9 Unwanted emission

25.1433GPPRelease 17TSUTRA repeater conformance testing

Unwanted emissions consist of out-of-band emissions and spurious emissions [4]. Out of band emissions are unwanted emissions immediately outside the pass band bandwidth resulting from the modulation process and non-linearity in the transmitter, but excluding spurious emissions. Spurious emissions are emissions which are caused by unwanted transmitter effects such as harmonics emission, parasitic emission, intermodulation products and frequency conversion products, but exclude out of band emissions.

The out-of-band emissions requirement for repeater is specified both in terms operating band unwanted emissions and protection of the BS receiver in the operating band. The Operating band unwanted emissions define all unwanted emissions in the repeater operating band plus the frequency ranges 10 MHz above and 10 MHz below that band. Unwanted emissions outside of this frequency range are limited by a spurious emissions requirement.

9.1 Out of band emission

9.1.1 Void

9.1.2 Operating band unwanted emissions Definitions and applicability

Operating band unwanted emissions comprise an emission mask applied outside the repeater passband and a general requirement applied outside the mask but inside the frequency range of the operating band unwanted emissions.

The general operating band unwanted emissions limits are given in table 9.0.

Table 9.0: General operating band unwanted emissions requirements

Frequency range of operating band

Category A

Category B

Measurement bandwidth


 1 GHz

-13 dBm

-16 dBm

100 kHz


 1 GHz

-13 dBm

-15 dBm

1 MHz


NOTE 1: Bandwidth as in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [4], s4.1

NOTE 2: Limit based on ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [4], s4.3 and Annex 7

NOTE 3: Bandwidth as in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [4], s4.1. Upper frequency as in ITU-R SM.329 [4], s2.5 table 1

The masks defined in Table 9.1, Table 9.2, Table 9.3, and Table 9.4 below may be mandatory in certain regions. In other regions this mask may not be applied. Minimum Requirements

For regions where this clause applies, the requirement shall be met by a repeater’s RF-signal output at maximum gain with WCDMA signals in the pass band of the Repeater, at levels that produce the maximum rated output power per channel. In normal conditions as specified in section 5.4.1 emissions shall not exceed the maximum level specified in Table 9.1, Table 9.2, Table 9.3, and Table 9.4 for the appropriate Repeater maximum output power, in the frequency range from f = 2,5 MHz to f max from the 5 MHz channel, where:

– f is the separation between the centre frequency of first or last 5 MHz channel used in the pass band and the nominal -3 dB point of the measuring filter closest to the carrier frequency.

– f_offset is the separation between the centre frequency of first or last 5 MHz channel in the pass band and the centre of the measuring filter.

– f_offsetmax is 12,5 MHz.

– f max is equal to f_offsetmax minus half of the bandwidth of the measurement filter.

To select the table of the maximum level for the spectrum emission mask test, use the maximum output power as defined in subclause 3.1 Definition. If one channel is used for the spectrum emission mask test use this power for the selection. If two channels are used for the spectrum emission mask test use the power of one of these.

Table 9.1: Emission mask values, maximum output power P  43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter -3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Minimum requirement

(Note 3)

Measurement bandwidth (Note 2)

2,5 MHz  f < 2,7 MHz

2,515MHz  f_offset < 2,715MHz

-14 dBm + P

30 kHz

2,7 MHz  f < 3,5 MHz

2,715MHz  f_offset < 3,515MHz

+ P

30 kHz

(Note 1)

3,515MHz  f_offset < 4,0MHz

-26 dBm + P

30 kHz

3,5 MHz  f < 7,5 MHz

4,0 MHz  f_offset < 8,0MHz

-13 dBm + P

1 MHz

7,5 MHz  f  f max

8,0 MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

-13 dBm

1 MHz


– for carrier frequency f ≤ 3,0GHz: P = 0dB;

– for carrier frequency 3,0GHz < f ≤ 4,2GHz: P = 0.3dB

Table 9.2: Emission mask values, maximum output power 39  P < 43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter -3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Minimum requirement

(Note 3)

Measurement bandwidth (Note 2)

2,5 MHz  f < 2,7 MHz

2,515MHz  f_offset < 2,715MHz

-14 dBm + P

30 kHz

2,7 MHz  f < 3,5 MHz

2,715MHz  f_offset < 3,515MHz

+ P

30 kHz

(Note 1)

3,515MHz  f_offset < 4,0MHz

-26 dBm + P

30 kHz

3,5 MHz  f < 7,5 MHz

4,0 MHz  f_offset < 8,0MHz

-13 dBm + P

1 MHz

7,5 MHz  f  f max

8,0MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 56 dB

1 MHz


– for carrier frequency f ≤ 3,0GHz: P = 0dB;

– for carrier frequency 3,0GHz < f ≤ 4,2GHz: P = 0.3dB

Table 9.3: Emission mask values, maximum output power 31  P < 39 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter -3dB point,f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Minimum requirement

(Note 3)

Measurement bandwidth (Note 2)

2,5 MHz  f < 2,7 MHz

2,515MHz  f_offset < 2,715MHz

P – 53 dB + P

30 kHz

2,7 MHz  f < 3,5 MHz

2,715MHz  f_offset < 3,515MHz

+ P

30 kHz

(Note 1)

3,515MHz  f_offset < 4,0MHz

P – 65 dB + P

30 kHz

3,5 MHz  f < 7,5 MHz

4,0 MHz  f_offset < 8,0MHz

P – 52 dB + P

1 MHz

7,5 MHz  f  f max

8,0MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 56 dB

1 MHz


– for carrier frequency f ≤ 3,0GHz: P = 0dB;

– for carrier frequency 3,0GHz < f ≤ 4,2GHz: P = 0.3dB

Table 9.4: Emission mask values, maximum output power P < 31 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter -3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Minimum requirement

Measurement bandwidth (Note 2)

2,5 MHz  f < 2,7 MHz

2,515MHz  f_offset < 2,715MHz

-22 dBm + P

30 kHz

2,7 MHz  f < 3,5 MHz

2,715MHz  f_offset < 3,515MHz

+ P

30 kHz

(Note 1)

3,515MHz  f_offset < 4,0MHz

-34 dBm + P

30 kHz

3,5 MHz  f < 7,5 MHz

4,0 MHz  f_offset < 8,0MHz

-21 dBm + P

1 MHz

7,5 MHz  f  f max

8,0MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

-25 dBm

1 MHz


– for carrier frequency f ≤ 3,0GHz: P = 0dB;

– for carrier frequency 3,0GHz < f ≤ 4,2GHz: P = 0.3dB

For operation in band II, IV, V, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XXV and XXVI, the applicable additional requirement in Tables 9.4A, 9.4B or 9.4C apply in addition to the minimum requirements in Tables 9.1 to 9.4.

