3 Definitions and abbreviations

25.1043GPPBase Station (BS) radio transmission and reception (FDD)Release 17TS

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of the present document, the following definitions apply:

Output power: mean power of one carrier of the base station, delivered to a load with resistance equal to the nominal load impedance of the transmitter.

Rated output power: mean power level per carrier that the manufacturer has declared to be available at the antenna connector.

Maximum output Power: mean power level per carrier of the base station measured at the antenna connector in a specified reference condition.

Mean power: power (transmitted or received) in a bandwidth of at least (1+  times the chip rate of the radio access mode.

NOTE 1: α = 0,22 is the roll‑off factor of the WCDMA signal. The roll-off factor  is defined in section 6.8

NOTE 2: The period of measurement shall be at least one timeslot unless otherwise stated.

MIMO mode: downlink MIMO configuration with two transmit antennas

MIMO mode with four transmit antennas: downlink MIMO configuration with four transmit antennas.

Power control dynamic range: difference between the maximum and the minimum transmit output power of a code channel for a specified reference condition.

RRC filtered mean power: mean power as measured through a root raised cosine filter with roll-off factor  and a bandwidth equal to the chip rate of the radio access mode.

NOTE 1: The RRC filtered mean power of a perfectly modulated W-CDMA signal is 0.246 dB lower than the mean power of the same signal.

NOTE 2: The roll-off factor  is defined in section 6.8.1.

Code domain power: part of the mean power which correlates with a particular (OVSF) code channel.

NOTE: The sum of all powers in the code domain equals the mean power in a bandwidth of (1+  times the chip rate of the radio access mode.

Total power dynamic range: difference between the maximum and the minimum total transmit output power for a specified reference condition.

Secondary serving HS-DSCH cell(s): set of cells where the UE is configured to simultaneously monitor an HS-SCCH set and receive the HS-DSCH if it is scheduled in that cell.

NOTE: There can be up to 7 secondary serving HS-DSCH cells in addition to the serving HS-DSCH cell.

Channel bandwidth: RF bandwidth supporting a single UTRA RF carrier.

NOTE: the channel bandwidth is measured in MHz and is used as a reference for transmitter and receiver RF requirements.

Channel edge: lowest or highest frequency of the UTRA carrier, separated by the channel bandwidth.

Base Station RF Bandwidth: bandwidth in which a base station transmits and/or receives single or multiple carriers simultaneously within each supported operating band.

NOTE: In single carrier operation the channel bandwidth is equal to Base Station RF Bandwidth

Base Station RF Bandwidth edge: frequency of one of the edges of the Base Station RF Bandwidth.

Contiguous spectrum: spectrum consisting of a contiguous block of spectrum with no sub-block gap(s).

Highest carrier: carrier with the highest carrier centre frequency transmitted/received in the specified operating band(s).

Non-contiguous spectrum: spectrum consisting of two or more sub-blocks separated by sub-block gap(s).

Radio Bandwidth: frequency difference between the upper edge of the highest used carrier and the lower edge of the lowest used carrier.

Sub-block: one contiguous allocated block of spectrum for use by the same base station.

NOTE: There may be multiple instances of sub-blocks within an Base Station RF Bandwidth.

Sub-block bandwidth: RF bandwidth of one sub-block.

Sub-block gap: frequency gap between two consecutive sub-blocks within an Base Station RF Bandwidth, where the RF requirements in the gap are based on co-existence for un-coordinated operation.

Lower sub-block edge: frequency at the lower edge of one sub-block.

NOTE: It is used as a frequency reference point for both transmitter and receiver requirements.

Lowest carrier: carrier with the lowest carrier centre frequency transmitted/received in the specified operating band(s).

Upper sub-block edge: frequency at the higher edge of one sub-block.

NOTE: It is used as a frequency reference point for both transmitter and receiver requirements.

Inter-band gap: The frequency gap between two supported consecutive operating bands.

Inter RF Bandwidth gap: frequency gap between two consecutive Base Station RF Bandwidths that respectively correspond to two supported operating bands.

