3 Definitions, symbols and abbreviations

24.5023GPPAccess to the 3GPP 5G Core Network (5GCN) via non-3GPP access networksRelease 18TS

3.1 Definitions

For the purposes of the present document, the terms and definitions given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. A term defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same term, if any, in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

MTU: Maximum transmission unit (MTU) is the largest PDU size which can be transmitted and received by a network entity in one single IP packet without any need for IP fragmentation.

NWt: NWt is the reference point between the UE and the TNGF for establishing secure tunnel(s) between the UE and the TNGF so that control-plane and user-plane exchanged between the UE and the 5G core network is transferred securely over trusted non-3GPP access.

NWu: NWu is the reference point between the UE and the N3IWF for establishing secure tunnel(s) between the UE and the N3IWF so that control-plane and user-plane exchanged between the UE and the 5G core network is transferred securely over untrusted non-3GPP access.

For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 23.501 [2] apply:

5G Access Network

5G Core Network

5G QoS flow

5G QoS identifier

5G System

Network identifier (NID)

PDU Session

Stand-alone Non-Public Network


For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 23.003 [8] apply:

Global Line Identifier (GLI)

Global Cable Identifier (GCI)NAI

For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 33.501 [5] apply:



For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 24.302 [7] apply:

S2a connectivity

For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 24.501 [4] apply:

Non 5G capable over WLAN (N5CW) device

SNPN access operation mode

W-AGF acting on behalf of the N5GC device

For the purposes of the present document, the following terms and definitions given in 3GPP TS 23.316 [40] apply:

Wireline access control plane protocol (W-CP)

Wireline access user plane protocol (W-UP)

3.2 Abbreviations

For the purposes of the present document, the abbreviations given in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1] and the following apply. An abbreviation defined in the present document takes precedence over the definition of the same abbreviation, if any, in 3GPP TR 21.905 [1].

5GCN 5G Core Network

5GS 5G System

5G-AN 5G Access Network

5QI 5G QoS Identifier

AMF Access and Mobility Management Function

AN Access Network

ANDS Access Network Discovery and Selection

ANDSP Access Network Discovery and Selection Policy

AUSF Authentication Server Function

CP Control Plane

CRG Cable Residential Gateway

DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

DL Downlink

DNS Domain Name System

DSCP Differentiated Services Code Point

ePDG Evolved Packet Data Gateway

ESP Encapsulating Security Payload

FQDN Fully Qualified Domain Name


IP Internet Protocol

IPsec Internet Protocol Security

N3AN Non-3GPP Access Network

N3IWF Non-3GPP InterWorking Function

N5CW Non 5G Capable over WLAN

N5GC Non-5G Capable

NAI Network Access Identifier

NAS Non Access Stratum

NID Network Identifier

NSWO Non-Seamless WLAN Offload

PCF Policy control Function

PDU Protocol Data Unit

QFI QoS Flow Identifier

RQI Reflective QoS Indicator

SA Security Association

SNPN Stand-alone Non-Public Network

SPI Security Parameters Index

SUPI Subscription Permanent Identifier

SUCI Subscription Concealed Identifier

TCP Transmission Control Protocol

TNAN Trusted Non-3GPP Access Network

TNAP Trusted Non-3GPP Access Point

TNGF Trusted Non-3GPP Gateway Function

TWAN Trusted WLAN Access Network

TWAP Trusted WLAN Access Point

TWIF Trusted WLAN Interworking Function

UL Uplink

UP User Plane

UPF User Plane Function


WLAN Wireless Local Area Network

WLANSP WLAN Selection Policy