10.3 MCData user profile configuration document

24.4843GPPMission Critical Services (MCS) configuration managementProtocol specificationRelease 18TS

10.3.1 General

The MCData user profile configuration document is specified in this clause. The MCData user profile configuration document content is based on requirements of Annex A.3 of 3GPP TS 23.282 [24], and structure and procedures of OMA OMA-TS-XDM_Core-V2_1-20120403-A [2]. The usage of an MCData user profile in the MCData service is described in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25]. The schema definition is provided in clause 10.3.2.

MCData user profile documents are "XDM collections" in the user’s directory of the users tree, in accordance with OMA OMA-TS-XDM_Core-V2_1-20120403-A [2]. In this case, the term "user" in the XCAP sense refers to the MCData ID, as the user has been already authenticated.

The name of the MCData user profile document matches the value of the <ProfileName> element in the MCData user profile document.

10.3.1A MCData client access to MCData user profile documents

The XCAP URI used by the MCData client to access the MCData user’s MCData user profile documents shall be:


Where INDEX is the index of the MCData user profile as defined in clause

10.3.2 Coding Structure

The MCData user profile configuration document structure is specified in this clause.

The <mcdata-user-profile> document:

1) shall include an "XUI-URI" attribute;

2) may include a <Name> element;

3) shall include one <Status> element;

4) shall include a "user-profile-index" attribute;

5) may include any other attribute for the purposes of extensibility;

6) may include one <ProfileName> element;

7) may include a <Pre-selected-indication> element;

8) shall include one <Common> element which:

a) shall have an "index" attribute;

b) shall include one <UserAlias> element containing one or more <alias-entry> elements

c) shall include one <MCDataUserID> element that contains an <entry> element;

d) may include one <MCDataUserID-KMSURI> element that contains an <entry> element;

e) may contain one <ParticipantType> element;

f) shall contain one <MissionCriticalOrganization>;

g) shall include one <FileDistribution> element. The <FileDistribution> element contains:

i) one or more <FD-Cancel-List-Entry> elements containing:

A) an <MCData-ID> element that contains an <entry> element; and

B) a <MCData-ID-KMSURI> element that contains an <entry> element;

h) shall include one <TxRxControl> element. The <TxRxControl> element contains:

i) one <MaxData1To1> element;

ii) one <MaxTime1to1> element; and

iii) an <TxReleaseList> element that contains zero or more <entry> elements;

i) shall include one <GroupEmergencyAlert> element containing an <entry> element; and

j) may include an <One-to-One-Communication> element with:

i) one or more <One-to-One-CommunicationListEntry> elements containing:

A) an <MCData-ID> element that contains an <entry> element;

B) a <ProSeUserID-entry> element; and

C) an <MCData-ID-KMSURI> element that contains an <entry> element; and

ii) optionally an <anyExt> element containing:

A) optionally one <EmergencyCall> element containing:

I) zero or one <MCDataGroupInitiation> element that contains an <entry> element; and

II) zero or one <MCDataPrivateRecipient> element that contains an <entry> element;

9) shall include zero or one <OnNetwork> element which:

a) shall have an "index" attribute;

b) shall include one or more <MCDataGroupInfo> elements each containing:

i) an <MCData-Group-ID> element;

ii) an <GMS-App-Serv-Id> element;

iii) an <IdMS-Token-Endpoint> element;

iv) one <RelativePresentationPriority> element; and

v) a <GroupKMSURI> element; and

vi) zero or one <allow-store-group-comm-in-msgstore> element;

c) shall include one <MaxAffiliationsN2>element;

d) may include an <ImplicitAffiliations> element, containing one or more <entry> elements;

e) may include a <PresenceStatus> element containing one or more <entry> elements;

f) may include a <RemoteGroupChange> element, containing one or more <entry> elements;

g) may contain one <ConversationManagement> element containing

i) one or more <MCDataGroupHangTime> elements each containing:

A) an <MCData-Group-ID> element containing an <entry> element; and

B) a <Hang-Time> element

ii) a <DeliveredDisposition> element, containing zero or more <entry> elements; and

iii) a <ReadDisposition> element, containing zero or more <entry> elements;

h) shall include one <One-To-One-EmergencyAlert> element containing an <entry> element; and

i) shall include an <anyExt> element which:

i) shall contain one <MCDataContentServerURI> element;

ii) may contain one <FunctionalAliasList> element which contains one or more <entry> elements;

iii) shall contain one <MessageStoreHostname> element;

iv) may contain one <IncomingOne-to-OneCommunicationList> element with one or more <One-to-One-CommunicationListEntry> elements each containing:

A) an <MCData-ID> element that contains an <entry> element; and

B) an <MCData-ID-KMSURI> element that contains an <entry> element; and

v) may contain a <user-max-simultaneous-authorizations> element;

10) shall include zero or one <OffNetwork> element which:

a) shall contain an "index" attribute;

b) shall include one or more <MCDataGroupInfo> elements each containing:

i) an <MCData-Group-ID> element;

ii) an <GMS-App-Serv-Id> element;

iii) an <IdMS-Token-Endpoint> element;

iv) one <RelativePresentationPriority> element; and

v) a <GroupKMSURI> element;

c) a <User-Info-Id> element; and

11) a <ruleset> element conforming to IETF RFC 4745 [13] containing a sequence of zero or more <rule> elements:

a) the <conditions> of a <rule> element may include the <identity> element as described in IETF RFC 4745 [13]; and

b) the <actions> child element of any <rule> element may contain:

i) an <allow-create-delete-user-alias> element;

ii) an <allow-create-group-broadcast-group> element;

iii) an <allow-create-user-broadcast-group> element;

iv) an <allow-transmit-data> element;

v) an <allow-request-affiliated-groups> element;

vi) an <allow-request-to-affiliate-other-users> element;

vii) an <allow-recommend-to-affiliate-other-users> element;

viii) an <allow-regroup> element;

ix) an <allow-presence-status> element;

x) an <allow-request-presence> element;

xi) an <allow-activate-emergency-alert> element;

xii) an <allow-cancel-emergency-alert> element;

xiii) an <allow-cancel-emergency-alert-any-user> element;

xiv) an <allow-enable-disable-user> element;

xv) an <allow-enable-disable-UE> element;

xvi) an <allow-off-network-manual-switch> element;

xvii) an <allow-off-network> element;

xviii) zero or one <allow-store-comms-in-msgstore> element;

xix) zero or one <allow-store-private-comms-in-msgstore> element; and

xx) an <anyExt> element which may contain:

A) an <allow-query-functional-alias-other-user> element;

B) an <allow-takeover-functional-alias-other-user> element;

C) an <allow-one-to-one-communication-from-any-user> element; and

D) an <allow-emergency-group-call> element;

E) an <allow-imminent-peril-call> element;

F) an <allow-cancel-imminent-peril> element;

G) an <allow-functional-alias-binding-with-group> element;and

H) an <MCData-group-call> element;

I) an <allow-emergency-private-call> element; and

J) an <allow-cancel-private-emergency-call> element.