Table 9.4A: Additional emission mask values for Bands II, IV, X, XXV

Frequency offset of measurement filter ‑3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Additional requirement

Measurement bandwidth
(Note 2)

2.5 MHz  f < 3.5 MHz

2.515MHz  f_offset < 3.515MHz

-15 dBm

30 kHz

3.5 MHz  f  fmax

4.0MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

-13 dBm

1 MHz

Table 9.4B: Additional emission mask values for Band V and XXVI

Frequency offset of measurement filter ‑3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Additional requirement

Measurement bandwidth
(Note 2)

2.5 MHz  f < 3.5 MHz

2.515MHz  f_offset < 3.515MHz

-15 dBm

30 kHz

3.5 MHz  f  fmax

3.55MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

-13 dBm

100 kHz

Table 9.4C: Additional emission mask values for Bands XII, XIII, XIV

Frequency offset of measurement filter ‑3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Additional requirement

Measurement bandwidth
(Note 2)

2.5 MHz  f < 2.6 MHz

2.515MHz  f_offset < 2.615MHz

-13 dBm

30 kHz

2.6 MHz  f  fmax

2.65MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

-13 dBm

100 kHz

In certain regions the following requirement may apply for protection of DTT. For UTRA Repeater operating in Band XX, the level of emissions in the band 470-790 MHz, measured in an 8MHz filter bandwidth on centre frequencies Ffilter according to Table 9.4D, shall not exceed the maximum emission level PEM,N declared by the manufacturer.

Table 9.4.D: Declared emissions levels for protection of DTT

Filter centre frequency, Ffilter

Measurement bandwidth

Declared emission level [dBm]

Ffilter = 8*N + 306 (MHz);
21 ≤ N ≤ 60

8 MHz


NOTE: The regional requirement is defined in terms of EIRP (effective isotropic radiated power), which is dependent on both the repeater emissions at the antenna connector and the deployment (including antenna gain and feeder loss). The requirement defined above provides the characteristics of the repeater needed to verify compliance with the regional requirement. Compliance with the regional requirement can be determined using the method outlined in TS 25.104 [1] Annex D.

In certain regions, the following requirements may apply to UTRA repeaters operating in Band XXXII within 1452-1492 MHz. The level of unwanted emissions, measured on centre frequencies f_offset with filter bandwidth, according to Table 9.4E shall neither exceed the maximum emission level PEM,B32,a , PEM,B32,b nor PEM,B32,c declared by the manufacturer.

Table 9.4E: Declared operating band XXXII unwanted emission within 1452-1492 MHz

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Declared emission level [dBm]

Measurement bandwidth

5 MHz


5 MHz

10 MHz


5 MHz

15 MHz ≤ f_offset ≤ f_offsetmax, B32


5 MHz

NOTE 1: f_offsetmax, B32 denotes the frequency difference between the lower channel carrier frequency and 1454.5 MHz, and the frequency difference between the upper channel carrier frequency and 1489.5 MHz for the set channel position.

NOTE: The regional requirement, included in [14], is defined in terms of EIRP per antenna, which is dependent on both the repeater emissions at the antenna connector and the deployment (including antenna gain and feeder loss). The requirement defined above provides the characteristics of the base station needed to verify compliance with the regional requirement. The assessment of the EIRP level is described in Annex H of TS36.104 [15].

In certain regions, the following requirement may apply to UTRA repeaters operating in Band XXXII within 1452-1492 MHz for the protection of services in spectrum adjacent to the frequency range 1452-1492 MHz. The level of emissions, measured on centre frequencies Ffilter with filter bandwidth according to Table 9.4F shall neither exceed the maximum emission level PEM,B32,d nor PEM,B32,e declared by the manufacturer. This requirement applies in the frequency range 1429-1518 MHz even though part of the range falls in the spurious domain.

Table 9.4F: Operating band XXXII declared emission outside 1452-1492 MHz

Filter centre frequency, Ffilter

Declared emission level [dBm]

Measurement bandwidth

1429.5 MHz ≤ Ffilter ≤ 1448.5 MHz


1 MHz

Ffilter = 1450.5 MHz


3 MHz

Ffilter = 1493.5 MHz


3 MHz

1495.5 MHz ≤ Ffilter ≤ 1517.5 MHz


1 MHz

NOTE: The regional requirement, included in [14], is defined in terms of EIRP, which is dependent on both the repeater emissions at the antenna connector and the deployment (including antenna gain and feeder loss). The requirement defined above provides the characteristics of the base station needed to verify compliance with the regional requirement. The assessment of the EIRP level is described in Annex H of TS36.104 [15].

Note for Tables 9.1, 9.2, 9.3, 9.4, 9.4A, 9.4B and 9.4C:

NOTE 1: This frequency range ensures that the range of values of f_offset is continuous.

