3 Definitions and abbreviations

24.6153GPPCommunication Waiting (CW) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystemProtocol specificationRelease 17TS

3.1 Definitions

For definitions used in this document see:

– 3GPP TS 22.173 [1]

User B: User B is the user who reacts to the communication waiting at subscriber B. User B is the served user for the communication waiting service.

User C: User C is the user who has originated a communication to subscriber B which causes the CW supplementary service to be invoked.

User A: User A is a user (several such users may exist) who is engaged in a communication with User B (this communication can be in any state).

Network determined user busy: See 3GPP TS 22.173 [1] Annex Da.

Approaching Network determined user busy: See 3GPP TS 22.173 [1] Annex Da.

User determined user busy: See 3GPP TS 22.228 [6].

Network based CW: CW when the network detects the CW condition and informs the UE about the conditon.

Terminal based CW: CW when the UE detects the CW condition and informs the network about the condition.

3.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the following abbreviations apply:

AoC Advice of Charge

CAT Customized Alerting Tones

CCBS Completion of Communication sessions to Busy Subscriber

CD Communication Deflection

CDIV Communication Diversion

CFB Communication Forwarding Busy

CFNL Communication Forwarding on Not Logged-in

CFNR Communication Forwarding No Reply

CFU Communication Forwarding Unconditional

FA Flexible Alerting

OIP Originating Identification Presentation

OIR Originating Identification Restriction

TIP Terminating Identification Presentation

TIR Terminating Identification Restriction

CW Communication Waiting

GRUU Globally Routable User agent URI

HOLD Communication Hold

IFC Initial Filter Criteria

IMS IP Multimedia Subsystem

IP Internet Protocol

ISDN Integrated Services Digital Network

MCID Malicious Communication Identification

MiD Multi-iDentity

MuD Multi-Device

NDUB Network Determined User Busy

SIP Session Initiation Protocol

UDUB User Determined User Busy

UE User Equipment