5 Measurement abilities for UTRA FDD

25.2153GPPMeasurements (FDD)Physical layerRelease 17TS

In this chapter the physical layer measurements reported to higher layers are defined. The GSM measurements are required only from the GSM capable terminals. The TDD measurements are required only from the terminals that are capable to operate in TDD mode.

5.1 UE measurement abilities

The structure of the table defining a UE measurement quantity is shown below.

Column field



Contains the definition of the measurement.

Applicable for

States in which RRC state according to [14] a measurement shall be possible to perform. For RRC connected mode states information is also given on the possibility to perform the measurement on intra-frequency and/or inter-frequency.

The following terms are used in the tables:

Idle = Shall be possible to perform in idle mode;

URA_PCH = Shall be possible to perform in URA_PCH;

CELL_PCH = Shall be possible to perform in CELL_PCH;

CELL_FACH = Shall be possible to perform in CELL_FACH;

CELL_DCH = Shall be possible to perform in CELL_DCH;

For all RRC connected mode states i.e. URA_PCH, CELL_PCH, CELL_FACH and CELL_DCH

Intra appended to the RRC state = Shall be possible to perform in the corresponding RRC state on an intra-frequency cell;

Inter appended to the RRC state = Shall be possible to perform in the corresponding RRC state on an inter-frequency cell.

Inter-RAT appended to the RRC state = Shall be possible to perform in the corresponding RRC state on an inter-RAT cell.

The term "antenna connector of the UE" used in this sub-clause to define the reference point for the UE measurements is defined in [18]. Performance and reporting requirements for the UE measurements are defined in [20].



Received Signal Code Power, the received power on one code measured on the Primary CPICH. The reference point for the RSCP shall be the antenna connector of the UE. If Tx diversity is applied on the Primary CPICH the received code power from each antenna shall be separately measured and summed together in [W] to a total received code power on the Primary CPICH. If receiver diversity is in use by the UE, the measured CPICH RSCP value shall not be lower than the corresponding CPICH RSCP of any of the individual receive antenna branches.

Applicable for


URA_PCH intra, URA_PCH inter,

CELL_PCH intra, CELL_PCH inter,

CELL_FACH intra, CELL_FACH inter,

CELL_DCH intra, CELL_DCH inter



Received Signal Code Power, the received power on one code measured on the PCCPCH from a TDD cell. The reference point for the RSCP shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

See [21] for further details on this measurement.

Applicable for


URA_PCH inter,

CELL_PCH inter,

CELL_FACH inter,

CELL_DCH inter

5.1.3 UTRA carrier RSSI


The received wide band power, including thermal noise and noise generated in the receiver, within the bandwidth defined by the receiver pulse shaping filter. The reference point for the measurement shall be the antenna connector of the UE. If receiver diversity is in use by the UE, the measured UTRA carrier RSSI value shall not be lower than the corresponding UTRA carrier RSSI of any of the individual receive antenna branches.

Applicable for

CELL_DCH intra, CELL_DCH inter

5.1.4 GSM carrier RSSI


Received Signal Strength Indicator, the wide-band received power within the relevant channel bandwidth. Measurement shall be performed on a GSM BCCH carrier. The reference point for the RSSI shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

Applicable for






5.1.5 CPICH Ec/No


The received energy per chip divided by the power density in the band. If receiver diversity is not in use by the UE, the CPICH Ec/No is identical to CPICH RSCP/UTRA Carrier RSSI. Measurement shall be performed on the Primary CPICH. The reference point for the CPICH Ec/No shall be the antenna connector of the UE. If Tx diversity is applied on the Primary CPICH the received energy per chip (Ec) from each antenna shall be separately measured and summed together in [Ws] to a total received chip energy per chip on the Primary CPICH, before calculating the Ec/No. If receiver diversity is in use by the UE the measured CPICH Ec/No value shall not be lower than the corresponding CPICH RSCPi/UTRA Carrier RSSIi of receive antenna branch i.