The <entry> elements:

1) shall contain a <uri-entry> element;

2) shall contain an "index" attribute;

3) may contain a <display-name> element;

4) may contain an "entry-info" attribute;

5) may include an <anyExt> element which may contain:

a) an <IPInformation> element containing:

i) one or more <IPInformationListEntry> each containing an <IPv4Address> element, an <IPv6Address> element or a <FQDN> element;

b) a <LocationCriteriaForActivation> element containing:

i) one or more <EnterSpecificArea> elements each containing a <PolygonArea> element or an <EllipsoidArcArea> element, and may include an <anyExt> element with a <Speed> element and a <Heading> element; and

ii) one or more <ExitSpecificArea> elements each containing a <PolygonArea> element or an <EllipsoidArcArea> element, and may include an <anyExt> element with a <Speed> element and a <Heading> element;

c) a <LocationCriteriaForDeactivation > element containing:

i) one or more <EnterSpecificArea> elements each containing a <PolygonArea> element or an <EllipsoidArcArea> element, and may include an <anyExt> element with a <Speed> element and a <Heading> element; and

ii) one or more <ExitSpecificArea> elements each containing a <PolygonArea> element or an <EllipsoidArcArea> element, and may include an <anyExt> element with a <Speed> element and a <Heading> element; and

d) a <manual-deactivation-not-allowed-if-location-criteria-met> element;

e) a <RulesForAffiliation> element containing:

i) one <ListOfLocationCriteria> element containing;

A) one or more <EnterSpecificArea> elements each containing a <PolygonArea> element or an <EllipsoidArcArea> element, and may include an <anyExt> element with a <Speed> element and a <Heading> element; and

B) one or more <ExitSpecificArea> elements each containing a <PolygonArea> element or an <EllipsoidArcArea> element, and may include an <anyExt> element with a <Speed> element and a <Heading> element; and

ii) zero or one <ListOfActiveFunctionalAliasCriteria> element which contains one or more <entry> elements each containing a <FunctionaAlias> element;

f) a <RulesForDeaffiliation> element containing;

i) zero or one <ListOfLocationCriteria> element containing;

A) one or more <EnterSpecificArea> elements each containing a <PolygonArea> element or an <EllipsoidArcArea> element and may include an <anyExt> element with a <Speed> element and a <Heading> element; and

B) one or more <ExitSpecificArea> elements each containing a <PolygonArea> element or an <EllipsoidArcArea> element and may include an <anyExt> element withand a <Speed> element and a <Heading> element; and

ii) zero or one <ListOfActiveFunctionalAliasCriteria> element which contains one or more <entry> elements each containing a <FunctionaAlias> element;

g) a <manual-deaffiliation-not-allowed-if-affiliation-rules-are-met> element;and

h) one <MaxSimultaneousEmergencyGroupCalls> element.

The <PolygonArea> elements shall contain 3 up to 15 <PointCoordinateType> elements.

The <EllipsoidArcArea> elements shall contain:

1) a <Center> element that contains a <PointCoordinateType> element;

2) a <Radius> element;

3) an <OffsetAngle> element; and

4) an <IncludedAngle> element.

The <PointCoordinateType> elements shall contain a <Longitude> element and a <Latitude> element.

The <Speed> elements shall contain a <MinimumSpeed> element and a <MaximumSpeed> element.

The <Heading> elements shall contain a <MinimumHeading> element and a <MaximumHeading> element.

The <ProSeUserID-entry> elements:

1) shall contain a <DiscoveryGroupID> element;

2) shall contain an <User-Info-ID> element; and

3) shall contain an "index" attribute. Application Unique ID

The AUID shall be "org.3gpp.mcdata.user-profile". XML Schema

The MCData user profile configuration document shall be composed according to the following XML schema:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>





elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">

<xs:import namespace="http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace"


<!– This import brings in common policy namespace from RFC 4745 –>

<xs:import namespace="urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:common-policy"


<xs:element name="mcdata-user-profile">


<xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="Name" type="mcdataup:NameType"/>

<xs:element name="Status" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="ProfileName" type="mcdataup:NameType"/>

<xs:element name="Pre-selected-indication" type="mcdataup:emptyType"/>

<xs:element name="Common" type="mcdataup:CommonType"/>

<xs:element name="OffNetwork" type="mcdataup:OffNetworkType"/>

<xs:element name="OnNetwork" type="mcdataup:OnNetworkType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attribute name="XUI-URI" type="xs:anyURI" use="required"/>

<xs:attribute name="user-profile-index" type="xs:unsignedByte" use="required"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>



<xs:complexType name="NameType">


<xs:extension base="xs:token">

<xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>




<xs:complexType name="CommonType">

<xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="UserAlias" type="mcdataup:UserAliasType"/>

<xs:element name="MCDataUserID" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="MCDataUserID-KMSURI" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="ParticipantType" type="xs:string"/>

<xs:element name="MissionCriticalOrganization" type="xs:string"/>

<xs:element name="FileDistribution" type="mcdataup:FileDistributionType"/>

<xs:element name="TxRxControl" type="mcdataup:TxRxControlType"/>

<xs:element name="GroupEmergencyAlert" type="mcdataup:EmergencyAlertType"/>

<xs:element name="One-to-One-Communication" type="mcdataup:One-to-One-CommunicationType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attributeGroup ref="mcdataup:IndexType"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="OnNetworkType">

<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="MCDataGroupInfo" type="mcdataup:MCDataGroupInfoType"/>

<xs:element name="MaxAffiliationsN2" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"/>

<xs:element name="ImplicitAffiliations" type="mcdataup:ListEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="PresenceStatus" type="mcdataup:ListEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="RemoteGroupChange" type="mcdataup:ListEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="ConversationManagement" type="mcdataup:ConversationManagementType"/>

<xs:element name="One-To-One-EmergencyAlert" type="mcdataup:EmergencyAlertType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attributeGroup ref="mcdataup:IndexType"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<!– anyExt elements for OnNetworkType–>

<xs:element name="MCDataContentServerURI" type="xs:anyURI"/>

<xs:element name="MessageStoreHostname" type="xs:string"/>

<xs:element name="IncomingOne-to-OneCommunicationList" type="mcdataup:One-to-One-CommunicationType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:complexType name="OffNetworkType">

<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="MCDataGroupInfo" type="mcdataup:MCDataGroupInfoType"/>

<xs:element name="User-Info-ID" type="xs:hexBinary"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attributeGroup ref="mcdataup:IndexType"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="One-to-One-CommunicationType">


<xs:element name="One-to-One-CommunicationListEntry" type="mcdataup:One-to-One-CommunicationListEntryType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<!– anyExt elements for One-to-One-CommunicationType–>

<xs:element name="EmergencyCall" type="mcdataup:EmergencyCallType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:complexType name="One-to-One-CommunicationListEntryType">

<xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="MCData-ID" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="ProSeUserID-entry" type="mcdataup:ProSeUserEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="MCData-ID-KMSURI" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attributeGroup ref="mcdataup:IndexType"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="EmergencyAlertType">


<xs:element name="entry" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="ConversationManagementType">


<xs:element name="MCDataGroupHangTime" type="mcdataup:GroupHangTimeType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="DeliveredDisposition" type="mcdataup:ListEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="ReadDisposition" type="mcdataup:ListEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="GroupHangTimeType">


<xs:element name="MCData-Group-ID" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="Hang-Time" type="xs:duration"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="MCDataGroupInfoType">


<xs:element name="MCData-Group-ID" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="GMS-App-Serv-Id" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="IdMS-Token-Endpoint" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="GroupKMSURI" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="RelativePresentationPriority" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="FileDistributionType">


<xs:element name="FD-Cancel-List-Entry" type="mcdataup:FD-Cancel-ListEntryType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="FD-Cancel-ListEntryType">

<xs:choice minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="MCData-ID" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="MCData-ID-KMSURI" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attributeGroup ref="mcdataup:IndexType"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="TxRxControlType">


<xs:element name="MaxData1To1" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>

<xs:element name="MaxTime1To1" type="xs:duration"/>

<xs:element name="TxReleaseList" type="mcdataup:ListEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="UserAliasType">

<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="alias-entry" type="mcdataup:AliasEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="AliasEntryType">


<xs:extension base="xs:token">

<xs:attributeGroup ref="mcdataup:IndexType"/>

<xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>




<xs:complexType name="ListEntryType">

<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="entry" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>

<xs:attributeGroup ref="mcdataup:IndexType"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:simpleType name="EntryInfoTypeList">

<xs:restriction base="xs:normalizedString">

<xs:enumeration value="UseCurrentlySelectedGroup"/>

<xs:enumeration value="DedicatedGroup"/>

<xs:enumeration value="UsePreConfigured"/>

<xs:enumeration value="LocallyDetermined"/>



<xs:complexType name="EntryType">


<xs:element name="uri-entry" type="xs:anyURI"/>

<xs:element name="display-name" type="mcdataup:DisplayNameElementType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attribute name="entry-info" type="mcdataup:EntryInfoTypeList"/>

<xs:attributeGroup ref="mcdataup:IndexType"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="GeographicalAreaChangeType">


<xs:element name="EnterSpecificArea" type="mcdataup:GeographicalAreaType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="ExitSpecificArea" type="mcdataup:GeographicalAreaType" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="GeographicalAreaType">