NOTE 2 As a general rule, the resolution bandwidth of the measuring equipment should be equal to the measurement bandwidth. However, to improve measurement accuracy, sensitivity and efficiency, the resolution bandwidth can be smaller than the measurement bandwidth. When the resolution bandwidth is smaller than the measurement bandwidth, the result should be integrated over the measurement bandwidth in order to obtain the equivalent noise bandwidth of the measurement bandwidth. Test purpose

The purpose of this test is to verify that the Repeater meet the spectrum emission requirements as specified in TS 25.106. Method of test Initial conditions

A measurement set‑up is shown in annex A

1) Connect a signal generator to the input port of the Repeater for tests of repeaters with a pass band corresponding to one 5 MHz channel. If the pass band corresponds to two or more 5 MHz carriers, two signal generators with a combining circuit or one signal generator with the ability to generate several WCDMA carriers is connected to the input. The signals shall be de-correlated as described in TS25.141 [11], clause of equal power.

2) Measurements with an offset from the carrier centre frequency between 2,515 MHz and 4,0 MHz shall use a 30 kHz measurement bandwidth.

3) Measurements with an offset from the carrier centre frequency between 4,0 MHz and (fmax – 500 kHz) shall use a 1 MHz measurement bandwidth. The 1MHz measurement bandwidth may be calculated by integrating multiple 50 kHz or narrower filter measurements.

4) Detection mode: True RMS. Procedures

1) Set the Repeater to maximum gain.

2) Set the signal generator(s) to generate signal(s) in accordance to test model 1, TS 25.141 subclause, at level(s) which produce the manufacturer specified maximum output power at maximum gain.

3) Measure the emission at the specified frequencies with specified measurement bandwidth and note that the measured value does not exceed the specified value.

4) Increase the power with 10 dB compare to the level obtained in step 2.

5) Measure the emission at the specified frequencies with specified measurement bandwidth and note that the measured value does not exceed the specified value.

6) If the pass band corresponds to more than two consecutive nominal 5 MHz channels, repeat step 2) to 5) with any combination of two WCDMA modulated signals of equal power in the repeaters pass band.

7) Switch of the signal generator.

8) Measure the emission at the specified frequencies with specified measurement bandwidth and note that the measured value does not exceed the specified value. Test requirements

The measurement result of step 3 and 5 of shall not exceed the maximum level specified in tables 9.5 to 9.8 for the appropriate Repeater maximum output power.

Table 9.5: Emission mask values, maximum output power P  43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter -3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Test requirement Band

(Note 1)

Measurement bandwidth

2,5 MHz  f < 2,7 MHz

2,515MHz  f_offset < 2,715MHz

-12,5 dBm + P

30 kHz

2,7 MHz  f < 3,5 MHz

2,715MHz  f_offset < 3,515MHz

+ P

30 kHz

3,515MHz  f_offset < 4,0MHz

-24,5 dBm + P

30 kHz

3,5 MHz  f < 7,5 MHz

4,0 MHz  f_offset < 8,0MHz

-11,5 dBm + P

1 MHz

7,5 MHz  f  f max

8,0 MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

-11,5 dBm

1 MHz


– for carrier frequency f ≤ 3,0GHz: P = 0dB;

– for carrier frequency 3,0GHz < f ≤ 4,2GHz: P = 0.3dB

Table 9.6: Emission mask values, maximum output power 39  P < 43 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter -3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Test requirement Band

(Note 1)

Measurement bandwidth

2,5 MHz  f < 2,7 MHz

2,515MHz  f_offset < 2,715MHz

-12,5 dBm + P

30 kHz

2,7 MHz  f < 3,5 MHz

2,715MHz  f_offset < 3,515MHz

+ P

30 kHz

3,515MHz  f_offset < 4,0MHz

-24,5 dBm + P

30 kHz

3,5 MHz  f < 7,5 MHz

4,0 MHz  f_offset < 8,0MHz

-11,5 dBm + P

1 MHz

7,5 MHz  f  f max

8,0MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 54,5 dB

1 MHz


– for carrier frequency f ≤ 3,0GHz: P = 0dB;

– for carrier frequency 3,0GHz < f ≤ 4,2GHz: P = 0.3dB

Table 9.7: Emission mask values, maximum output power 31  P < 39 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter -3dB point,f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Test requirement Band

(Note 1)

Measurement bandwidth

2,5 MHz  f < 2,7 MHz

2,515MHz  f_offset < 2,715MHz

P – 51,5 dB + P

30 kHz

2,7 MHz  f < 3,5 MHz

2,715MHz  f_offset < 3,515MHz

+ P

30 kHz

3,515MHz  f_offset < 4,0MHz

P – 63,5 dB + P

30 kHz

3,5 MHz  f < 7,5 MHz

4,0 MHz  f_offset < 8,0MHz

P – 50,5 dB + P

1 MHz

7,5 MHz  f  f max

8,0MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

P – 54,5 dB

1 MHz


– for carrier frequency f ≤ 3,0GHz: P = 0dB;

– for carrier frequency 3,0GHz < f ≤ 4,2GHz: P = 0.3dB

Table 9.8: Emission mask values, maximum output power P < 31 dBm

Frequency offset of measurement filter -3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Test requirement Band

(Note 1)

Measurement bandwidth

2,5 MHz  f < 2,7 MHz

2,515MHz  f_offset < 2,715MHz

-20,5 dBm + P

30 kHz

2,7 MHz  f < 3,5 MHz

2,715MHz  f_offset < 3,515MHz

+ P

30 kHz

3,515MHz  f_offset < 4,0MHz

-32,5 dBm + P

30 kHz

3,5 MHz  f < 7,5 MHz

4,0 MHz  f_offset < 8,0MHz

-19,5 dBm + P

1 MHz

7,5 MHz  f  f max

8,0MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

-23,5 dBm

1 MHz


– for carrier frequency f ≤ 3,0GHz: P = 0dB;

– for carrier frequency 3,0GHz < f ≤ 4,2GHz: P = 0.3dB

For operation in band II, IV, V, X, XII, XIII, XIV, XXV, and XXVI the applicable additional requirement in Tables 9.8A, 9.8B or 9.8C apply in addition to the minimum requirements in Tables 9.5 to 9.8.

