13 Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio (ACRR)

25.1433GPPRelease 17TSUTRA repeater conformance testing

13.1 Definitions and applicability

Adjacent Channel Rejection Ratio (ACRR) is the ratio of the RRC weighted gain per carrier of the repeater in the pass band to the RRC weighted gain of the repeater on an adjacent channel.

The requirement shall apply to the uplink and downlink of Repeater where the donor link is maintained via antennas (over the air Repeater).

13.2 Minimum Requirements

In normal conditions the ACRR shall be higher than the value specified in the Table 13.1.

Table 13.1: Repeater ACRR

Repeater maximum output power as in 9.1.1

Channel offset from the centre frequency of the first or last 5 MHz channel within the pass band.

ACRR limit

P  31 dBm

5 MHz


P  31 dBm

10 MHz


P < 31 dBm

5 MHz


P < 31 dBm

10 MHz


13.3 Test purpose

To verify that the Repeater ACRR requirement shall be met as specified in subclause 13.1.

13.4 Method of test

13.4.1 Initial conditions

1) Set-up the equipment as shown in annex A.

2) Connect the signal generator equipment to the Repeater input port.

3) Connect the power measuring equipment to the Repeater output port.

4) The measurement device characteristics shall be:

– measurement filter bandwidth: defined in subclause 13.1;

– detection mode: true RMS voltage or true average power.

13.4.2 Procedure

1) Set the signal generator to transmit a signal modulated with a combination of PCCPCH, SCCPCH and Dedicated Physical Channels specified as test model 1 in TS 25.141 at the first or last 5 MHz channel within the pass band.

2) Adjust the input power to the Repeater to create the maximum nominal Repeater output power at maximum gain

3) Measure the RRC filtered mean power at the RF output port over a certain slot.

4) Set the signal generator to transmit the same signal and the same input power at one of the channel offsets according to Table 13.1.

5) Measure the RRC filtered mean power at the RF output port over a certain slot.

6) Calculate the ratio of the measured power in the pass band to the measured power at the channel offset.

7) Repeat step 4) to 6) until all channel offsets in Table 13.1 are measured.

13.4.3 Test Requirements

In normal conditions as specified in section 5.4.1, the ACRR shall be higher than the value specified in the Table 13.2.

Table 13.2: Repeater ACRR

Repeater maximum output power as in

Channel offset from the centre frequency of the first or last 5 MHz channel within the pass band.

ACRR limit

P  31 dBm

5 MHz


P  31 dBm

10 MHz


P < 31 dBm

5 MHz


P < 31 dBm

10 MHz


Annex A (informative):
Repeater measurement system set-up

Example of measurement system set-ups are attached below as an informative annex.