<xs:element name="PolygonArea" type="mcdataup:PolygonAreaType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="EllipsoidArcArea" type="mcdataup:EllipsoidArcType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="PolygonAreaType">


<xs:element name="Corner" type="mcdataup:PointCoordinateType" minOccurs="3" maxOccurs="15"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="EllipsoidArcType">


<xs:element name="Center" type="mcdataup:PointCoordinateType"/>

<xs:element name="Radius" type="xs:nonNegativeInteger"/>

<xs:element name="OffsetAngle" type="xs:unsignedByte"/>

<xs:element name="IncludedAngle" type="xs:unsignedByte"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="PointCoordinateType">


<xs:element name="Longitude" type="mcdataup:CoordinateType"/>

<xs:element name="Latitude" type="mcdataup:CoordinateType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:simpleType name="CoordinateType">

<xs:restriction base="xs:integer">

<xs:minInclusive value="0"/>

<xs:maxInclusive value="16777215"/>



<xs:complexType name="RulesForAffiliationManagementType">

<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="ListOfLocationCriteria" type="mcdataup:GeographicalAreaChangeType"/>

<xs:element name="ListOfActiveFunctionalAliasCriteria" type="mcdataup:ListEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attributeGroup ref="mcdataup:IndexType"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="SpeedType">


<xs:element name="MinimumSpeed" type="xs:unsignedShort"/>

<xs:element name="MaximumSpeed" type="xs:unsignedShort"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="HeadingType">


<xs:element name="MinimumHeading" type="xs:unsignedShort"/>

<xs:element name="MaximumHeading" type="xs:unsignedShort"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="ProSeUserEntryType">


<xs:element name="DiscoveryGroupID" type="xs:hexBinary"/>

<xs:element name="User-Info-ID" type="xs:hexBinary"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:attributeGroup ref="mcdataup:IndexType"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="DisplayNameElementType">


<xs:extension base="xs:string">

<xs:attribute ref="xml:lang"/>

<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>




<xs:complexType name="IPInformationType">


<xs:element name="IPInformationListEntry" type="mcdataup:IPInformationListEntryType" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:complexType name="IPInformationListEntryType">


<xs:element name="IPv4Address" type="xs:token"/>

<xs:element name="IPv6Address" type="xs:token"/>

<xs:element name="FQDN" type="xs:anyURI"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<xs:element name="allow-create-delete-user-alias" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-create-group-broadcast-group" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-create-user-broadcast-group" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-transmit-data" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-request-affiliated-groups" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-request-to-affiliate-other-users" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-recommend-to-affiliate-other-users" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-regroup" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-presence-status" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-request-presence" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-activate-emergency-alert" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-cancel-emergency-alert" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-cancel-emergency-alert-any-user" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-enable-disable-user" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-enable-disable-UE" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-off-network-manual-switch" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-off-network" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType"/>

<!– elements for User control of communications storage into message store –>

<xs:element name="allow-store-comms-in-msgstore" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-store-private-comms-in-msgstore" type="xs:boolean"/>

<!– The following anyExt elements can be included.–>

<!– anyExt elements for IP Connectivity–>

<xs:element name="IPInformation" type="mcdataup:IPInformationType"/>

<xs:element name="user-max-simultaneous-authorizations" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>

<!– anyExt elements for Functional Alias–>

<xs:element name="FunctionalAliasList" type="mcdataup:ListEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="allow-query-functional-alias-other-user" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-takeover-functional-alias-other-user" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-one-to-one-communication-from-any-user" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="MaxSimultaneousEmergencyGroupCalls" type="xs:positiveInteger"/>

<xs:element name="allow-functional-alias-binding-with-group" type="xs:boolean"/>

<!– anyExt elements for Functional Alias for Location change–>

<!– Note: anyExt elements for Functional Alias for Location change include speed and heading–>

<xs:element name="LocationCriteriaForActivation" type="mcdataup:GeographicalAreaChangeType"/>

<xs:element name="LocationCriteriaForDeactivation" type="mcdataup:GeographicalAreaChangeType"/>

<xs:element name="manual-deactivation-not-allowed-if-location-criteria-met" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="Speed" type="mcdataup:SpeedType"/>

<xs:element name="Heading" type="mcdataup:HeadingType"/>

<!– anyExt elements for Functional Alias for Affiliation change–>

<xs:element name="RulesForAffiliation" type="mcdataup:RulesForAffiliationManagementType"/>

<xs:element name="RulesForDeaffiliation" type="mcdataup:RulesForAffiliationManagementType"/>

<xs:element name="manual-deaffiliation-not-allowed-if-affiliation-rules-are-met" type="xs:boolean"/>

<!– anyExt elements for emergency group communication imminent peril communication and private communication–>

<xs:element name="allow-emergency-group-call" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-imminent-peril-call" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-cancel-imminent-peril" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="MCData-group-call" type="mcdataup:MCDataGroupCallType"/>

<xs:element name="allow-emergency-private-call" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:element name="allow-cancel-private-emergency-call" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:complexType name="MCDataGroupCallType">

<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">

<xs:element name="MaxSimultaneousCallsN6" type="xs:positiveInteger" />

<xs:element name="EmergencyCall" type="mcdataup:EmergencyCallType" />

<xs:element name="ImminentPerilCall" type="mcdataup:ImminentPerilCallType" />

<xs:element name="EmergencyAlert" type="mcdataup:EmergencyAlertType" />

<xs:element name="Priority" type="xs:unsignedShort" />

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax" />


<xs:complexType name="EmergencyCallType">


<xs:element name="MCDataGroupInitiation" type="mcdataup:MCDataGroupInitiationEntryType" />

<xs:element name="MCDataPrivateRecipient" type="mcdataup:MCDataPrivateRecipientEntryType" />

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax" />


<xs:complexType name="ImminentPerilCallType">


<xs:element name="MCDataGroupInitiation" type="mcdataup:MCDataGroupInitiationEntryType" />

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax" />


<xs:complexType name="MCDataGroupInitiationEntryType">


<xs:element name="entry" type="mcdataup:EntryType" />

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0" />

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" />


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax" />


<xs:complexType name="MCDataPrivateRecipientEntryType">


<xs:element name="entry" type="mcdataup:EntryType"/>

<xs:element name="ProSeUserID-entry" type="mcdataup:ProSeUserEntryType"/>

<xs:element name="anyExt" type="mcdataup:anyExtType" minOccurs="0"/>

<xs:any namespace="##other" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>


<xs:anyAttribute namespace="##any" processContents="lax"/>


<!– anyExt elements for User control of communications storage into message store –>

<!– anyExt elements of <MCDataGroupInfo> element –>

<xs:element name="allow-store-group-comm-in-msgstore" type="xs:boolean"/>

<xs:attributeGroup name="IndexType">

<xs:attribute name="index" type="xs:token"/>


<!– empty complex type –>

<xs:complexType name="emptyType"/>

<xs:complexType name="anyExtType">


<xs:any namespace="##any" processContents="lax" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded"/>



</xs:schema> Default Document Namespace

The default document namespace used in evaluating URIs shall be "urn:3gpp:ns:mcdata:user-profile:1.0". MIME type

The MIME type for the MCData user profile configuration document shall be "application/vnd.3gpp.mcdata-user-profile+xml". Validation Constraints

The MCData user profile configuration document shall conform to the XML Schema described in clause "XML Schema", with the clarifications given in this clause.

The value of the "XUI-URI" attribute of the <mcdata-user-profile> element shall be the same as the XUI value of the Document URI for the MCData user profile configuration document. If not, the XDMS shall return an HTTP "409 Conflict" response as described in IETF RFC 4825 [14], including the <constraint-failure> error element. If included, the "phrase" attribute should be set to "Wrong User Profile URI".

The document name of the MCData user profile configuration document shall comply with naming convention: mcdata‑user‑profile‑<profile‑index>.xml. If not, the XDMS shall return an HTTP "409 Conflict" response as described in IETF RFC 4825 [14], including the <constraint-failure> error element. If included, the "phrase" attribute should be set to "The user profile document name does not comply with the format: ‘mcdata-user-profile-<profile-index>.xml’".