Table 9.8A: Additional emission mask values for Bands II, IV, X, XXV

Frequency offset of measurement filter ‑3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Additional requirement

Measurement bandwidth

2.5 MHz  f < 3.5 MHz

2.515MHz  f_offset < 3.515MHz

-15 dBm

30 kHz

3.5 MHz  f  fmax

4.0MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

-13 dBm

1 MHz

Table 9.8B: Additional emission mask values for Band V and XXVI

Frequency offset of measurement filter ‑3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Additional requirement

Measurement bandwidth

2.5 MHz  f < 3.5 MHz

2.515MHz  f_offset < 3.515MHz

-15 dBm

30 kHz

3.5 MHz  f  fmax

3.55MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

-13 dBm

100 kHz

Table 9.8C: Additional emission mask values for Bands XII, XIII, XIV

Frequency offset of measurement filter ‑3dB point, f

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Additional requirement

Measurement bandwidth

2.5 MHz  f < 2.6 MHz

2.515MHz  f_offset < 2.615MHz

-13 dBm

30 kHz

2.6 MHz  f  fmax

2.65MHz  f_offset < f_offsetmax

-13 dBm

100 kHz

Table 9.8D: Declared emissions levels for protection of DTT

Filter centre frequency, Ffilter

Measurement bandwidth

Declared emission level [dBm]

Ffilter = 8*N + 306 (MHz);
21 ≤ N ≤ 60

8 MHz


Table 9.8E: Declared operating band XXXII unwanted emission within 1452-1492 MHz

Frequency offset of measurement filter centre frequency, f_offset

Declared emission level [dBm]

Measurement bandwidth

5 MHz


5 MHz

10 MHz


5 MHz

15 MHz ≤ f_offset ≤ f_offsetmax, B32


5 MHz

NOTE 1: f_offsetmax, B32 denotes the frequency difference between the lower channel carrier frequency and 1454.5 MHz, and the frequency difference between the upper channel carrier frequency and 1489.5 MHz for the set channel position.

Table 9.4F: Operating band XXXII declared emission outside 1452-1492 MHz

Filter centre frequency, Ffilter

Declared emission level [dBm]

Measurement bandwidth

1429.5 MHz ≤ Ffilter ≤ 1448.5 MHz


1 MHz

Ffilter = 1450.5 MHz


3 MHz

Ffilter = 1493.5 MHz


3 MHz

1495.5 MHz ≤ Ffilter ≤ 1517.5 MHz


1 MHz

NOTE: If the above Test Requirement differs from the Minimum Requirement then the Test Tolerance applied for this test is non-zero. The Test Tolerance for this test is defined in subclause 5.2 and the explanation of how the Minimum Requirement has been relaxed by the Test Tolerance is given in Annex B.

9.1.3 Protection of BS receiver in the operating band

This requirement shall be applied for the protection of UTRA-FDD BS receivers in geographic areas in which UTRA-FDD Repeater and UTRA-FDD BS are deployed.

The requirement applies at frequencies that are more than 10 MHz below or more than 10 MHz above the repeater pass band. Minimum Requirement

This requirement applies to the uplink of the repeater, at maximum gain.

In the up-link direction of the Repeater the power of any spurious emission shall not exceed:

Table 9.11A: Uplink operating band unwanted emission limits for protection of UTRA FDD BS receiver

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


-53 dBm

100 kHz

NOTE 1: These requirements in Table 9.11A for the up link direction of the Repeater reflect what can be achieved with present state of the art technology and are based on a coupling loss of 73 dB between a Repeater and a UTRA FDD BS receiver.

NOTE 2: The requirements shall be reconsidered when the state of the art technology progresses.

NOTE 3: The protection of R-GSM is for further study.

9.1.4 Co-existence with services in adjacent frequency bands

This requirement may be applied for the protection in bands adjacent to bands I or VII, as defined in clause 4.1 in geographic areas in which both an adjacent band service and UTRA are deployed.

The requirement applies only to the down-link direction of the repeater. Minimum requirement

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed:

Table 9.20: UTRA Repeater down-link spurious emissions limits for protection of adjacent band services

Operating Band


Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth



2100-2105 MHz

-30 + 3.4 (f – 2100 MHz) dBm

1 MHz

2175-2180 MHz

-30 + 3.4 (2180 MHz – f) dBm

1 MHz


2610-2615 MHz

-30 + 3.4 (f – 2610 MHz) dBm

1 MHz

2695-2700 MHz

-30 + 3.4 (2700 MHz ‑ f) dBm

1 MHz

9.2 Spurious emissions

9.2.1 Definition and applicability

Spurious emissions are emissions which are caused by unwanted transmitter effects such as harmonics emission, parasitic emission, intermodulation products and frequency conversion products, but exclude out of band emissions. This is measured at the Repeater output port.

The requirements of either subclause or subclause shall apply whatever the type of Repeater considered (one or several pass bands). It applies for all configurations foreseen by the manufacturer’s specification.

The spurious emission limits apply from 9 kHz to 12.75 GHz (or above, as indicated in Table 9.9 and 9.10), excluding the frequency range from 10 MHz below the lowest frequency of the repeaters operating band up to 10 MHz above the highest frequency of the repeaters operating band. Exceptions are the requirement in Table 9.17 and 9.21 that apply also closer than 10 MHz from repeaters operating band.

Unless otherwise stated, all requirements are measured as mean power (RMS).

For repeaters capable of supporting both UTRA and E-UTRA, conformance to the UTRA spurious emission requirements can also be demonstrated using E-UTRA spurious emission test methods as described in TS 36.143 [13].

9.2.2 Minimum Requirements

In normal conditions as specified in section 5.4.1 the following requirements shall be met. Spurious emission (Category A)

The following requirements shall be met in cases where Category A limits for spurious emissions, as defined in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [4], are applied.

At maximum Repeater gain, with WCDMA signals in the pass band of the Repeater, at levels that produce the maximum rated output power per channel, the power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the limits specified in Table 9.9.

When the power in all channels is increased by 10 dB the requirements shall still be met.

The requirement shall apply both with or without an input signal applied.

