4 Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) and Communication Barring (CB)

24.6113GPPAnonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) and Communication Barring (CB) using IP Multimedia (IM) Core Network (CN) subsystemProtocol specificationRelease 17TS

4.1 Introduction

The Communication Barring (CB) service offers the following services:

– The Incoming Communication Barring (ICB) is a service that rejects incoming communications that fulfil certain provisioned or configured conditions on behalf of the terminating user.

– The Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) is a particular case of the ICB service, that allows barring of incoming communications from an anonymous originator on behalf of the terminating user.

– The Outgoing Communication Barring (OCB) is a service that rejects outgoing communications that fulfil certain provisioned or configured conditions on behalf of the originating user.

4.2 Description

4.2.1 General description

The Incoming Communication Barring (ICB) service makes it possible for a user to have barring of certain categories of incoming communications according to a provisioned or user configured barring program and is valid for all incoming communications. A barring program is expressed as a set of rules in which the rules have a conditional part and an action part. Examples of conditions are whether the asserted originating public user identity matches a specific public user identity or whether the originating public user identity is restricted (anonymous). The action part could specify for a rule that contains a matching condition that the specific incoming communication is barred. The complete set of conditions and actions that apply to this service and their semantics is described in clause 4.9.

The Inhibition of Incoming Forwarded Calls is a special case of the ICB and allows the served user to reject incoming communications from users or subscribers who have diverted the communication towards the served user. The communication history information will be used to trigger the service as described in clause 4.9.

The Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) service allows the served user to reject incoming communications on which the asserted public user identity of the originating user is restricted. In case the asserted public user identity of the originating user is not provided then the communication is allowed by the ACR service.

An example where the originating user restricts presentation of the asserted public user identity is when he activated the OIR service 3GPP TS 24.607 [3].

The originating user is given an appropriate indication that the communication has been rejected due to the application of the ACR service.

The Anonymous Communication Rejection (ACR) service is a special case of the ICB service, which is highlighted here because it is a regulatory service in many countries. The ACR service can be activated for a specific subscriber by configuring an ICB service barring rule where the conditional part contains the "Condition=anonymous" and the action part "allow=false".

The Outgoing Communication Barring (OCB) service makes it possible for a user to have barring of certain categories of outgoing communications according to a provisioned or user configured barring program and is valid for all outgoing communications. A barring program is expressed as a set of rules in which the rules have a conditional part and an action part. An example condition is whether the request uri matches a specific public user identity. The action part can specify for a rule that contains a matching condition that the specific outgoing communication it to be barred. The complete set of conditions and actions that apply to this service and their semantics is described in clause 4.9.

The configuration over the Ut interface of a barring service can be protected by a password. If the subscriber at provisioning time selects the value "by subscriber using a password" for the subscription option "control of barring services", the password is provisioned by the operator at that time. At any later time it is possible to change the password using mechanisms specified in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6].

4.3 Operational requirements

4.3.1 Provision/withdrawal

The ACR/CB service shall be provided after prior arrangement with the service provider.

The ACR/CB service shall be withdrawn at the served user’s request or for administrative reasons.

The communication barring services can be offered with a subscription option "control of barring services". If offered, the subscriber selects one value for the "control of barring services". This subscription option is part of the communication barring profile for the served user. The subscription option is shown in table 4.3.1-1.

Table 4.3.1-1: Subscription option for barring services

Subscription option


control of barring services

by subscriber using a password

by the service provider

If the subscriber at provisioning time for the subscription option "control of barring services" selected the value "by subscriber using a password", the service provider provisions an initial password for all communication barring services. Subsequently, the user can change the communication barring password at any time. The procedure to register a new communication barring password over the Ut interface is specified in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6]. The procedure to register a new communication barring password using the SIP based user configuration is specified in 3GPP TS 24.238 [20].

If the subscriber at provision time has selected the value "by the service provider", then an attempt to register a new communication barring password will be rejected as specified in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6] for Ut interface and 3GPP TS 24.238 [20] for SIP based user configuration.

If the service provider does not offer the subscription option "control of barring services", the subscriber can manipulate the barring settings without using a password.