The value of the <RelativePresentationPriority> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element shall be within the range of 0 to 255. If not, the XDMS shall return an HTTP "409 Conflict" response as described in IETF RFC 4825 [14], including the <constraint-failure> error element. If included, the "phrase" attribute should be set to "Priority value out of range".

The value of the <DiscoveryGroupID> shall be 3 octets expressed in hexadecimal format. If not, the XDMS shall return an HTTP "409 Conflict" response as described in IETF RFC 4825 [14], including the <constraint-failure> error element. If included, the "phrase" attribute should be set to "Invalid Discovery Group ID".

The value of the <User-Info-ID> shall be 6 octets expressed in hexadecimal format. If not, the XDMS shall return an HTTP "409 Conflict" response as described in IETF RFC 4825 [14], including the <constraint-failure> error element. If included, the "phrase" attribute should be set to "Invalid User Info ID".

If more than one MCData user profile document is specified for the MCData user in the "XDM collections" in the user’s directory, then only one MCData user profile document shall contain the <Pre-selected-indication> element. If there is only one MCData user profile specified for the MCData user in the user’s directory, then it is optional to include the <Pre-selected-indication> element. If a MCData user profile document containing the <Pre-selected-indication> element already exists for the MCData user in the "XDM collections" the XDMS shall return an HTTP "409 Conflict" response as described in IETF RFC 4825 [14], including the <constraint-failure> error element. If included, the "phrase" attribute should be set to "Pre-selected User Profile Indication already exists in:" including the contents of the <Profile-Name> element of the MCData user profile document that already contains the <Pre-selected-indication> element. Data Semantics

Editor’s Note: In the bullets specified in this clause, the <kms-sec> element of the <App-Server-Info> of the MCS UE initial configuration document needs to be specified in line with the CR#0055 in TS 23.280 (S6-170728) and a corresponding "KMSSEC" element will also need to be specified in the initial configuration document under the AppServerInfo node.

The <Name> element is of type "token", and corresponds to the "Name" element of clause 10.2.3 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <alias-entry> element of the <UserAlias> element is of type "token" and indicates an alphanumeric alias of the MCData user, and corresponds to the leaf nodes of the "UserAlias" element of clause 10.2.13 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <uri-entry> element is of type "anyURI" and when it appears within:

– the <MCDataUserID> element of the <Common> element, contains the MCData user identity (MCData ID) of the MCData user, and corresponds to the "MCDataUserID" element of clause 10.2.21 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <MCDataUserID-KMSURI> element of the <Common> element contains the KMS URI for the security domain of the MCData user identity (MCData ID) of the MCData user and corresponds to the "MCDataUserIDKMSURI" element of clause 10.2.9A in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. If this parameter is absent, the KMS URI is identified by the <kms-sec> element of the <App-Server-Info> of the MCS UE initial configuration document as specified in clause;

– the <MCData-ID> element of the <One-to-One-Communication-ListEntry> element of the <One-to-One-Communication> element of the <Common> element, contains the MCData user identity (MCData ID) of an MCData user that the configured MCData user is authorised to initiate a one-to-one communication, and corresponds to the "MCDataID" element of clause 10.2.16E in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <MCData-ID-KMSURI> element of the <One-to-One-Communication-ListEntry> element of the <One-to-One-Communication> element of the <Common> element, contains the KMS URI for the security domain of the MCData user identity (MCData ID) of an MCData user that the configured MCData user is authorised to initiate a one-to-one communication, and corresponds to the "MCDataIDKMSURI" element of clause 10.2.16H in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. If this parameter is absent, the KMS URI is identified by the <kms-sec> element of the <App-Server-Info> of the MCS UE initial configuration document as specified in clause;

– the <IPInformation> element within the <anyExt> element of the <entry> element within the <MCData-ID> element of the <One-to-One-Communication-ListEntry> element of the <One-to-One-Communication> element of the <Common> element contain the IP Information of associated target hosts used in an IP Connectivity session to the <MCData-ID>, and corresponds to the "IPInformation" element of clause 10.2.16J in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; The <IPInformation> element shall be used by the MC Data Client to identify the MC Data User target of an One-to-One IP connectivity session when the MC Data Id is not explicitly included in the request;

– the <MCData-Group-ID> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OnNetwork> element contains the MCData group ID of an on-network MCData group for use by the configured MCData user, and corresponds to the "MCDataGroupID" element of clause 10.2.47 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <GroupKMSURI> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OnNetwork> element contains the KMS URI for the security domain of the MCData group identity (MCData Group ID) of the on-network MCData group and corresponds to the "GroupKMSURI" element of clause 10.2.54A in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. If this parameter is absent, the KMS URI is identified by the <kms-sec> element of the <App-Server-Info> of the MCS UE initial configuration document as specified in clause;

– the <entry> element of the <FunctionalAliasList> list element of the <anyExt> element of the <OnNetwork> element contains a functional alias that the MCData user is authorised to activate and corresponds to the "FunctionalAlias" element of clause 10.2.97B in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <MCData-Group-ID> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OffNetwork> element contains the MCData group ID of an off-network MCData group for use by the configured MCData user, and corresponds to the "MCDataGroupID" element of clause 10.2.103 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <GroupKMSURI> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OffNetwork> element contains the KMS URI for the security domain of the MCData group identity (MCData Group ID) of the off-network MCData group and corresponds to the "GroupKMSURI" element of clause 10.2.110A in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. If this parameter is absent, the KMS URI is identified by the <kms-sec> element of the <App-Server-Info> of the MCS UE initial configuration document as specified in clause;

– the <GMS-App-Serv-Id> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OnNetwork> element, contains the URI of the group management server hosting the on-network MCData group identified by the <MCData-Group-ID> element, and corresponds to the "GMSServId" element of clause 10.2.51 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <IdMS-Token-Endpoint> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OnNetwork> element, contains the URI used to contact the identity management server token endpoint for the on-network MCData group identified by the <MCData-Group-ID> element, and corresponds to the "IdMSTokenEndPoint" element of clause 10.2.54 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. If the entry element is empty, the idms-auth-endpoint and idms-token-endpoint present in the MCS UE initial configuration document are used;

– the <GMS-App-Serv-Id> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OffNetwork> element, contains the URI of the group management server hosting the off-network MCData group identified by the <MCData-Group-ID> element, and corresponds to the "GMSServId" element of clause 10.2.107 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <IdMS-Token-Endpoint> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OffNetwork> element, contains the URI used to contact the identity management server token endpoint for the off-network MCData group identified by the <MCData-Group-ID> element, and corresponds to the "IdMSTokenEndPoint" element of clause 10.2.110 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. If the entry element is empty, the idms-auth-endpoint and idms-token-endpoint present in the MCS UE initial configuration document are used;

– the <MCData-Group-ID> element of the <MCDataGroupHangTime> element of the <ConversationManagement> element of the <OnNetwork> element, contains the MCData group ID of an MCData group for which the MCData user has an associated <Hang-Time> duration, and corresponds to the "MCDataGroupID" element of clause 10.2.76 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <MCData-ID> element of the <FD-Cancel-List-Entry> list element of the <FileDistribution> element of the <Common> element, indicates an MCData ID of an MCData user that is allowed to cancel distribution of files beings sent or waiting to be sent, and corresponds to the "MCDataID" element of clause 10.2.21 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <MCData-ID-KMSURI> element of the <FD-Cancel-List-Entry> list element of the <FileDistribution> element of the <Common> element element contains the KMS URI for the security domain of the MCData user identity (MCData ID) of an MCData user that the configured MCData user is authorised to initiate a one-to-one communication, and corresponds to the "MCDataIDKMSURI" element of clause 10.2.21A in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. If this parameter is absent, the KMS URI is identified by the <kms-sec> element of the <App-Server-Info> of the MCS UE initial configuration document as specified in clause;