Table 9.9: Up-link and down-link: General spurious emissions limits, Category A


Maximum level

Measurement Bandwidth


9kHz – 150kHz

-13 dBm

1 kHz

Note 1

150kHz – 30MHz

10 kHz

Note 1

30MHz – 1GHz

100 kHz

Note 1

1GHz – 12,75 GHz

1 MHz

Note 2

12.75 GHz – 5th harmonic of the upper frequency edge of the DL or UL operating band for DL or UL spurious emissions, respectively

1 MHz

Note 2, Note 3

NOTE 1: Bandwidth as in ITU-R SM.329 [4], s4.1

NOTE 2: Upper frequency as in ITU-R SM.329 [4], s2.5 table 1

NOTE 3: Applies only for Band XXII Spurious emission (Category B)

The following requirements shall be met in cases where Category B limits for spurious emissions, as defined in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [4], are applied.

At maximum Repeater gain, with WCDMA signals in the pass band of the Repeater, at levels that produce the maximum rated power output per channel, the power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the limits specified in Tables 9.10 and 9.10A depending on the declared operating band for the down- and up-link.

When the power in all channels is increased by 10 dB the requirements shall still be met.

The requirement shall apply both with or without an input signal applied.

Table 9.10: General spurious emissions limits (Category B)


Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


9 kHz  150 kHz

-36 dBm

1 kHz

Note 1

150 kHz  30 MHz

-36 dBm

10 kHz

Note 1

30 MHz  1 GHz

-36 dBm

100 kHz

Note 1

1 GHz  12.75 GHz

-30 dBm

1 MHz

Note 2

12.75 GHz ‑ 5th harmonic of the upper frequency edge of the DL or UL operating band for DL or UL spurious emissions, respectively

-30 dBm

1 MHz

Note 2, Note 3

NOTE 1: Bandwidth as in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [4], s4.1

NOTE 2: Bandwidth as in ITU-R Recommendation SM.329 [4], s4.1. Upper frequency as in ITU-R SM.329 [4], s2.5 table 1

NOTE 3: Applies only for Band XXII

Table 9.10A: (Void)

Table 9.10B: (void)

Table 9.10C: (void)

Table 9.10D: (void)

Table 9.10E: (void)

Table 9.10F: (void) Void Co-existence with other systems in the same geographical area

These requirements may be applied for the protection of UE, MS and/or BS operating in other frequency bands in the same geographical area. The requirements may apply in geographic areas in which both UTRA FDD Repeater and a system operating in another frequency band than the FDD operating band are deployed. The system operating in the other frequency band may be GSM900, DCS1800, PCS1900, GSM850, E-UTRA FDD and/or UTRA FDD. Minimum Requirements

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the limits of Table 9.13 for a UTRA FDD Repeater where requirements for co-existence with the system listed in the first column apply.

Table 9.13: UTRA Repeater up-link and down-link spurious emissions limits in geographic coverage area of systems operating in other frequency bands

System type operating in the same geographical area

Band for
co-existence requirement

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth



921 – 960 MHz

-57 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VIII.

876 – 915 MHz

-61 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VIII, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.


1805 – 1880 MHz

-47 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band III.

1710 – 1785 MHz

-61 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band III, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.


1930 – 1990 MHz

-47 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in frequency band II or band XXV.

1850 – 1910 MHz

-61 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in frequency band II or band XXV, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

GSM850 or CDMA850

869 – 894 MHz

-57 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in frequency band V or XXVI.

824 – 849 MHz

-61 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in frequency band V or XXVI, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band I or E‑UTRA Band 1

2110 – 2170 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band I.

1920 – 1980 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band I, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band II or E‑UTRA Band 2

1930 – 1990 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II or band XXV.

1850 – 1910 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II or band XXV, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band III or E‑UTRA Band 3

1805 – 1880 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band III or band IX.

1710 – 1785 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band III, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

This requirement does not apply to the uplink of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band IX in the frequency range from 1749,9 MHz to 1784,9 MHz, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band IV or E‑UTRA Band 4

2110 – 2155 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band IV or band X.

1710 – 1755 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band IV or band X, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band V or E‑UTRA Band 5

869 – 894 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band V or band XXVI.

824 – 849 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band V or band XXVI, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band VI or XIX or E‑UTRA Band 6, 18 or 19

860 – 890 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band V, VI, XIX, XX or XXVI.

815 – 830 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band V, VI, XIX, XX or XXVI.

830 – 845 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VI or XIX, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3. This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band V, XX or XXVI.

UTRA FDD Band VII or E‑UTRA Band 7

2620 – 2690 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VII.

2500 – 2570 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VII, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.


925 – 960 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VIII.

880 – 915 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VIII, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band IX or E‑UTRA Band 9

1844.9 – 1879.9 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band III or band IX.

1749. 9 – 1784.9 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band III or band IX, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band X or E‑UTRA Band 10

2110 – 2170 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band IV or band X.

1710 – 1770 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band X, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

This requirement does not apply to the uplink of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band IV in the frequency range from 1710 MHz to 1755 MHz, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band XI or XXI or E‑UTRA Band 11 or 21

1475.9 – 1510.9 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XI, band XXI or band XXXII.

1427.9 – 1447.9 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XI, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3. For UTRA repeaters operating in band XXXII, this requirement applies for carriers allocated within 1475.9MHz and 1495.9MHz.

1447.9 – 1462.9 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXI, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3. For UTRA repeaters operating in band XXXII, this requirement applies for carriers allocated within 1475.9MHz and 1495.9MHz.

UTRA FDD Band XII or E‑UTRA Band 12

728 – 746 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XII.

698 – 716 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XII, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band XIII or E‑UTRA Band 13

746 – 756 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XIII.

777 – 787 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XIII, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band XIV or E‑UTRA Band 14

758 – 768 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XIV.

788 – 798 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XIV, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

E‑UTRA Band 17

734 – 746 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XII.

704 – 716 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XII, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band XX or E‑UTRA Band 20

791 – 821 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XX.

832 – 862 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XX, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band XXII or E‑UTRA Band 22

3510 – 3590 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXII.

3410 – 3490 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXII, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3.