Applicable for


URA_PCH intra, URA_PCH inter,

CELL_PCH intra, CELL_PCH inter,

CELL_FACH intra, CELL_FACH inter,

CELL_DCH intra, CELL_DCH inter

5.1.6 Transport channel BLER


Estimation of the transport channel block error rate (BLER). The BLER estimation shall be based on evaluating the CRC of each transport block associated with the measured transport channel after RL combination. The BLER shall be computed over the measurement period as the ratio between the number of received transport blocks resulting in a CRC error and the number of received transport blocks.

When either TFCI or guided detection is used, the measurement "Transport channel BLER" may only be requested for a transport channel when the associated CRC size is non zero and at least one transport format in the associated transport format set includes at least one transport block.

When neither TFCI nor guided detection is used, the measurement "Transport channel BLER" may only be requested for a transport channel when the associated CRC size is non zero and all transport formats in the associated transport format set include at least one transport block.

The measurement "Transport channel BLER" does not apply to transport channels mapped on a P-CCPCH and a S-CCPCH. The UE shall be able to perform the measurement "Transport channel BLER" on any transport channel configured such that the measurement "Transport channel BLER" can be requested as defined in this section.

Applicable for

CELL_DCH intra

5.1.7 UE transmitted power


The sum of the total UE transmitted power on all configured uplink carriers. The reference point for the UE transmitted power shall be the antenna connector of the UE. In the case where transmissions from multiple branches take place the transmitted power for each branch shall be measured and summed together in [W].

Applicable for

CELL_FACH intra, CELL_DCH intra

5.1.8 SFN-CFN observed time difference


The SFN-CFN observed time difference to cell is defined as: OFF38400+ Tm, where:

Tm= (TUETx-T0) – TRxSFN, given in chip units with the range [0, 1, …, 38399] chips

TUETx is the time when the UE transmits an uplink DPCCH frame.

T0 is defined in [1].

TRxSFN is the time at the beginning of the neighbouring P-CCPCH frame received most recent in time before the time instant TUETx-T0in the UE. If the beginning of the neighbouring P-CCPCH frame is received exactly at TUETx-T0 then TRxSFN=TUETx-T0 (which leads to Tm=0).


OFF=(SFN-CFNTx) mod 256, given in number of frames with the range [0, 1, …, 255] frames

CFNTx is the connection frame number for the UE transmission of an uplink DPCCH frame at the time TUETx.

SFN is the system frame number for the neighbouring P-CCPCH frame received in the UE at the time TRxSFN.

The reference point for the SFN-CFN observed time difference shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

In case the inter-frequency measurement is done with compressed mode, the UE is not required to read the cell SFN of the target inter-frequency neighbour cell and the value for the parameter OFF is always reported to be 0.

In case that the SFN measurement indicator indicates that the UE does not need to read cell SFN of the target neighbour cell, the value of the parameter OFF is always be set to 0.

Applicable for

CELL_DCH intra, CELL_DCH inter

5.1.9 SFN-SFN observed time difference


Type 1:

The SFN-SFN observed time difference to cell is defined as: OFF38400+ Tm, where:

Tm= TRxSFNj – TRxSFNi, given in chip units with the range [0, 1, …, 38399] chips

TRxSFNj is the time at the beginning of a received neighbouring P-CCPCH frame from cell j.

TRxSFNi is the time at the beginning of the P-CCPCH frame from serving cell i of most recent in time before the time instant TRxSFNj in the UE. If the next neighbouring P-CCPCH frame is exactly at TRxSFNj then TRxSFNj= TRxSFNi (which leads to Tm=0).


OFF=(SFNi– SFNj) mod 256, given in number of frames with the range [0, 1, …, 255] frames

SFNj is the system frame number for downlink P-CCPCH frame from cell j in the UE at the time TRxSFNj.

SFNi is the system frame number for the P-CCPCH frame from serving cell i in the UE at the time TRxSFNi.

The reference point for the SFN-SFN observed time difference type 1 shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

Type 2:

The relative timing difference between cell j and cell i, defined as TCPICHRxj – TCPICHRxi, where:

TCPICHRxj is the time when the UE receives one Primary CPICH slot from cell j

TCPICHRxi is the time when the UE receives the Primary CPICH slot from cell i that is closest in time to the Primary CPICH slot received from cell j.

