5A.2.2 8PSK modulation

25.2233GPPRelease 17Spreading and modulation (TDD)TS

The data modulation is performed to the bits from the output of the physical channel mapping procedure. In case of 8PSK modulation 3 consecutive binary bits are represented by one complex valued data symbol. Each user burst has two data carrying parts, termed data blocks:


Nk is the number of symbols per data field for the code k. This number is linked to the spreading factor Qk.

Data block is transmitted before the midamble and data block after the midamble. Each of the Nk data symbols ; i=1, 2; k=1,…,KCode; n=1,…,Nk; of equation 1 has the symbol duration as already given.

The data modulation is 8PSK, thus the data symbols are generated from 3 consecutive data bits from the output of the physical channel mapping procedure in [8]:


using the following mapping to complex symbols:

Consecutive binary bit pattern

complex symbol


cos(11pi/8)+ jsin(11pi/8)


cos(9pi/8)+ jsin(9pi/8)


cos(5pi/8)+ jsin(5pi/8)


cos(7pi/8)+ jsin(7pi/8)


cos(13pi/8)+ jsin(13pi/8)


cos(15pi/8)+ jsin(15pi/8)


cos(3pi/8)+ jsin(3pi/8)


cos(pi/8)+ jsin(pi/8)

The mapping corresponds to a 8PSK modulation of the interleaved and encoded data bits of the table above and of equation 1a.