E-UTRA Band 23

2180 – 2200 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

2000 – 2020 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II or band XXV, where the limits are defined separately.

2000 – 2010 MHz

-30 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement only applies to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II or band XXV. This requirement applies starting 5 MHz above the band XXV DL operating band.

2010 – 2020 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 24

525 – 1559 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

1626.5 – 1660.5 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz


E-UTRA Band 25

1930 – 1995 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD repeater operating in band II or band XXV.

1850 – 1915 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD repeater operating in band XXV since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3. For UTRA FDD repeater operating in band II, it applies for 1910 MHz to 1915 MHz, while the rest is covered in sub-clause 9.1.3.

UTRA FDD Band XXVI or E-UTRA Band 26

859 – 894 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD repeater operating in band V or band XXVI.

814 – 849 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of the UTRA FDD repeater operating in band XXVI since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3. For UTRA FDD repeater operating in band V, it applies for 814 MHz to 824 MHz, while the rest is covered in sub-clause 9.1.3.

E-UTRA Band 27

852 – 869 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD repeater operating in band V or band XXVI.

807 – 824 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

For UTRA FDD repeater operating in band XXVI, it applies for 807 MHz to 814 MHz, while the rest is covered in sub-clause 9.1.3.

E-UTRA Band 28

758 – 803 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

703 – 748 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 29

717 – 728 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 30

2350 – 2360 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

2305 – 2315 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 31

462.5 – 467.5 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

452.5 – 457.5 MHz

-49 dBm

1 MHz


1452 – 1496 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA repeater operating in Band XI, XXI, or XXXII

NOTE 1: The co-existence requirements do not apply for the 10 MHz frequency range immediately outside the repeaters operating band (see Table 4.1). Emission limits for this excluded frequency range may be covered by local or regional requirements.

NOTE 2: The table above assumes that two operating bands, where the frequency ranges would be overlapping, are not deployed in the same geographical area. For such a case of operation with overlapping frequency arrangements in the same geographical area, special co-existence requirements may apply that are not covered by the 3GPP specifications. Co-existence with co-located and co-sited base stations

These requirements may be applied for the protection of other BS receivers when GSM900 and/or DCS1800, PCS1900, GSM850, E-UTRA FDD and/or UTRA FDD BS are co-located with a UTRA FDD Repeater. Minimum Requirements

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed the limits of Table 9.14 for a UTRA FDD Repeater where requirements for co-location with the Base Station listed in the first column apply.

Table 9.14: UTRA Repeater up-link and down-link spurious emissions limits for Repeater co-located with Base Stations

Type of co-located Base Station

Band for co-location requirement

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth



876 – 915 MHz

-98 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VIII.

The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 75dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.


1710 – 1785 MHz

-98 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band III.

The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 75dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.


1850 – 1910 MHz

-98 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II or band XXV. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 75dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

GSM850 or CDMA850

824 – 849 MHz

-98 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band V or band XXVI. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 75dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band I or E‑UTRA Band 1

1920 – 1980 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band I. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band II or E‑UTRA Band 2

1850 – 1910 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II or band XXV. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band III or E‑UTRA Band 3

1710 – 1785 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band III. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

This requirement does not apply to the uplink of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band IX in the frequency Range from 1749,9 MHz to 1784,9 MHz, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between base station and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band IV or E‑UTRA Band 4

1710 – 1755 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band IV or band X. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band V or E‑UTRA Band 5

824 – 849 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band V or band XXVI. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band VI or XIX or E‑UTRA Band 6, 18 or 19

815 – 830 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band V, VI, XIX, XX or XXVI.

830 – 845 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VI or XIX. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port. This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band V, XX or XXVI.

UTRA FDD Band VII or E‑UTRA Band 7

2500 – 2570 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VII. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.


880 – 915 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VIII. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band IX or E‑UTRA Band 9

1749.9 – 1784.9 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band III or band IX. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band X or E‑UTRA Band 10

1710 – 1770 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band X. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

This requirement does not apply to the uplink of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band IV in the frequency range from 1710 MHz to 1755 MHz, since it is already covered by the requirement in sub-clause 9.1.3, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between base station and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band XI or XXI or E‑UTRA Band 11 or 21

1427.9 – 1447.9 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XI. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port. This requirement applies only for operation between 1475.9 MHz and 1495.9 MHz for UTRA FDD repeater operating in band XXXII.

1447.9 – 1462.9 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the up-link of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXI.

The sub-clause 9.1.3requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port. This requirement applies only for operation between 1475.9 MHz and 1495.9 MHz for UTRA FDD repeater operating in band XXXII.

UTRA FDD Band XII or E‑UTRA Band 12

698 – 716 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XII. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band XIII or E‑UTRA Band 13

777 – 787 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XIII. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band XIV or E‑UTRA Band 14

788 – 798 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XIV. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

E‑UTRA Band 17

704 – 716 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XII. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band XX or E‑UTRA Band 20

832 – 862 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XX. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band XXII or E‑UTRA Band 22

3410 – 3490 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXII. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

E UTRA Band 23

2000 – 2020 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

E-UTRA Band 24

1626.5 – 1660.5 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

UTRA FDD Band XXV or E UTRA Band 25

1850 – 1915 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXV. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port. For UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II, it applies fro 1910MHz to 1915MHz, while the rest is covered in sub-clause 9.1.3, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

UTRA FDD Band XXVI or E‑UTRA Band 26

814 – 849 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement does not apply to the UL of UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXVI. The sub-clause 9.1.3 requirement applies, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port. For UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band V, it applies from 814 MHz to 824MHz, while the rest is covered in sub-clause 9.1.3, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

E-UTRA Band 27

807 – 824 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

For UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXVI, this requirement applies from 807 MHz to 814MHz, while the rest is covered in sub-clause 9.1.3, but requires a 73dB coupling loss between BS and the repeater UL transmit port.

