5B.8 Midamble Transmit Power

25.2213GPPPhysical channels and mapping of transport channels onto physical channels (TDD)Release 17TS

There shall be no offset between the sum of the powers allocated to all midambles in a timeslot and the sum of the powers allocated to the data symbol fields. The transmit power within a timeslot is hence constant.

The midamble transmit power of beacon channels is equal to the reference power. If SCTD is used for beacon channels, the reference power is equally divided between the midambles m(1) and m(2).

The midamble transmit power of all other physical channels depends on the midamble allocation scheme used. The following rules apply

– In case of Default Midamble Allocation, every midamble is transmitted with the same power as the associated codes.

– In case of Common Midamble Allocation in the downlink, the transmit power of this common midamble is such that there is no power offset between the data parts and the midamble part of the overall transmit signal within one time slot.

– In case of UE Specific Midamble Allocation, the transmit power of the UE specific midamble is such that there is no power offset between the data parts and the midamble part of every user within one time slot.

The following figure 18AQ depicts the midamble powers for the different channel types and midamble allocation schemes.

Note 1: In figure 18AQ, the codes c(1) to c(32) represent the set of usable codes and not the set of used codes.

Note 2: The common midamble allocation and the midamble allocation by higher layers are not applicable in those beacon time slots, in which the P-CCPCH is located, see section 5B.7.

Figure 18AQ: Midamble powers for the different midamble allocation schemes