The subscription option "control of barring services" described in this specification corresponds to the "control of supplementary service" option defined in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6] for Ut interface and in 3GPP TS 24.238 [20] for SIP based user configuration.

4.3.2 Requirements on the originating network side

No specific requirements are needed in the network.

NOTE: Annex B includes an example of an IFC that can be used to invoke the OCB service.

4.3.3 Requirements in the network

No specific requirements are needed in the network.

4.3.4 Requirements on the terminating network side

No specific requirements are needed in the network.

NOTE: Annex B includes an example of an IFC that can be used to invoke the ACR/ICB service.

4.4 Coding requirements

4.4.1 ICB coding requirements

No specific requirements have been identified.

To indicate the dynamic ICB the terminating UE shall send either:

– a 603 (Decline) response including a Reason header field containing 603 Decline; or

– a BYE request including a Reason header field containing 603 Decline; or

– an initial INVITE request including a SSC command.

4.4.2 ACR coding requirements

The Privacy header field and the P-Asserted-Identity header fields as defined within 3GPP TS 24.229 [2], are used to trigger the service. The response code 433 (Anonymity Disallowed) defined by IETF RFC 5079 [18] is used in support of ACR service.

4.4.3 OCB coding requirements

No specific requirements have been identified.

4.5 Signalling requirements

4.5.0 General

Configuration of supplementary services by the user should:

– take place over the Ut interface using XCAP as enabling protocol as described in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6]; or

– use SIP based user configuration as described in 3GPP TS 24.238 [20].

NOTE: Other possibilities for user configuration, such as web-based provisioning or pre-provisioning by the operator are outside the scope of the present document, but are not precluded

If the subscription option "control of barring services" is set to "by subscriber using a password", the subscriber needs to provide a password when manipulating the barring supplementary service.

If the subscription option "control of barring services" is set to "by the service provider", the barring supplementary service cannot be manipulated by the subscriber. The manipulation of the barring supplementary service has to be performed by the service provider. An attempt to manipulate the barring supplementary service over Ut interface will be rejected as specified in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6]. An attempt to manipulate the barring supplementary service using SIP based user configuration will be rejected as specified in 3GPP TS 24.238 [20].

For password handling, when the UE is using the Ut interface for service configuration, the UE shall follow the procedures specified in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6]. The UE can learn that a password is required by finding a "password-required" attribute set to "true" in both the <incoming-communication-barring> and the <outgoing-communication-barring> elements.

For password handling, when the UE is using the SIP based user configuration, the UE shall follow the procedures specified in 3GPP TS 24.238 [20].

The enhancements to the XML schema for use over the Ut interface are described in clause 4.9.

4.5.1 Activation/deactivation

The services ICB, OCB and ACR are individually activated at provisioning or at the subscribers request by using the mechanisms specified in clause 4.5.0.

The services ICB, OCB and ACR are individually deactivated at withdrawal or at the subscribers request by using the mechanisms specified in clause 4.5.0.

4.5.1A Registration/erasure

For registration of information for the services ICB, OCB and ACR, the mechanisms specified in clause 4.5.0 should be used. The detailed information for the services ICB, OCB and ACR can individually be registered at the subscribers request by using the mechanisms specified in clause 4.5.0.

For erasure of information for the services ICB, OCB and ACR, the mechanisms specified in clause 4.5.0 should be used. The detailed information for the services ICB, OCB and ACR can individually be erased at the subscribers request by using the mechanisms specified in clause 4.5.0.

4.5.1B Interrogation

For interrogation of the services ICB, OCB and ACR, the mechanisms specified in clause 4.5.0 should be used.

For interrogation of the supported conditions and actions that can be used in the network the Ut interface should be used.

4.5.2 Invocation and operation Actions at the originating UE

Procedures according to 3GPP TS 24.229 [2] shall apply. Void Void Actions at the originating AS Actions for OCB at the originating AS

The AS providing the OCB service shall operate as either an AS acting as a SIP proxy as specified in clause 5.7.4 of 3GPP TS 24.229 [2] or an AS providing 3rd party call control, and specifically as a routeing B2BUA, as specified in clause 5.7.5 of 3GPP TS 24.229 [2]. An AS providing the OCB service and rejecting the request shall operate as a terminating UA, as specified in clause 5.7.2 of 3GPP TS 24.229 [2].