– the <entry> element of the <TxReleaseList> list element of the <TxRxControl> element of the <Common> element, indicates an MCData ID of an MCData user that this MCData user is allowed to request release of an ongoing transmission and corresponds to the "MCDataID" element of clause 10.2.30 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <GroupEmergencyAlert> element of the <Common> element, indicates the MCData group recipient for an MCData emergency Alert and corresponds to the "ID" element of clause 10.2.38 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <ImplicitAffiliations> list element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates an MCData group ID of an MCData group that the MCData user is implicitly affiliated with, and corresponds to the "MCDataGroupID" element of clause 10.2.59 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <PresenceStatus> list element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates an MCData ID of an MCData user that the configured MCData user is authorised to obtain presence status, and corresponds to the "MCDataID" element of clause 10.2.64 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <RemoteGroupChange> list element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates an MCData ID of an MCData user whose selected groups are authorised to be remotely changed by the configured MCData user and corresponds to the "MCDataID" element of clause 10.2.69 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <DeliveredDisposition> list element of the <ConversationManagement> element of the <OnNetwork> element, indicates an MCData ID of an MCData user who is to be sent a message delivered disposition notification in addition to the message sender and corresponds to the "MCDataID" element of clause 10.2.82 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <ReadDisposition> list element of the <ConversationManagement> element of the <OnNetwork> element, indicates an MCData ID of an MCData user who is to be sent a message delivered disposition notification in addition to the message sender, and corresponds to the "MCDataID" element of clause 10.2.87 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <One-To-One-EmergencyAlert> element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates the MCData user recipient for an on-network MCData emergency one-to-one alert and corresponds to the "ID" element of clause 10.2.91 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <MCData-ID> element of the <One-to-One-Communication-ListEntry> element of the <IncomingOne-to-OneCommunicationList> list element of the <anyExt> element of the <OnNetwork> element, contains the MCData user identity (MCData ID) of an MCData user from whom the configured MCData user is authorised to receive a one-to-one communication, and corresponds to the "MCDataID" element of clause 10.2.97C3 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

– the <MCData-ID-KMSURI> element of the <One-to-One-Communication-ListEntry> element of the <IncomingOne-to-OneCommunicationList> list element of the <anyExt> element of the <OnNetwork> element, contains the KMS URI for the security domain of the MCData user identity (MCData ID) of an MCData user from whom the configured MCData user is authorised to receive one-to-one communication, and corresponds to the "MCDataIDKMSURI" element of clause 10.2.97C4 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. If this parameter is absent, the KMS URI is identified by the <kms-sec> element of the <App-Server-Info> of the MCS UE initial configuration document as specified in clause

The <DiscoveryGroupID> element is of type "hexBinary" and is used as the Discovery Group ID in the ProSe discovery procedures as specified in 3GPP TS 23.303 [18] and 3GPP TS 23.334 [19]. When it appears within:

– the <ProSeUserID-entry> element of the <One-To-One-CommunicationListEntry> element of the <One-To-One-Communication> element of the <OffNetwork> element, it identifies the Discovery Group ID that the MCData UE uses to initiate a one-to-one communication during off-network operation and corresponds to the "DiscoveryGroupID" element of clause 10.2.16F in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <display-name> element is of type "string", contains a human readable name and when it appears within:

– the <MCData-ID> element of the <One-to-One-CommunicationListEntry> element of the <One-to-One-Communication> element of the <OffNetwork> element, contains the name of an MCData user that the configured MCData user is authorised to initiate a one-to-one communication, and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.16I in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <MCData-Group-ID> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OnNetwork> element contains the name of an on-network MCData group for use by the configured MCData user, and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.48 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <MCData-Group-ID> element of the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OffNetwork> element contains the name of an off-network MCData group for use by the configured MCData user, and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.104 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <MCData-Group-ID> element of the <MCDataGroupHangTime> element of the <ConversationManagement> element of the <OnNetwork> element, contains the name of an MCData group for which the MCData user has an associated <Hang-Time> duration, and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.77 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <MCData-ID> element of the <FD-Cancel-List-Entry> list element of the <FileDistribution> element of the <Common> element, indicates the name of an MCData user that is allowed to cancel distribution of files beings sent or waiting to be sent and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.22 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <TxReleaseList> list element of the <TxRxControl> element of the <Common> element, indicates the name of an MCData user that is allowed to request release of an ongoing transmission and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.31 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <GroupEmergencyAlert> element of the <Common> element, indicates the name of the MCData group recipient for an MCData emergency Alert and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.39 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <ImplicitAffiliations> list element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates the name of an MCData group that the MCData user is implicitly affiliated with, and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.60 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <PresenceStatus> list element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates the name of an MCData user that the configured MCData user is authorised to obtain presence status of, and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.65 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <RemoteGroupChange> list element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates the name of an MCData user whose selected groups are authorised to be remotely changed by the configured MCData user and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.70 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <DeliveredDisposition> list element of the <ConversationManagement> element of the <OnNetwork> element, indicates the name of an MCData user who is to be sent a message delivered disposition notification in addition to the message sender, and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.83 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4];

– the <entry> element of the <ReadDisposition> list element of the <ConversationManagement> element of the <OnNetwork> element, indicates the name of an MCData user who is to be sent a message read disposition notification in addition to the message sender, and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.88 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

– the <entry> element of the <One-To-One-EmergencyAlert> element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates the name of the MCData user recipient for an on-network MCData emergency one-to-one alert and corresponds to the "DisplayName" element of clause 10.2.92 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The "index" attribute is of type "token" and is included within some elements for uniqueness purposes, and does not appear in the user profile configuration managed object specified in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <Status> element is of type "Boolean" and indicates whether this particular MCData user profile is enabled or disabled and corresponds to the "Status" element of clause 10.2.121 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. When set to "true" this MCData user profile is enabled. When set to "false" this MCData user profile is disabled.

The "user-profile-index" is of type "unsignedByte" and indicates the particular MCData user profile configuration document in the collection and corresponds to the "MCDataUserProfileIndex" element of clause 10.2.8 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <ProfileName> element is of type "token" and specifies the name of the MCData user profile configuration document in the MCData user profile XDM collection and corresponds to the "MCDataUserProfileName" element of clause 10.2.9 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <Pre-selected-indication> element is of type "mcdataup:empty Type". Presence of the <Pre-selected-indication> element indicates that this particular MCData user profile is designated to be the pre-selected MCData user profile as defined in 3GPP TS 23.282 [24], and corresponds to the "PreSelectedIndication" element of clause 10.2.10 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. Absence of the <Pre-selected-indication> element indicates that this MCData user profile is not designated as the pre-selected MCData user profile within the collection of MCData user profiles for the MCData user or is the only MCData user profile within the collection and is the pre-selected MCData user profile by default.

The "XUI-URI" attribute is of type "anyURI" that contains the XUI of the MCData user for whom this MCData user profile configuration document is intended and does not appear in the user profile configuration managed object specified in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <ParticipantType> element of the <Common> element is of type "token" and indicates the functional category of the MCData user (e.g., first responder, second responder, dispatch, dispatch supervisor). The <ParticipantType> element corresponds to the "ParticipantType" element of clause 10.2.15 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <MissionCriticalOrganization> element of the <Common> element is of type "string" and indicates the name of the mission critical organization the MCData User belongs to. The <MissionCriticalOrganization> element corresponds to the "Organization" element of clause 10.2.16 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <MaxData1To1> element of the <TxRxControl> element of the <Common> element is of type "positive integer" and indicates the maximum amount of data (in megabytes) that an MCData user can transmit in a single request during one-to-one communication. The <MaxData1To1> element corresponds to the "MaxData1To1" element of clause 10.2.25 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <MaxTime1To1> element of the <TxRxControl> element of the <Common> element is of type "duration" and indicates the maximum amount of time that an MCData user can transmit for in a single request during one-to-one communication. The <MaxTime1To1> element corresponds to the "MaxTime1To1" element of clause 10.2.26 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <RelativePresentationPriority> element is of type "nonNegativeInteger" and when it appears in:

– the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OnNetwork> element, contains an integer value between 0 and 255 indicating the presentation priority of the on-network group relative to other on-network groups and on-network users, and corresponds to the "RelativePresentationPriority" element of clause 10.2.55 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