E-UTRA Band 28

703 – 748 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

E-UTRA Band 30

2305 – 2315 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

E.UTRA Band 31

452.5 – 457.5 MHz

-96 dBm

100 kHz

NOTE 1: The co-location requirements do not apply for the 10 MHz frequency range immediately outside the repeater operating band (see Table 4.1). The current state-of-the-art technology does not allow a single generic solution for co-location with other system on adjacent frequencies for 30 dB UTRA Repeater-BS minimum coupling loss. However, there are certain site-engineering solutions that can be used. These techniques are addressed in TR 25.942 [2].

NOTE 2: The table above assumes that two operating bands, where the frequency ranges would be overlapping, are not deployed in the same geographical area. For such a case of operation with overlapping frequency arrangements in the same geographical area, special co-existence requirements may apply that are not covered by the 3GPP specifications. Co-existence with PHS

This requirement may be applied for the protection of PHS in geographic areas in which both PHS and UTRA-FDD Repeaters are deployed. This requirement is also applicable at specified frequencies falling between 12,5 MHz below the centre frequency of the first 5 MHz channel or more than 12,5 MHz above the centre frequency of the last 5 MHz channel in the pass band. Minimum requirement

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed:

Table 9.17: UTRA Repeater Spurious up-link and down-link emissions limits for in geographic coverage area of PHS


Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


1884,5 – 1915,7 MHz

-41 dBm

300 kHz Co-existence with UTRA-TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD Operation in the same geographic area

This requirement may be applied to geographic areas in which both UTRA-TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD and UTRA-FDD Repeaters are deployed. Minimum requirement

In the down-link direction of the Repeater the power of any spurious emission shall not exceed:

Table 9.18: UTRA Repeater down-link spurious emissions limits in geographic coverage area of UTRA-TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD

System type operating in the same geographical area

Band for co-existence requirement

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


UTRA TDD Band a) or
E-UTRA Band 33

1900 ‑ 1920 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

UTRA TDD Band a) or
E-UTRA Band 34

2010 ‑ 2025 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

UTRA TDD Band d) or
E-UTRA Band 38

2570 ‑ 2620 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

UTRA TDD Band f) or
E-UTRA Band 39

1880 – 1920 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

Applicable in China

UTRA TDD in Band e) or
E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 41

2496 – 2690 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 42

3400 – 3600 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXII.

E-UTRA Band 43

3600 – 3800 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 44

703 – 803 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

NOTE 1: The co-existence requirements do not apply for the 10 MHz frequency range immediately outside the repeaters operating band (see Table 4.1). Emission limits for this excluded frequency range may be covered by local or regional requirements.

NOTE 2: The table above assumes that two operating bands, where the frequency ranges would be overlapping, are not deployed in the same geographical area. For such a case of operation with overlapping frequency arrangements in the same geographical area, special co-existence requirements may apply that are not covered by the 3GPP specifications.

In the up-link direction of the Repeater the power of any spurious emission shall not exceed:

Table 9.18A: UTRA Repeater up-link spurious emissions limits in geographic coverage area of UTRA-TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD

System type operating in the same geographical area

Band for co-existence requirement

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


UTRA TDD Band a) or
E-UTRA Band 33

1900 ‑ 1920 MHz

-53 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement is applied only to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band I, band II or band XXV.

1900 ‑ 1920 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band I band II or band XXV.

UTRA TDD Band a) or
E-UTRA Band 34

2010 ‑ 2025 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

UTRA TDD Band d) or
E-UTRA Band 38

2570 ‑ 2620 MHz

-53 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement is applied only to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VII.

2570 ‑ 2620 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VII.

UTRA TDD Band f) or
E-UTRA Band 39

1880 – 1920 MHz

-53 dBm

100 kHz

Applicable in China.

This requirement is applied only to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II or band XXV.

1880 – 1920 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

Applicable in China.

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II or band XXV.

UTRA TDD in Band e) or
E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 41

2496 – 2690 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 42

3400 – 3600 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXII.

E-UTRA Band 43

3600 – 3800 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 44

703 – 803 MHz

-52 dBm

1 MHz

NOTE 3: The co-existence requirements do not apply for the 10 MHz frequency range immediately outside the repeaters operating band (see Table 4.1). Emission limits for this excluded frequency range may be covered by local or regional requirements.

NOTE 4: The table above assumes that two operating bands, where the frequency ranges would be overlapping, are not deployed in the same geographical area. For such a case of operation with overlapping frequency arrangements in the same geographical area, special co-existence requirements may apply that are not covered by the 3GPP specifications.

NOTE 1: The requirements of -53dBm/100kHz in Table 9.18 and in Table 9.18A, which are respectively for the down link and up link direction of the Repeater reflect what can be achieved with present state of the art technology and are based on a coupling loss of 73 dB between a Repeater and a UTRA TDD BS receiver.

NOTE 2: The requirements shall be reconsidered when the state of the art technology progresses. Co-located Repeaters and UTRA-TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD base stations

This requirement may be applied for the protection of UTRA-TDD BS receivers when UTRA-TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD BS and UTRA-FDD Repeater are co-located. Minimum requirement

In the down-link direction of the Repeater the power of any spurious emission shall not exceed:

Table 9.19: UTRA Repeater down-link spurious emissions limits for protection of co-located UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD BS receiver

Type of co-located Base Station

Band for co-location requirement

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


UTRA TDD Band a) or
E-UTRA Band 33

1900 ‑ 1920 MHz

‑ 86 dBm

1 MHz

UTRA TDD Band a) or
E-UTRA Band 34

2010 ‑ 2025 MHz

‑ 86 dBm

1 MHz

UTRA TDD Band d) or
E-UTRA Band 38

2570 ‑ 2620 MHz

– 86 dBm

1 MHz

UTRA TDD Band f) or
E-UTRA Band 39

1880 – 1920MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

Applicable in China

UTRA TDD Band e) or
E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 41

2496 – 2690 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to E-UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VII.

E-UTRA Band 42

3400 – 3600 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXII.

E-UTRA Band 43

3600 – 3800 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 44

703 – 803 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

NOTE 1: The co-location requirements do not apply for the 10 MHz frequency range immediately outside the repeaters operating band (see Table 4.1). Emission limits for this excluded frequency range may be covered by local or regional requirements.