NOTE: For the case when the session is not subject to OCB according the requirements in this document, and is the only service being applied by the AS, then the AS only needs to act as a SIP proxy. If additional services are applied, then the AS might need to act as a routeing B2BUA.

The AS providing the OCB service shall reject outgoing communications when the evaluation of the served users outgoing communication barring rules according to the algorithm as specified in clause evaluates to (allow="false"),.Outgoing communications towards emergency services are always allowed irrespective of what barring settings the user has defined. To allow emergency calls to go through, the operator creates an allow list, as described in clause, including emergency numbers in any useful format including emergency service URNs specified in RFC 5031[23]. For the purpose of OCB, the AS shall evaluate the "cp:identity" and "ocp:external-list" conditions against the called party identity taken from Request-URI or additionally taken from the To header field.

When the AS providing the OCB service rejects a communication, the AS shall send an indication to the calling user by sending a 603 (Decline) response Additionally, before terminating the communication the AS can provide an announcement to the originating user. The procedure of invoking an announcement is described within 3GPP TS 24.628 [10]. Void Actions at the terminating AS Actions for ICB at the terminating AS

The AS providing the ICB service shall operate as either an AS acting as a SIP proxy as specified in clause 5.7.4 of 3GPP TS 24.229 [2] or an AS providing 3rd party call control, and specifically as a routeing B2BUA, as specified in clause 5.7.5 of 3GPP TS 24.229 [2]. An AS providing the ICB service and rejecting the request shall operate as a terminating UA, as specified in clause 5.7.2 of 3GPP TS 24.229 [2].

NOTE 1: For the case when the session is not subject to ICB according the requirements in this document, and is the only service being applied by the AS, then the AS only needs to act as a SIP proxy. If additional services are applied, then the AS might need to act as a routeing B2BUA.

The AS shall based on local policy on how to handle PSAP callbacks suppress ICB when the received initial INVITE request towards the served user is identified as a PSAP callback.

The mechanism to identify an INVITE request as a PSAP callback depends on local policy and can be based on the PSAP callback indicator specified in IETF RFC 7090 [21].

The AS providing the ICB service shall reject initial incoming requests when the evaluation of the served users incoming communication barring rules according to the algorithm as specified in clause evaluates to (allow="false"). For the purpose of ICB, the AS shall evaluate the "cp:identity" and "ocp:external-list" conditions against the calling party identity taken from the P-Asserted-Identity header field or additionally taken from the From header field or the Referred-By header field.

NOTE 2: The procedures give the flexibility for OPTIONS requests to be treated differently to the equivalent INVITE requests. Unless this capability is specifically required, care is needed in the design of the rules to treat these identically. Rejecting an incoming OPTIONS request can cause the originator not to attempt to place a call to the intended recipient of the OPTIONS.

The dynamic ICB is a network option to extend the ICB functionality:

To bar an incoming request, the AS providing the dynamic ICB service receives from the terminating UE:

– a 603 (Decline) response including a Reason header field containing 603 Declinefor a dialog initiating request

– a BYE request including a Reason header field containing 603 Decline or

– an initial INVITE request including a SSC command.

The AS providing the dynamic ICB service shall store the following information:

Actual identity of caller: Network asserted identity of the calling user which is stored in the network and additionally the identity included within the From header (defined in IETF RFC 3261 [22]). If the received identity is a restricted identity (a Privacy header field with the values "user", "header" or "id") then the actual identity of the caller shall never be presented or be accessable (e.g. via the block list maintenance) to the served user.

NOTE 3: If the barred caller has requested privacy (e.g. by subscribing to ORI service) the served user may just see "Anonymous" or "Unknown". However the served user can invoke dynamic ICB since the network knows the true identity of the caller. To facilitate the management of the list of barred callers, the served user may use the reason field to identify the barred caller.

– Start and end date for barring: Define the duration of barring. If not provided, it implies that the caller should be barred permanently or for a maximum lifetime which is set by the network operator preferences.

