7.2 Iuh
25.4673GPPRelease 17Stage 2TSUTRAN architecture for 3G Home Node B (HNB)
Figure 7.2-1 shows the protocol structure for Iuh, following the structure described in TS 25.401 [4].
Figure 7.2-1: Iuh–Interface Protocol Stack.
7.2.1 Iupc-Iuh Interface Control Plane Protocol Stack
Figure 7.2.1-1 shows the control plane protocol stack for connectivity between a HNB and a SAS via the HNB-GW.
Figure 7.2.1-1: Iupc-Iuh Interfaces Protocol Stack for connectivity between a HNB and a SAS via the HNB-GW.
7.2.2 Interworking between the PCAP User Adaptation Layer (PUA) and the Signalling Connection Control Part (SCCP) General
This section describes the usage of PUA and SCCP for connectivity between a HNB and a SAS via HNB-GW.
RNL signalling between a SAS and a HNB-GW utilises services provided by the SCCP (ITU-T Rec. Q.711 [32] / ITU-T Rec. Q.712 [33]/ ITU-T Rec. Q.713 [34]/ ITU-T Rec. Q.714 [35]) as defined for Iupc interface signalling transport between an RNC and a SAS (see 3GPP TS 25.450 [37]), since the HNB-GW is seen as an RNC for connection via Iupc interface to the SAS.
The Interworking functions at the HNB-GW deal with:
– extracting or inserting the PCAP transaction ID information on the Iuh connection or on the Iupc connection of the SAS-HNB signalling connectivity,
– Iupc mapping of PCAP transaction IDs to provide the SAS with a consistent view aligned with the HNB-GW acting as one RNC,
– Iuh mapping of PCAP transaction ID on messages from the SAS to a local PCAP transaction ID for the HNB and mapping of local PCAP transaction ID on messages from the HNB to the corresponding PCAP transaction ID for the SAS.
– Iuh mapping of PCAP transaction ID received from the SAS to direct connectionless messages to the correct HNB.
– for connection oriented signalling, performing appropriate mapping between PUA level and SCCP level using the PUA context id and the SCCP connection information.
– For connectionless signalling, ensuring uniqueness of the PCAP Transaction ID for connectionless PCAP messages mapped to the same SCCP connection.
– respective routing of PCAP messages (see 3GPP TS 25.453[38]) based on available address information.
In general, (i) Iupc connectivity between the HNB-GW and the SAS is established by configuration, while (ii) the Iuh connectivity for support of PCAP between the HNB and the HNB-GW is performed via the HNB registration procedure.
The following subclauses describe the interworking between PUA and SCCP at the HNB-GW. Establishment of signalling connection over Iuh and Iupc connections between HNB and SAS via HNB-GW
Figure Establishment of signalling connection over Iupc and Iuh connections between HNB and SAS via HNB-GW – HNB Initiated.
1. If the Source HNB is configured for Iupc-connectivity via the HNB-GW, and wants to send a PCAP message to the SAS for which a signalling connection over the Iuh and Iupc connections has to be established, it issues a PUA:CONNECT message containing the PUA Context Id and the PCAP PDU1.
2. The HNB-GW identifies the signalling interface to which the PCAP message shall be routed to and maintains a mapping between the PUA-based signalling connection and the SCCP-based signalling connection for the HNB-SAS end-to-end. If the SAS indicator is included in the PUA: Connect message the HNB-GW may use this to route the PCAP message to the selected SAS.
3. The HNB-GW sends PCAP PDU1 to the SAS and the SAS sends back PCAP PDU2 (see TS 25.450 [37]).
4. The HNB-GW routes the PCAP PDU2 towards the Source HNB.
5. The HNB-GW sends a PUA:Direct Transfer message, including PCAP PDU2 if any, received from the SAS to the source HNB. Establishment of signalling connection over Iuh – Refusal from SAS
Figure Establishment of signalling connection over Iuh and Iupc connections between HNB and SAS via HNB-GW – HNB Initiated with refusal from SAS.
1. If the Source HNB is configured for Iupc-connectivity via the HNB-GW, and wants to send a PCAP message to the SAS for which a signalling connection over the Iuh and Iupc connections has to be established, it issues a PUA:CONNECT message containing the PUA Context Id and the PCAP PDU1.
2. The HNB-GW identifies the signalling interface to which the PCAP message shall be routed to and maintains a mapping between the PUA-based signalling connection and the SCCP-based signalling connection for the HNB-SAS end-to-end. If the SAS indicator is included in the PUA: Connect message the HNB-GW may use this to route the PCAP message to the selected SAS.
3. The HNB-GW sends PCAP PDU1 to the SAS as received from the HNB via SCCP Connection Request and the SAS refuses the connection request (see TS 25.450 [37]).
4. The HNB-GW maps the SCCP:CREF message into a PUA:DISCONNECT.
5. The HNB-GW sends a PUA:DISCONNECT message to the source HNB, including the optional PCAP PDU2 if received from the SAS. Transport of PCAP signalling messages via signalling connection established over Iupc and Iuh connections HNB initiated
Figure Transport of PCAP messages via signalling connection over Iuh and Iupc connections – HNB initiated.
If the Source HNB wants to send a PCAP message to the SAS for which a connection oriented data transfer service is already established for a location session, it issues a PUA:DIRECT TRANSFER message towards the HNB-GW which contains the PUA Context Id and the PCAP PDU.
The HNB-GW will forward the PCAP PDU to the SAS within an SCCP message. SAS initiated
Figure Transport of PCAP messages via signalling connection over Iupc and Iuh connections – SAS initiated.
If the SAS wants to send a PCAP message to the Receiving HNB for which a connection oriented data transfer service is already established for a location session, it will send to the HNB-GW the PCAP PDU within an SCCP message.
The HNB-GW will then generate a PUA:DIRECT TRANSFER message and will route the PCAP PDU to the correct HNB. Release of signalling connection over Iupc and Iuh Connections
Figure Release of established signalling connection over Iupc and Iuh connections – HNB initiated.
If an HNB wants to release a signalling connection previously established over Iupc and Iuh connections towards a SAS, it sends a PUA:DISCONNECT message, which includes the PUA Context Id and may include a PCAP PDU. The HNB-GW maps the PUA:DISCONNECT message to an SCCP:Release message and triggers the SCCP connection release procedure defined in TS 25.450 [37] for the coresponding SCPP connection. Transport of PCAP signalling messages via the connectionless data transfer service HNB initiated
Figure Connectionless data transfer over Iuh and Iupc connections – HNB initiated.
If the HNB wants to send in a connectionless manner a PCAP PDU to the HNB-GW for the SAS, it issues a PUA:CONNECTIONLESS TRANSFER message containing the PCAP PDU. The HNB-GW then generates and routes the PCAP PDU within a connectionless SCCP message towards the SAS. If the SAS indicator is included in the PUA: Connectionless Transfer message the HNB-GW may use this to route the PCAP message to the selected SAS. SAS initiated
Figure Connectionless data transfer over Iupc and Iuh connections – SAS initiated.
If the SAS sends a PCAP PDU to the HNB-GW for the Receiving HNB, the HNB-GW has to be able to route the message to the correct HNB. The HNB-GW uses the PCAP transaction ID to determine the correct destination HNB. Then the HNB-GW issues a PUA:CONNECTIONLESS TRANSFER message containing the PCAP PDU.