– the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OffNetwork> element, contains an integer value between 0 and 255 indicating the presentation priority of the off-network group relative to other off-network groups and off-network users, and corresponds to the "RelativePresentationPriority" element of clause 10.2.111 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <allow-store-group-comm-in-msgstore> element of the <anyExt> element within the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OnNetwork> element is of type "Boolean" and corresponds to the "AllowStoreGroupCommInMsgstore" element of clause 10.2.55C in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. When set to "true", the MCData user is authorised to request an MCData server to store his/her group communication into message store using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <MaxAffiliationsN2> element is of type "nonNegativeInteger", indicates the maximum number of MCData groups that the MCData user is authorised to affiliate with, and corresponds to the "MaxAffiliationsN2" element of clause 10.2.71 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <HangTime> element of the <MCDataGroupHangTime> element of the <ConversationManagement> element of the <OnNetwork> element is of type "duration", and contains the conversation hang time associated with the configured MCData group, for the MCData user, and corresponds to the "HangTime" element of clause 10.2.78 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <MaxSimultaneousEmergencyGroupCalls> element of the <anyExt> element within the <entry> element of the <FunctionalAliasList> list element of the <anyExt> element within the <OnNetwork> element is of type "positiveInteger" and indicates the maximum number of simultaneous MCData emergency group calls for the specific functional alias, and corresponds to the "MaxSimultaneousEmergencyGroupCalls" element of clause 10.2.97B4 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <User-Info-ID> element is of type "hexBinary". When the <User-Info-ID> element appears within:

– the <ProSeUserID-entry> element of the <One-to-One-CommunicationListEntry> element of the <One-To-One-Communication> element of the <Off-Network> element indicates the ProSe "User Info ID" as defined in 3GPP TS 23.303 [18] and 3GPP TS 24.334 [19] of the recipient MCData user for a one-to-one communication and corresponds to the "UserInfoID" element of clause 10.2.16G in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

– the <OffNetwork> element, indicates the ProSe "User Info ID" as defined in 3GPP TS 23.303 [18] and 3GPP TS 24.334 [19] of the MCData UE for off-network operation and corresponds to the "UserInfoID" element of clause 10.2.112 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The "entry-info" attribute is of type "string" and when it appears within:

– the <entry> element within the <MCDataGroupInitiation> element of the <EmergencyCall> element contained within <MCData-group-call> element indicates to use as the destination address for a group emergency communication:

a) the MCData user currently selected MCData group, if the "entry-info" attribute has the value of ‘UseCurrentlySelectedGroup’; and

b) the value in the <uri-entry> element within the <entry> element of the <MCDataGroupInitiation> element for an on-network group emergency alert, if the "entry-info" attribute has the value of:

i) ‘DedicatedGroup’; or

ii) ‘UseCurrentlySelectedGroup’ and the MCData user has no currently selected MCData group;

– the <entry> element within the <MCDataGroupInitiation> element of the <ImminentPerilCall> element contained within <MCData-group-call> element indicates to use as the destination address for a group imminent peril communication:

a) the MCData user currently selected MCData group, if the "entry-info" attribute has the value of ‘UseCurrentlySelectedGroup’; and

b) the value in the <uri-entry> element within the <entry> element of the <MCDataGroupInitiation> element for an on-network group emergency alert, if the "entry-info" attribute has the value of:

i) ‘DedicatedGroup’; or

ii) ‘UseCurrentlySelectedGroup’ and the MCData user has no currently selected MCData group;

– the <entry> element within the <GroupEmergencyAlert> element of the <Common> element, it corresponds to the "Usage" element of clause 10.2.40 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4] and indicates to use as the destination address for a group emergency alert:

a) the MCData user currently selected MCData group if the "entry-info" attribute has the value of ‘UseCurrentlySelectedGroup’; and

b) the value in the <uri-entry> element within the <entry> element of the <GroupEmergencyAlert> element for an on-network group emergency alert, if the "entry-info" attribute has the value of:

i) ‘DedicatedGroup’; or

ii) ‘UseCurrentlySelectedGroup’ and the MCData user has no currently selected MCData group;

– the <entry> element within the <One-To-One-EmergencyAlert> element of the <OnNetwork> element, it corresponds to the "Usage" element of clause 10.2.93 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4] and indicates to use as the destination address for on-network one-to-one emergency alert:

a) the MCData ID of an MCData user that is selected by the MCData user if the "entry-info" attribute has the value of ‘LocallyDetermined’; and

b) the value in the <uri-entry> element within the <entry> element of the <One-To-One-EmergencyAlert> element, if the "entry-info" attribute has the value of:

i) ‘UsePreConfigured’; or

ii) ‘LocallyDetermined’ and the MCData user has no currently selected MCData user; and

– the <entry> element of the <MCDataPrivateRecipient> element of the <EmergencyCall> element, contained within the <One-to-One-Communication> element of the <Common> element or contained within the <IncomingOne-to-OneCommunicationList> list element of the <anyExt> element of the <OnNetwork> element, indicates to use as the destination address for the recipient MCData user of an MCData emergency one‑to‑one communication.

The <LocationCriteriaForActivation> element within the <anyExt> element of the <entry> element within the <FunctionalAliasList> list element of the <anyExt> element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates the geographical area changes that trigger the functional alias activation. It corresponds to the "LocationCriteriaForActivation" element of clause 10.2.97B3B in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4] and consists of the following sub-elements:

– <EnterSpecificArea> element is of type "mcdataup:GeographicalAreaType". It is an optional element indicating a geographical area which when entered triggers the functional alias activation. The <EnterSpecificArea> element has the following sub-elements:

a) <PolygonArea>, an optional element specifying the area as a polygon specified in clause 5.2 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];

b) <EllipsoidArcArea>, an optional element specifying the area as an Ellipsoid Arc specified in clause 5.7 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];

c) <Speed>, an optional element specifying the horizontal speed of the device specified in clause 8 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31]; and

d) <Heading>, an optional element specifying the bearing of the device specified in clause 8 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];

– <ExitSpecificArea> element is of type "mcdataup:GeographicalAreaType". It is an optional element indicating a geographical area which when exited triggers the functional alias activation and has the same sub-elements as <EnterSpecificArea>.

The <LocationCriteriaForDeactivation> element within the <anyExt> element of the <entry> element within the <FunctionalAliasList> list element of the <anyExt> element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates the geographical area changes that trigger the functional alias deactivation. It corresponds to the "LocationCriteriaForDeactivation" element of clause 10.2.97B3C in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4] and consists of the following sub-elements:

– <EnterSpecificArea> element is of type "mcdataup:GeographicalAreaType". It is an optional element specifying a geographical area which when entered triggers the functional alias deactivation;

– <ExitSpecificArea> element is of type "mcdataup:GeographicalAreaType". It is an optional element specifying a geographical area which when exited triggers the functional alias deactivation.

The <manual-deactivation-not-allowed-if-location-criteria-met> element within the <anyExt> element of the <entry> element within the <FunctionalAliasList> list element of the <anyExt> element of the <OnNetwork> element is of type "Boolean" and corresponds to the "ManualDeactivationNotAllowedIfLocationCriteriaMet" element of clause 10.2.97B3D in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. When set to "true" the MCData user is not allowed to deactivate the functional alias while the location criteria for activation are met.