Depending on operator policy, the following information may be additionally provided by the user at the time of barring and shall be associated by the AS with the actual identity:

– Reason: The reason for barring (e.g. "Telemarketer"), and

– Published identity of caller: This consists of the actual identity of the caller; "a valid SIP URI", or "private user identity", or "anonymous" if the caller has opted for privacy. This identity is conveyed by P-Asserted Identity or as an option by the From header (defined in IETF RFC 3261 [22]).

The ACR service is a special case of the ICB service and is expressed as the following rule:

– Condition: =anonymous, Action: allow=false.

For any rule set that evaluates to (allow="false") and where one of the matching rules contained the anonymous condition, the AS shall execute the procedures as specified in clause

When the AS providing the ICB service rejects a communication, the AS shall send an indication to the calling user by sending a 603 (Decline) response Additionally, if the barred communication is a voice or video call, before terminating the communication the AS can provide an announcement to the originating user. The procedure of invoking an announcement is described within 3GPP TS 24.628 [10]. Action for ACR at the terminating AS

The AS providing the ACR service shall operate as either an AS acting as a SIP proxy as specified in clause 5.7.4 of 3GPP TS 24.229 [2] or an AS providing 3rd party call control, and specifically as a routeing B2BUA, as specified in clause 5.7.5 of 3GPP TS 24.229 [2]. An AS providing the ACR service and rejecting the request shall operate as a terminating UA, as specified in clause 5.7.2 of 3GPP TS 24.229 [2].

NOTE: For the case when the session or transaction is not subject to ACR according the requirements in this document, and is the only service being applied by the AS, then the AS only needs to act as a SIP proxy. If additional services are applied, then the AS might need to act as a routeing B2BUA.

The AS providing the ACR service shall reject all incoming communications where the incoming SIP request:

  1. 1) includes the P-Asserted-Identity header field AND includes the Privacy header field indicating "id" as specified in IETF RFC 3325 [13]; or
  2. 2) includes the P-Asserted-Identity header field AND includes the Privacy header field indicating "header" as specified in IETF RFC 3323 [14]; or
  3. 3) includes the P-Asserted-Identity header field AND includes the Privacy header field indicating "user" as specified in IETF RFC 3323 [14].

NOTE: In all other cases the communication proceeds normally.

When the AS providing the ACR service rejects a communication, the AS shall send an indication to the calling user by sending a 433 (Anonymity Disallowed) response. Additionally, if the barred communication is a voice or video call, before terminating the communication the AS can provide an announcement to the originating user. The procedure of invoking an announcement is described within 3GPP TS 24.628 [10].

If the barred communication is a voice or video call, as a service option the AS providing the ACR service can forward the communication to a voice message service instead of rejecting the communication with a 433 (Anonymity Disallowed) final response. Void Void Void Void Void Void Actions at the destination UE

Procedures according to 3GPP TS 24.229 [2] shall apply.

To indicate the barring, a destination UE which supports dynamic ICB shall send:

– a 603 (Decline) response including a Reason header field containing 603 Decline when the communication status is in early dialog; or

– a BYE request including a Reason header field containing 603 Decline when the communication status is in confirmed status; or

– an initial INVITE request including an SSC command after the session is released.

4.6 Interaction with other services

4.6.1 Communication HOLD (HOLD)

No impact, i.e. neither service shall affect the operation of the other service.

4.6.2 Terminating Identification Presentation (TIP)

No impact, i.e. neither service shall affect the operation of the other service.

4.6.3 Terminating Identification Restriction (TIR)

No impact, i.e. neither service shall affect the operation of the other service.

4.6.4 Originating Identification Presentation (OIP)

If the called user has subscribed to the override category according to the OIP service 3GPP TS 24.607 [3], then the AS providing ACR service shall not apply the requirements of this document.

Within the network execution of ICB and ACR services shall precede the OIP service.

4.6.5 Originating Identification Restriction (OIR)

If the called user has activated the ACR service, then incoming communications of originating user that have activated the OIR service -3GPP TS 24.607 [3] are rejected as a consequence of the procedure in clause

4.6.6 CONFerence Calling (CONF)

If the conference creator activated the OCB service then, the AS providing the CB service shall reject REFER requests with a refer-to target that is barred by the conference creator’s Outgoing Communication Barring (OCB) rules.