The reference point for the SFN-SFN observed time difference type 2 shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

Applicable for

Type 1: Idle, URA_PCH intra, CELL_PCH intra, CELL_FACH intra

Type 2:

URA_PCH intra, URA_PCH inter,

CELL_PCH intra, CELL_PCH inter,

CELL_FACH intra, CELL_FACH inter

CELL_DCH intra, CELL_DCH inter

5.1.10 UE Rx-Tx time difference


The difference in time between the UE uplink DPCCH frame transmission and the first detected path (in time), of the downlink DPCH or F-DPCH frame from the measured radio link. Type 1 and Type 2 are defined. For Type 1, the reference Rx path shall be the first detected path (in time) amongst the paths (from the measured radio link) used in the demodulation process. For Type 2, the reference Rx path shall be the first detected path (in time) amongst all paths (from the measured radio link) detected by the UE. The reference path used for the measurement may therefore be different for Type 1 and Type 2. The reference point for the UE Rx-Tx time difference shall be the antenna connector of the UE. Measurement shall be made for each cell included in the active set.

Applicable for

CELL_DCH intra

5.1.11 Void

5.1.12 UE GPS Timing of Cell Frames for UE positioning


The timing between cell j and GPS Time Of Week. TUE-GPSj is defined as the time of occurrence of a specified UTRAN event according to GPS time. The specified UTRAN event is the beginning of a particular frame (identified through its SFN) in the first detected path (in time) of the cell j CPICH, where cell j is a cell chosen by the UE. The reference point for TUE-GPSj shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

Applicable for

CELL_FACH intra, CELL_DCH intra

5.1.13 UE GPS code phase


The whole and fractional phase of the spreading code of the ith GPS satellite signal. The reference point for the GPS code phase shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

Applicable for

Void (this measurement is not related to UTRAN/GSM signals; its applicability is therefore independent of the UE RRC state)

5.1.14 UE transmission power headroom


For each uplink DPCCH, UE transmission power headroom (UPH) is the ratio of the maximum UE transmission power and the DPCCH code power, and shall be calculated as following:


Pmax,tx = min {Maximum allowed UL TX Power, Pmax} is the UE maximum transmission power;

Maximum allowed UL TX Power is set by UTRAN and defined in [14];

Pmax is the UE nominal maximum output power according to the UE power class and specified in [18] table 6.1;

PDPCCH is the transmitted code power on the DPCCH.

The reference point for the UE transmission power headroom shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

Applicable for

CELL_FACH intra, CELL_DCH intra

5.1.15 UE GANSS Timing of Cell Frames for UE positioning


The timing between cell j and GANSS Time Of Day for a given GANSS system. TUE-GANSS is defined as the time of occurrence of a specified UTRAN event according to GANSS time for a given GANSS Id. The specified UTRAN event is the beginning of a particular frame (identified through its SFN) in the first detected path (in time) of the cell j CPICH, where cell j is a cell chosen by the UE. The reference point for TUE-GANSSj shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

Applicable for

CELL_FACH intra, CELL_DCH intra

5.1.16 UE GANSS code measurements


The GANSS code phase and GANSS Integer code phase of the spreading code of the ith GANSS satellite signal. The reference point for the GANSS code phase shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

Applicable for

Void (this measurement is not related to UTRAN/GSM signals; its applicability is therefore independent of the UE RRC state)

5.1.17 E-UTRA RSRP


Reference signal received power (RSRP), is defined as the linear average over the power contributions (in [W]) of the resource elements that carry cell-specific reference signals within the considered measurement frequency bandwidth.

For RSRP determination the cell-specific reference signals R0 according to TS 36.211 [23] shall be used. If the UE can reliably detect that R1 is available it may use R1 in addition to R0 to determine RSRP.

The reference point for the RSRP shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

If receiver diversity is in use by the UE, the reported value shall not be lower than the corresponding RSRP of any of the individual diversity branches.