The <RulesForAffiliation> element within the <entry> element within the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates upon a change in geographical area or a change in functional alias activation status to the MCData client to evaluate the rules. If for any rule any location criteria is fulfilled and any functional alias criteria is fulfilled the MCData client triggers the group affiliation. It corresponds to the "RulesForAffiliation" element of clause 10.2.55A in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4] and consists of the following sub-elements:

– <ListOfLocationCriteria> element is of type "mcdataup:GeographicalAreaChangeType". It is an optional element indicating the location related criteria of a rule. The <ListOfLocationCriteria> element has the following sub-elements:

a) <EnterSpecificArea> element is of type "mcdataup:GeographicalAreaType". It is an optional element indicating a geographical area which when entered triggers the evaluation of the rules. If any rule is fulfilled it triggers the group affiliation. The <EnterSpecificArea> element has the following sub-elements:

i) <PolygonArea>, an optional element specifying the area as a polygon specified in clause 5.2 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];

ii) <EllipsoidArcArea>, an optional element specifying the area as an Ellipsoid Arc specified in clause 5.7 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];.

iii) a <Speed> element specifying the horizontal speed of the device as specified in clause 8 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31] that has the following sub-elements:

A) <MinimumSpeed> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the minimum speed that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MinimumSpeed" element of clause 10.2.55A19 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

B) <MaximumSpeed> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the maximum speed that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MaximumSpeed" element of clause 10.2.55A20 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

iv) a <Heading> element specifying the bearing of the device as specified in clause 8 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31] that has the following sub-elements:

A) <MinimumHeading> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the minimum heading that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MinimumHeading" element of clause 10.2.55A22 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

B) <MaximumHeading> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the minimum heading that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MaximumHeading" element of clause 10.2.55A23 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

b) <ExitSpecificArea> element is of type "mcdataup: GeographicalAreaType". It is an optional element indicating a geographical area which when exited triggers the evaluation of the rules. If any rule is fulfilled it triggers the group affiliation. The <ExitSpecificArea> element has the following sub-elements:

i) <PolygonArea>, an optional element specifying the area as a polygon specified in clause 5.2 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];

ii) <EllipsoidArcArea>, an optional element specifying the area as an Ellipsoid Arc specified in clause 5.7 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];

iii) a <Speed> element specifying the horizontal speed of the device as specified in clause 8 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31] that has the following sub-elements:

A) <MinimumSpeed> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the minimum speed that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MinimumSpeed" element of clause 10.2.55A39 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

B) <MaximumSpeed> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the maximum speed that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MaximumSpeed" element of clause 10.2.55A40 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

iv) a <Heading> element specifying the bearing of the device as specified in clause 8 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31] that has the following sub-elements:

A) <MinimumHeading> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the minimum heading that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MinimumHeading" element of clause 10.2.55A42 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

B) <MaximumHeading> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the minimum heading that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MaximumHeading" element of clause 10.2.55A43 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

– <ListOfActiveFunctionalAliasCriteria> containing one or more <entry> elements containg the <FunctionalAlias> element containing a functional alias whose activation or deactivation triggers evaluation of the rules and corresponds to the "FunctionalAlias" element of clause 10.2.55A47 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <RulesForDeaffiliation> element within the <entry> element within the <MCDataGroupInfo> element of the <OnNetwork> element indicates upon a change in geographical area or a change in functional alias activation status to the MCData client to evaluate the rules. If for any rule any location criteria is fulfilled and any functional alias criteria is fulfilled the MCData client triggers the group affiliation. It corresponds to the "RulesForDeaffiliation" element of clause 10.2.55B in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4] and consists of the following sub-elements:

– <ListOfLocationCriteria> element is of type "mcdataup:GeographicalAreaChangeType". It is an optional element indicating the location related criteria of a rule. The <ListOfLocationCriteria> element has the following sub-elements:

a) <EnterSpecificArea> element is of type "mcdataup:GeographicalAreaType". It is an optional element indicating a geographical area which when entered triggers the evaluation of the rules. If any rule is fulfilled it triggers the group affiliation. The <EnterSpecificArea> element has the following sub-elements:

i) <PolygonArea>, an optional element specifying the area as a polygon specified in clause 5.2 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];

ii) <EllipsoidArcArea>, an optional element specifying the area as an Ellipsoid Arc specified in clause 5.7 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];

iii) a <Speed> element specifying the horizontal speed of the device as specified in clause 8 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31] that has the following sub-elements:

A) <MinimumSpeed> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the minimum speed that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MinimumSpeed" element of clause 10.2.55B19 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

B) <MaximumSpeed> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the maximum speed that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MaximumSpeed" element of clause 10.2.55B20 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and.

iv) a <Heading> element specifying the horizontal speed of the device as specified in clause 8 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31] that has the following sub-elements:

A) <MinimumHeading> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the minimum heading that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MinimumHeading" element of clause 10.2.55B22 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

B) <MaximumHeading> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the maximum heading that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MaximumHeading" element of clause 10.2.55B23 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

b) <ExitSpecificArea> element is of type "mcdataup:GeographicalAreaType". It is an optional element indicating a geographical area which when exited triggers the evaluation of the rules. If any rule is fulfilled it triggers the group affiliation. The <ExitSpecificArea> element has the following sub-elements:

i) <PolygonArea>, an optional element specifying the area as a polygon specified in clause 5.2 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];

ii) <EllipsoidArcArea>, an optional element specifying the area as an Ellipsoid Arc specified in clause 5.7 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31];

iii) a <Speed> element specifying the horizontal speed of the device as specified in clause 8 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31] that has the following sub-elements:

A) <MinimumSpeed> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the minimum speed that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MinimumSpeed" element of clause 10.2.55B39 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

B) <MaximumSpeed> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the maximum speed that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MaximumSpeed" element of clause 10.2.55B40 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

iv) a <Heading> element specifying the horizontal speed of the device as specified in clause 8 in 3GPP TS 23.032 [31] that has the following sub-elements:

A) <MinimumHeading> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the minimum heading that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MinimumHeading" element of clause 10.2.55B42 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

B) <MaximumHeading> is of type "unsignedShort", indicates the maximum heading that is considered in the evaluation of a rule for a specific area that would trigger affiliation and corresponds to the "MaximumHeading" element of clause 10.2.55B43 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

– <ListOfActiveFunctionalAliasCriteria> containing one or more <entry> elements containg the <FunctionalAlias> element containing a functional alias whose activation or deactivation triggers evaluation of the rules and corresponds to the "FunctionalAlias" element of clause 10.2.55B47 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <manual-deaffiliation-not-allowed-if-affiliation-rules-are-met> element within the <MCDataGroupList> element of the <OnNetwork> element is of type "Boolean" and corresponds to the "ManualDeaffiliationNotAllowedIfAffiliationRulesAreMet" element of clause 10.2.55B48 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. When set to "true" the MCData user is not allowed to deaffiliate from the group if the rules for affiliation are met.

The <anyExt> can be included with the following elements:

a) an <MCDataContentServerURI> element:

i) set to the value of the absolute URI associated with media storage function of the MCData content server, and corresponds to the "MCDataContentServerURI" element of clause 10.2.97A in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]; and

b) a <MessageStoreHostname> element:

i) set to the value of the hostname identifying the message store function, and corresponds to the "MessageStoreHostname" element of clause 10.2.97E in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

The <user-max-simultaneous-authorizations> element of the <anyExt> element contained in the <OnNetwork> element is of type "positiveInteger" and indicates the maximum allowed number of simultaneous service authorizations for the MCData user.

The <allow-create-delete-user-alias> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AuthorisedAlias" element of clause 10.2.14 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-create-delete-user-alias>


indicates that the MCData user is locally authorised to create or delete aliases of an MCData user and its associated user profiles.


indicates that the MCData user is not locally authorised to create or delete aliases of an MCData user and its associated user profiles.

The <allow-create-group-broadcast-group> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "Authorised" element of clause 10.2.33 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-create-group-broadcast-group>


indicates that the MCData user is locally authorised to send a request to create a group-broadcast group according to the procedures of 3GPP TS 24.481 [5].


Indicates that the MCData user is not locally authorised to send a request to create a group-broadcast group according to the procedures of 3GPP TS 24.481 [5].

The <allow-create-user-broadcast-group> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "Authorised" element of clause 10.2.35 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-create-user-broadcast-group>


indicates that the MCData user is locally authorised to send a request to create a user-broadcast group according to the procedures of 3GPP TS 24.481 [5].


Indicates that the MCData user is not locally authorised to send a request to create a user-broadcast group according to the procedures of 3GPP TS 24.481 [5].

The <allow-transmit-data> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AuthorisedTransmit" element of clause 10.2.24 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-transmit-data>


indicates that the MCData user is permitted to transmit data.


indicates that the MCData user is not permitted to transmit data.

The <allow-request-affiliated-groups> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and does not appear in the user profile configuration managed object specified in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-request-affiliated-groups>


Instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised to request the list of MCData groups to which a specified MCData user is affiliated.


Instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised to request the list of MCData groups to which the a specified MCData user is affiliated.

