A.2 Signalling flows for MCPTT user profile configuration document creation

24.4843GPPMission Critical Services (MCS) configuration managementProtocol specificationRelease 18TS

A.2.1 CMC creating a MCPTT user profile configuration document on behalf of MCPTT user

Figure A.2.1-1 shows a flow for a system adminstrator using configuration management client CMC-1 creating an MCPTT user profile configuration document on a configuration management server CMS-1 which then uploads it to the MCPTT user database.

CMC-1 serves the system administrator (user1@example.com). The CMC-1 is configured with the CMSXCAPRootURI/MissionCriticalOrg/MCO-12345/.

In the example below the MCPTT user profile configuration document is user-profile-0.xml and is created on behalf of user2@example.com (MCPTT ID sip:user2@example.com) who has an alias of "Officer 12345".

The XUI of the document is the owner of the document (user1@example.com).

The document contains a single user profile for user2@example.com (Default Duty Shift Profile of Officer 12345).

The user profile configures user2@example.com to be allowed to place private calls to three users (user1@example.com, user3@example.com and user4@example.com).

The user profile is configured to allow making an emergency group call to MCPTTGroupEmergency@example.com and is alowed to have up to two simultaneous group calls. The user is allowed to place an emergency private call to user1@example.com.

The user profile is configured to allow making an imminent peril call to MCPTTGroupEmergency@example.com The user is allowed to place an Emergency Alert to user1@example.com.

The user profile is configured to allow making on network group calls to four groups (MCPTTGroup-A@example.com, MCPTTGroup-B@example.com, MCPTTGroup-C@example.com and MCPTTGroup-D@example.com).

The user is allowed to affiliate to a maximum of three groups and is implictly affiliated to MCPTTGroup-A@example.com and MCPTTGroup-B@example.com. The maximum number of simultaneous transmissions with a group is limited to one.

The user profile is configured to allow making off network group calls to two groups (MCPTTGroup-A@example.com, and MCPTTGroup-B@example.com).

The hostname of CMS-1 is cms1.example.com.

Figure A.2.1-1: CMC-1 creating a MCPTT user profile configuration document on CMS-1 which is uploaded to the MCPTT user database

The details of the flows are as follows:

1) CMC-1 sends an HTTP PUT request shown in table A.2.1-1 to the CMS-1.

Table A.2.1-1: HTTP PUT request

PUT /MissionCriticalOrg/MCO-12345/org.3gpp.mcptt.user-profile/users/sip:User2@example.com/user-profile-0.xml HTTP/1.1

Host: cms1.example.com

Content-Type: application/org.3gpp.mcptt.user-profile+xml; charset="utf-8"

Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJtY3B0dF9pZCI6ImFsaWNlQG9yZy5jb20iLCJleHAiOjE0NTM1MDYxMjEsInNjb3BlIjpbIm9wZW5pZCIsIjNncHA6bWNwdHQ6cHR0X3NlcnZlciJdLCJjbGllbnRfaWQiOiJtY3B0dF9jbGllbnQifQ.XYIqai4YKSZCKRNMLipGC_5nV4BE79IJpvjexWjIqqcqiEx6AmHHIRo0mhcxeCESrXei9krom9e8Goxr_hgF3szvgbwl8JRbFuv97XgepDLjEq4jL3Cbu41Q9b0WdXAdFmeEbiB8wo_xggiGwv6IDR1b3TgAAsdjkRxSK4ctIKPaOJSRmM7MKMcKhIug3BEkSC9-aXBTSIv5fAGN-ShDbPvHycBpjzKWXBvMIR5PaCg-9fwjELXZXdRwz8C6JbRM8aqzhdt4CVhQ3-Arip-S9CKd0tu-qhHfF2rvJDRlg8ZBiihdPH8mJs-qpTFep_1-kON3mL0_g54xVmlMwN0XQA

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<mcptt-user-profile user-profile-index="0" XUI-URI="sip:User1@example.com" xsi:schemaLocation="urn:3gpp:mcptt:user-profile:1.0 mcptt-user-profile.xsd" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="urn:3gpp:mcptt:user-profile:1.0" xmlns:cp="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy">

<Name xml:lang="en-GB">Default Duty Shift Profile of Officer 12345</Name>


<ProfileName xml:lang="en-GB">Default Duty Shift Profile of Officer 12345</ProfileName>


<Common index="0">


<alias-entryindex="0" xml:lang="en-GB">Officer 12345</alias-entry>





<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">User 2</display-name>




<PrivateCallList index="0">

<PrivateCallURI index="0">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">User 1</display-name>



<PrivateCallURI index="1">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">User 3</display-name>



<PrivateCallURI index="2">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">User 4</display-name>



<PrivateCallProSeUser index="0">





<PrivateCallProSeUser index="1">





<PrivateCallProSeUser index="2">
















<entry entry-info="UsePreConfigured" index="0">


<display-name>User 1</display-name>



<ProSeUserID-entry index="0">



<anyExt />











<entry entry-info="DedicatedGroup" index="0">


<display-name>Emergency MCPTT Group</display-name>







<entry entry-info="DedicatedGroup" index="0">


<display-name>Emergency MCPTT Group</display-name>







<entry entry-info="UsePreConfigured" index="0">


<display-name>User 1</display-name>








<ParticipantType>First Responder</ParticipantType>

<MissionCriticalOrganization>Gotham PD</MissionCriticalOrganization>



<OnNetwork index="0">

<MCPTTGroupInfo xml:lang="en-GB" index="0">

<entry index="0">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">MCPTT Group A</display-name>



<entry index="1">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">MCPTT Group B</display-name>



<entry index="2">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">MCPTT Group C</display-name>



<entry index="3">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">MCPTT Group D</display-name>






<ImplicitAffiliations xml:lang="en-GB" index="0">

<entry index="0">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">MCPTT Group A</display-name>



<entry index="1">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">MCPTT Group B</display-name>







<entry entry-info="UsePreConfigured" index="0">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">User 1</display-name>






<entry index="0">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">User 3</display-name>






<GMS-Serv-Id index="0">

<entry index="0">






<IDMS-token-endpoint index="0">

<entry index=0>






<KMS-URI index="0">

<entry index="0">










<OffNetwork index="0">

<MCPTTGroupInfo index="0">

<entry entry-info="DedicatedGroup" index="0">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">MCPTT Group A</display-name>



<entry entry-info="DedicatedGroup" index="1">


<display-name xml:lang="en-GB">MCPTT Group B</display-name>







<GMS-Serv-Id index="0">

<entry index="0">






<IDMS-token-endpoint index="0">

<entry index="0">






<KMS-URI index="0">

<entry index="0">











<cp:rule id="f3g44r0">



<one id="sip:user2@example.com"/>























































2) CMS-1 authenticates User1using the access token in the authorization header field and creates the MCPTT user profile configuration document so that it is accessible using the XCAP URI http://MissionCriticalOrg/MCO-12345/sip:User2@example.com/user-profile-0.xml and then uploads the document to the MCPTT user database (see 3GPP TS 29.283 [7]).

3) Once CMS-1 receives confirmation from the MCPTT user database that the new MCPTT user profile document is stored then the CMS-1 sends a HTTP 201 (Created) response to indicate that the creation was successful.