3 Definitions of terms, symbols and abbreviations

24.5543GPPProximity-services (ProSe) in 5G System (5GS) protocol aspectsRelease 17Stage 3TS

3.1 Terms

For the purposes of the present document, the terms given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

5G ProSe Direct Communication: A function that supports the communications between two or more UEs in proximity that are 5G ProSe-enabled, by means of user plane transmission using NR technology via a path not traversing any network node.

5G ProSe Direct Discovery: A function employed by a 5G ProSe-enabled UE to discover other 5G ProSe-enabled UEs in its vicinity based on direct radio transmissions between the two UEs with NR technology.

5G ProSe UE-to-network relay: A function employed by a 5G ProSe-enabled UE to support the communications between a 5G ProSe UE-to-network remote UE and DN.

5G ProSe layer-2 UE-to-network relay: A function employed by a 5G ProSe-enabled UE to support the communications between a 5G ProSe layer-2 UE-to-network remote UE and DN.

5G ProSe layer-3 UE-to-network relay: A function that supports the communications between a 5G ProSe layer-3 UE-to-network remote UE and DN.

5G ProSe UE-to-network relay UE: A 5G ProSe-enabled UE that provides functionality to support connectivity to the network for 5G ProSe remote UE(s).

5G ProSe layer-2 UE-to-network relay UE: A 5G ProSe-enabled UE that provides functionality to support connectivity to the network for 5G ProSe layer-2 remote UE(s) via layer-2 protocol.

5G ProSe layer-3 UE-to-network relay UE: A 5G ProSe-enabled UE that provides functionality to support connectivity to the network for 5G ProSe layer-3 remote UE(s) via layer-3 protocol.

5G ProSe layer-2 remote UE: A 5G ProSe-enabled UE that communicates with a DN via a 5G ProSe layer-2 UE-to-network relay UE.

5G ProSe layer-3 remote UE: A 5G ProSe-enabled UE that communicates with a DN via a 5G ProSe layer-3 UE-to-network relay UE.

Open 5G ProSe direct discovery: A 5G ProSe direct discovery that takes place without explicit permission from the 5G ProSe-enabled UE being discovered.

Restricted 5G ProSe direct discovery: A 5G ProSe direct discovery that only takes place with explicit permission from the 5G ProSe-enabled UE being discovered.

5G DDNMF CTF (ADF): Accounting Data Forwarding (ADF) function block of the Charging Trigger Function (CTF) in the 5G DDNMF.

Usage information report: Usage information related to one collection period.

Usage information report list: One or more usage information report(s) associated with the UE identity of a 5G ProSe-enabled UE.

For the purposes of the present document, the following term and definition given in TS 23.304 [2] apply:

5G ProSe-enabled UE

5G ProSe remote UE

Application layer ID

Application layer group ID

Destination layer-2 ID

Discovery entry ID

Discovery filter

Discovery query filter

Discovery response filter

Geographical area

Indirect network communication

Local PLMN

Member ID

Metadata index

Metadata index mask

Model A

Model B

Mode of communication

ProSe application code

ProSe application mask

ProSe application ID

ProSe application user ID

ProSe discovery UE ID

ProSe identifier

ProSe layer-2 group ID

ProSe query code

ProSe response code

ProSe restricted code

ProSe restricted code prefix

ProSe restricted code suffix

Relay service code

Restricted ProSe application user ID

Source layer-2 ID

NR Tx profile

User info ID

3.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

5G DDNMF 5G Direct Discovery Name Management Function

5G PKMF 5G ProSe Key Management Function

5G ProSe 5G Proximity-based Services

AA Authentication and Authorization

AKMA Authentication and Key Management for Applications

CP-PRUK Control Plane ProSe Remote User Key

CTF (ADF) Charging Trigger Function (Accounting Data Forwarding)

DN Data Network

DUCK Discovery User Confidentility Key

DUIK Discovery User Integrity Key

DUSK Discovery User Scrambling Key

FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name

GBA Generic Bootstrapping Architecture

GFBR Guaranteed Flow Bit Rate

GPI GBA Push Information

LSB Least Significant 8 Bits

MSB Most Significant 8 Bits

MFBR Maximum Flow Bit Rate

MIC Message Integrity Check

MOBIKE IKEv2 Mobility and Multihoming Protocol

NAI Network Access Identifier

NCGI NG-RAN Cell Global ID

PC5 LINK-AMBR PC5 Link Aggregated Bit Rate

PDUID ProSe Discovery UE ID


ProSeP 5G ProSe Policy

PSDK Public Safety Discovery Key

RPAUID Restricted ProSe Application User ID

RQI Reflective QoS Indication

RSC Relay Service Code

TTL Time-To-Live

UP-PRUK User Plane ProSe Remote User Key

URSP UE Route Selection Policy