE 3: In case the human air-conducted sidetone paths are obstructed (one example being some binaural insert type headset UEs), it is important to provide a terminal sidetone path.

NOTE 4: The STMR calculation algorithm being used was developed for quantifying the audibility of the electrical sidetone path using a sealed coupler. The air-conducted path was not intended to be included in the test setup. A lower STMR limit was specified to avoid annoying effects (e.g. howling, increase of ambient noise level in the ear) of an excessive electrical sidetone. In HATS-based measurements, the air-conducted path cannot be avoided in the test setup. With some UE form factors the air-conducted path can be substantial resulting in low STMR figures also when there are no annoying effects from any excessive electrical sidetone. See ITU-T Recommendation P.76 for definitions of sidetone paths.

6.5.2 Sidetone delay

The maximum sidetone delay shall be ≤ 5 ms, measured in an echo-free setup.

NOTE: The measured result is only applicable where the level of the electrical sidetone is sufficiently high to be measured. While the STMR value may indicate the presence of sidetone it should be ensured that this is not primarily due to the acoustical or mechanical sidetone path when interpreting sidetone delay results.

Compliance shall be checked by the relevant test described in TS 26.132.