The <allow-request-to-affiliate-other-users> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and does not appear in the MCData user profile configuration managed object specified in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-request-to-affiliate-other-users>


Instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised to request specified MCData user(s) to be affiliated to/deaffiliated from specified MCData group(s).


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised to request specified MCData user(s) to be affiliated to/deaffiliated from specified MCData group(s).

The <allow-recommend-to-affiliate-other-users> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and does not appear in the MCData user profile configuration managed object specified in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-recommend-to-affiliate-other-users>


Instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised to recommend to specified MCData user(s) to affiliate to specified MCData group(s).


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised to recommend to specified MCData user(s) to affiliate to specified MCData group(s).

The <allow-regroup> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedRegroup" element of clause 10.2.94 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-regroup>


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is locally authorised to send a dynamic regrouping request according to the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.481 [5].


instructs the MCData server performing the participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not locally authorised to send a dynamic regrouping request according to the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.481 [5].

The <allow-presence-status> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedPresenceStatus" element of clause 10.2.95 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-presence-status>


indicates to the MCData user that their presence on the network is available.


indicates to the MCData user that their presence on the network is not available

The <allow-request-presence> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedPresence" element of clause 10.2.96 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-request-presence>


indicates that the MCData user is locally authorised to request whether a particular MCData User is present on the network.


indicates that the MCData user is not locally authorised to request whether a particular MCData User is present on the network.

The <allow-activate-emergency-alert> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedActivateAlert" element of clause 10.2.41 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-activate-emergency-alert>


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised to activate an emergency alert using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised to activate an emergency alert using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-cancel-emergency-alert> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedCancelAlert" element of clause 10.2.42 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-cancel-emergency-alert>


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised to cancel an emergency alert using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised to cancel an emergency alert using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-cancel-emergency-alert-any-user> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and does not appear in the MCData user profile configuration managed object specified in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-cancel-emergency-alert-any-user>


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised to cancel any on-network emergency alert on any MCData UE of any user, using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised to cancel any on-network emergency alert on any MCData UE of any user, using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-enable-disable-user> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and does not appear in the MCData user profile configuration managed object specified in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-enable-disable-user>


indicates that the MCData user is locally authorised to enable/disable other MCData users from receiving MCData service.


indicates that the MCData user is not locally authorised to enable/disable other MCData users from receiving MCData service.

The <allow-enable-disable-UE> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and does not appear in the MCData user profile configuration managed object specified in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-enable-disable-UE>


indicates that the MCData user is locally authorised to enable/disable other MCData UEs from receiving MCData service.


indicates that the MCData user is not locally authorised to enable/disable other MCData UEs from receiving MCData service.

The <allow-off-network-manual-switch> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedManualSwitch" element of clause 10.2.97 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-off-network-manual-switch>


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised for manual switch to off-network operation while in on-network, using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


instructs the MCData server performing the originating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised for manual switch to off-network operation while in on-network, using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-off-network> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "Authorised" element of clause 10.2.99 in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-off-network>


Indicates that the MCData user is authorised for off-network operation using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


Indicates that the MCData user is not authorised for off-network operation using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-query-functional-alias-other-user> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedQueryFunctionalAliasOtherUser" element of clause 10.2.97C in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-query-functional-alias-other-user>


instructs the MCData server performing the participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised to query the functional alias(es) activated by another MCData user using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


instructs the MCData server performing the participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised to query the functional alias(es) activated by another MCData user using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-takeover-functional-alias-other-user> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedTakeoverFunctionalAliasOtherUser" element of clause 10.2.97D in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-takeover-functional-alias-other-user>


instructs the MCData server performing the participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised to take over the functional alias(es) previously activated by another MCData user using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


instructs the MCData server performing the participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised to take over the functional alias(es) previously activated by another MCData user using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-one-to-one-communication-from-any-user> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AuthorisedIncomingAny" element of clause 10.2.97B in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-one-to-one-communication-from-any-user>


instructs the MCData server performing the terminating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised to receive one-to-one communication from any MCData user. The <IncomingOne-to-OneCommunicationList> element, if present, shall be ignored.


instructs the MCData server performing the terminating participating MCData function for the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised to receive one-to-one communication from any MCData user. The recipient is constrained to communications initiated by MCData users identified within the elements of the <IncomingOne-to-OneCommunicationList> element, based on the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25]. This shall be the default value taken in the absence of the element.

The <allow-functional-alias-binding-with-group> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedFunctionalAliasGroupBinding" element of clause 10.2.97H in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-functional-alias-binding-with-group>


instructs the originating participating MCData function, serving the MCData user, that the MCData user is authorised to request the binding of a particular functional alias with a group or list of groups using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


instructs the originating participating MCData function, serving the MCData user, that the MCData user is not authorised to request the binding of a particular functional alias with a group or list of groups and reject such requests using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-store-comms-in-msgstore> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowStoreCommsInMsgstore" element of clause 10.2.97I in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. The <allow-store-comms-in-msgstore> element is the top level control parameter which decides if a user’s communications will be stored in the message store or not.

Table Values of <allow-store-comms-in-msgstore>


indicates that the MCData user is authorised to store, or the participating MCData function to store, the MCData user communications in the message store using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


indicates that the MCData user is not authorised to store, or the participating MCData function to store, the MCData user communications in the message store using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-store-private-comms-in-msgstore> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowStorePrivateCommsInMsgstore" element of clause 10.2.97J in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4]. The <allow-store-private-comms-in-msgstore> element is the second level control parameter which decides if a user is authorized to request for storing the private communications in the message store or not.

Table Values of <allow-store-private-comms-in-msgstore>


indicates that the MCData user is authorised to store, or request the participating MCData function to store, the MCData user private communications into message store using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


indicates that the MCData user is not authorised to store, or request the participating MCData function to store, the MCData user private communications into message store using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-emergency-private-call> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedEmergencyPrivateCall" element of clause 10.2.42A in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-emergency-private-call>


indicates that the MCData user is authorised to initiate an emergency one-to-one communication or upgrade a normal priority one-to-one communication using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


indicates that the MCData user is not authorised to initiate an emergency one-to-one communication or upgrade a normal priority one-to-one communication using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].

The <allow-cancel-private-emergency-call> element is of type Boolean, as specified in table, and corresponds to the "AllowedCancelEmergencyPrivateCall" element of clause 10.2.42B in 3GPP TS 24.483 [4].

Table Values of <allow-cancel-private-emergency-call>


indicates that the MCData user is authorised to downgrade an emergency one-to-one communication to a normal priority one-to-one communication, using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25].


indicates that the MCData user is not authorised to downgrade an emergency one-to-one communication to a normal priority one-to-one communication, using the procedures defined in 3GPP TS 24.282 [25]. Naming Conventions

The name of user profile configuration document shall be in the format of a static "mcdata-user-profile" string concatenated with the value of <user-profile-index> attribute and including ".xml" filetype. For instance "mcdata-user-profile-9.xml" is the user profile document name for a MCData user profile with the index value of 9. Global documents

The present document requires no global documents. Resource interdependencies

This Application Usage is interdependent on user profile data in the MCData Database and the MCData Management Object. Access Permissions Policies

The authorization and access policies for a user profile configuration document shall conform to those described in OMA OMA-TS-XDM_Core-V2_1-20120403-A [2] clause 5.1.5 "Authorization" and clause 5.6.7 "Access Permissions Document" with the following exceptions:

1) The Principal (i.e., the user) of the user profile configuration document shall have permission to create, modify, or delete <alias-entry> child elements of the <UserAlias> elements, if the rule of the Access Permissions document associated with the user profile configuration document contains the action element <allow-any-operation-own-data>, as specified in OMA OMA-TS-XDM_Core-V2_1-20120403-A [2] clause 5.6.7 "Access Permissions Document". Subscription to Changes

The User Access Policy Application Usage shall support subscription to changes as specified in clause

MCData user profile configuration documents are kept as XDM collections. Therefore, it is possible to subscribe to all MCData user profile configuration documents of a MCData user according to XCAP URI construction convention of a trailing ‘/’, as specified in IETF RFC 5875 [11].