NOTE 2: The table above assumes that two operating bands, where the frequency ranges would be overlapping, are not deployed in the same geographical area. For such a case of operation with overlapping frequency arrangements in the same geographical area, special co-existence requirements may apply that are not covered by the 3GPP specifications.

In the up-link direction of the Repeater the power of any spurious emission shall not exceed:

Table 9.19A: UTRA Repeater up-link spurious emissions limits for protection of co-located UTRA TDD and/or E-UTRA TDD BS receiver

Type of co-located Base Station

Band for co-location requirement

Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth


UTRA TDD Band a) or
E-UTRA Band 33

1900 ‑ 1920 MHz

-53 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement is applied only to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band I, band II or band XXV.

1900 ‑ 1920 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band I, band II or band XXV.

UTRA TDD Band a) or
E-UTRA Band 34

2010 ‑ 2025 MHz

-83 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement is applied only to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band I.

2010 ‑ 2025 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band I

UTRA TDD Band d) or
E-UTRA Band 38

2570 ‑ 2620 MHz

-53 dBm

100 kHz

This requirement is applied only to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VII.

2570 ‑ 2620 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VII.

UTRA TDD Band f) or
E-UTRA Band 39

1880 – 1920 MHz

-53 dBm

100 kHz

Applicable in China.

This requirement is applied only to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II or band XXV.

1880 – 1920 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

Applicable in China.

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band II or band XXV.

UTRA TDD in Band e) or
E-UTRA Band 40

2300 – 2400 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 41

2496 – 2690 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to E-UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band VII.

E-UTRA Band 42

3400 – 3600 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

This requirement does not apply to UTRA FDD Repeater operating in band XXII.

E-UTRA Band 43

3600 – 3800 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

E-UTRA Band 44

703 – 803 MHz

-86 dBm

1 MHz

NOTE 4: The co-location requirements do not apply for the 10 MHz frequency range immediately outside the repeaters operating band (see Table 4.1). Emission limits for this excluded frequency range may be covered by local or regional requirements.

NOTE 5: The table above assumes that two operating bands, where the frequency ranges would be overlapping, are not deployed in the same geographical area. For such a case of operation with overlapping frequency arrangements in the same geographical area, special co-location requirements may apply that are not covered by the 3GPP specifications.

NOTE 1: The requirements of -53dBm/100kHz in Table 9.19 and Table 9.19A, which are respectively for the down link and up link direction of the Repeater reflect what can be achieved with present state of the art technology and are based on a coupling loss of 73 dB between a Repeater and a UTRA TDD BS receiver.

NOTE 2: The requirements of -83dBm/100kHz in Table 9.19A for the up link direction of the Repeater reflect what can be achieved with present state of the art technology and are based on a coupling loss of 43 dB between a Repeater and a UTRA TDD BS receiver.

NOTE 3: The requirements shall be reconsidered when the state of the art technology progresses. (Void) Protection of public safety operations

This requirement shall be applied to Repeater operating in Bands XIII and XIV to ensure that appropriate interference protection is provided to 700 MHz public safety operations. This requirement is also applicable at specified frequencies falling between 12.5 MHz below the first carrier frequency used and 12.5 MHz above the last carrier frequency used. Minimum Requirement

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed:

Table 9.21: Spurious emissions limits for the up-link and down-link of UTRA Repeater for protection of 700 MHz public safety operations

Operating Band


Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth



763 – 775 MHz

-46 dBm

6.25 kHz


793 – 805 MHz

-46 dBm

6.25 kHz


769 – 775 MHz

-46 dBm

6.25 kHz


799 – 805 MHz

-46 dBm

6.25 kHz

This requirement shall be applied to repeaters operating in Band XXVI to ensure that appropriate interference protection is provided to 800 MHz public safety operations. This requirement is also applicable at specified frequencies falling between 12.5 MHz below the first carrier frequency used and 12.5 MHz above the last carrier frequency used.

The power of any spurious emission shall not exceed:

Table 6.16A: Spurious emissions limits for the up-link and down-link of UTRA Repeater for protection of 800 MHz public safety operations

Operating Band


Maximum Level

Measurement Bandwidth



851 – 859 MHz

-13 dBm

100 kHz

Applicable for offsets > 37.5kHz from the channel edge

9.2.3 Test purpose

This test measure conducted spurious emission from the Repeater transmitter antenna connector, while the Repeater is in operation.

9.2.4 Method of test Initial conditions

A measurement set‑up is shown in annex A.

1) Connect a signal generator to the input port of the Repeater for tests of repeaters with apass band corresponding to one 5 MHz channel. If the pass band corresponds to two or more 5 MHz carriers, two signal generators with a combining circuit or one signal generator with the ability to generate several WCDMA carriers is connected to the input. The signals shall be de-correlated as described in TS25.141 [11], clause of equal power.

2) Detection mode: True RMS. Procedures

1) Set the Repeater to maximum gain.

2) Set the signal generator(s) to generate signal(s) in accordance to test model 1, TS 25.141 subclause, at level(s) which produce the manufacturer specified maximum output power at maximum gain.

3) The detecting device shall be configured with a measurement bandwidth as stated in the tables.

4) Measure the emission at the specified frequencies with specified measurement bandwidth and note that the measured value does not exceed the specified value.

5) Increase the input power with 10 dB compare to the level obtained in step 2.

6) Measure the emission at the specified frequencies with specified measurement bandwidth and note that the measured value does not exceed the specified value.

7) If the pass band corresponds to more than two consecutive nominal 5 MHz channels, repeat step 2) to 6) with any combination of two WCDMA modulated signals of equal power in the repeaters pass band.

8) Switch of the signal generator.

9) Measure the emission at the specified frequencies with specified measurement bandwidth and note that the measured value does not exceed the specified value.

9.2.5 Test requirements

In all measurements, the requirements according to subclause 9.2.2 shall be fulfilled.