Applicable for





NOTE 1: The number of resource elements within the considered measurement frequency bandwidth and within the measurement period that are used by the UE to determine RSRP is left up to the UE implementation with the limitation that corresponding measurement accuracy requirements have to be fulfilled.

NOTE 2: The power per resource element is determined from the energy received during the useful part of the symbol, excluding the CP.

5.1.18 Void

5.1.19 E-UTRA RSRQ


Reference Signal Received Quality (RSRQ) is defined as the ratio N×RSRP/(E-UTRA carrier RSSI), where N is the number of resource blocks of the E-UTRA carrier RSSI measurement bandwidth. The measurements in the numerator and denominator shall be made over the same set of resource blocks.

E-UTRA Carrier Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI), comprises the linear average of the total received power (in [W]) observed only in certain OFDM symbols of measurement subframes, in the measurement bandwidth, over N number of resource blocks by the UE from all sources, including co-channel serving and non-serving cells, adjacent channel interference, thermal noise etc.

Unless indicated otherwise by higher layers, RSSI is measured only from OFDM symbols containing reference symbols for antenna port 0 of measurement subframes. If higher layers indicate all OFDM symbols for performing RSRQ measurements, then RSSI is measured from all OFDM symbols of the DL part of measurement subframes.

The reference point for the RSRQ shall be the antenna connector of the UE.

If receiver diversity is in use by the UE, the reported value shall not be lower than the corresponding RSRQ of any of the individual diversity branches.

Applicable for





5.1.20 IEEE 802.11 Beacon RSSI


The IEEE 802.11 Beacon RSSI is defined in [25].

Applicable for






5.2 UTRAN measurement abilities

The structure of the table defining a UTRAN measurement quantity is shown below.

Column field



Contains the definition of the measurement.

The term "antenna connector" used in this sub-clause to define the reference point for the UTRAN measurements refers to the "BS antenna connector" test port A and test port B as described in [19]. The term "antenna connector" refers to Rx or Tx antenna connector as described in the respective measurement definitions.

5.2.1 Received total wide band power


The received wide band power, including noise generated in the receiver, within the bandwidth defined by the receiver pulse shaping filter. The reference point for the measurement shall be the Rx antenna connector. In case of receiver diversity the reported value shall be linear average of the power in the diversity branches. When cell portions are defined in the cell, the total received wideband power shall be measured for each cell portion.

5.2.2 SIR


Type 1:

Signal to Interference Ratio, is defined as: (RSCP/ISCP)SF. The measurement shall be performed on the DPCCH of a Radio Link Set. In compressed mode the SIR shall not be measured in the transmission gap. The reference point for the SIR measurements shall be the Rx antenna connector. If the radio link set contains more than one radio link, the reported value shall be the linear summation of the SIR from each radio link of the radio link set. If Rx diversity is used in the Node B for a cell, the SIR for a radio link shall be the linear summation of the SIR from each Rx antenna for that radio link. When cell portions are defined in the cell, the SIR measurement shall be possible in each cell portion.


RSCP = Received Signal Code Power, unbiased measurement of the received power on one code.

ISCP = Interference Signal Code Power, the interference on the received signal.

SF=The spreading factor used on the DPCCH.

Type 2:

Signal to Interference Ratio, is defined as: (RSCP/ISCP)SF. The measurement shall be performed on the PRACH control part. The reference point for the SIR measurements shall be the Rx antenna connector. When cell portions are defined in the cell, the SIR measurement shall be possible in each cell portion.


RSCP = Received Signal Code Power, unbiased measurement of the received power on the code.

ISCP = Interference Signal Code Power, the interference on the received signal.

SF=The spreading factor used on the control part of the PRACH.

5.2.3 SIRerror


SIRerror = SIR – SIRtarget_ave, where:

SIR = the SIR measured by UTRAN, defined in section 5.2, given in dB.

SIRtarget_ave = the SIRtarget averaged over the same time period as the SIR used in the SIRerror calculation. In compressed mode SIRtarget=SIRcm_target shall be used when calculating SIRtarget_ave. In compressed mode the SIRtarget_ave shall not be calculated over the transmission gap. The averaging of SIRtarget shall be made in a linear scale and SIRtarget_ave shall be given in dB.

