6.4 Scrambling codes for the 3.84Mcps and 1.28Mcps options

25.2233GPPRelease 17Spreading and modulation (TDD)TS

The spreading of data by a real valued channelisation code of length Qk is followed by a cell specific complex scrambling sequence . The elements of the complex valued scrambling codes shall be taken from the complex set


In equation 4 the letter j denotes the imaginary unit. A complex scrambling code is generated from the binary scrambling codes of length 16 shown in Annex A. The relation between the elements and is given by:


Hence, the elements of the complex scrambling code are alternating real and imaginary.

The length matching is obtained by concatenating QMAX/Qk spread words before the scrambling. The scheme is illustrated in figure 2 and is described in more detail in subclause 6.5.

Figure 2: Spreading of data symbols