5 Functional entities

24.5813GPPMission Critical Video (MCVideo) media plane controlProtocol specificationRelease 18TS

5.1 General

This clause associates the functional entities with the MCVideo roles described in the stage 2 architecture document (see 3GPP TS 23.281 [11]).

5.2 MCVideo client

5.2.1 Introduction

To be compliant with the procedures in the present document, an MCVideo client shall:

1. support the role of an MCVideo client as specified 3GPP TS 23.281 [11];

2. support the on-network MCVideo client role as specified in 3GPP TS 24.281 [2];

3. support the off-network MCVideo client role as specified in 3GPP TS 24.281 [2]; and

4. support media plane security as specified in clause 13.

To be compliant with the on-network procedures in the present document, an MCVideo client shall:

1. provide the role of a transmission participant in on-network mode as specified in clause 5.2.2;

2. provide the media mixer function as described in clause 4.2.2 and support the related procedures in clause 6.2;

3. provide video transmit, video transmission end, video receive and video reception end button events towards the on-network transmission participant as specified in clause 6.2;

4. provide means (sound, display, etc.) for indications towards the MCVideo user as specified in clause 6.2;

5. support negotiating media plane control channel media level attributes as specified in clause 4.3; and

6. when operating in systems that support MBMS functionality, provide the MBMS interface as described in clause 4.2.2 and support the related MBMS subchannel control procedure as specified in clause 10.3;

To be compliant with the off-network procedures in the present document, an MCVideo client shall:

1. provide the role of a transmission participant in off-network mode as specified in clause 5.2.3;

2. support the role of an off-network transmission participant as specified in 3GPP TS 23.281 [11] and in the present specification;

3. provide the media mixer function as described in clause 4.2.2 and support the related procedures as specified in clause 7;

4. provide video transmit, video transmission end, video receive and video reception end button events towards the off-network transmission participant as specified in clause 7; and

5. provide means (sound, display, etc.) for indications towards the MCVideo user as specified in clause 7.

5.2.2 Transmission participant in on-network mode

To be compliant with the on-network procedures in the present document, a transmission participant in on-network mode shall:

1. support the on-network transmission control procedures as defined in 3GPP TS 23.281 [11];

2. support acting as an on-network transmission participant as specified in clause 6.2; and

3. support the on-network mode transmission control protocol elements as specified in the clause 8.

A transmission participant in on-network mode may:

1. support queueing of transmission requests as specified in clause 6.2 and clause

5.2.3 Transmission participant in off-network mode

To be compliant with the off-network procedures in the present document, a transmission participant in off-network mode shall:

1. support off-network transmission control procedures as specified in 3GPP TS 23.281 [11];

2. support acting as an off-network transmission participant as specified in clause 7;

3. support acting as an off-network transmission control server as specified in clause 7; and

4. support the off-network mode transmission control protocol elements in clause 8.

A transmission participant in off-network mode may:

1. support queueing of transmission requests as specified in clause 7 and clause

5.3 Controlling MCVideo function

An MCVideo server providing the controlling MCVideo function shall:

1. support the role of a controlling MCVideo function as specified in 3GPP TS 23.281 [11];

2. support negotiating media plane control channel media level attributes as specified in clause 4.3;

3. provide transmission and reception control arbitration logic with an interface to MCVideo clients as described in clause 4.2.1 and support the related procedures as specified in clause 6.3;

4. provided a network media interface as described in clause 4.2.1 and support associated procedures as specified in clause 6.3;

5. provide a media distributor with a transmission control interface towards the MCVideo clients as described in clause 4.2.1 and support associated procedures in clause 6.3;

6. support the on-network mode transmission and reception control protocol elements as specified in clause 8: and

7. support media plane security as specified in clause 13.

An MCVideo server providing the controlling MCVideo function may:

1. provide a transmission request queue as described in clause 4.2.1 and support the related procedures as specified in clause 6.3 and clause 4.3.

5.4 Participating MCVideo function

An MCVideo server providing the participating MCVideo function shall:

1. support the role of a participating MCVideo function as specified in 3GPP TS 23.281 [11];

2. distribute transmission control messages as described in clause 6.3 and support associated procedures as specified in clause 6.4;

3. support media plane security as specified in clause 13; and

4. when operating in systems that support and employ MBMS functionality, act as a GCS AS as specified in 3GPP TS 29.468 [6] and execute the related MBMS subchannel control procedures as specified in clause 10.2.