5.2.4 Transmitted carrier power


Transmitted carrier power, is the ratio between the total transmitted power on one DL carrier from one UTRAN access point, and the maximum transmission power possible to use on that DL carrier at this moment of time. Total transmission power is the mean power [W] on one carrier from one UTRAN access point. Maximum transmission power is the mean power [W] on one carrier from one UTRAN access point when transmitting at the configured maximum power for the cell. Measurement shall be possible on any carrier transmitted from the UTRAN access point. The reference point for the transmitted carrier power measurement shall be the Tx antenna connector. In case of Tx diversity the transmitted carrier power is the ratio between the sum of the total transmitted powers of all branches and the maximum transmission power. When cell portions are defined in the cell, the transmitted carrier power for each cell portion shall be measured and reported to higher layers.

5.2.5 Transmitted code power


Transmitted code power, is the transmitted power on one channelisation code on one given scrambling code on one given carrier. For DPCH, measurement shall be possible on the DPCCH-field of any dedicated radio link transmitted from the UTRAN access point and shall reflect the power on the pilot bits of the DPCCH-field, except for the downlink DPCH slot formats 17 and 18, in which case the measurement shall be possible on the TPC-field and shall reflect the power on the TPC bits. For F-DPCH, measurement shall be possible on the TPC-field and shall reflect the power on the TPC bits. When measuring the transmitted code power in compressed mode all slots shall be included in the measurement, e.g. also the slots in the transmission gap shall be included in the measurement. The reference point for the transmitted code power measurement shall be the Tx antenna connector. In case of Tx diversity the transmitted code power for each branch shall be measured and summed together in [W].

5.2.6 Transport channel BER


The transport channel BER is an estimation of the average bit error rate (BER) of the DPDCH data of a Radio Link Set. The transport channel (TrCH) BER is measured from the data considering only non-punctured bits at the input of the channel decoder in Node B. It shall be possible to report an estimate of the transport channel BER for a TrCH after the end of each TTI of the TrCH. The reported TrCH BER shall be an estimate of the BER during the latest TTI for that TrCH.

5.2.7 Physical channel BER


The Physical channel BER is an estimation of the average bit error rate (BER) on the DPCCH of a Radio Link Set. An estimate of the Physical channel BER shall be possible to be reported after the end of each TTI of any of the transferred TrCHs. The reported physical channel BER shall be an estimate of the BER averaged over the latest TTI of the respective TrCH.

5.2.8 Round trip time


Round trip time (RTT), is defined as

RTT = TRX – TTX, where

TTX = The time of transmission of the beginning of a downlink DPCH or F-DPCH frame to a UE. The reference point for TTX shall be the Tx antenna connector.

TRX = The time of reception of the beginning (the first detected path, in time) of the corresponding uplink DPCCH frame from the UE. The reference point for TRX shall be the Rx antenna connector.

Measurement shall be possible on DPCH or F-DPCH for each RL transmitted from an UTRAN access point and DPDCH for each RL received in the same UTRAN access point.

5.2.9 UTRAN GPS Timing of Cell Frames for UE positioning


TUTRAN-GPS is defined as the time of the occurrence of a specified UTRAN event according to GPS Time Of Week. The specified UTRAN event is the beginning of the transmission of a particular frame in the cell. The reference point for TUTRAN-GPS shall be the Tx antenna connector.

5.2.10 PRACH Propagation delay


Propagation delay is defined as one-way propagation delay as measured during PRACH access:


Propagation delay = (TRX – TTX – 2560)/2, where:

TTX = The transmission time of AICH access slot (n-2-AICH transmission timing), where 0(n-2-AICH Transmission Timing)14 and AICH_Transmission_Timing can have values 0 or 1. The reference point for TTX shall be the Tx antenna connector.

TRX = The time of reception of the beginning (the first detected path, in time) of the PRACH message from the UE at PRACH access slot n. The reference point for TRX shall be the Rx antenna connector.

5.2.11 Acknowledged PRACH preambles


The Acknowledged PRACH preambles measurement is defined as the total number of acknowledged PRACH preambles per access frame per PRACH. This is equivalent to the number of positive acquisition indicators transmitted per access frame per AICH.