If the conference creator activated the OCB service then, the AS providing the CB service shall remove the URI that is barred by the conference creator’s Outgoing Communication Barring (OCB) rules from the list of URIs in the "recipient-list" body of INVITE request.

4.6.7 Communication DIVersion services (CDIV)

If the served user has activated the ACR or ICB service, then the ACR or ICB service shall take precedence over the Communication Diversion service for the served user.

If the served user activated the OCB service then, the OCB service shall take precedence on the outgoing communication towards the targeted-to user.

4.6.8 Malicious Communication IDentification (MCID)

No impact, i.e. neither service shall affect the operation of the other service.

4.6.9 Explicit Communication Transfer (ECT)

No impact, i.e. neither service shall affect the operation of the other service.

4.6.10 Enhanced Calling Name (eCNAM)

Within the network execution of ICB and ACR services, either service shall take precedence over the eCNAM service specified in 3GPP TS 24.196 [24].

4.6.11 Multi-Device (MuD)

If the served user has activated the ACR, ICB or OCB service, then the ACR, ICB or OCB service shall take precedence over the MuD service.

4.6.12 Multi-Identity (MiD)

If the served user has activated the ACR, ICB or OCB service, then the ACR, ICB or OCB service shall take precedence over the MiD service.

4.7 Interworking with other networks

4.7.1 Void

4.7.2 Void

4.7.3 Void

4.8 Parameter values (timers)

No Timers for ACR/CB defined.

4.9 Service configuration

4.9.1 Structure of the XML Document Definitions

Communication Barring documents are sub-trees of the simservs XML document specified in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6]. As such, Communication Barring documents use the XCAP application usage in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6].

Data semantics: The semantics of the communication barring XML configuration document is specified in clause 4.9.1. "Structure of the XML Document".

XML schema: Implementations in compliance with the present document shall implement the XML schema that minimally includes the XML Schema defined in clause 4.9.2 "Communication Barring Rules" and the simservs XML schema specified in clause 6.3 of 3GPP TS 24.623 [6]. General

In addition to the considerations and constraints defined by the simservs XML document 3GPP TS 24.623 [6], the following additional constraints and considerations for the Communication Barring sub-tree are defined.

An instance of the simulation services configuration containing a communication barring configuration document.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>





<incoming-communication-barring active="true">

rule set

</incoming-communication-barring >

<outgoing-communication-barring active="true">

rule set

</outgoing-communication-barring >


The communication barring service contains a rule set, which specifies how the communication barring services react to external stimuli. Communication Barring elements

The communication barring configuration contains two communication barring elements, one for incoming-communication-barring and one for outgoing-communication-barring. Each barring element contains a rule set. The rule set reuses the syntax as specified by the common policy draft (see IETF RFC 4745 [16]).

Incoming-communication-barring element has the following form:

<incoming-communication-barring active="true">






Outgoing-communication-barring element has the following form:

<outgoing-communication-barring active="true">






For evaluating a rule set the AS shall use the algorithm as specified in common policy draft (see IETF RFC 4745 [16], clause 10.2).

In clause all allowed conditions are specified, communication barring rules are always evaluated at communication setup time.

The shown "active" attribute is inherited from the simservType from 3GPP TS 24.623 [6], its meaning is also specified in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6]. Communication Barring rules

The Communication Barring service is configured with an ordered set of forwarding rules. The XML Schema reuses the rule syntax as specified by common policy draft (see IETF RFC 4745 [16]). The rules take the following form:

<cp:rule id="rule66">









When the AS providing the service processes a set of rules, the AS shall start executing the first rule. If:

– the rule has no <conditions> element;

– the rule has an empty <conditions> element; or

– conditions are present and they all evaluate to true;

then the rule matches and the specified action is executed.

Applied to the fragment above which shows the case where conditions are present this means that only if the expression (condition1 AND condition2) evaluates to true then the rule66 matches call is executed, if there are more matching rules then the resulting actions shall be combined according to the procedure specified in the common policy draft (see IETF RFC 4745 [16]). If one of the matching rules evaluates to allow=true then the resulting value shall be allow=true and the call continues normally, otherwise the result shall be allow=false and the call will be barred. If there are no matching rules then the result shall be allow=true.

