3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations
26.1183GPPRelease 17TSVirtual Reality (VR) profiles for streaming applications
3.1 Definitions
For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in TR 21.905 [1].
bitstream: a bitstream that conforms to a video encoding format and certain Operation Point.
field of view: the extent of visible area expressed with vertical and horizontal angles, in degrees in the 3GPP 3DOF reference system.
operation point: a collection of discrete combinations of different content formats including spatial and temporal resolutions, colour mapping, transfer functions, rendering metadata and the encoding format.
pose: position derived by the head tracking sensor expressed by (azimuth; elevation; tilt angle).
receiver: a receiver that can decode and render any bitstream that is conforming to a certain Operation Point.
viewport: the part of the 3DOF content to render based on the pose and the field of view.
3.2 Symbols
For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:
α yaw of the 3GPP 3DOF coordinate system
β pitch of the 3GPP 3DOF coordinate system
γ roll of the 3GPP 3DOF coordinate system
ϕ azimuth of the 3GPP 3DOF coordinate system
θ elevation of the 3GPP 3DOF coordinate system
3.3 Abbreviations
For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in TR 21.905 [1].
3DOF 3 Degrees of freedom
ACN Ambisonics Channel Number
API Application Programming Interface
AVC Advanced Video Coding
BMFF Base Media File Format
BRIR Binaural Room Impulse Response
CMP Cube-Map Projection
CIBR Common Informative Binaural Renderer
DASH Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP
DRC Dynamic Range Control
EOTF Electro-Optical Transfer Function
ERP EquiRectangular Projection
ESD Equivalent Spatial Domain
FFT Fast Fourier Transform
FIR Finite Impulse Response
FOA First Order Ambisonics
FOV Field Of View
GPU Graphics Processing Unit
HDR High Dynamic Range
HDTV High Definition TeleVision
HEVC High Efficiency Video Coding
HMD Head Mounted Display
HOA High Order Ambisonics
HRD Hypothetical Reference Decoder
HRIR Head-Related Impulse Responses
HRTF Head-Related Transfer Function
HTTP HyperText Transfer Protocol
IFFT Inverse FFT
MAE MPEG-H Audio Metadata information
MCC Metrics Collection and Computation
MHAS MPEG-H Audio Stream
MIME Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions
MPD Media Presentation Description
MPEG Moving Pictures Experts Group
NAL Network Abstraction Layer
OMAF Omnidirectional MediA Format
PCM Pulse Code Modulation
RAP Random Access Point
RWP Region-Wise Packing
SDR Standard Dynamic Range
SEI Supplemental Enhancement Information
SN3D Schmidt semi-normalisation
SOFA Spatially Oriented Format for Acoustics
SPS Sequence Parameter Set
SRQR Spherical Region-wise Quality Ranking
VCL Video Coding Layer
VST Virtual Studio Technology
VUI Video Usability Information
VR Virtual Reality