5.2.12 Void

5.2.13 Void

5.2.14 SFN-SFN observed time difference


The relative timing difference between cell j and cell i, defined as TCPICHRxj – TCPICHRxi, where:

TCPICHRxj is the time when the LMU receives the beginning of one Primary CPICH frame from cell j and

TCPICHRxi is the time when the LMU receives the beginning of the Primary CPICH frame from cell i that is closest in time to the beginning of Primary CPICH frame received from cell j.

The reference point for the measurements shall be the Rx antenna connector.

5.2.15 Transmitted carrier power of all codes not used for HS-PDSCH, HS-SCCH, E-AGCH, E-RGCH or E-HICH transmission


Transmitted carrier power of all codes not used for HS-PDSCH, HS-SCCH, E-AGCH, E-RGCH or E-HICH transmission is the ratio between the total transmitted power of all codes not used for HS-PDSCH, HS-SCCH, E-AGCH, E-RGCH or E-HICH transmission on one DL carrier from one UTRAN access point, and the maximum transmission power possible to use on that DL carrier at this moment of time. Total transmission power of all codes not used for HS-PDSCH, HS-SCCH, E-AGCH, E-RGCH or E-HICH transmission is the mean power [W] of all codes not used for HS-PDSCH, HS-SCCH, E-AGCH, E-RGCH or E-HICH transmission on one carrier from one UTRAN access point. Maximum transmission power is the mean power [W] on one carrier from one UTRAN access point when transmitting at the configured maximum power for the cell. The measurement shall be possible on any carrier transmitted from the UTRAN access point. The reference point for the measurement shall be the Tx antenna connector. In case of Tx diversity the measurement is the ratio between the sum of the total transmitted powers of all codes not used for HS-PDSCH, HS-SCCH, E-AGCH, E-RGCH or E-HICH transmission of all branches and the maximum transmission power. When cell portions are defined in the cell, the measurement shall be performed and reported to higher layers for each cell portion.

5.2.16 DL Transmission Branch Load


The ‘DL transmission branch load’ is the maximum of the transmission branch loads calculated for each branch.

A ‘transmission branch load’ is the ratio between the total transmitted power [W] on the considered branch and the ‘maximum DL branch capability’ on this branch.

The ‘maximum DL branch capability’ defines the maximum transmission power possible to use on that branch.

The reference point for the transmission branch load measurement shall be the TX antenna connector.

5.2.17 Received scheduled E-DCH power share (RSEPS)


The ‘Received scheduled E-DCH power share’ is defined as a report of 2 values for a considered cell:

1. RSEPS: defined as a quotient:

sum of all scheduled E-DPCCH and E-DPDCH power contributions determined in the RSEPS measurement period T=t2-t1>0 for all UEs for which this cell is the serving E-DCH cell
divided by
the corresponding received total wideband power value determined for this cell during T.

2. RTWP*: This is the received total wideband power (RTWP) measured for this cell as defined in section 5.2.1 but determined for the same time period T starting at t1 and ending at t2 during which RSEPS is determined.

The reference point for the RSEPS and RTWP* measurements shall be the Rx antenna connector.

When cell portions are defined in the cell, RSEPS (and RTWP*) shall be measured for each cell portion.

The sum in the numerator of RSEPS is determined under the following conditions:

– The contributions are summed up TTI wise and only TTIs which are ending between the time instants t1 and t2 are considered.

– In case a UE has not only a radio link to the considered cell but also other radio links to the same Node B (‘softer handover’): It is allowed to take into account the power value combined for these radio links of the same Node B and divided by the number of combined radio links.

Note: For improved measurement performance it is possible to consider only the power contribution determined for the considered cell.

5.2.18 UTRAN GANSS Timing of Cell Frames for UE positioning


TUTRAN-GANSS is defined as the time of the occurrence of a specified UTRAN event according to GANSS Time Of Day. The specified UTRAN event is the beginning of the transmission of a particular frame in the cell. The reference point for TUTRAN-GANSS shall be the Tx antenna connector.