AB.3 Association between Midambles and Channelisation Codes

25.2213GPPPhysical channels and mapping of transport channels onto physical channels (TDD)Release 17TS

The following mapping schemes apply for the association between midambles and channelisation codes if no midamble is allocated by higher layers. These mapping schemes apply for all burst types 1,2 and 3. Secondary channelisation codes are marked with a *. These associations apply both for UL and DL.

AB.3.1 Association for KCell = 16 Midambles

m (1)c32(2)*

m (1)c8(1)

m (1)c16(1)

m (1)c32(1)

m (1)c4(1)

m (1)c2(1)

m (1)c1(1)

m (5)c2(2)

m (3)c4(2)

m (5)c4(3)

m (7)c4(4)

m (2)c8(2)

m (3)c8(3)

m (6)c8(4)

m (5)c8(5)

m (4)c8(6)

m (7)c8(7)

m (8)c8(8)

m (9)c16(2)

m (2)c16(3)

m (10)c16(4)

m (3)c16(5)

m (11)c16(6)

m (6)c16(7)

m (14)c16(8)

m (5)c16(9)

m (13)c16(10)

m (4)c16(11)

m (12)c16(12)

m (7)c16(13)

m (15)c16(14)

m (8)c16(15)

m (16)c16(16)

m (9)c32(3)

m (9)c32(4)*

m (2)c32(5)

m (2)c32(6)*

m (10)c32(7)

m (10)c32(8)*

m (3)c32(9)

m (3)c32(10)*

m (11)c32(11)

m (11)c32(12)*

m (6)c32(13)

m (6)c32(14)*

m (14)c32(15)

m (14)c32(16)*

m (5)c32(17)

m (5)c32(18)*

m (13)c32(19)

m (13)c32(20)*

m (4)c32(21)

m (4)c32(22)*

m (12)c32(23)

m (12)c32(24)*

m (7)c32(25)

m (7)c32(26)*

m (15)c32(27)

m (15)c32(28)*

m (8)c32(29)

m (8)c32(30)*

m (16)c32(31)

m (16)c32(32)*

Figure AB.1: Association of Midambles to Spreading Codes for KCell = 16

AB.3.2 Association for KCell = 8 Midambles

m (1)c32(2)*

m (1)c8(1)

m (1)c16(1)

m (1)c32(1)

m (1)c4(1)

m (1)c2(1)

m (1)c1(1)

m (5)c2(2)

m (3)c4(2)

m (5)c4(3)

m (7)c4(4)

m (2)c8(2)

m (3)c8(3)

m (6)c8(4)

m (5)c8(5)

m (4)c8(6)

m (7)c8(7)

m (8)c8(8)

m (1)c16(2)*

m (2)c16(3)

m (2)c16(4)*

m (3)c16(5)

m (3)c16(6)*

m (6)c16(7)

m (6)c16(8)*

m (5)c16(9)

m (5)c16(10)*

m (4)c16(11)

m (4)c16(12)*

m (7)c16(13)

m (7)c16(14)*

m (8)c16(15)

m (8)c16(16)*

m (1)c32(3)*

m (1)c32(4)*

m (2)c32(5)

m (2)c32(6)*

m (2)c32(7)*

m (2)c32(8)*

m (3)c32(9)

m (3)c32(10)*

m (3)c32(11)*

m (3)c32(12)*

m (6)c32(13)

m (6)c32(14)*

m (6)c32(15)*

m (6)c32(16)*

m (5)c32(17)

m (5)c32(18)*

m (5)c32(19)*

m (5)c32(20)*

m (4)c32(21)

m (4)c32(22)*

m (4)c32(23)*

m (4)c32(24)*

m (7)c32(25)

m (7)c32(26)*

m (7)c32(27)*

m (7)c32(28)*

m (8)c32(29)

m (8)c32(30)*

m (8)c32(31)*

m (8)c32(32)*

Figure AB.2: Association of Midambles to Spreading Codes for KCell = 8

AB.3.3 Association for KCell = 4 Midambles

m (1)c32(2)*

m (1)c8(1)

m (1)c16(1)

m (1)c32(1)

m (1)c4(1)

m (1)c2(1)

m (1)c1(1)

m (5)c2(2)

m (3)c4(2)

m (5)c4(3)

m (7)c4(4)

m (1)c8(2)*

m (3)c8(3)

m (3)c8(4)*

m (5)c8(5)

m (5)c8(6)*

m (7)c8(7)

m (7)c8(8)*

m (1)c16(2)*

m (1)c16(3)*

m (1)c16(4)*

m (3)c16(5)

m (3)c16(6)*

m (3)c16(7)*

m (3)c16(8)*

m (5)c16(9)

m (5)c16(10)*

m (5)c16(11)*

m (5)c16(12)*

m (7)c16(13)

m (7)c16(14)*

m (7)c16(15)*

m (7)c16(16)*

m (1)c32(3)*

m (1)c32(4)*

m (1)c32(5)*

m (1)c32(6)*

m (1)c32(7)*

m (1)c32(8)*

m (3)c32(9)

m (3)c32(10)*

m (3)c32(11)*

m (3)c32(12)*

m (3)c32(13)*

m (3)c32(14)*

m (3)c32(15)*

m (3)c32(16)*

m (5)c32(17)

m (5)c32(18)*

m (5)c32(19)*

m (5)c32(20)*

m (5)c32(21)*

m (5)c32(22)*

m (5)c32(23)*

m (5)c32(24)*

m (7)c32(25)

m (7)c32(26)*

m (7)c32(27)*

m (7)c32(28)*

m (7)c32(29)*

m (7)c32(30)*

m (7)c32(31)*

m (7)c32(32)*

Figure AB.3: Association of Midambles to Spreading Codes for KCell = 4

AB.3.4 Association for Burst Types 4 and KCell =1 Midamble

For burst type 4 there is only a single midamble defined, thus all channelisation codes are associated with the same midamble.

Annex B (normative):
Signalling of the number of channelisation codes for the DL common midamble case for 3.84Mcps TDD

The following mapping schemes shall apply for the association between the number of channelisation codes employed in a timeslot and the use of a particular midamble shift in the DL common midamble case. In the following tables the presence of a particular midamble shift is indicated by ‘1’. Midamble shifts marked with ‘0’ are left unused. Mapping schemes B.4, B.5 and B.6 are not applicable to beacon timeslots where a P-CCPCH is present, because the default midamble allocation scheme is applied to these timeslots. Note that in mapping schemes B.4, B.5 and B.6, the fixed and pre-allocated channelisation code for the beacon channel is included into the number of indicated channelisation codes.