8 VR Presentation
26.1183GPPRelease 17TSVirtual Reality (VR) profiles for streaming applications
8.1 Definition
A VR presentation provides an omnidirectional audio-visual experience. A 3GPP VR Presentation is a VR Presentation for which each of the VR Tracks contained in a VR Presentation are aligned to the 3GPP DOF Reference System as defined in clause 4 and are time-synchronized.
8.2 3GPP VR File
A 3GPP VR Presentation may be provided in an ISO BMFF conforming file. A 3GPP VR File is defined as a file that conforms to ISO BMFF [17] and for which at least two tracks are present whereby:
– at least one track conforms to a 3GPP VR Track according to a video media profile defined in clause 5,
– at least one track conforms to a 3GPP VR Track according to an audio media profile defined in clause 6.
Conformance to a 3GPP VR File may be signalled with a compatibility brand ‘3gvr’.
8.3 3GPP VR DASH Media Presentation
A 3GPP VR Presentation may be provided in DASH Media Presentation. A 3GPP VR DASH Media Presentation is defined as a DASH Media Presentation that conforms to 3GP DASH and for which at least two Adaptation Sets are present whereby
– at least one Adaptation Set conforms to an Adaptation Set for a video media profile defined in clause 5,
– at least one Adaptation Set conforms to an Adaptation Set for an audio media profile defined in clause 6.
Conformance to a 3GPP VR File may be signalled with an MPD @profiles parameter’urn:3gpp:vrstream:presentation’.