Multi-band base station: base station characterized by the ability of its transmitter and/or receiver to process two or more carriers in common active RF components simultaneously, where at least one carrier is configured at a different operating band (which is not a sub-band or superseding-band of another supported operating band) than the other carrier(s).

Multi-band transmitter: transmitter characterized by the ability to process two or more carriers in common active RF components simultaneously, where at least one carrier is configured at a different operating band (which is not a sub-band or superseding-band of another supported operating band) than the other carrier(s).

Multi-band receiver: receiver characterized by the ability to process two or more carriers in common active RF components simultaneously, where at least one carrier is configured at a different operating band (which is not a sub-band or superseding-band of another supported operating band) than the other carrier(s).

Rated total output power: the total power level that the manufacturer has declared to be available at the antenna connector.

Sub-band: A sub-band of an operating band contains a part of the uplink and downlink frequency range of the operating band.

Superseding-band: A superseding-band of an operating band includes the whole of the uplink and downlink frequency range of the operating band.

3.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

4C-HSDPA Four-Carrier HSDPA. HSDPA operation configured on 3 or 4 DL carriers

8C-HSDPA Eight-Carrier HSDPA. HSDPA operation configured for 5 to 8 DL carriers

16QAM 16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation

ACIR Adjacent Channel Interference Ratio

ACLR Adjacent Channel Leakage power Ratio

ACS Adjacent Channel Selectivity

BS Base Station

BER Bit Error Ratio

BLER Block Error Ratio

CACLR Cumulative ACLR

CPICH Common Pilot Channel

CW Continuous Wave (unmodulated signal)

DB-DC-HSDPA Dual Band Dual Cell HSDPA

DB-DC-HSUPA Dual Band Dual Cell HSUPA



DL Down Link (forward link)

DTT Digital Terrestrial Television

EIRP Effective Isotropic Radiated Power

FDD Frequency Division Duplexing

GSM Global System for Mobile Communications

HSDPA High Speed Downlink Packet Access

HSUPA High Speed Uplink Packet Access

IE Information Element

LA Local Area

MIMO Multiple Input Multiple Output

MR Medium Range

NC-4C-HSDPA Non-contiguous Four-Carrier HSDPA. HSDPA operation for two non-adjacent blocks within a single band configured on 2, 3 or 4 DL carriers.


PHS Personal Handyphone System

PPM Parts Per Million

RAT Radio Access Technology

RF Radio Frequency

QPSK Quadrature Phase Shift Keying

RSSI Received Signal Strength Indicator


SIR Signal to Interference ratio

TAE Time Alignment Error

TDD Time Division Duplexing

TPC Transmit Power Control

UARFCN UTRA Absolute Radio Frequency Channel Number

UE User Equipment

UL Up Link (reverse link)

WCDMA Wideband Code Division Multiple Access

WA Wide Area

3.3 Symbols

For the purposes of the present document, the following symbols apply:

 Roll-off factor

Eb Average energy per information bit

Ec Total energy per PN chip

f Frequency Δf Frequency offset of the measurement filter ‑3dB point, as defined in section

Δfmax The largest value of Δf used for defining the requirement

f_offset Frequency offset of the measurement filter centre frequency, as defined in section

FDL_low The lowest frequency of the downlink operating band

FDL_high The highest frequency of the downlink operating band

FDL_Offset The offset parameter used to calculate the UARFCN for downlink

FUL_low The lowest frequency of the uplink operating band

FUL_high The highest frequency of the uplink operating band

FUL_Offset The offset parameter used to calculate the UARFCN for uplink

Fuw Frequency offset of unwanted signal

PEM,N Declared emission level for channel N

PEM,B32,ind Declared emission level in Band 32, ind=a, b, c, d, e

Pout Output power

Prated,c Rated output power (per carrier)

Pmax,c Maximum output power (per carrier)

Rx Receiver

Tx Transmitter

Wgap Sub-block gap or Inter RF Bandwidth gap size