To create an allow list of identities towards which outgoing communications are always allowed, rules where the action is allow=true can be created. User or operator provided allow lists may be built. Operator defined rules shall not be exposed over the Ut interface.

NOTE: Operator provided allow lists are provisioned over a proprietary interface.

The "id" attribute value of a rule shall uniquely identify the rule within a rule set. This can be used in XCAP usage to address one specific rule. Communication Barring rule conditions

The following conditions are allowed by the XML Schema for the communication barring service.

presence-status: This condition evaluates to true when the called user’s current presence activity status is equal to the value set for this condition. In all other cases the condition evaluates to false.

cp:identity: This condition evaluates to true when a provided user’s identity matches with the value of the identity element. The interpretation of all the elements of this condition is described in the common policy draft
(see IETF RFC 4745 [16]). In all other cases the condition evaluates to false.

anonymous: To comply with the requirements as set for simulation of the ACR service, the anonymous element only evaluate to true when the conditions as set out in clause for asserted originating public user identity apply.

request-name: This condition evaluates to true when the incoming SIP request name matches whith the value of the request-name element.

NOTE 1: The absence of this condition means that the barring rules apply to all initial incoming requests.

cp:sphere: Not applicable in the context of the Communication Barring service.

cp:validity: Specifies a period. The condition evaluates to true when the current time is within the validity period expressed by the value of this condition. In all other cases the condition evaluates to false.

media: This condition evaluates to true when the value of this condition matches the media field in one of the "m=" lines in IETF RFC 4566 [5] offered in an INVITE request. It allows for barring of specific media.

communication-diverted: This condition evaluates to true when the incoming communication has been previously diverted.

NOTE 2: Diverted communication can be recognized by the presence of the History-Info header field, as specified in 3GPP TS 24.604 [9].

roaming: This condition evaluates to true when the served user is registered from an access network other then the served users home network.

NOTE 3: Whether the served user is registered from another network then the served users home network can be determined from the P-Visited-Network-ID header field specified in IETF RFC 7315 [15] and the P-Access-Network-Info header field specified in IETF RFC 7315 [15] both are provided during the registration process, see 3GPP TS 24.229 [2], clause

rule-deactivated: This condition always evaluates to false. This can be used to deactivate a rule, without loosing information. By removing this condition the rule can be activated again.

ocp:external-list: This condition evaluates to true when a provided users identity is contained in an external URI list stored in a OMA-TS-XDM_Shared [17] to which the value of external-list refers. The exact interpretation of this element is specified in OMA-TS-XDM_Core [17].

ocp:other-identity: If present in any rule, the "other-identity" element, which is empty, matches all identities that are not referenced in any rule. It allows for specifying a default policy. The exact interpretation of this condition is specified in OMA-TS-XDM_Core [17].

international: This condition evaluates to true when the request URI of the outgoing SIP request:

– corresponds to a telephone number, i.e. a SIP URI with a "user" URI parameter set to "phone" or a tel URI; and

– does not point to a destination served by a network within the country where the originating user is located when initiating the communication.

international-exHC: This condition for international barring, excluding the home country, evaluates to true when the request URI of the outgoing SIP request:

– corresponds to a telephone number, i.e. a SIP URI with a "user" URI parameter set to "phone" or a tel URI;

– does not point to a destination served by a network within the country where the originating user is located when initiating the communication; and

– does not point to a destination served within the served users home network.

NOTE 4: In case of international and international-exHC, called users subscribed to a network in the country in which the served user roams, can be called irrespective where they roam. Subscribers, subscribed to any network in another country than the one in which the served user is located cannot be called even if they roam in the same network area as the served users or in the served user’s home network.

The condition elements that are not taken from the common policy draft (see IETF RFC 4745 [16]) or OMA common policy schema ETSI TS 183 038 [4] are defined in the simservs document schema specified in 3GPP TS 24.623 [6].

Information of which of the above mentioned conditions the user is allowed to use can be obtained from the network by using the schema defined in clause 4.9.3.

The "serv-cap-media" element lists the elements that can be used in the "media" rule condition. Communication Barring rule actions

The action supported by the communication barring service is (un)conditional barring of communications. For this the allow action has been defined. The allow action takes a Boolean argument when the value is true the communication are allowed to continue, when it is false the communication is barred. Supported Conditions for Communication Barring

The supported conditions for communication barring are configured with a list of condition capability elements. These capability elements are read only and indicate which capabilities related to communication barring the network has provisioned for a user. There is one rule capability element per each rule condition.

EXAMPLE: An instance of the simulation services configuration containing a service capabilities document for communication barring is shown in the following example. In this example, the same capabilities as in Call Barring in a CS network are supported.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



<communication-barring-serv-cap active="true">


<serv-cap-communication-diverted provisioned="false"></serv-cap-communication-diverted>

<serv-cap-external-list provisioned="false"></serv-cap-external-list>

<serv-cap-identity provisioned="false"></serv-cap-identity>





<serv-cap-other-identity provisioned="false"></serv-cap-other-identity>

<serv-cap-presence-status provisioned="false"></serv-cap-presence-status>

<serv-cap-roaming provisioned="false"></serv-cap-roaming>

<serv-cap-rule-deactivated provisioned="false"></serv-cap-rule-deactivated>
<serv-cap-request-name provisioned="false"></serv-cap-request-name>

<serv-cap-validity provisioned="false"></serv-cap-validity>

<serv-cap-unconditional provisioned="true"></serv-cap-unconditional>




4.9.2 XML Schema

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ss="http://uri.etsi.org/ngn/params/xml/simservs/xcap" xmlns:cp="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy"

xmlns:ocp="urn:oma:xml:xdm:common-policy" targetNamespace="http://uri.etsi.org/ngn/params/xml/simservs/xcap" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

<!– import common policy definitions –>

<xs:import namespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy" schemaLocation="common-policy.xsd"/>

<!– import OMA common policy extensions –>

<xs:import namespace="urn:oma:xml:xdm:common-policy" schemaLocation="xdm_commonPolicy-V1_0"/>

<!– incoming communication barring rule set based on the common policy rule set.–>

<xs:element name="incoming-communication-barring" substitutionGroup="ss:absService">


<xs:documentation>This is the incoming communication barring configuration document.</xs:documentation>




<xs:extension base="ss:simservType">


<!– add service specific elements here–>

<xs:element ref="cp:ruleset" minOccurs="0"/>


<xs:attribute name="password-required" type="xs:boolean" default="false" use="optional"/>


<!– service specific attributes can be defined here –>




<!– outgoing communication barring rule set based on the common policy rule set.–>

<xs:element name="outgoing-communication-barring" substitutionGroup="ss:absService">


<xs:documentation>This is the outgoing communication barring configuration document.</xs:documentation>




<xs:extension base="ss:simservType">


<!– add service specific elements here–>

<xs:element ref="cp:ruleset" minOccurs="0"/>


<xs:attribute name="password-required" type="xs:boolean" default="false" use="optional"/>


<!– service specific attributes can be defined here –>




<!– communication barring specific extensions to IETF common policy actions–>

<xs:element name="allow" type="ss:allow-action-type"/>

<!– communication barring specific type declarations –>

<xs:simpleType name="allow-action-type" final="list restriction">

<xs:restriction base="xs:boolean"/>



4.9.3 XML schema for indication of supported conditions and actions

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:ss="http://uri.etsi.org/ngn/params/xml/simservs/xcap" targetNamespace="http://uri.etsi.org/ngn/params/xml/simservs/xcap" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">


<xs:documentation xml:lang="en">This schema defines elements that are used to inform the UE which conditions and actions the network support.</xs:documentation>


<xs:include schemaLocation="XCAP.xsd"/>

<xs:element name="communication-barring-serv-cap" substitutionGroup="ss:absService">



<xs:extension base="ss:simservType">


<xs:element name="serv-cap-conditions" minOccurs="0">



<xs:element name="serv-cap-anonymous" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-request-name" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-communication-diverted" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-external-list" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-identity" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-international" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-international-exHC" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-media" type="ss:supported-media-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-other-identity" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-presence-status" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-roaming" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-rule-deactivated" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-validity" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="serv-cap-unconditional" type="ss:provisioned-type" minOccurs="0"/>










Annex A (informative):
Signalling flows

The following signalling flows show examples of the configuration and the use of the ACR and CB services. These flows are not implying that other scenarios are not valid.